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<strong>ASHTAKAVARGA</strong> <strong>SYSTEM</strong> <strong>OF</strong><br />

<strong>PREDICTION</strong> (<strong>Part</strong> -<strong>35</strong>)<br />

By Dr.E.S.Neelakantan<br />

In our previous edition, we discussed the Ashtakavarga features of<br />

Venus with emphasis on marriage by use of force. Since Venus is<br />

Kalatrakaraka, our discussion was mainly centered on marriage. In this<br />

article, we will have a look at Venus from various angles to understand<br />

its impact on life.<br />

When the lord of the house occupied by the lord of the 7 th is in the 6 th<br />

or 8 th from the 7 th house and if that planet is in debilitation in an<br />

inimical house or is combust, there is no possibility of an issue.<br />

Here the discussion centers around the sign dispositor of the 7 th lord. If<br />

that planet is in the 12 th or 2 nd house from lagna and has afflictions such<br />

as combustion or enemy house placement or debilitation, there will not<br />

be birth of children.<br />

All along we have understood only the 5 th house as ruling over<br />

progeny. But here look at the connection between 7 th house and<br />

progeny and that too an indirect one. 7 th house rules over fecundity. In<br />

one sense , all houses in a chart are interconnected and one cannot<br />

predict without judging a chart in a holistic way.<br />

Here is an anecdote which shows the connection between marriage<br />

and progeny in a lighter vein . A junior officer who was conducting a<br />

census asked a person, Are you married? The answer was “No”. He<br />

then proceeded to ask the question “How many children do you<br />

have?”. The man got angry and asked the questioner to get out. The

senior officer in charge of the census asked this person to be more<br />

prudent in future. He said, first complete the query relating to children<br />

first and then ascertain marital status. The Junior officer took this<br />

advice seriously and decided to be more careful in future. Next time he<br />

asked a person, “Sir, How many children do you have?” The reply was ,<br />

“I have three kids”. The Junior officer’s next question was, “Are you<br />

married?”<br />

Once a client went to meet an astrologer. Very often we find that<br />

people who go to an astrologer for consultation are themselves very<br />

knowledgeable. This gentlemen knew the basics well but wanted to<br />

meet the astrologer to gain more clarity about the Vimsottari period in<br />

operation. The client knew that Saturn dasha was a Maraka and<br />

therefore he may not live to see Mercury dasha. His only aim was to<br />

understand how bad Saturn was going to be in its dasha. The moment<br />

he showed his chart to the astrologer , the latter remarked, Mercury is<br />

very well placed in your chart. So Mercury dasha is going to give<br />

excellent results”.” The client remarked, “Sir, I know pretty well<br />

Mercury is going to give excellent results. I just want to know whether I<br />

will be alive to see Mercury dasha.” Interestingly enough and sad to say<br />

, this gentleman was one of the victims of the fire accident in the<br />

marriage hall in Kumbakonam , which really shocked the entire country<br />

, a few years ago- he was not only running Saturn dasha but was also<br />

under the grip of Sade Sathi when the tragedy occurred.<br />

When Jupiter in transit passes through the trine houses of Venus or the<br />

lord of the 7 th , marriage takes place. The above verse shows a possible<br />

event but it is not the only possibility. When Jupiter occupies a trinal<br />

house to Venus, it aspects the Venus. Jupiter denotes divine grace ,<br />

Venus denotes spouse. One is ‘blessed” to get married when Jupiter

aspects Venus. Many people ask me this question ; ‘Is marriage a<br />

blessing or a curse?” I think every individual will have a different<br />

answer. My view is if you take these astrological views into<br />

consideration and plan your marriage at an auspicious time, it will<br />

certainly be a blessing.<br />

Many girls tell their parents : I must first finish my studies , get a<br />

decent job, start getting decent income –only then I will get married.<br />

These days stability in marriage is not something you can guarantee<br />

and a working woman is better than a housewife , if marriage were to<br />

fail. But astrologers need to think in different lines. Let us say , Jupiter is<br />

in the second from natal Moon in transit. If Jupiter were to move to the<br />

third , then the girl will not have a “good Jupiter” in transit for two<br />

years – while in 3 and 4. So it is better if marriage is conducted if<br />

Jupiter is in 2 in Gochara. The rule I quoted above will also be useful to<br />

parents of prospective brides and grooms. When Jupiter aspects the<br />

kalatrakaraka Venus , it is an auspicious time for marriage. Going with<br />

the planetary positions is like swimming with the current.<br />

Marriage of persons born in Uttarayana takes place when the Sun<br />

comes to the navamsa Rasi of Jupiter or its trines and Sun is aspected<br />

by Jupiter. For those born in Dakshinayana, the Sun should come to the<br />

navamsa rasi of Venus or its trines and should be aspected by Jupiter.<br />

I have not personally tested these rules but I would advise readers to<br />

check the veracity of these rules in charts taken up as case studies.<br />

Aristotle once said, “Women have fewer teeth than Men.” Commenting<br />

on this statement , Bertrand Russell wrote in “The Impact of Science on<br />

Society” (which was published in 1952) : “Instead of proclaiming a rule<br />

such as this one , Aristotle could have asked his wife (or rather wives, as

Aristotle was married twice ) to keep her mouth open , while he<br />

counted”. We come across several rules in astrology, but now many of<br />

us, apply these rules in charts to verify how they operate in practice?<br />

Marriage may take place when Sun is in the navamsa rasi of lagna lord<br />

aspected by Jupiter.<br />

The possible time of marriage is indicated by the author through these<br />

rules. Sun is “Atmakaraka” or ruler of self. Jupiter , Venus, Sun and the<br />

lagna lord are key indicators of marriage. The seventh house and its<br />

lord are main significators of marriage. Judgment of time of marriage<br />

involves careful perusal of all these indicators.<br />

The power of an individual chart can be increased by bringing it in<br />

association with another chart through alliance, marriage or<br />

partnership. I will give an example to prove this point. Take the case of<br />

a person who adds honey to milk and consumes it. Milk is Kapha –<br />

producing while honey is anti –kapha (or rather anti-phelgm). The<br />

problem with honey is that while decreasing phlegm it can aggravate<br />

the wind element. Milk when consumed alone can promote phlegm<br />

thereby making a person disease prone. So addition of honey to milk is<br />

ideal for health since the defects attributable to their individual<br />

qualities are neutralized by each other<br />

Likewise a boy may have reckless spending habits while a girl might be<br />

frugal. If they happen to get married , the economic condition at home ,<br />

would be beneficial to the family. The weakness in a boy’s chart must<br />

be offset by the strength of the girl’s chart and vice versa. An ideal<br />

marriage takes place when the boy and the girl have redeeming<br />

features with reference to each other;their chart should be<br />

complementary to each other

I know a case where a marriage took place with both the boy and the<br />

girl being software engineers. Both of them were good looking, had<br />

good jobs, had high income and came from decent families. For a while<br />

it seemed that both were on cloud nine. Then the usual problems<br />

cropped up, got aggravated and finally the marriage ended in a divorce.<br />

The problem here is that both the boy and the girl were egoistic. They<br />

stuck to their points of view and expected nothing short of<br />

subservience from the other partner.The weaknesses in the boy’s chart<br />

were not neutralized by the girl and vice versa. Mutual love, Mutual<br />

trust and Mutual understanding are the golden keys to success in any<br />

marriage.<br />

Even if I were to write this article , a thousand years later , I might<br />

reiterate the same views. The astrologer’s role is to figure out whether<br />

the couple would have this kind of understanding by studying the chart.<br />

Analyzing extraneous factors is not going to improve the quality of<br />

married life.<br />

With these words, I draw this article to a close. This sums up our<br />

discussion on Venus. I appeal to our readers to study these rules<br />

carefully so that they could advise their clients and friends in a better<br />

way so as to improve the standard of married life and the happiness,<br />

the couple obtain from it. In our next article , we will commence our<br />

discussion on Saturn and its role in Ashtakavarga.<br />

To be continued

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