Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - doi photography competition

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - doi photography competition

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - doi photography competition


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It-22 ta’ Mejju, 2012 VERŻJONI ONLINE<br />

7595<br />

Il-Privatisation Unit, li jaġixxi għal u f’isem il-<strong>Gvern</strong><br />

ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, qiegħed iniedi proċess kompetittiv ta’ offerti<br />

għall-għoti <strong>tal</strong>-faċilità <strong>tal</strong>-akkoljenza fil-port eżistenti fir-<br />

Ricasoli, fuq bażi ta’ emfitewsi temporanja għal perjodu<br />

ta’ tletin (30) sena. L-offerent magħżul ikun obbligat illi<br />

jopera u jimmaniġġa s-sit bħala faċilità <strong>tal</strong>-akkoljenza filport<br />

għall-iskart iġġenerat mill-bastimenti u għar-residwi<br />

mill-merkanzija u jagħmel ukoll dawk ix-xogħlijiet kollha<br />

ta’ titjib meħtieġa biex jintlaħqu l-ispeċifikazzjonijiet tekniċi<br />

mitluba mill-<strong>Gvern</strong>, fost obbligi oħra.<br />

Il-Privatisation Unit qiegħed għalhekk jistieden dawk<br />

kollha interessati, b’esperjenza f’dan il-qasam, biex jiġbru<br />

d-dokumentazzjoni meħtieġa għall-parteċipazzjoni f’din issejħa<br />

għall-offerti.<br />

Kopja <strong>tal</strong>-pjanti (ref. P.D. No. 2012_425 and P.D. No.<br />

2012_425_1) li juru l-proprjetà li qiegħda tiġi proposta illi<br />

tingħata fuq bażi ta’ emfitewsi temporanja kif diġà ntqal<br />

hawn fuq jistgħu jiġu kkonsultati sal-20 ta’ Lulju, 2012 fluffiċċji<br />

tad-Diviżjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Proprjetà <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> mit-Tnejn sal-<br />

Ġimgħa bejn it-8.00 ta’ filgħodu sa nofsinhar u online fis-sit:<br />

(www.gdp.gov.mt).<br />

Id-dokument tas-Sejħa għall-Offerti, flimkien malannessi<br />

relattivi, jistgħu jinġabru mill-Privatisation Unit<br />

wara l-iffirmar ta’ ftehim ta’ kunfidenzjalità, u l-ħlas ta’<br />

miżata ta’ ħamest elef Ewro (€5,000).<br />

Offerti li ma jissodisfawx is-segwenti kriterji minimi<br />

mhux se jiġu kkunsidrati:<br />

a) L-offerenti għandu jkollhom mill-inqas għaxar (10) snin<br />

esperjenza fl-immaniġġar ta’ impjant għall-ġestjoni ta’ skart<br />

perikoluż (hazardous waste management ins<strong>tal</strong>lation), u/jew<br />

ta’ faċilità <strong>tal</strong>-akkoljenza fil-portijiet għall-iskart iġġenerat millbastimenti<br />

(port reception facility for ship generated waste).<br />

Bħala minimu, l-offerenti għandhom jipprovdu prova ta’<br />

esperjenza fl-akkoljiment, ġbir, u trattament ta’ Taħlita Żejtnija<br />

(Oily Mixtures), kif definit fl-Anness I <strong>tal</strong>-MARPOL 1973/1978,<br />

kif emendat, u ta’ Skart taż-Żejt (Oil Wastes) (minbarra żjut<br />

<strong>tal</strong>-ikel), stabbiliti fil-Kapitolu 13 <strong>tal</strong>-Anness tad-Deċiżjoni <strong>tal</strong>-<br />

Kummissjoni Ewropea 2000/532/KE, kif emendat;<br />

b) L-offerenti għandhom jipprovdu prova ċara, permezz<br />

ta’ dokumenti, li huma attwalment l-operaturi ta’ millinqas<br />

wieħed jew waħda minn dawn il-faċilitajiet hawn fuq<br />

imsemmija u li <strong>tal</strong>i faċilitajiet joperaw taħt permess IPPC,<br />

maħruġ skont ir-Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2002 għall-Prevenzjoni<br />

u l-Kontroll Integrati tat-Tniġġis (A.L. 234 <strong>tal</strong>-2002, kif<br />

emendat), jew l-ekwivalenti tiegħu skont id-Direttiva<br />

2008/1/KE <strong>tal</strong>-UE dwar l-IPPC, kif definit fl-Ewwel Parti<br />

tar-Regolament Nru. 2.3, <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi Internazzjonali ta’<br />

Sigurtà għall-Bastimenti u Portijiet 2002 (ISPS);<br />

ċ) L-offerenti għandhom jipprovdu prova ċara li turi<br />

li għandhom esperjenza fl-operat ta’ faċilità ta’ port jew li<br />

The Privatisation Unit, acting for and on behalf of the<br />

Government of <strong>Malta</strong>, is launching a competitive tender<br />

process for the granting of a 30-year temporary emphyteusis<br />

in respect of the existing port reception facility at Ricasoli.<br />

The successful bidder shall be obliged to operate and manage<br />

the site as a port reception facility for ship-generated waste<br />

oils and cargo residues and make all such upgrading works<br />

as is required to meet the technical specifications set out by<br />

Government, amongst other obligations.<br />

The Privatisation Unit is therefore inviting interested<br />

parties experienced in this business to collect the necessary<br />

documentation to participate in the tendering process.<br />

A copy of the plans (ref. P.D. No. 2012_425 and P.D.<br />

No. 2012_425_1) in respect of the property proposed to be<br />

granted under title of temporary emphyteusis as aforesaid<br />

may be viewed until the 20th July, 2012 at the offices of<br />

the Government Property Division from Monday to Friday<br />

between 8.00 a.m. and noon and online at www.gpd.gov.mt<br />

The relative Call for Tenders document together with its<br />

annexes can be collected from the Privatisation Unit against<br />

the signing of a confidentiality agreement and a payment of<br />

a fee of €5,000.<br />

Tenders from bidders not able to satisfy the following<br />

minimum criteria will not be considered:<br />

a) Bidders shall have managed a hazardous waste<br />

management ins<strong>tal</strong>lation and/or port reception facility<br />

for ship generated waste for a period of at least ten (10)<br />

years. As a minimum bidders have to provide evidence of<br />

experience of receiving, storing and treating Oily Mixtures<br />

as defined by Annex I to MARPOL 1973/1978 as amended<br />

and Oil Wastes (except edible oils) as listed in Chapter 13 of<br />

the Annex to the European Commission Decision 2000/532/<br />

EC as amended;<br />

b) Bidders must produce clear documentary evidence that<br />

they are the operator of at least one of the above mentioned<br />

facilities which has been issued with an IPPC permit in<br />

accordance with the Integrated Pollution Prevention and<br />

Control Regulations, 2002 (L.N. 234 of 2002, as amended)<br />

or the equivalent in accordance with EU IPPC Directive<br />

(2008/1/EC) as defined by Part 1, Regulation 2.3 of the ISPS<br />

Code 2002;<br />

c) Bidders must produce evidence that they have<br />

experience in operating a port facility, having a Port

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