by DrT - Sahits

by DrT - Sahits

by DrT - Sahits


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"Forty-eight Pure-Bloods, two Full-Bloods," Harry said.<br />

"So if you married, say, Luna or Ginny. . . ."<br />

"Our children would have to marry someone of similar blood-status or 'purer' for their children to be<br />

considered Full-Bloods themselves, and the process would need two more generations before the<br />

children would be 'Pure-Bloods'." Harry grinned. "Of course, of the forty-eight Pure-Bloods on the<br />

Wizengamot, about ten just qualify themselves for that status, and another twenty- eight have at<br />

least one parent who just barely qualifies. And the blood terms only took on the current meanings in<br />

the late seventeen hundreds. The whole claptrap is really only a bit more than two hundred years<br />

old, meaning Dumbledore's grandparents were the first generation where it was commonly used.<br />

And, if they were to tell the truth, assuming they even know it, there are an awful lot of question<br />

marks about ancestry of anyone but the really rich and propertied even two hundred years ago."<br />

"So it's mostly built on bogus ideas and bogus data," Hermione said.<br />

"Exactly," Harry agreed.<br />

"Leaving that aside, there's at least one more important thing you need to explain," Hermione said.<br />

"And what's that?"<br />

"How are you an heir to Merlin?"<br />

"Well, that goes back to the other time stream," Harry said. "When I turned seventeen, I was asked<br />

to go to Gringotts. That's when I learned I was the Heir of Gryffindor. It turns out that the Founders<br />

also helped create the tunnel system, and they each had a vault, which will only open for those the<br />

recognize as heirs of some sort. I was quite surprised to see that all four accepted me."<br />

"I can believe that," Hermione said.<br />

"The governors were trying to close down Hogwarts. I stepped in and stopped them, essentially<br />

taking over the school for a bit. It turns out, all four Founders had secret chambers."<br />

"Really? Then why all the fuss? Because of the basilisk?"<br />

"In part because of the basilisk, and in part because Slytherin put the Chamber under something like<br />

the Fidelius when he left and outlived the other Founders," Harry answered. "I really have no idea<br />

how the entrance was built into Myrtle's bathroom, although I suspect that it was Hogwarts itself<br />

which did that. Anyway, its location was 'lost'. Ravenclaw's Chamber is now that annex of the<br />

Library I told you about. Dumbledore, Pince, and the four Heads of House know about that.<br />

Hufflepuff's was incorporated into the Hufflepuff Sett back in the fifteen hundreds."<br />

"So it's true that the Hufflepuffs have tunnels all over Hogwarts?"<br />

"Let's just say it's an exaggeration" Harry said.<br />

"And Gryffindor's?"<br />

"Did you ever wonder at how high the Divination and Gryffindor Towers are?"<br />

"No," Hermione said, "not really."<br />

"Gryffindor's 'room' is two stories in the Tower, which we ignore because of some very powerful<br />

charms," Harry said. "I could see them after I turned seventeen, and can again. In addition, tell me<br />

about the base of the Divination Tower."<br />

Hermione frowned. "It's a solid base, built on an extension of bedrock that reaches through the<br />

dungeons and ground floor, providing a solid face on Hogwarts' most vulnerable point."<br />

"That's what it looks like," Harry agreed. "It's actually Merlin's Sanctuary. He built it into the living<br />

rock, as they used to call it, and Hogwarts was built here in part because of the Sanctuary and in<br />

part because there is an ancient stone circle here. The stones of the circles, left in place, form some<br />

of the inner walls of the castle. The high altar is still in place, underneath the Headmaster's Office."

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