Realty duo re'sound'ing hit - Hoover Library

Realty duo re'sound'ing hit - Hoover Library

Realty duo re'sound'ing hit - Hoover Library


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New Trustees<br />

FOURTEEN new trustees and three honorary<br />

trustees were voted into membership at<br />

the annual spring board meeting held on<br />

campus April 18. Ejected for a three-year<br />

these new trustees bring the Board membership<br />

term,<br />

to a total of 42.<br />

From Baltimore are Charles L. Hayes. secretarytreasurer<br />

of Monumental Corporation; Robert W.<br />

Schaefer. executive vice president of the First National<br />

Bank of Maryland; James Olfson. presiden!<br />

O.<br />

of General Elevator Company, lnc.: R. Peter<br />

Urquhart, senior vice president and regional director<br />

for Alexander and Alexander; William S. Keigler.<br />

chairman of the board and president of the C. M.<br />

Kemp Manufacturing Company; Clarence W<br />

Blount, Senator from District 41, Baltimore City;<br />

and Prank C. Robey lr., member of the House of<br />

Delegates.<br />

A graduate of {he University of North Carolina,<br />

Mr. Hayes is a certified public accountant. He is a<br />

member of the board of directors and currently<br />

president of the Junior Achievement of Metropolitan<br />

Baltimore, Inc. He also is a fellow of the Life<br />

Office Management Institute and past chairperson<br />

of the Parents Board at WMC.<br />

Robert Schaefer, first employed by the First National<br />

Bank in 195 I. interrupted his career to serve<br />

as assistant fiscal officer for the Second Marine Air<br />

Wing, North Carolina. He returned to First National<br />

in 1959 and was made executive vice president in<br />

1973.<br />

He is a graduate of both the University of Baltimore<br />

and Loyola College and serves on the boards<br />

of the United Way of Centra! Maryland, the Maryland<br />

General Hospital, the Industrial Development<br />

Authority of Baltimore City, and the Baltimore<br />

Aquarium<br />

James Olfson, president of General Elevator Co.,<br />

is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin where<br />

he holds degrees in mechanical engineering and<br />

law. He is a member of the state bar in both Wisconsin<br />

and Maryland and is admitted to practice as<br />

a patent attorney before the U. S. Patent Office. He<br />

serves as a member of the board to Annapolis<br />

Banking and Trust Company. and Danko Arlington.<br />

Inc. Mr. Olfson is the chairman of the Overall Economic<br />

Development Committee for Anne Arundel<br />

County and a member of the Rotary Club of Bulti-<br />

Peter Urquhart is a 1958 graduate of Western<br />

Maryland College where he has served as an officer<br />

of the Alumni Association. He is an active civic<br />

leader and serves on the board of Junior Achievement,<br />

and is an honorary life member of the<br />

Greater Baltimore Committee. He also served as the<br />

vice president and member of the Executive Committee,<br />

Maryland State Golf Association.<br />

William Keigler is a member of the President's<br />

Association of the American Management Association,<br />

the Baltimore Chapter of the North American<br />

Society of Corporate Planners and the National Association<br />

of Manufacturers. is a graduate of St<br />

He<br />

Paul's School for Boys and the University Baltimore,<br />

of<br />

and serves as president of the Lacrosse Foun-<br />

dation Inc. Mr. Keigler is also an active member of<br />

'1I4M.iii' !"i.a:n!<br />

It just Occurs<br />

By Ralph C. John, President<br />

There is a stellar phenomenon in contempo_<br />

rary American life called the volunteer<br />

When the social history of the period is writ:<br />

~~'c~~~~o~~.ons<br />

will have to be given sig-<br />

These volunteers have no similarity to the<br />

raucus 30.000 who answered the call for<br />

2,800 men at the beginning of the Mexican<br />

War, therebychrislening their native Tcnnes,<br />

see the "Volunteer State." These other persons<br />

respond to the sound or a different<br />

d:ummer an.d serve a different purpose. They<br />

grve of their tim.e. energy and talents (and<br />

~requenlly of theIr material resources) in the<br />

mterest of eleemosynary causes in their communities<br />

So important is this class of citizens. and<br />

dependent are many organizatiOns llpon<br />

so<br />

them. that entrepreneurial academics in a<br />

number of universities have established Mas_<br />

ter of Business Administration programs for<br />

professionals who administer non-profit agen-<br />

I I C II B d of Trustees are (first row, I. to r.J: Dr. William A. Holmes. Mr<br />

New members of the WeSlefll Mary (II1C a ege oar' d<br />

L Ml Mary W Tereshinski, MI. Dolores J. Snyder. Mr.<br />

M. Lee Rice. Mr. R. Peter Urquhart. Ms. Ann BUr/lSI e over ~~Idrow I' /0 r)" Mr William S. Keiglcr, Mr. Lloyd<br />

~~d_f:;~!/u,;~.nJ~~~e~~,J~ifs:';,<br />

S~~~n~r:n~~~~;7'~~~:;~I~~'<br />

:rB'ounr. M;. John'son D. Bowie (alumni visitor), Mr.<br />

Charles L. Hayes and The Honorable Frank C. Robey. Jr.<br />

ctcs that depend largely upon nonprofessionaL<br />

voluntary personnel.<br />

Interestingly, volunteerism is largely an<br />

American institution. and one that makes it<br />

possible for many functions (as cancer reo<br />

search. Meals on Wheels. educational telcvision.<br />

and symphony orchestras) to remain at<br />

least partially under private control. There is<br />

not.m.uch voluntecnsm in highly socialized<br />

~ocle.lles, because the state provides the serv-<br />

Ices m whatever degree they are available<br />

.~estern Maryland's great wealth. itsp;inclpalendowment,<br />

IS In human capital. It isin<br />

teachers who st.ay here, even though they<br />

have the capability o:fea.rning more else-<br />

~here. It. compounds In friends who believe<br />

In. what IS happening on the Hi!! and who,<br />

wtnicut any expectation of repayment for<br />

even out-or-pocket cxpenscs , spend long<br />

hours :vorkm~ ffthe place as trustees, in the<br />

alummaSsoclatlon or as membcrs of one of<br />

the fund boards.<br />

Lat~ the other evening I Came through<br />

Elderd~ee Hall on my way to the office. after<br />

a meetmg of the Executive Committee of the<br />

Boar,d of Trustees in Baltimore. It had been a<br />

partIcularly good meeting (several comrnentedon<br />

the fact), one in the debate and decisions<br />

of which the strength of the trustees<br />

once again had been demonstrated,<br />

At the foot of the stairs in Eldcrdice wa~ a<br />

sign with an arrow pointing upward, and With<br />

one word under [he arrow: Phona[hon. A<br />

group of alumni on the second fIor was<br />

making calls in support of the alumni fund.<br />

The trustees and alumni who were working<br />

for the college in Baltimore and Westminster<br />

that evening were volunteers. The thought<br />

once again <strong>hit</strong> my mind: How could we do II<br />

without them'<br />

The things that motivate people to volunteerism<br />

arc complex, or at least some tell us<br />

this is the case. There are references to psychic<br />

capital. the security of an identification<br />

or the need to do something different. There<br />

is another factor, however, on which I refuse<br />

to give up. It is the factor of altruism. which<br />

involves a deliberate. rational commitment to<br />

sclflessservice.<br />

Most who give so much of themselves for<br />

good causes. inclUding Western Maryland.<br />

dO.not.need to make the effon to find another<br />

afflliahOn or to satisfy some obscure Freudian<br />

need. T~e.y.do it out of a high sense of moral<br />

responslblilly and as an e"pression of devo.<br />

2<br />

tion to the place or cause in the interest of<br />

which they giveofthmsclves. . ccle-<br />

The purpose of this statem.ent. IS is [0 t~t<br />

bratevolunteerism. Moresr

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