Jordanhill School Prospectus Supplement 2012 - 2013

Jordanhill School Prospectus Supplement 2012 - 2013

Jordanhill School Prospectus Supplement 2012 - 2013


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<strong>Jordanhill</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

<strong>Prospectus</strong> <strong>Supplement</strong><br />

<strong>2012</strong> - <strong>2013</strong>

Introduction<br />

This supplement to the prospectus contains further detailed information about staffing and the<br />

organisation of the curriculum together with statistical information about the operation of the<br />

school which is published by the Scottish Government on an annual basis.<br />

Appendix I Staff List 2011-<strong>2012</strong><br />

Appendix II Board of Managers 2011-<strong>2012</strong><br />

Appendix III Course Details S1 - S4 2011-<strong>2012</strong><br />

Appendix IV S3/S4 Course Choice Details 2011-<strong>2012</strong><br />

Appendix V S5 Course Choice 2011-<strong>2012</strong><br />

Appendix VI S6 Course Choice 2011-<strong>2012</strong><br />

Appendix VII<br />

Uniform<br />

Appendix VIII<br />

Behaviour Management<br />

Appendix IX <strong>Jordanhill</strong> <strong>School</strong> Holidays 2011-<strong>2012</strong><br />

Appendix X<br />

Scottish Government Statistics<br />

This edition of the supplement is for the parents of pupils who may be entering the school for<br />

session <strong>2012</strong>-13.<br />

Further information about the <strong>School</strong> can be<br />

found on our website at:<br />


Appendix I - <strong>Jordanhill</strong> <strong>School</strong> Staff List 2011-<strong>2012</strong><br />

Rector<br />

Depute Rector<br />

Dr Paul W Thomson<br />

Mrs Christine Robertson<br />

SECONDARY Music Mrs Karen Gilmour (PT)<br />

DHT (S4-6) Mr Douglas Brown Mr Kenneth Gaw<br />

DHT (S1-3) Ms Susan McDade<br />

Pastoral Care Ms Deborah Gallacher (PT) English<br />

Art Mr David Wilson (PT) Ms Annie Ritchie (PT) English<br />

Mrs Joyce Wilson (p/t)<br />

Ms Liz Douch (PT) Bus Ed<br />

Mrs Claire Pert (p/t)<br />

Mrs Penny Deffenbaugh (p/t)<br />

Mrs Emma Jane Thomson (PT) Mod<br />

Langs<br />

Biology Mr Angus Thorburn (PT) PE Mr Neil Brownlee (PT)<br />

Miss Amanda Bradley<br />

Mrs Gillian Dunlop (p/t)<br />

Mrs Jennifer Cleisham<br />

Mrs Carolyn Fisher<br />

Miss Lauren Chase (Prob)<br />

Mrs Rhona Gray (p/t)<br />

Mr Andrew McCall<br />

Business Ed. Mrs Maureen Mair (PT) Physics Mr Kelvin Scobie (PT)<br />

Mrs Dee-Anne McMenamin (p/t)<br />

Mr Andrew Donaldson<br />

Mr Alan Dalglish<br />

Dr Kenneth MacMillan<br />

Chemistry Mr John Anderson (PT) Early Educ & Mrs Betty Edmonstone<br />

Childcare<br />

Ms Tayyabah Ahmed<br />

Miss Georgina Bream<br />


Miss Laura Haxton (Prob)<br />

Head<br />

Mrs Irene Matier<br />

Teacher<br />

DHT<br />

Mr Robin Paton<br />

Computing Mrs Sandra Sterkenburg (PT)<br />

Mr Alan Bardell P1a Miss Edmonstone<br />

P1b<br />

Miss Bryson<br />

Drama Ms Kay Dempster (p/t) P1c Mrs Kyle<br />

P2a<br />

Miss McIntyre (PT)<br />

Des & Tech Mr Paul Jennings (PT) P2b Mrs McKendrick<br />

Mr Gerry Sludden P2c Miss Gunning<br />

P3a<br />

Miss Kelly<br />

P3b<br />

Ms Fordyce<br />

P4a<br />

Miss Quinn<br />

English Ms Emma Corr (PT) P4b Mrs Daniels (0.6)/Mrs Bryant (0.4)<br />

Mr Brian Toal (PT L&D) P5a Mr Cameron<br />

Miss Fiona McKellar P5b Mrs McGonigle<br />

Mr Damien Donnelly P6a Miss Monaghan<br />

Mrs Deborah Gallagher P6b Mrs Weston<br />

P7a<br />

Mr Connor<br />

Geography Mrs Anne MacKinnon (PT; p/t) P7b Mrs Jackson (PT)<br />

Mrs Anne Mackintosh (p/t) Music Mr Kean (p/t)<br />

Mr Lewis Whale Art Mrs Fleming (p/t)<br />

History Mrs Claire Wood (PT) SFL Mrs Fiona Hutchinson (PT p/t)<br />

Mr Brian McMaster<br />

Mrs Ruth Davis (p/t)<br />

Mrs Emma Donn (p/t)<br />

Home Ecs. Mrs Helen Farmer (PT) Librarian Mrs Joanna Donaldson (Librarian p/t)<br />

Miss Rosalind Smith (also RE p/t)<br />

Mrs Linda Taylor (p/t)<br />

Mathematics Mrs Marie-Clare Doherty( PT) Instrumental Mr Andrew Langford (Senior Inst.)<br />

Ms Elaine McArthur Instructors Mr Iain Archibald<br />

Dr Helen Kelly<br />

Miss Linda Caldwell<br />

Mrs Sharon Leonard (p/t)<br />

Mr Neil Cameron<br />

Mrs Susanne Reid (p/t)<br />

Mr Steven Cowling<br />

Ms Kate McQuillan<br />

Mr Laurence Deveney<br />

Mrs Catherine Mullaney (p/t)<br />

Mr Peter Evans<br />

Miss Lorna Gowans<br />

Mod Langs. Mrs Annick Helary-Quinn (PT) Mrs Claire Griffiths<br />

Mrs Margaret Greig (Acting PTPC)<br />

Miss Heather MacIntyre<br />

Miss Elodie Foucher (p/t)<br />

Mrs Jenni MacLean<br />

Mrs Nicola Doyle<br />

Mrs Helen McSherry<br />

Ms Sarah Masson<br />

Miss Victoria Scott<br />

Ms Linda Spears

BURSAR<br />




Ms Etta Galbraith<br />

Mrs Sheena Hamilton (S)(p/t)<br />

Mrs Alison Hughes (S)<br />

Mrs Tracy Manson<br />

ADMIN SUPPORT SECTION Mrs Debbie Smith (S) Mrs Pauline Hamilton (S)<br />

Mrs Anne Marie O’Reilly (S)<br />

Mrs Margo Kant (p/t) (S)<br />

Mrs Pauline Cameron (p/t) (S)<br />

Mrs May Mackenzie (p/t)<br />


Mrs Julia Hastings<br />

Mrs Susan Shearer (p/t) (S)<br />

PUPIL SUPPORT ASSISTANTS Mrs Lynne Doyle (S) (p/t) Mrs Moira Paget (S) (p/t)<br />

Miss Doreen Smart<br />

Mrs Hilda Whitelaw (S) (p/t)<br />


Mr Robert Todd (Network Manager)<br />

Mr Marc Anderson<br />

Mr Darren Griffin<br />

SPORTS COACHES Mr Gerry Sweeney (S) (p/t) Mr Gordon Taylor (p/t)<br />

Mr John McKnight (p/t)<br />

TECHNICIANS Mrs Eva Evans (Senior Technician) Mrs Helen Fraser (p/t) (S)<br />

Mrs Anne Cameron (p/t) (S)<br />

Mr George McFarlane (p/t) (S)<br />

REFECTORY Miss Geraldine Ward (Catering Manager) Mrs Sally Kerr (S) (p/t)<br />

Mr Kieran Hughes (Assistant Manager) Mrs Margaret Quinn (S) (p/t)<br />

Miss Louise Boyles (S) (p/t)<br />

Miss Carol Storey<br />

Miss Pamela Dey (S) (p/t)<br />

Mrs Alison Wright (S) (p/t)<br />

Miss Catherine Grugen (S) (p/t)<br />

JANITORIAL STAFF Mr George Hamilton (Facilities Manager) Mr Steven McInnes<br />

Mr Neil Doherty<br />

Mr Brian Murdoch<br />

Mr Norrie Thomson (p/t) (S)<br />

CLEANERS Mr John Anderson (p/t) Mrs Caroline Macdonald (p/t)<br />

Mrs Carol Boyle (p/t)<br />

Miss Rose McHugh (p/t)<br />

Mr John Duffy (p/t)<br />

Miss Jenna McInnes<br />

Mr Albert Gonnella (p/t)<br />

Mrs Mary McKinnon (p/t)<br />

Mrs Margaret Graham (p/t)<br />

Miss Catherine McLevy (p/t)<br />

Ms Amanda Kemp (p/t)<br />

Mr George Neil (p/t)<br />

Miss Jennifer McAllister<br />

Ms Angela O’Neil (p/t)<br />

(p/t) = Part Time Miss Michelle McCabe(p/t) Mr Kryzstof Rudek (p/t)<br />

(S) = Sessional<br />

Staffing Levels (Teaching)<br />

Primary<br />

Secondary<br />

22.5 full time equivalent (including subject specialists)<br />

50.2 full-time equivalent (including probationer induction<br />


Appendix II - <strong>Jordanhill</strong> <strong>School</strong> Board of Managers 2011-<strong>2012</strong><br />

Convener Mrs Rosemary Winter-Scott Parent Members<br />

Vice Convener Mr Robert Mellish Mrs Anne Fraser<br />

Treasurer Mr Gordon Macmillan Mrs Anne Gillespie<br />

Mrs Fiona Wishlade<br />

Mrs Janice Oliver<br />

Staff Members<br />

Mrs John Anderson<br />

Miss Marian Quinn<br />

Mrs Claire Wood<br />

Ex Officio Members<br />

Bailie Christopher Mason, GCC Councillor<br />

Dr Paul Thomson, Rector<br />

Mrs Christine Robertson, Depute Rector<br />

Mrs Irene Matier, Head of Primary<br />

Ms Etta Galbraith, Company Secretary

Appendix III - Course Details S1 to S4 2011 - <strong>2012</strong><br />

First Year<br />

Second Year<br />

English 4 periods English 4 periods<br />

Drama 1 period Drama 1 period<br />

Modern Languages 4 periods Modern Languages 4 periods<br />

Geography 2 periods Geography ]<br />

History 2 periods History ] 3 periods<br />

Mathematics 4 periods Mathematics 4 periods<br />

Business/Computing/ICT 2 periods ICT 1 period<br />

Science 3 periods Biology ]<br />

Physics ]<br />

Chemistry ] 3 periods<br />

Home Economics 1 period Home Economics 1 period<br />

Technical Subjects 2 periods<br />

Art & Design 2 periods Art & Design 1 period<br />

Music 1 period Music 2 periods<br />

Physical Education 2 periods Physical Education 2 periods<br />

Religious Education 1 period Religious Education 1 period<br />

Social Education 1 period Social Education 1 period<br />

Third Year / Fourth Year<br />

English<br />

Mathematics<br />

French<br />

Compulsory Social Subject<br />

Compulsory Science Subject<br />

Three optional subjects (3 periods each)<br />

RE<br />

PE<br />

PSHE<br />

4 periods<br />

4 periods<br />

3 periods<br />

3 periods<br />

3 periods<br />

9 periods<br />

1 period<br />

2 periods<br />

1 period

Appendix IV - S3/S4 Course Choice 2011 - <strong>2012</strong><br />

S2 S3 COURSE CHOICE 2011 – <strong>2012</strong><br />

Pupil Name: Reg. Class: _____ Head of House:<br />

All pupils study English, Mathematics and French. Choose 1 Social Subject, 1 Science and 3 other subjects as set out below.<br />

Circle one Subject Circle one Subject Choose three subjects in order of priority – number them 1, 2 and 3. Choose two reserve<br />

subjects – number them R1 and R2.<br />

Business Management Biology Administration Creative Digital Media<br />

Geography Chemistry Art Geography<br />

History Physics Biology Graphic Communication<br />

Business Management History<br />

Chemistry Music<br />

Computing Physics<br />

Craft and Design Spanish<br />

All courses are offered subject to numbers of pupils opting for them and to the availability of staff and resources<br />

The programmes on offer in S3 and National Qualifications delivered in S4 will change from <strong>2012</strong>-13 as Curriculum for<br />

Excellence is implemented. However, within <strong>Jordanhill</strong> <strong>School</strong> the overall structure will not be changing.<br />

[Pupils actually select their priorities online. This paper version simply gives a sense of the process.]

Appendix V - S5 Course Choice 2011 - <strong>2012</strong> : S4 Return<br />

This page is for you to plan your choices in discussion with your parents and to provide a record of<br />

choices you have made.<br />

Academic Course Choices<br />

Course Int 1 / Int 2 /<br />

Higher<br />

English / Communication<br />

(delete as appropriate)<br />

Which progression route did your S4<br />

report recommend?<br />

Mathematics<br />

1 st choice:<br />

2 nd choice:<br />

3 rd choice:<br />

Reserve 1:<br />

Reserve 2:<br />

General Interest Options<br />

Indicate your first (1) and second (2) choices from the seven options below.<br />

Tick your particular interests if you have selected JMG as one of your choices.<br />

General Interest Options<br />

<strong>Jordanhill</strong> Communications Group<br />

1 st and 2 nd<br />

Choice<br />

Tick<br />

Interests<br />

Mini Enterprise: Business Studies<br />

International Cuisine: Home Economics<br />

Physical Education: Practical Performance<br />

Art and Design<br />

Animation<br />

European Computing Driving Licence<br />

Sound Engineering<br />

[Pupils actually select their priorities online. This paper version simply gives a sense<br />

of the process.]

Appendix VI – S6 Course Choice 2011 - <strong>2012</strong> : S5 Return<br />

Pupil Name:<br />

Career Interests:<br />

Class:<br />

Head of House:<br />

Citizenship / PSE<br />

All pupils must follow the S6 citizenship/PSHE programme.<br />

Other Core Elements<br />

Creativity<br />

What challenge will you<br />

undertake?<br />

Why have you chosen to undertake<br />

this challenge?<br />

Enterprise<br />

Physical Challenge<br />

Community Involvement<br />

Additional Elements<br />

Give an indication of any other<br />

significant challenges you are<br />

considering undertaking in S6<br />

Academic Course Choice<br />

Scottish Baccalaureates<br />

Reason for interest (if applicable)<br />

Science / Languages / None<br />

Course<br />

Please put these in priority order<br />

Level<br />

of<br />

study<br />

Does this course offer:<br />

• Progression?<br />

• Necessary qualifications?<br />

• New experience?<br />

Was this course<br />

recommended in<br />

S5 report?<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

4.<br />

Res 1:<br />

Res 2:<br />

LtL / General Interest 1 st choice<br />

LtL / General Interest 2 nd choice<br />

(if interested in doing two LtL / GI activities)<br />

LtL / General Interest Reserve

S6 Course Choice 2011 - <strong>2012</strong>: S5 Return<br />

Personal and Social Development<br />

Name:<br />

Reg. Class:<br />

Head of House:<br />

All pupils in S6 will participate in 2 periods of Sporting Activities and 1 period of<br />

Personal, Social and Health Education.<br />

In addition, you MUST choose ONE of the General Interest options listed below.<br />

General Interest options which do not have enough uptake may not run. Places on<br />

others are restricted. Please indicate your first and second choices.<br />

Learning to Lead Options<br />

Community Involvement<br />

♦<br />

♦<br />

♦<br />

♦<br />

♦<br />

♦<br />

♦<br />

♦<br />

♦<br />

♦<br />

♦<br />

Animation<br />

Art<br />

Computer Games Design*<br />

European Computing Driving Licence<br />

International Cuisine<br />

Scottish Baccalaureate Project<br />

Scottish Leadership Award<br />

<strong>School</strong> Magazine<br />

Sound Engineering<br />

Sport & Physical Recreation<br />

Mini Enterprise: Business Studies<br />

Art<br />

Music and Drama<br />

Business Education<br />

English<br />

Geography<br />

Learning Support: Paired Reading<br />

Library<br />

Mathematics<br />

Modern Languages<br />

Music<br />

Physical Education<br />

Primary<br />

Science P6-S1<br />

• External Community Involvement<br />

1 st Choice:<br />

2 nd Choice:<br />

Access to the Learning to Lead options may be restricted if a pupil is participating in a<br />

programme delivered by a partner school or college.<br />

[Pupils actually select their priorities online. This paper version simply gives a sense<br />

of the process.]

Partnership Agreement for Senior Pupils<br />

As pupils progress through the school it is expected that they will develop the social and<br />

personal skills which will enable them to assume more responsibility for their own learning<br />

and their own behaviour. For those who opt to return to school beyond Fourth Year, these<br />

conditions are set out in a partnership agreement, which identifies the responsibilities of the<br />

school and of the student. The details are contained in the Senior Planner.<br />

The commitment from the school covers:<br />

‣ Entitlement to an appropriate curriculum<br />

‣ Access to high quality careers guidance<br />

‣ Opportunities for personal development<br />

The student is expected:<br />

‣ To make an educational commitment to work towards agreed targets, enshrined<br />

in a Personal Development Plan<br />

‣ To make a personal commitment to behave in a responsible way<br />

‣ To maintain high standards as a role model for younger pupils (this includes<br />

punctuality, attendance and behaviour)<br />

‣ To maintain good relationships with the rest of the <strong>School</strong> community<br />

‣ To play an active and leading part in the life of the <strong>School</strong> as Prefects, House<br />

Captains, members of the school Council, the S6 Charity, school Action groups,<br />

sporting teams and community involvement.<br />

Personal Development Plan for S6 Pupils<br />

Pupils returning to S6 are expected to negotiate a Personal Development Plan (PDP) with<br />

their Head of House. This PDP will shape their academic and personal development<br />

throughout the year and provide opportunities for a range of experiences both within school<br />

and outside. All Plans should include:<br />

• a significant academic challenge<br />

• a community involvement challenge<br />

• an enterprise challenge<br />

• a physical challenge<br />

In addition, pupils are expected to participate meaningfully in the school’s activities<br />

throughout S6 by playing a full and active part in S6 PSHE and maintaining a Citizenship<br />

Profile, which will chart involvement in activities and which will also record any notable<br />

achievements gained throughout the year – whether in school, or in the wider community.

Appendix VII - Uniform Requirements<br />

Suppliers<br />

Mans World<br />

John Lewis<br />

157 - 159 Byres Road Buchanan Galleries<br />

Glasgow<br />

220 Buchanan Street<br />

G12 8TS<br />

Glasgow, G1 2GF<br />

(<strong>School</strong> Colours can be obtained through both suppliers.)<br />

<strong>Jordanhill</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

All items marked with an asterisk can be ordered and supplied through the school.<br />

Uniform Rules for Pupils<br />

• You must wear school uniform at all times when in school and when travelling to and<br />

from school, unless permission has been given to wear other clothes e.g. for<br />

fieldwork<br />

• You must wear your uniform neatly and tidily. That also means that excessive makeup<br />

or jewellery must not be worn. For safety reasons, single ear studs only are<br />

permitted. Unnatural hair colour is not permitted.<br />

• You must remove outdoor clothing whenever you are inside the school buildings<br />

• Appropriate sportswear should be worn during PE periods and not at other times<br />

• Depute Head Teachers will advise you on appropriate uniform at the stage for which<br />

they are responsible. If you have any questions about what is acceptable, you should<br />

raise the matter with one of them.

General (Mandatory Items)<br />

Blazer & Badge<br />

White Shirt & Tie<br />

V-neck Wool Jersey Brown Traditional (<strong>School</strong><br />

Colours) OR Brown/Dark Green Cardigan<br />

Brown Pinafore & Badge (P1 - P3)<br />

OR Brown Skirt (with box pleats) (P4 - P7 only)<br />

OR Brown Skirt (pleated) (S1 - S6 only)<br />

Black Shoes<br />

3/4 Brown Socks OR green/ brown tights<br />

(primaries 1 - 5)<br />

Brown or black tights (P6, P7 & secondary)<br />

Green Overall (P1 & P2)<br />

Optional Additions<br />

Brown or Dark Green Jacket OR Cagoule OR<br />

Raincoat<br />

Woollen Hat* (<strong>School</strong> Colours)<br />

Gloves : Brown or Dark Green<br />

Ribbons/Clasps (<strong>School</strong> Colours)<br />

Regulation <strong>School</strong> Scarf<br />

<strong>School</strong> Bag*<br />

Waterproof Jacket with Fleece Lining (Reversible)*<br />

Summer Option for Primary Girls<br />

White Polo Shirt with Crest* & Green <strong>School</strong><br />

Sweatshirt with Crest*<br />

(Replacing Shirt, Tie & V-neck Jersey/Cardigan)<br />

Summer Dress (Brown/Yellow/Green)<br />

White cardigan<br />

& White Socks (replacing pinafore/skirt)<br />

Sports<br />

PE (Mandatory P1/2)<br />

White Polo Shirt with Crest*<br />

Black Shorts*<br />

Red Sport Socks with Trim & JS at Back* or school<br />

socks<br />

Black Gym Shoes or Trainers<br />

(non-marking soles)<br />

Girls<br />

Sports continued<br />

PE (Mandatory P3)<br />

Gold Polo Shirt with Crest*<br />

Green Skort, Yellow Trim with Crest* OR<br />

Black Shorts*<br />

Red Sport Socks with Trim & JS at Back*or white socks<br />

Black Gym Shoes or Trainers<br />

(non-marking soles)<br />

PE Classes (Mandatory P4 – S6)<br />

Gold Polo Shirt with Crest* OR<br />

Four Colour Quarter, Short Sleeve Hockey Top*<br />

Green Skort, Yellow Trim with Crest* OR<br />

Black Shorts*<br />

Green <strong>School</strong> Tracksuit trousers*<br />

Green Waterproof Oxlan Jacket*<br />

Red Sport Socks with Trim & JS at Back*<br />

Hockey/Football Boots/Trainers/Astro Boots<br />

Under Armour Thermal top – Green/Black (optional)<br />

Black Thermal Shorts – worn under shorts (optional)<br />

The following are mandatory for members of the<br />

relevant team/squad (unless the item is marked<br />

as optional).<br />

Hockey Teams (P6 – S6)<br />

Four Colour Quarter, Short Sleeve Hockey Top*<br />

(Training & Matches) (Can also be worn for PE)<br />

Green Skort, Yellow Trim with Crest*<br />

(Can also be worn for PE)<br />

Green <strong>School</strong> Tracksuit trousers*<br />

Green Waterproof Oxlan Jacket*<br />

Red Sport Socks with Trim & JS at Back<br />

Hockey Boots/Astro Boots<br />

Under Armour Thermal top – Green/Black (optional)<br />

Football Teams (S1 – S6)<br />

Four Colour Quarter, Short Sleeve Hockey Top*<br />

(Training & Matches) (Can also be worn for PE)<br />

Green Skort, Yellow Trim with Crest* OR Black Shorts*<br />

Green <strong>School</strong> Tracksuit trousers*<br />

Green Waterproof Oxlan Jacket*<br />

Red Sport Socks with Trim & JS at Back<br />

Football Boots/Astro Boots<br />

Under Armour Thermal top – Green/Black (optional)<br />

Black Thermal Shorts – worn under shorts (optional)<br />

Athletics (P6 – S6)<br />

Green/Gold Athletic Top*<br />

(Training/Matches/Glasgow/Scottish <strong>School</strong>s) OR<br />

Gold Polo Shirt with Crest* (Training)<br />

Green Skort, Yellow Trim with Crest* OR Black Shorts*<br />

Green <strong>School</strong> Tracksuit trousers*<br />

Green Waterproof Oxlan Jacket*<br />

Own white socks<br />

Tennis (P7 – S6)<br />

Own Whites<br />

Green <strong>School</strong> Tracksuit with Crest*<br />

Own white socks

General (Mandatory Items)<br />

Blazer & Badge<br />

White Shirt & Tie<br />

V-Neck Wool Jersey Brown Traditional (<strong>School</strong><br />

Colours)<br />

Dark Grey or Black Trousers OR Brown/Grey Short<br />

Trousers and Brown Socks<br />

Black Shoes<br />

Brown Socks (<strong>School</strong> Colours) (Primary)<br />

Dark Socks (Secondary)<br />

Green Overall (P1 & P2)<br />

Optional Additions<br />

Brown or Dark Green Jacket OR Cagoule OR<br />

Raincoat<br />

Woollen Hat* (<strong>School</strong> Colours)<br />

Gloves : Brown or Dark Green<br />

Regulation <strong>School</strong> Scarf<br />

<strong>School</strong> Bag*<br />

Waterproof Jacket with Fleece Lining (Reversible)*<br />

Summer Option for Primary Boys<br />

White Polo Shirt with Crest* & Green <strong>School</strong><br />

Sweatshirt with Crest*<br />

(replacing Shirt, Tie & V-neck Jersey)<br />

Sports<br />

PE (Mandatory P1/2)<br />

White Polo Shirt with Crest*<br />

Black Shorts*<br />

Black Gym Shoes or Trainers (non-marking soles)<br />

Red Sport Socks with Trim & JS at Back* or school<br />

socks<br />

PE (Mandatory P3 - P5)<br />

Gold Polo Shirt with Crest*<br />

Black Shorts*<br />

Black Gym Shoes or Trainers<br />

(non-marking soles)<br />

Red Sport Socks with Trim & JS at Back* or school<br />

socks<br />

Boys<br />

Sports continued<br />

PE Classes (Mandatory P6 – S6)<br />

Gold Polo Shirt with Crest* OR<br />

Four Colour Quarter Football Top* (compulsory for<br />

football) OR<br />

Gold/Green Reversible Rugby Training Jersey with<br />

Crest* (compulsory for Rugby) OR<br />

Four Colour Quarter, Long Sleeve Rugby Top<br />

(compulsory for Rugby)<br />

Black Shorts* OR Green Football Shorts with crest OR<br />

Green Rugby Shorts with crest<br />

Green <strong>School</strong> Tracksuit trousers*<br />

Green Waterproof Oxlan Jacket*<br />

Red Sports Socks with Trim & JS at Back*<br />

Rugby/Football Boots/Trainers/Astro Boots<br />

Under Armour Thermal top – Green (optional)<br />

Black Thermal Shorts – worn under shorts (optional)<br />

The following are mandatory for members of the<br />

relevant team/squad (unless the item is marked<br />

as optional).<br />

Rugby Teams (P6 – S6)<br />

Gold/Green Reversible Rugby Jersey with Crest*<br />

(Training) (Can also be worn for PE)<br />

Four Colour Quarter, Long Sleeve Rugby Top*<br />

(Matches) (Can also be worn for PE)<br />

Green Rugby Shorts with Crest* (Training , Matches &<br />

PE)<br />

Green <strong>School</strong> Tracksuit trousers*<br />

Green Waterproof Oxlan Jacket*<br />

Red Sports Socks with Trim & JS at Back*<br />

Rugby Boots<br />

Under Armour Thermal top – Green (optional)<br />

Black Thermal Shorts – worn under shorts (optional)<br />

Football Teams (P5 – S6)<br />

Four Colour Quarter Football Top* (Training &<br />

Matches) (Can also be worn for PE)<br />

Green Football Shorts with Crest* (Training, Matches &<br />

PE)<br />

Green <strong>School</strong> Tracksuit trousers*<br />

Green Waterproof Oxlan Jacket*<br />

Red Sports Socks with Trim & JS at Back*<br />

Football Boots/Astro Boots<br />

Under Armour Thermal top – Green (optional)<br />

Black Thermal Shorts – worn under shorts (optional)<br />

Athletics (P6 – S6)<br />

Green/Gold Athletic Top*<br />

(Training/Matches/Glasgow/Scottish <strong>School</strong>s) OR Gold<br />

Polo Shirt with Crest*<br />

Black Shorts*<br />

Green <strong>School</strong> Tracksuit trousers*<br />

Green Waterproof Oxlan Jacket*<br />

Own white socks<br />

Tennis (P7 – S6)<br />

Own Whites (Shirts & T-Shirt)<br />

Green <strong>School</strong> Tracksuit with Crest*<br />

Own white socks

Appendix VIII - Behaviour Management<br />

To influence the emotional development of all pupils by fostering an atmosphere of diligence,<br />

tolerance, co-operation and mutual respect at all levels within the <strong>School</strong>.<br />

The above aim of the school summarises the principles on which the school’s promoting<br />

positive behaviour policy is based. Key elements of this are:<br />

‣ Fostering good relationships within the school and with parents and the wider<br />

community<br />

‣ Ensuring staff have clear and concise expectations of pupils and use positive<br />

encouragement of appropriate behaviour<br />

‣ Promoting good communication within the school, leading to an early identification of<br />

potential problems for individual and groups of pupils<br />

‣ Promoting good communication with parents and early involvement of parents, should<br />

problems arise<br />

‣ Deploying sanctions for inappropriate behaviour which are effective and fair<br />

‣ Reforming pupil behaviour<br />

‣ Restoring relationships between pupils, where there have been tensions.<br />

Details of the Code of Conduct, Rules and sanctions are given below.<br />

Classroom Ground Rules and the Ready Routine<br />

In Session 0708 Rules for Behaviour in Classrooms were written and discussed with the Pupil<br />

Councils. When a review of the behaviour management system was conducted it was felt<br />

that there were too many rules for pupils to remember and they needed to be simplified into<br />

five basic Classroom Ground Rules that pupils could easily identify with and remember.<br />

Classroom Ground Rules<br />

1. Arrive on time in an orderly manner, properly prepared for learning<br />

2. Follow teacher’s directions immediately<br />

3. Keep hands, feet and unkind words to yourself<br />

4. Listen to the person who is meant to be talking and treat others with respect<br />

5. Take care of materials, equipment and the environment<br />

As well has having Classroom Ground Rules it was felt that a Ready Routine would assist<br />

pupils to get organised at the start of lessons and allow teachers to make a prompt start.<br />

Resources out<br />

Ready Routine<br />

Electronics and edibles away<br />

All coats and bags off<br />

Diaries out<br />

You’re ready!

Additional specific rules apply in areas such as labs, workshops, corridors, school grounds,<br />

sporting and catering facilities. These include health and safety requirements.<br />

Corridors and <strong>School</strong> Grounds<br />

In moving around the school and its grounds you should:<br />

‣ Behave in a way which ensures your safety and the safety of others<br />

‣ Respect others in the school who are working quietly<br />

‣ Avoid clearly indicated areas which are out of bounds, often for health and safety<br />

reasons, including all roofs.<br />

‣ Always walk quietly on the left in corridors and on stairs, leaving room for those<br />

coming in the opposite direction<br />

‣ Treat your fellow pupils with respect and avoid anti-social and selfish behaviour<br />

such as pushing, jostling and spitting<br />

‣ When travelling to classes at the change of periods all electronic equipment,<br />

including mobile phones and iPods, should be put into blazer pockets or bags.<br />

‣ It is everyone’s responsibility to maintain the buildings and grounds in excellent<br />

condition. This means that:<br />

• all litter must be placed in bins<br />

• food and drink may be consumed only in the Refectory, the Atrium, the<br />

playground or the S6 study room and not inside the buildings<br />

• any instances of vandalism must be reported immediately<br />

Outwith the <strong>School</strong><br />

‣ Wear school uniform when travelling to and from school and arrive in good time<br />

‣ Always behave in a polite and considerate way when you come into contact with<br />

members of the public<br />

‣ Care for the environment through which you pass e.g. put any litter in the nearest<br />

bin and avoid any prohibited areas<br />

Sanctions<br />

It is the school’s policy to provide positive encouragement and recognition to pupils who<br />

abide by the code of conduct and the subsequent rules. Equally, it is recognised that there<br />

are occasions when sanctions have to be applied and it is the <strong>School</strong>’s policy to take the<br />

minimum action required to be effective in promoting positive behaviour. This flexibility is<br />

particularly important because of the age range of the pupils in <strong>Jordanhill</strong> <strong>School</strong>.<br />

The sanctions which may be used are shown on the following page. Please note that, with<br />

the exception of the first and the last three items, the list is not hierarchical.

Interventions<br />

The table below summarises the sanctions which may be used. As exemplified in this table,<br />

emphasis is placed upon informing parents of problems at an early stage. Please note that,<br />

with the exception of the first and the last three items, the list is not hierarchical. This model<br />

has been constructed on the basis:<br />

Sanction Primary/Secondary Parental Information<br />

Reprimand P and S None<br />

Yellow Referral P6/7 and S Parental signature required<br />

Red Referral S only A parental signature will be required<br />

but parents may also be telephoned or<br />

invited into school depending on the<br />

incident and if the Red Referral is<br />

issued by a Principal Teacher or DHT<br />

Behaviour Card P and S ‣ Discussed with parent<br />

‣ Signed by parent on daily or weekly<br />

basis<br />

‣ Pupil reports to either PT PC or DHT<br />

Cause for Concern<br />

letter<br />

P and S<br />

Information to parent, parent invited to<br />

phone or come into school<br />

Detention (1 hour) S only Standard letter (parental signature<br />

required)<br />

Exclusion P and S ‣ Informed by letter and<br />

possibly telephone call<br />

‣ Discussion with parent<br />

upon return to school.<br />

Assurance of Future<br />

Cooperation paperwork<br />

signed by parent.<br />

‣ Parent informed of right of appeal<br />

to Board of Managers<br />

Removal from the<br />

Register<br />

P and S ‣ Discussion with Parent<br />

‣ Confirmed by recorded<br />

letter<br />

‣ Parent informed of right of appeal<br />

to Board of Managers

Appendix IX - <strong>Jordanhill</strong> <strong>School</strong> Holidays 2011 - <strong>2012</strong><br />

The provisional term dates for session 2011-<strong>2012</strong> are shown below. These are subject to approval by the<br />

Board.<br />

Close Holiday Re-open<br />

Teachers return<br />

Pupils return<br />

Sept. Weekend Thursday 22 nd Sept. Friday 23 rd<br />

Monday 26 th<br />

Mid-term Holiday Friday 14 th October Monday 17 th to<br />

Friday 21 st<br />

Monday 15 th August*<br />

Tuesday 16 th August*<br />

Wednesday 17 th August<br />

Tuesday 27 th<br />

September<br />

Monday 24 th October<br />

In-service Day<br />

Monday 31 st October*<br />

Christmas Holiday<br />

Friday 23 rd December<br />

Close 12.00<br />

Monday 26 th December<br />

to Friday 6 th January<br />

Monday 9 th January<br />

<strong>2012</strong><br />

Mid-term Holiday Friday 10 th February Monday 13 th , Tuesday<br />

14 th & Wednesday<br />

15 th * February<br />

Thursday 16 th February<br />

Spring Holiday<br />

Friday 30 th March<br />

Close 12.00<br />

Monday 2 nd April to<br />

Friday 13 th April<br />

Monday 16 th April<br />

May Day Holiday<br />

Monday 7 th May<br />

Tuesday 8 th May*<br />

May Weekend Thursday 31 st May Friday 1 st and Monday<br />

4 th June<br />

Queen’s Jubilee Tuesday 5 th June Wednesday 6 th June<br />

Summer Holiday<br />

Monday 25 th June<br />

Close 12.00<br />

Session <strong>2012</strong>-13<br />

Teachers return<br />

Pupils return<br />

Monday 13 th August*<br />

Tuesday 14 th August*<br />

Wednesday 15 th August<br />

* In-service Days<br />

Pupils are on holiday on in-service days unless otherwise notified.<br />

Good Friday 6 April and Easter Monday 9 th April fall within the Spring vacation period.

Appendix X – Scottish Government Statistics<br />

The Scottish Government provides statistical information which schools are required to publish in the<br />

format given. Separate data is available for the Primary and Secondary sectors.<br />

This information is given in the following pages and comprises:<br />

Primary<br />

<strong>Jordanhill</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

• Budgeted running costs for financial year 2011-12<br />

• Attendance and absence statistics for 2010-11<br />

• Minimising overall absence<br />

National<br />

• Budgeted running costs for financial year 2011-12<br />

• Attendance and absence statistics for 2010-11<br />

• Minimising overall absence<br />

Secondary<br />

<strong>Jordanhill</strong> Secondary<br />

• Leaver destinations for 2010-11<br />

• Budgeted running costs for financial year 2011-12<br />

• Attendance and absence statistics for 2010-11<br />

• Overall examination results based on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Levels<br />

• Minimising overall absence<br />

National<br />

• Leaver destinations for 2010-11<br />

• Budgeted running costs for financial year 2011-12<br />

• Attendance and absence statistics for 2010-11<br />

• Overall examination results based on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Levels<br />

• Minimising overall absence<br />

This information is updated annually on the Scottish <strong>School</strong>s Online web site<br />




<strong>School</strong>: <strong>Jordanhill</strong> <strong>School</strong> Id No.: 910 - 8470332<br />

Budgeted Running Costs For Financial Year 2011-<strong>2012</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> Roll at September 2010 462<br />

Total <strong>School</strong> Running Costs at April 2011 (£) 1,931,580<br />

Cost per Pupil (£) 4,181<br />

Key to symbols: The symbol ## indicates that the data are not available.<br />

Total Number<br />

of Possible<br />

Attendances(<br />

Pupil Half<br />

Days)<br />

Percentage<br />

Authorised<br />

Absences<br />

Percentage<br />

Unauthorised<br />

Absences<br />

Attendance And Absence For <strong>School</strong> Year 2010/2011<br />

Stage<br />

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P1-7<br />

24248 24148 24204 24354 24136 24260 24154 169504<br />

2.2 2.3 2.9 2.7 3.1 3 3 2.7<br />

0.6 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.4<br />

Key to Symbols:<br />

Asterisks (**) have been inserted instead of figures for some schools and categories:<br />

• Counts and percentages based on data for more than 0 but fewer than 5 pupils, because they could be<br />

misleading or lead to the identification of individuals.<br />

• In other cases, it is not possible for the school to have any data for the category, for example, cases<br />

where the relevant year group roll figure is zero.<br />

The symbol (##) indicates that the school has recently opened or merged with another school and this<br />

information is not available.<br />

Minimising Overall Absence<br />

Absence recorded<br />

(2009/2010)<br />

Average number of<br />

half days absence<br />

per pupil<br />

Absence recorded<br />

(2010/2011)<br />

Average number of<br />

half days absence<br />

per pupil<br />

Absence 10 12.1<br />

Where schools have 9 openings per week, please note that all local authority and national figures are based on<br />

10 openings per week, and so are not directly comparable.<br />

Key to Symbols: The symbol (##) indicates that the data are not available or<br />

comparable with other years.



National Data<br />

Budgeted Running Costs For Financial Year 2011-<strong>2012</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> Roll at September 2010 364,284<br />

Total <strong>School</strong> Running Costs at April 2011 (£) 1,490,002,771<br />

Cost per Pupil (£) 4,090<br />

Key to symbols: The symbol ## indicates that the data are not available.<br />

Total<br />

Number of<br />

Possible<br />

Attendance<br />

(Pupil Half<br />

Days)<br />

Percentage<br />

Authorised<br />

Absences<br />

Percentage<br />

Unauthoris<br />

ed<br />

Absences<br />

Attendance And Absence For <strong>School</strong> Year 2010/2011<br />

Stage<br />

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P1-7<br />

189513<br />

08<br />

19116971 18672816 18136151 18404407 18748517 19075039 13110520<br />

9<br />

4.2 4.1 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.9 3.9 4<br />

1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.2<br />

Key to symbols:<br />

Asterisks (**) have been inserted instead of figures for some schools and categories:<br />

• Counts and percentages based on data for more than 0 but fewer than 5 pupils, because they could be<br />

misleading or lead to the identification of individuals.<br />

• In other cases, it is not possible for the school to have any data for the category, for example, cases<br />

where the relevant year group roll figure is zero.<br />

The symbol (##) indicates that the school has recently opened or merged with another school and this<br />

information is not available.<br />

Minimising Overall Absence<br />

Absence recorded<br />

(2009/2010)<br />

Average number of<br />

half days absence<br />

per pupil<br />

Absence recorded<br />

(2010/2011)<br />

Average number of<br />

half days absence<br />

per pupil<br />

Absence 19.4 19.8<br />

Where schools have 9 openings per week, please note that all local authority and national figures are based on<br />

10 openings per week, and so are not directly comparable.<br />

Key to symbols: The symbol (##) indicates that the data are not available or comparable with other years.



<strong>School</strong>: <strong>Jordanhill</strong> <strong>School</strong> Id No.: 910 - 8470332<br />

Leaver Destinations<br />

Number Of Pupils Leaving In <strong>School</strong> Year 2010/2011 And Percentage With Destination As:<br />

Total Number of Leavers (=100%) 99<br />

Higher Education 77<br />

Further Education 9<br />

Training 0<br />

Employment 10<br />

Other Known 4<br />

Not Known 0<br />

Key to symbols:<br />

Percentages for schools where the number of leavers is greater than 0 but less than 5 have been replaced by<br />

asterisks (**) because they could be misleading or lead to identification of individuals.<br />

The symbol (##) indicates that the data are not available or comparable with other years because the school<br />

has recently opened or merged with another school, or is temporarily closed.<br />

Budgeted Running Costs For Financial Year 2011-<strong>2012</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> Roll at September 2010 581<br />

Total <strong>School</strong> Running Costs at April 2011 (£) 3,360,420<br />

Cost per Pupil (£) 5,784<br />

Key to symbols: The symbol ## indicates that the data are not available.



<strong>School</strong>: <strong>Jordanhill</strong> <strong>School</strong> Id No.: 910 - 8470332<br />

Total Number<br />

of Possible<br />

Attendances(P<br />

upil Half Days)<br />

Percentage<br />

Authorised<br />

Absences<br />

Percentage<br />

Unauthorised<br />

Absences<br />

Attendance And Absence For <strong>School</strong> Year 2010/2011<br />

Stage<br />

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S1-5<br />

36305 36754 36608 36620 38516 184803<br />

3.4 3.8 3.8 4.4 4.4 4<br />

0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.6<br />

Key to symbols:<br />

Asterisks (**) have been inserted instead of figures for some schools and categories:<br />

• Counts and percentages based on data for more than 0 but fewer than 5 pupils, because they could be<br />

misleading or lead to the identification of individuals.<br />

• In other cases, it is not possible for the school to have any data for the category, for example, cases<br />

where the relevant year group roll figure is zero.<br />

The symbol (##) indicates that the school has recently opened or merged with another school and this<br />

information is not available.



<strong>School</strong>: <strong>Jordanhill</strong> <strong>School</strong> Id No.: 910 - 8470332<br />

Estimated S5 January Roll As A Percentage Of The S4 Roll<br />

In September Of The Previous Session<br />

2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011<br />

101 105 107<br />

Examination Results (within Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework)<br />

By end<br />

of S4<br />

(2010/2011 results are pre-appeal)<br />

Percentage of the relevant September S4 roll achieving:<br />

5+ @ level 3 or better 5+ @ level 4 or better 5+ @ level 5 or better<br />

2008/20 2009/20 2010/20 2008/20 2009/20 2010/20 2008/20 2009/20 2010/20<br />

09 10 11 09 10 11 09 10 11<br />

98 100 100 97 99 94 81 84 68<br />

By end<br />

of S5<br />

Percentage of the relevant September S4 roll achieving:<br />

1+ @ level 6 or better 3+ @ level 6 or better 5+ @ level 6 or better<br />

2008/20 2009/20 2010/20 2008/20 2009/20 2010/20 2008/20 2009/20 2010/20<br />

09 10 11 09 10 11 09 10 11<br />

87 91 96 70 73 77 40 45 45<br />

By end<br />

of S6<br />

Percentage of the relevant September S4 roll achieving:<br />

3+ @ level 6 or better 5+ @ level 6 or better 1+ @ level 7<br />

2008/20 2009/20 2010/20 2008/20 2009/20 2010/20 2008/20 2009/20 2010/20<br />

09 10 11 09 10 11 09 10 11<br />

79 78 83 66 66 71 53 53 58<br />

Key to symbols:<br />

Counts and percentages for year groups which contain more than 0 but less than 5 pupils are replaced by<br />

asterisks (**) because they could be misleading or lead to identification of individuals.<br />

The symbol (##) indicates that the data are not available or comparable with other years. Possible reasons for<br />

this include: the school has recently opened or merged with another school; S5 and S6 results for S1-S4<br />

schools; S4, S5 and S6 results for S1-S2/S3 schools; cases where the relevant year group roll figure is zero.



<strong>School</strong>: <strong>Jordanhill</strong> <strong>School</strong> Id No.: 910 - 8470332<br />

Minimising Overall Absence<br />

Absence recorded<br />

(2009/2010)<br />

Average number of<br />

half days absence<br />

per pupil<br />

Absence recorded<br />

(2010/2011)<br />

Average number of<br />

half days absence<br />

per pupil<br />

Absence 15.5 17.5<br />

Where schools have 9 openings per week, please note that all local authority and national figures are based on<br />

10 openings per week, and so are not directly comparable.<br />

Key to symbols: The symbol (##) indicates that the data are not available or comparable with other years.<br />

For Information:<br />

Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) levels:<br />

Level 7 CSYS at A-C; Advanced Higher at A-C<br />

Level 6 Higher at A-C<br />

Level 5 Intermediate 2 at A-C; Standard Grade at 1-2<br />

Level 4 Intermediate 1 at A-C; Standard Grade at 3-4<br />

Level 3 Access 3 Cluster; Standard Grade at 5-6



National Data<br />

Leaver Destinations<br />

Number Of Pupils Leaving In <strong>School</strong> Year 2010/2011 And Percentage With Destination As:<br />

Total Number of Leavers (=100%) 54073<br />

Higher Education 36<br />

Further Education 27<br />

Training 6<br />

Employment 20<br />

Other Known 11<br />

Not Known 0<br />

Key to symbols:<br />

Percentages for schools where the number of leavers is greater than 0 but less than 5 have been replaced by<br />

asterisks (**) because they could be misleading or lead to identification of individuals.<br />

The symbol (##) indicates that the data are not available or comparable with other years because the school<br />

has recently opened or merged with another school, or is temporarily closed.<br />

Budgeted Running Costs For Financial Year 2011-<strong>2012</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> Roll at September 2010 299,616<br />

Total <strong>School</strong> Running Costs at April 2011 (£) 1,702,108,639<br />

Cost per Pupil (£) 5,681<br />

Key to symbols: The symbol ## indicates that the data are not available.



National Data<br />

Total<br />

Number of<br />

Possible<br />

Attendances<br />

(Pupil Half<br />

Days)<br />

Percentage<br />

Authorised<br />

Absences<br />

Percentage<br />

Unauthorise<br />

d<br />

Absences<br />

Attendance And Absence For <strong>School</strong> Year 2010/2011<br />

Stage<br />

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S1-5<br />

19561953 19996998 20211642 20145865 15556206 95472664<br />

5.3 6.2 6.8 6.3 5.9 6.1<br />

1.6 2.3 3.2 3.5 3.1 2.7<br />

Key to symbols:<br />

Asterisks (**) have been inserted instead of figures for some schools and categories:<br />

• Counts and percentages based on data for more than 0 but fewer than 5 pupils, because they could be<br />

misleading or lead to the identification of individuals.<br />

• In other cases, it is not possible for the school to have any data for the category, for example, cases<br />

where the relevant year group roll figure is zero.<br />

The symbol (##) indicates that the school has recently opened or merged with another school and this<br />

information is not available.



National Data<br />

Estimated S5 January Roll As A Percentage Of The S4 Roll<br />

In September Of The Previous Session<br />

2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011<br />

67 72 75<br />

Examination Results (within Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework)<br />

By end<br />

of S4<br />

(2010/2011 results are pre-appeal)<br />

Percentage of the relevant September S4 roll achieving:<br />

5+ @ level 3 or better 5+ @ level 4 or better 5+ @ level 5 or better<br />

2008/20 2009/20 2010/20 2008/20 2009/20 2010/20 2008/20 2009/20 2010/20<br />

09 10 11 09 10 11 09 10 11<br />

92 92 93 78 78 78 35 36 35<br />

By end<br />

of S5<br />

Percentage of the relevant September S4 roll achieving:<br />

1+ @ level 6 or better 3+ @ level 6 or better 5+ @ level 6 or better<br />

2008/20 2009/20 2010/20 2008/20 2009/20 2010/20 2008/20 2009/20 2010/20<br />

09 10 11 09 10 11 09 10 11<br />

41 43 44 23 25 26 11 11 12<br />

By end<br />

of S6<br />

Percentage of the relevant September S4 roll achieving:<br />

3+ @ level 6 or better 5+ @ level 6 or better 1+ @ level 7<br />

2008/20 2009/20 2010/20 2008/20 2009/20 2010/20 2008/20 2009/20 2010/20<br />

09 10 11 09 10 11 09 10 11<br />

31 33 35 21 22 23 14 15 15<br />

Key to symbols:<br />

Counts and percentages for year groups which contain more than 0 but less than 5 pupils are replaced by<br />

asterisks (**) because they could be misleading or lead to identification of individuals.<br />

The symbol (##) indicates that the data are not available or comparable with other years. Possible reasons for<br />

this include: the school has recently opened or merged with another school; S5 and S6 results for S1-S4<br />

schools; S4, S5 and S6 results for S1-S2/S3 schools; cases where the relevant year group roll figure is zero.



National Data<br />

Minimising Overall Absence<br />

Absence recorded<br />

(2009/2010)<br />

Average number of<br />

half days absence<br />

per pupil<br />

Absence recorded<br />

(2010/2011)<br />

Average number of<br />

half days absence<br />

per pupil<br />

Absence 33.9 34.1<br />

Where schools have 9 openings per week, please note that all local authority and national figures are based on<br />

10 openings per week, and so are not directly comparable.<br />

Key to symbols: The symbol (##) indicates that the data are not available or comparable with other years.<br />

For Information:<br />

Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) levels:<br />

Level 7 CSYS at A-C; Advanced Higher at A-C<br />

Level 6 Higher at A-C<br />

Level 5 Intermediate 2 at A-C; Standard Grade at 1-2<br />

Level 4 Intermediate 1 at A-C; Standard Grade at 3-4<br />

Level 3 Access 3 Cluster; Standard Grade at 5-6

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