MAHATMA - Volume 3 (1930-1934) - Mahatma Gandhi

MAHATMA - Volume 3 (1930-1934) - Mahatma Gandhi

MAHATMA - Volume 3 (1930-1934) - Mahatma Gandhi


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<strong>MAHATMA</strong> - <strong>Volume</strong> 3 (<strong>1930</strong>-<strong>1934</strong>)<br />

On the morning of April 8, <strong>Gandhi</strong> broke the salt law at Aat. There were<br />

rumours of his impending arrest and in anticipation of that, he gave a message:<br />

"Let not my companions or the people at large be perturbed over my arrest, for<br />

it is not I but God who is guiding this movement. At present India's self-respect,<br />

in fact, her all, is symbolized as it were in a handful of salt in the satyagrahi's<br />

hand. Let the fist holding it, therefore, be broken, but let there be no<br />

voluntary surrender of the salt. Our path has already been chalked out for us.<br />

Let every village manufacture or fetch contraband salt, sisters should picket<br />

liquor shops, opium dens and foreign-cloth-dealers' shops. Young and old in<br />

every home should ply the takli and spin and get woven heaps of yarn every<br />

day. Foreign cloth should be burnt. Hindus should eschew untouchability.<br />

Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Parsis and Christians should all achieve heart unity. Let<br />

the majority rest content with what remains after the minorities have been<br />

satisfied. Let the students leave Government schools, and Government servants<br />

resign their service and devote themselves to service of the people, and we<br />

shall find that Purna Swaraj will come knocking at our doors."<br />

He gave a fighting programme to the women:<br />

"The impatience of some sisters to join the fight is to me a healthy sign.<br />

It has led to the discovery that, however attractive the campaign against salt<br />

tax may be, for them to confine themselves to it would be to change a pound<br />

for a penny. They will be lost in the crowd, there will be in it no suffering for<br />

which they are thirsting.<br />

"In this non-violent warfare, their contribution should be much greater than<br />

men's. To call women the weaker sex is a libel; it is man's injustice to woman.<br />

If by strength is meant brute strength, then indeed is woman less brute than<br />

man. If by strength is meant moral power, then woman is immeasurably man's<br />

superior. Has she not greater intuition, is she not more self-sacrificing, has she<br />

not greater powers of endurance, has she not greater courage Without her<br />

man could not be. If non-violence is the law of our being, the future is with<br />

woman.<br />

www.mkgandhi.org Page 46

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