Untitled - ArtNetLab

Untitled - ArtNetLab

Untitled - ArtNetLab


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Vabilo na večerjo<br />

dvajsetega stoletja nas vodi<br />

v virtualnost preteklosti in identitete.<br />

Hkrati vstopamo v svet virtualne večerje,<br />

kjer je identiteta historično pogojena, ter v<br />

dejansko, časovno bližnjo preteklost. Na eni<br />

strani nam ponuja avtorefleksijo že doživetega, na<br />

drugi pa zadovoljuje perverznost instinktivnega<br />

vojerizma. Refleksija že po definiciji potrebuje<br />

časovno distanco in danes je refleksija dvajsetega stoletja<br />

možna in nujna. Z udeležbo na virtualni večerji metaforično<br />

poustvarjamo lastno preteklost in vstopamo v fenomen<br />

resničnostnega šova, kjer izrednost zaznavamo skozi princip<br />

vsakdanjosti. Poklici, katerih vloge lahko prevzamemo, so<br />

izbrani ravno glede na izrednost v vsakdanjosti dvajsetega stoletja.<br />

Virtualne večerje se lahko udeleži vsak in s tem odigra aktualno igro,<br />

s katero vzpostavi refleksijo lastne zgodovine. Gledalec ni več<br />

gledalec, temveč postane aktivni udeleženec v ustvarjalnem procesu.<br />

Gibamo se med realnim in virtualnim in mejá med gledalcem,<br />

umetniškim delom in ustvarjalcem ni več.<br />

Začetna statična slika, kjer uporabnik vpiše svojo EMŠO, ta<br />

pa odpre določena polja, kjer se odvrtijo videi, pogojeni s<br />

kodo (slika spodaj). Če uporabnik ne posreduje številke z<br />

določenim algoritmom, ga aplikacija na to opozori in<br />

uporabnik lahko stopi v odnos z avtorjevo EMŠO ter vidi delo<br />

skozi njegove oči ali pa se zadovolji z vpisno sliko.<br />

The first static picture, where the user enters a personal<br />

identity number, which opens certain fields with videos<br />

playing (picture underneath). If the user does not whish or<br />

does not own the CPIN with certain algorithm, the<br />

application warns him and he can enter in relationship with<br />

the author's CPIN and see the work trough his eyes or be<br />

satisfied with the entering picture.<br />

An Invitation to the 20th Century Dinner takes us to the virtuality of<br />

the past and of identity. We are simultaneously entering the world<br />

of the virtual dinner, where the identity is historically conditioned, and<br />

into the actual time based past. Firstly, it offers auto-reflection of the<br />

already experienced and secondly, it satisfies the voyeuristic<br />

perversity. Reflection is only possible, already by definition, if based<br />

in a certain time distance and today it is not only possible but<br />

almost a must. Attending the virtual dinner we are metaphorically<br />

recreating our own past and we are entering the phenomena of<br />

reality shows where exception is perceived through the<br />

principal of ordinary. The professions used are chosen exactly<br />

through the same exception to the common in the 20th Century.<br />

The virtual dinner can be attended by anyone and so<br />

each attendant has a possibility to create a reflection<br />

on his or her history. The spectator is no longer<br />

a spectator as such, but an active element in<br />

the creative process. We are lingering<br />

between real and virtual and the<br />

boundaries between the spectator,<br />

the creation and the creator<br />

no longer exist.<br />

Programiranje/Coding: Boris Kodelja, Matija Mestnik Mentor: Srečo Dragan co-mentor: Franc Solina

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