by DrT - Sahits

by DrT - Sahits

by DrT - Sahits


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Chapter III<br />

In the silence that followed Harry question, Harry merely stared at the Headmaster. Finally, Harry<br />

said, "Well? Voldemort is vulnerable. Do we go and kill his snake? Then I can break the last<br />

Horcrux and I can destroy the little piece that is Voldemort. Or do we continue the farce of a<br />

tournament, let him kidnap me, restore his body, and then I do it?"<br />

"Harry. . . ." Remus almost sobbed. Harry saw that Hermione was actually crying.<br />

"I have to do it, Remus," Harry said, moving to stand beside Hermione and letting her hold him<br />

close as she cried against his side. "I don't like it, but I must. So tell me, Headmaster, if I kill<br />

Voldemort in the form he's in now, would I destroy him? Or do I have to wait until he's in a slightly<br />

more real body?"<br />

The Headmaster shook himself and looked at Harry. "What are the forms made of? Do you know?"<br />

Dumbledore finally asked.<br />

"His current form was made mostly <strong>by</strong> dark magic, blood from innocents (whatever that means),<br />

and mostly from Nagini's mutated venom. His restored body would be made from his current form<br />

combined with the bone of his father, the flesh of his servant -- meaning Pettigrew -- and my<br />

blood."<br />

"The latter would certainly be mortal once the last Horcrux is destroyed. His current form likely<br />

would merely free his essence again, much as Professor Quirrell's death did."<br />

"I was afraid of that, but I wasn't sure," Harry said. He looked at Hermione. "Hermione. . . ." he<br />

started.<br />

"Don't you dare," Hermione said through her tears, looking up at him and holding him tightly, the<br />

side of her face still against his stomach. The look on her face nearly broke Harry's heart. "Don't<br />

you dare offer to release me from your promise, Harry James Potter." It was only then that Remus<br />

noticed the shape of the ring on her left hand. "I've been torn this last year between you and Ron,<br />

and even if everyone will think I'm too young, I won't change my mind. I knew, even in our First<br />

year, how special you are, and everything I've learned just makes you more special to me."<br />

Harry conjured a silk handkerchief from nothing -- N.E.W.T. quality work -- and handed it to<br />

Hermione. "I won't lose you this time," he said.<br />

"This time?" Dumbledore demanded.<br />

"Exactly," Harry said. "I won the war, despite every obstacle you managed to put in my way,<br />

despite your being murdered <strong>by</strong> your pet project at the end of my Sixth year. I won because<br />

Hermione is actually the most brilliant witch this century and because when it came to fighting<br />

Voldemort I was as lucky as I was powerful and I was slightly more powerful than him, just as he's<br />

slightly more powerful than you. I won, but the wizarding world lost. The Pure-Blood fence sitters,<br />

the Percy Weasleys, took over and implemented most of the Pure-Blood agenda, claiming that it<br />

was Riddle's half-blood status and having been brought up in the Muggle world that contaminated<br />

him and caused all the problems. That caused a civil war. Again, I won. But almost every single<br />

person I cared for was dead, and the few survivors, like George Weasley, were in bad shape and I<br />

wasn't much better off for a few years. I managed to send my memories and my magic back nearly<br />

twenty years into the past, where I combined with the me of a week ago last Friday, a little after<br />

midnight. I am both, with nearly the power of both and the control of the older Harry." Harry<br />

conjured Hermione another handkerchief, so she could finish cleaning herself up.<br />

"Which explains how you won the first task to handily," Dumbledore said.<br />

Harry shrugged. "I won the Tournament last time, too. This time, I'll just make certain Cedric<br />

survives it." Dumbledore winced at that. "Now, does this basically answer the basic questions you<br />

called me here to answer?"

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