Realty duo re'sound'ing hit - Hoover Library

Realty duo re'sound'ing hit - Hoover Library

Realty duo re'sound'ing hit - Hoover Library


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joyed during this one weekend we should have a<br />

healthy start toward returning In terce In 1985.<br />

Now all ot you please heed Alice's call tor support<br />

and send me plenty ot news lor our ensuing<br />

columns<br />

Note: Anyone wishing return 01 memorabilia<br />

material please contact me at address below,<br />

Mrs, ErichF, Meirzner<br />

(Virgin/a Merri/l}<br />

124N, Lynnwood Ave,<br />

Glenside, »e: 19038<br />

1932<br />

The messages for this Issue of The Hill come from<br />

lourdislinct areas, First, we shall hear from cur fwc<br />

alumni who are no longer In Maryland.<br />

MELVA (MARTIN) WILLIS is enjoying retirement<br />

with her husband in Clearwater, Fla<br />

HARRISON DIXON wntes from Alabama<br />

MARY ELLEN (SENAn, '33, and Harrison enjoy lots<br />

of goll. They are planning to spend the summer In<br />

Ocean Cily, N.J. They are both looking forward to<br />

their reunions in 1982 and 1963<br />

One nOle came from the very western part of<br />

Maryland. ALVERTA DILLON writes from Accident. In<br />

May, Alverta is 90in9 on a Smithsonian Tour 10<br />

Greece<br />

From the Ballimore area MARGARET<br />

(MYERS) TUCKER is excited about a very Intereshng<br />

move thaI she and her husband are planmn9 to make<br />

They are moving to a retirement home near Ne,;,<br />

WindsOf,Md,ThisprOjectisumlerconstruct,onandlt<br />

is affiliated with Ihe Lulheran Church.<br />

ROGER CISSEL. a realtor from B:aUimore,<br />

says that the real estate bUSiness is not at Its best at<br />

the present time. However, recent reporls sound a lot·<br />

tie brighter. BaSI of luck. Roger<br />

Most our news comes Irom Ihe Eastern Shore<br />

group. GEORGE HENRY CAPL~ 'Slide." spenl a<br />

quielwinter, He did some hunting and kept lit by<br />

chopping wood WOodchoppinghelpedtheOllbllla~d<br />

to quote Slide it alSO helped "to keePlhe.old man In<br />

shape." Irl May, Frieda an,d Slide are gOing to Ve~montfortheiryoungeslsonsgraduallonfromtheUOI-<br />

versity<br />

of Vermont.<br />

May seems to be a great monih forlravelfng.<br />

ALICE (EVANS) WALTERS anci her husband are going<br />

to Bermuda. They will be with a group from Ihe<br />

Maryland Bar Associalion.<br />


SOuth America in November, What a small world. On<br />

the tour, Fonny met two retired teachers with .whom I<br />

had taught. They viSited Peru, Chile, Argen~lna and<br />

Brazil, The Inca ruins in Peru were unbelievable<br />

Fonny's youngest daughter lives in Salisbury. but her<br />

other two children are not too close-her son Is in<br />

Chicago and her other daughter is in Mississippi<br />


volvedinmanyactivilies-church,SeniorCen\erand<br />

AARP. But she saves lime for some great trips with<br />

her husband. In February, they went to New Orleans<br />

~-!,_c:rul"'up""MI<br />

... ia";PQ;on'ha"Ml""issippj<br />

with<br />

al~:a~i;;;~~~i;f~~E:r~!.b~!~<br />

~~~~hrr;,~s~~~i~~~~t keeps her occupied with many<br />

I. tOQ,keep.on the go, I of1en wonder {es most<br />

retirees do) how did I ever lind Ihe lime 10 go to work<br />

everyday, My jury duty ended in Jenuary. Then I was<br />

appointed as a delegate 10 the caucus for the Board<br />

of Education and the Hartord Community College. I<br />

served on the publicity commillee for the Relrred<br />

Teachers' Associalion and am chalrmanollhe pro'<br />

gram committee for FallSIn Cultural Club en·<br />

the I<br />

joyed seeing Gypsy at the Edwon Boolh Theatre On a<br />

trip to Washington, D,C .. we took a walking tour 01<br />

Georgetown. The homes were lo~ely as were the gardens<br />

with the tulips and azaleas, In full bloom. Th~ In·<br />

ner Harbor at Fells Point. Baltimore, was a unique<br />

place to visil, Schools close on June 91h. On June<br />

10th I am leaving with two of my grandsons lor New<br />

England and Ihe Marilime Provinces I have.o.neJob<br />

that I reallyenjoy-wriling thJscolumn. But It IS also<br />

one 01 the most difficull assignments that I have,<br />

Why I senl21 cards and only received 10 answers<br />

Knowing all 01 you from college. I am sure Ihat you<br />

are Involved in somelhing.1 can't wrile unless I hear<br />

from you.<br />

Mrs. ClarenceJ, Sullivan<br />

(Sara Robinson)<br />

P.O. Box 35<br />

Fallston, Md. 21047<br />

1936<br />

Notice 01 the death of WALTER MULLINIX was received<br />

too late to be irlcluded In our last alumni<br />

column. Waller passed away In Baltimore on Oct. 2.<br />

1979,O\Jrsympathy ls sent 10 his wife, Elizabelh, and<br />

family.<br />

ETHEL (GORSUCH) SCHNEIDER Is retiring In<br />

June atter 19 years of teaching home ec In New Jersey.<br />

Ethel plans to live in Carroll Gounty alter her retirement.<br />

Her son lives near Boston, Mass, and is district<br />

manager lor Maxwell House. He end his wife<br />

have two children. Ethel's daughter, Berbara.Js workingattheSmllhsonian<br />

JESSIE MAY (MORRIS) REEVES writes Irom<br />

Clearwater, Fla .. thai since her husband's reurarrera<br />

from DuPont they have spent their winters In Clearwa·<br />

ter and summers in Cape May Polnl, N.J, She seva<br />

it's a delightful life. Daughter "Kif' KATHARINE<br />

(REEVES) BEHROOZI, '66. husband al'ld two chil·<br />

dren are going to Barbados for three years. MAR:<br />

BARBARA REEVES, '68, Is a ceptain in Army Med"<br />

cal Specialist Corps Sla.tione:J In Hawaii. Janet. husband<br />

and son are ~owllving In the Los Angeles area.<br />

Jess is playinggoll and Is enjoying It<br />

Received a newspaper clipping concerning<br />

FRANK WADE of Port Tobacco, Md, Frank, a retired<br />

automobile dealer, isa leader 01 a movement 10 reo<br />

store this Southern Maryland village near the shores<br />

of the Potomac River, Frank's ancestors have lived In<br />

Port Tobacco for 300 years. Frank was quoted as<br />

saying "I like to see something done ~o preserve our<br />

herilage and by dOing that you're maklrlghlstory"<br />

HELEN (EWING) HARDING and Bob stopped<br />

by to see us this wlnler in Naples. As usu~1 we had ~<br />

fine time reminiscing. The Hardings are enjoying their<br />

retirement in Bethany Beach.<br />

Am looking forward to receiving some news<br />

from you this summer<br />

Mrs. A. LaMar Benson<br />

(PflggyHerwick)<br />

3200 GuffShore Blvd" N.<br />

Naplfls, Fla. 33940<br />

1938<br />

Cerds, telephone conversations, letters, and news<br />

clippingsbnng the latest about you tome. So here it<br />

Isln a nutshell.<br />

MILDRED A. WHEATLEY, Clinton, Md" will reo<br />

lire officiafly in June af\er27 years from EastStrouds·<br />

burg State College. Pa, Last Dec, 21 headlinas of the<br />

local papershouled "Hail tolhe Dean," and Mayor<br />

Miller proclaimed "Dean Wheatley Day." Students<br />

it<br />

swept heron to decorated pick-up truck and rode all<br />

a<br />

over campus with the mayor, fellow deans, and admlnlstralive<br />

slaH members joining Ihe parade. "We<br />

love yOU Mildred"was sung as many studenlsjoined<br />

them lor dinner. Dr, Erik Shear, sixth president of the<br />

college with whom Miss Wheatley has worked. ad·<br />

monished Ihe college laculty 10 renew their dedication<br />

to students and to use Miss Wheatiey as their model<br />

He called our Mildred a "grand lady" and paid many<br />

compliments ending with " I could goon lorever.<br />

Bulone thing for which I respect Mildred Wheatley<br />

more than anything else is that everything she does.<br />

every action she lakes, every plan she makes. is lor<br />

~~-~~~~~:~~t~~~r ~~~e~:~::~ ;a~:n:.S;I:I~<br />

was Inducted into the WMC Sports Hall of Fame las!<br />


and AL lUTT were there trom o~r cless<br />

Md .. w~A~a~e~ ~~:~t~~d~~:~!~~~~zr:;n ~~~~~~~I~:<br />

a"" by Freedom area (of Carroll County) Jeycees a~eI<br />

Jayceettes. Martha began her career espsych'BI"c<br />

~laIWOrkeretSprjngfieldHospileICen!erandcon.<br />

tlnued for 10 years. Than to Spring Grove where sha<br />

5elup,andlaterheaded,anindustriattherapydepart·<br />

men!. Martha scored again by moving 10 work In Batllm~re<br />

whare ~he was promOlad to ellrector 01 rehebili<br />

tatl~n 1m Deportmenl 01 Mental Hygiene 01 Maryland<br />

Ret"lngln 1975. she r>QW serveS as voluntearand advisor.<br />


N.C , seys "Aliar 40 years as mlnister's wife. relirement<br />

boro,<br />

came In 1978." For 23 Of Ihose years hus·<br />

band Joe hed been edministretor of MethOdist<br />

Retirement Home in Durham. N.C., across from Duke<br />

University. Upon retirement he washonor,ed byhav-<br />

Ing the new medical lacility named efter him. Vlrglrlla<br />

worked asdietloian atlhe home forSI~years. Daugh·<br />

ter Dawn. teacher, and grenddaughler Melissa live In<br />

Clinton. N.C. Joe and Virginia have sold their Durham<br />

home and moved to his femily larm near Greansbo,o.<br />

Theoldhomeshouldbeperfeclforlamilyantlquesrecentlylnhe,ited.<br />

KIRK FALLIN. Fort Myers. Fla .. put e boet he<br />

had built up for sale hoping no one would buy I\. II<br />

went immediately and he now has a sallboal A card<br />

to him from "Tim" (LEON TIMMONS) assures him<br />

that he is not going to retire until booted Ollt Ihe dool<br />


senl the write·up concerning Mildred Wheatley,<br />

Md.,<br />

her WMC roommate. and Included a bit o! personal<br />

news, Chartotteend Charles ere tholoughly enjoying<br />

retirement In the "lend of pleasent living." Son Chuck<br />

Is the new dentlsl on East Main St.. Westminster. "Dr.<br />

Young" married a nUI5EI nom there also<br />

ALICE (JOHNSON) BELL, Havertown, Pa<br />

two beautifullelters, We have nOI heard trom<br />

wrltes<br />

her In all these years as she nee been teklng care of<br />

husband Thomas who was partially paralyzed, He<br />

died teet August and I know that. having devoted so<br />

muct1lovlngcareto him, there Is a real void. I have<br />

extended sympathy rrcm all 01 us to her, She Is just<br />

now catching up on house and vero: also visiting relatives<br />

and friendS. Alice reminisced of eerly IIle end<br />

college days, She remembers Ireshman rccmmate<br />

SARAH ADKINS In room no. 109 Lower McKinstry<br />



'36, and GRACE (WOOD) LOFFLER, '36, were upperclassmen<br />

on that hall Other lowly frosh were<br />



MAE (MOXLEY) BUXTON. "Our room was nextto the<br />

back door to pali

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