Temperature controller using PIC16F877A microcontroller Software is

Temperature controller using PIC16F877A microcontroller Software is

Temperature controller using PIC16F877A microcontroller Software is


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<strong>Temperature</strong> <strong>controller</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>PIC16F877A</strong> micro<strong>controller</strong><br />

<strong>Software</strong> <strong>is</strong> written in C language and compiled <strong>using</strong> HI-TECH ANSI C Compiler<br />

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br />

//program for temperature monitoring system written for <strong>PIC16F877A</strong> //<br />

//below 36.5ºC LED switches OFF //above 37.5ºC LED switches ON //<br />

//between 36.5C and 37.5 C LED Toggles ON/OFF//<br />

//timer delay~0.5sec //<br />

//10/30/09//<br />

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br />

#define LED PORTB.F1 //LED port pin<br />

#define max_count 15<br />

#define low_temp 30 //define lower temperature range<br />

#define high_temp 40 //define higher temperature range<br />

//Function declarations<br />

void send_data(unsigned char *p,unsigned char no_of_bytes);<br />

unsigned char hex_to_ascii(unsigned char number);<br />

//global variable declarations<br />

unsigned short int timer_counter=0;<br />

unsigned char mes_temp[]={"temp:"},mes_sensor[]={"sdata: "};<br />

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br />

//timer 0 ISR; increments timer_counter ; reinitializes TMR0 //<br />

//input: none output: none affected: timer_counter, TMR0,INTCON //<br />

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br />

void interrupt() //timer0 interrupt<br />

{<br />

timer_counter++; //increment counter<br />

TMR0 = 96; //reinitialize TMR0 reg<strong>is</strong>ter

INTCON.TMR0IF=0; //clear timer0 overflow interrupt flag bit<br />

}<br />

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br />

////main program starts here; reads ADC channel 0; calibrates the sensor data; //<br />

////sends to serial port //<br />

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br />

void main(void)<br />

{<br />

unsigned char sensor_data,sensor_data1,sensor_data2,high_temp_flag,low_temp_flag,med_temp_flag,i;<br />

TRISA=0xFF; //configure PORTA as input<br />

TRISB=0; //configure PORTB as output<br />

PORTA=0; //clear PORTA<br />

PORTB=0; //clear PORTB<br />

Usart_Init(9600); //initialize serial port <strong>using</strong> built in function<br />

//if built in function <strong>is</strong> not used then use bellow commented //codes to initialize serial port<br />

//SPBRG=103; //for 9600 baud rate (with 4MHz)<br />

//TXSTA=0x22; //8 bit transm<strong>is</strong>sion, asynchronous, low baud rate, no parity<br />

//RCSTA=0x90; //8 bit receive, enable serial port, no parity<br />

//PIE1.RCIE=1; //enable receive interrupt<br />

//PIE1.TXIE=1; //enable transm<strong>is</strong>sion interrupt<br />

//Configure A/D<br />

ADCON0=0x80; //Fosc/32, AN0, A/D d<strong>is</strong>abled<br />

ADCON1=0x80; //right justified, Fosc/32, analog inputs<br />

ADCON0.ADON=1; //enable ADC module<br />

OPTION_REG=0b00000111; //d<strong>is</strong>able portb pullup, -ve edge, internal clock, increment<br />

INTCON.TMR0IE=1; //enable timer0 interrupt<br />

INTCON.PEIE=1; //enable peripheral interrupts<br />

//on +ve edge, prescalar-0:256

INTCON.GIE=1; //enable global interrupt<br />

for(;;)<br />

{<br />

INTCON.TMR0IE=1; //enable timer 0 interrupt<br />

while(timer_counter!=max_count) //timer0 delay; wait till delay elapsed<br />

{asm nop;}<br />

timer_counter=0; //delay over; reinitialize counter<br />

//Delay_ms(450); //without timer delay we can use built in delay function<br />

sensor_data=Adc_Read(0); // read A/D <strong>using</strong> built in function<br />

//ADCON0.GO=1; //start A/D conversion<br />

//while(ADCON0.GO){} //wait till A/D conversion <strong>is</strong> over (1.6µS )<br />

//sensor_data=ADRESL; //get ADC data; lower byte <strong>is</strong> sufficient<br />


if(sensor_data2>high_temp) //check for temperature range<br />

{high_temp_flag=0xFF; //if temperature > 37.5ºC set high_temp_flag<br />

low_temp_flag=0;} //clear low_temp_flag<br />

else if(sensor_data2<br />

{low_temp_flag=0xFF; //if temperature<br />

high_temp_flag=0;} //clear high_temp_flag<br />

else<br />

{low_temp_flag=0;<br />

high_temp_flag=0;} //to avoid false triggering of LED clear both temp flags<br />

if(high_temp_flag==0xFF) //check flag conditions;<br />

LED=1; //if high_temp_flag <strong>is</strong> set switch ON LED<br />

//PORTB.F1=1;<br />

else if(low_temp_flag==0xFF) //if low_temp_flag <strong>is</strong> set switch OFF LED<br />

LED=0;<br />

//PORTB.F1=0;<br />

else //if temperature <strong>is</strong> in between 36.5ºC and 37.5ºC blink LED<br />

LED=~LED; //toggle LED<br />

//PORTB.F1= ~PORTB.F1;<br />


TXREG=sensor_data1; //send to serial port<br />

}<br />

}<br />

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br />

//function to convert hex number to ASCII format //<br />

unsigned char hex_to_ascii(unsigned char number)<br />

{ //if hex number <strong>is</strong> 0 to 9 add 0x30<br />


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