by DrT - Sahits

by DrT - Sahits

by DrT - Sahits


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Chapter VII<br />

Harry hosted a buffet dinner in an unused classroom Christmas Eve. Everyone who had come to the<br />

dance practices had been invited, and Dob<strong>by</strong> and Winky had had a grand time cleaning the<br />

classroom, preparing and serving the food, and even cleaning up afterwards.<br />

The party broke up around 10:00 (for there had been dancing for several hours after most of the<br />

food had disappeared), and everyone went to bed, thinking good thoughts for the holidays.<br />

Luna woke up early, wondering what the day would bring, wondering if her feet would stop hurting<br />

before the Ball (she had danced every dance the night before, nearly all with Justin, and her shoes<br />

had been a bit tight), and wondering how Christmas at Hogwarts might differ from Christmas at<br />

home. She hoped her father would not be sad.<br />

"What's the matter, Lovegood?" one of her dorm mates whispered. Only three of the six Third year<br />

Ravenclaws had stayed.<br />

Luna considered. Shirley had always treated Luna with strict neutrality, unwilling to help her but<br />

she had never participated in the hazing. "I was just hoping Daddy isn't too lonely without me," she<br />

said, as usual opting for honest openness.<br />

"Where's your mother?"<br />

"Oh, she died years ago," Luna said.<br />

"Sorry, I didn't know," Shirley replied, a bit ashamed that she hadn't known after sharing a room<br />

with the girl for two and a half years.<br />

"Thank you." Luna looked at the small pile of presents at the bottom of her bed. "Do we open these<br />

now, or wait for everyone to be awake?"<br />

"Since it isn't even Seven, we should visit the bog and then you should let me wake Marlo up,"<br />

Shirley said, getting out of bed. "The other years can decide for themselves."<br />

"I'm up, I'm up," Marlo said, still not moving.<br />

"Are you coming to the Ball tonight?" Luna asked.<br />

"No," Shirley answered. "I'm here because my parents are in Nepal and Tibet, helping with the<br />

winter yeti observations. I am helping Creevey, though."<br />

"I'm going," Marlo said.<br />

"Well, you two can talk," Shirley said, "I'm peeing and then opening presents."<br />

"Happy Christmas, Mister Harry," Dob<strong>by</strong> said to his employer, who was in the lotus position,<br />

floating three inches above his mattress.<br />

"Good morning, Dob<strong>by</strong>," Harry said very softly, floating down to the bed. "There are presents for<br />

you and Winky, and remember, under the contracts, we can give you clothing."<br />

"Dob<strong>by</strong> knows, but Winky might not like it," Dob<strong>by</strong> hesitatingly pointed out.<br />

"I know. We're giving her some material, so she can make whatever kind of covering she likes."<br />

"That is being a good idea, Mister Harry. Dob<strong>by</strong> took the liberty of making you something."<br />

"Thank you Dob<strong>by</strong>. Shall I open it now, or with my other presents?"

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