by DrT - Sahits

by DrT - Sahits

by DrT - Sahits


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why he and the Lestranges had been torturing the Longbottoms when they had been caught. "Do<br />

you know it? When did you learn it?"<br />

"My father told Sirius, and Sirius decided that he had to tell me, even though the Headmaster had<br />

forbidden him to. It said that I had the power to destroy Voldemort, but that I couldn't until I<br />

decided my path. That if I chose Darkness, I would indeed be the Dark Lord who enslaved the<br />

world, which explains why Dumbledore doesn't trust me, although I still think he went about things<br />

in a very odd way. Since I didn't go Dark, however, I am now the Champion of Hogwarts."<br />

"The what?"<br />

"That's what I asked the Phoenix Song in my vision," Harry agreed. "I was told that it had nothing<br />

to do with being a Triwizard Champion. It seems, well, I suppose you know that it's not a big deal<br />

to be descended from Helga Hufflepuff."<br />

"About ten percent of the older families are," Moody agreed. "Dumbledore, old Barty Crouch,<br />

Sprout, and McGonagall are, too."<br />

"However, I am the senior Heir of Gryffindor."<br />

"I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at that," Moody agreed.<br />

"And when Voldemort killed the last direct heir of Ravenclaw, my mother became the closest blood<br />

heir who was magical, as she was the closest descendent through a Squib line."<br />

Moody looked really surprised at that. "Interesting," he allowed.<br />

"Now, when Voldemort Marked me, he accidentally imbued me with some of his magic," Harry<br />

said.<br />

"Like Parseltongue," Moody agreed.<br />

"Exactly. That made me a magical heir to Slytherin. And even if Voldemort's spirit is still around,<br />

his actual body was destroyed the night he murdered my parents. Even if he somehow regains a<br />

body, he won't be a blood heir to Slytherin. I am now the senior heir of Slytherin. So, I'm the senior<br />

heir of three of the four Founders, and a blood heir to the fourth." Harry smiled grimly. "Hogwarts<br />

has adopted me. If I confront Voldemort in the castle, or even on the grounds, I can't lose." Harry<br />

grinned, "That also gives you a clue on how I was able to 'spank' Snape, sort of." Harry sent out a<br />

mental apology to the castle, which actually answered him. Harry was not exaggerating his power<br />

for the most part, or his connections to Hogwarts, just the connections between his power and his<br />

connection to Hogwarts.<br />

"Really?"<br />

Harry nodded. "When I killed the basilisk, it also broke Slytherin's magic on the Chamber of<br />

Secrets. That in turn wiped away most of the bitter, older memories that Slytherin left in Hogwarts.<br />

He was actually the most pro-Muggle-born of the Founders, although he was pushing for a more<br />

complete severing with the Muggle world, much like we have today, except for kidnapping the<br />

Muggle-born and raising them as . . . . what was the term Hermione used?" Harry looked at Moody.<br />

"The Muggle Ottoman Empire took Christian boys and raised them to be their shock troops in the<br />

wars against Christian Europe."<br />

"I have to say I don't know that one, Potter," Moody admitted.<br />

"Anyway, you get the idea," Harry said. "You kidnap the Muggle- born around the age of three or<br />

so and raise them to loath the Muggle world and use the wizards as your main guards against<br />

Muggles and the witches to breed with them and as extra consorts for the leadership. If any of the<br />

wizards die, you haven't lost any of your own. If they survive, they've earned a place in the magical<br />

community."<br />

"Sounds like Slytherin, except for that last part," Moody agreed.

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