Pictet Funds Hong Kong

Pictet Funds Hong Kong

Pictet Funds Hong Kong


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When the assets of a compartment are managed using<br />

this technique, the assets initially attributable to<br />

each co-managed compartment will be deter mined<br />

according to the compartment’s initial participation<br />

in the pool. Thereafter, the composi tion of the assets<br />

will vary according to contribu tions or withdrawals<br />

made by the compartments.<br />

This apportionment system applies to each investment<br />

line of the pool. Additional investments made<br />

on behalf of the co-managed compartments will<br />

therefore be allocated to these compartments according<br />

to their respective entitlements, while assets sold<br />

will be similarly deducted from the assets attributable<br />

to each of the co-managed compartments.<br />

All banking transactions involved in the running of<br />

the compartment (dividends, interest, non-contractual<br />

fees, expenses) will be accounted for in the pool<br />

and reassigned for accounting to each of the compartments<br />

on a pro rata basis on the day the transactions<br />

are recorded (provisions for liabilities, bank<br />

recording of income and/or expenses). On the other<br />

hand, contractual fees (custody, administration and<br />

management fees, etc.) will be accounted for directly<br />

in the respective compartments.<br />

The assets and liabilities attributable to each compartment<br />

will be identifiable at any given moment.<br />

The pooling method will comply with the investment<br />

policy of each of the compartments concerned.<br />

Classes of shares<br />

The net assets forming each compartment are represented<br />

by shares, which may be of different classes<br />

or sub-classes. All the shares representing the assets<br />

of a compartment form a class of shares. All the compartments<br />

together constitute the Fund. If sub-classes<br />

of shares are issued, the relevant information will<br />

be specified in the Annexes of this prospectus.<br />

The Management Company may decide, in the interest<br />

of shareholders, that some or all of the assets<br />

belonging to one or more compartments of the<br />

Fund will be invested indirectly, through a company<br />

wholly controlled by the Management Company<br />

which conducts, exclusively for the benefit of the<br />

compartment(s) concerned, the management, advising<br />

or distribution activities in the country in which<br />

the subsidiary company is established with respect to<br />

the redemption of the shares of the compartment in<br />

question when requested by shareholders exclusively<br />

for itself or for the shareholders. For the purposes of<br />

this prospectus, references to “investments” and “assets”<br />

respectively mean either investments made and<br />

assets held directly or investments made and assets<br />

held indirectly by the agent of the aforementioned<br />

companies.<br />

In the event that a subsidiary company is used,<br />

this will be specified in the annex relating to the<br />

compartment(s) concerned.<br />

The Board of Directors is authorised to create new<br />

compartments. A list of the compartments available<br />

to date is included in the Annexes of this prospectus,<br />

describing their investment policies and key features.<br />

This list is an integral part of the prospectus and will<br />

be updated whenever new compartments are created.<br />

For each class of shares, the Board of Directors may<br />

also decide to create two or more sub-classes whose<br />

assets will generally be invested in accordance with<br />

the specific investment policy of the class in question.<br />

However, the sub-classes may differ in terms of their<br />

specific subscription and/or redemp tion fee structures,<br />

specific exchange rate hedging policies, specific<br />

distribution policies and/or specific management<br />

or advisory fees, or other specific features applicable<br />

to each sub-class. When necessary, this information<br />

is specified in the Annexes of this prospectus.<br />

The shares in the Fund are usually listed on the Luxembourg<br />

Stock Exchange. The Board of Directors<br />

may decide which sub-classes of shares are to be<br />

listed.<br />


A list of the current classes of shares is included in<br />

this prospectus. The Board of Directors may decide to<br />

create additional classes of shares at any time.<br />

The sub-classes of shares issued or planned at the<br />

date of this prospectus, together with any supplementary<br />

information, are detailed in the Annexes of<br />

the prospectus. Investors are advised to contact their<br />

agent for the latest list of sub-classes of shares issued.<br />

Shares may be divided within compartments into “I”,<br />

“IS”, “P”, “R”, “S”, “Z”, “J” and “MG” shares.<br />

“I” shares are intended for investors who wish to<br />

invest a minimum initial amount. This amount is<br />

specified in the annex for each compartment and<br />

is calculated for the class concerned and its corresponding<br />

classes (hedged, issued in another currency<br />

or distributive). Subscriptions in a class other than<br />

these classes will not be taken into account in calculating<br />

the initial minimum subscription amount. The<br />

Board of Directors nevertheless reserves the right to<br />

accept subscriptions for an amount that is less than<br />

the initial amount required, at its discretion.<br />

For “I” shares, the front-end load for intermediaries<br />

will be no more than 5%, and the back-end load no<br />

more than 1%.<br />

IS shares may be created within certain indexed compartments<br />

in order to distinguish them, if needed,<br />

from I shares with respect to accounting for corrections<br />

in the net asset value as described in the section<br />

«Calculation of the net asset value».<br />

“IS” shares will be subject to the same conditions as<br />

“I” shares.<br />

«J» shares are intended for institutional investors<br />

within the meaning of Article 174 of the Law of 2010<br />

(«Institutional Investors») who wish to invest a minimum<br />

initial amount. This amount is specified in the<br />

annex for each compartment and is calculated for<br />

the class concerned and its corresponding classes<br />

(hedged, issued in another currency or distribution).<br />

Subscriptions in a class other than these classes will<br />

not be taken into account in calculating the initial<br />

The original French text is the legally binding version. 49

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