On Viewing Rhetoric As Epistemic: Ten Years Later.

On Viewing Rhetoric As Epistemic: Ten Years Later.

On Viewing Rhetoric As Epistemic: Ten Years Later.


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fan) epistemic self-portrait: the partia:Iar<br />

picture of human beings as active intelli'<br />

gences which govems his stance toward the<br />

objects of human understanding." 17 My<br />

daim is that any "epistemic self'portrait"<br />

that approaches completenesi must include<br />

rhetoric.<br />

'\tr7hat sort of knowledge does rhetoric seek<br />

to achieve? fie understanding of what it<br />

means to be persuaded and to persuade.r8<br />

Such an understanding is both general and<br />

specific: general, ia that one's on'n grasp of<br />

oneself as a social being with others in society<br />

is essential to being human, and specific<br />

in that one must continually face concrete<br />

sihrations in which one will act to aftrm<br />

son:e commitments. None of these statements<br />

is n:eant to deny that one will continually<br />

behave scarcely aware of the patterns that<br />

behavior takes let alone with highly conscious<br />

grasp of the reasons for those Patterns.<br />

But the fact that much, probably nrost, of<br />

our behavior is rvell fixed through complex<br />

reinforceorents does not mean that s'e cannot<br />

become focally al'are of these patterns and<br />

their consequences. .tiThen we do become so<br />

an'are, tben we can act critically, and usually<br />

rhetorically, to reafirnr or modify tlrem, in<br />

short, to b:come n:ore fully committed.<br />

In an analysis much like the one here,<br />

Thon,as Farrell pictures the Cartesian bequeatbed<br />

attitude of detachment as descriptile<br />

of modern science. Farrell would rnove<br />

beyond that attitude in assessing the rhetorical<br />

dimension of social knowledge as taking<br />

a community of belief as necessary.le The<br />

requisite attitude to balance detacbtnent in<br />

tz lbid., p. 3.<br />

18 Hcnry \7. Johnstone, Jr., has written that<br />

"man is a petsuiding and'pirsuaded animat, and<br />

. . . v.'henever he steps outside the forum in<br />

which rhetoric loses swiy. he is in dangcr of losing<br />

his human dignity." "The Relevancc of Rhetorjc<br />

to Philosophy and of Philosophy to <strong>Rhetoric</strong>,"<br />

Quarteill fournal of Speecb,52 (Feb. 1966),45.<br />

:e"Knos'ledge, Consensus, and <strong>Rhetoric</strong>al<br />

Theory," Qaarterly Jounal ol Speecb, 62 (Feb.<br />

1976), see esp., 6-7, altbough thc entire essay is<br />

highly pertinent to grasping the idea of rhetoricas-eoistemic.<br />

knowing would be attacbtneil in uoderstandin&<br />

Although modern science is founded on<br />

the firm belief that experience must be instructivg<br />

Haas-Georg Gadaner argues that<br />

the $'pical attitudes of science leave "experience"<br />

incompletely understood; he undertakes<br />

to rectify tbe situation. Among his<br />

remarks, this ooe is particulatly trseful: "Experience<br />

teaches us to recogoize reality. Ifhat<br />

is properly gained from all elperiencg then,<br />

is to know what is. But 's'hat is', here, is<br />

not this or that thing but 'what cannot be<br />

done away q'ith'. . ." 20 \Phat cannot be<br />

dooe away with in a community is commitment<br />

to the norms of that community. Commitn:ent<br />

and rhetoric stand in a reciprocal<br />

relationship: commitment generates rhetorig<br />

and rhetoric generates commitment<br />

Is Rgrronrc.'lr- REL.{Trvis}{ Vrcious?<br />

No. <strong>On</strong>e may, of course, eat gluttonously<br />

or quote Shakespeare 6lled with vain pride<br />

in the sound of one's own voice. Likenise<br />

one may argue with s'anton disregard for the<br />

fabric of social comn:itments or, pcrhaps, in<br />

blithe ignorance of the possibilities of either<br />

reaffirrnation or reform. But the grafuitous<br />

abuse of rhetoric seen:s of tess concern to<br />

thoughtful people than the sheer relatilism<br />

of the point of view that takes rhetoric as<br />

episternic. For tbese people, relativism seems<br />

to make abuse not simply an occasional occurrence<br />

but likely. At least sucJr objections<br />

are t1'pical of tlre discussions I hate often<br />

had n'ith colleagues and students since my<br />

effort in L967.<br />

The difficulty rests in the belief that rela.<br />

tivjsm obviates the lery idea of knon'ledge.<br />

From this point of view knowledge must be<br />

a priori, that is, s'e must know in sorne general<br />

or unitersal sense, before q'e can know<br />

at all in any specifc sort of way. This point<br />

of view seerns to be entailed in the traditional<br />

way of putting the question, What is<br />

knos'ing? The question itself suggests that<br />

.sTtr:h<br />

cnd .\ttthod, p. 120.<br />

i'i;'..<br />

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