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<strong>ASHTAKAVARGA</strong> <strong>SYSTEM</strong> <strong>OF</strong><br />

<strong>PREDICTION</strong> - <strong>Part</strong> -<strong>33</strong><br />

By Dr.E.S.Neelakantan<br />

We proceed with our analysis on the Ashtakavarga of Venus in<br />

this edition of students section. In our previous article we<br />

discussed certain qualities of an astrologer such as patience,<br />

perseverance and ability to comprehend fuzzy logic, which<br />

would enable them to interpret charts correctly.<br />

When Venus is in debilitation or is combust, has no benefic<br />

aspect and the lord of the 7 th is hemmed between malefics , the<br />

person will have three wives.<br />

The above verse needs to be understood carefully. Instead of<br />

7 th house let us say the author is explaining a verse with<br />

reference to the 2 nd house and its karaka. If the 2 nd house has a<br />

similar affliction, he would say the person will have no wealth.<br />

Since Venus is afflicted and so is the 7 th house, the author<br />

should have said , the person will be a bachelor; instead he has<br />

given the possibility of the other extreme , a person with three<br />

wives : in other words the chart holder is blessed with<br />

Tribharya yoga.<br />

The irony is that the chart holder, mentioned above is bereft of<br />

marital happiness. He has chosen to marry several times hoping

that the next girl would prove better than the earlier one and<br />

ending up disappointed each time. The important principle we<br />

need to know here is :- An afflicted Venus and an equally<br />

afflicted 7 th lord would lead to remarriage, not denial of<br />

marriage.<br />

Take the converse of the above rule ; Venus exalted, aspected<br />

by benefics and lord of the 7 th hemmed between benefics, one<br />

will have very good married life. The chart holder would be<br />

blessed with a wife who is both dutiful as well as beautiful.<br />

When the 7 th lord is in 9 , a malefic occupies 2 nd and Venus is in<br />

a common sign , one will have two wives.<br />

Please note that the subtle difference between the earlier rule<br />

and this one . Here Venus is in a common sign , while the earlier<br />

rule says Venus is in Virgo, Gemini , Pisces , and Sagittarius.<br />

Venus is afflicted in Virgo . To some extent Venus in Sagittarius<br />

is also not good . But in Pisces and Gemini, Venus is good.<br />

Hence in this rule Venus is better placed than in the earlier rule<br />

- if it is in a common sign other than Virgo.<br />

In this rule , we have the 7 th lord in the 9 which is good, unlike<br />

the earlier rule which stipulates that 7th lord should be<br />

between malefics. The negative feature of this rule is that the<br />

2 nd house should have a malefic.<br />

This rule is otherwise termed as Dwibarya yoga.

This rule drives home the point that in persons with<br />

combinations for multiple marriages, common signs become<br />

prominent. Venus as Kalatra Karaka in a dual sign predisposes<br />

a person towards remarriage. The other point, we need to<br />

understand is that a malefic in 2 can spoil marital happiness.<br />

The principle we need to know is this: The greater the affliction<br />

to Venus and the 7 th lord , the more number of times, a<br />

person will get married.<br />

Denial of marriage is indicated when the 7 th lord is incapable of<br />

conferring marriage upon a native or if there are other factors<br />

in the chart which lead to denial of marriage , such as affliction<br />

to the 12 th house , presence of Saturn in the 7 th , so on and so<br />

forth.<br />

The number of wives will be equal to the number of planets in 2<br />

and 7 , when the 2 nd house is occupied by the malefic.<br />

By enumerating the number of planets in 2 and 7 , one can<br />

predict the number of wives a person will have.<br />

For astrologers who specialise in horoscope matching, these<br />

rules are very significant. Special attention should be paid to<br />

Venus , the 2 nd house and 7 th house in a male chart , while in a<br />

female chart , houses 4,8 and 9 are also important.<br />

Here is an anecdote : A divorcee went to consult an astrologer<br />

about prospects of getting remarried. The astrologer predicted

that the native would remarry and that marriage would give<br />

happiness. The divorcee’s mother asked the astrologer : How<br />

did you conclude that this chart shows Dwibharya Yoga ? “ The<br />

astrologer replied”, By verification , I understood that Tribharya<br />

Yoga is absent ; hence I inferred the presence of Dwibharya<br />

Yoga”. The anecdote explains the rationale behind Dwibharya<br />

Yoga. If the chart is heavily afflicted, it would lead to Tribharya<br />

Yoga; medium range of affliction leads to Dwibharya Yoga .<br />

Please note that in practice, one may not come across the exact<br />

textbook rule; in many cases we find the variants of the above<br />

rules appearing in the chart.<br />

All the rules we discussed above pertain to adversities in life.<br />

This raises certain philosophical issues. While facing difficulties<br />

in life, what should we do? Accept fate as final, or pray God for<br />

mitigation of hardship? In this context I would like to narrate a<br />

story, which I read recently, which is both interesting as well as<br />

thought provoking.<br />

Once there was a sweeper in a well known temple who was<br />

sincere in his job and devoted to God. Once he had a thought :-<br />

The Lord is standing all the time and giving darshan and He<br />

must be feeling very tired. So one day innocently he asked the<br />

Lord whether he can take the place of the Lord for a day so that<br />

the Lord can have some rest.

The deity of the temple replied, “I do not mind taking a break. I<br />

will transform you like Myself , but you must do one thing ; You<br />

must just stand here like Me , smile at everyone and just give<br />

benedictions. Do not interfere with anything and do not say<br />

anything. Remember you are the deity and you must have faith<br />

in the Sovereign Truth that I have a master plan for everything.”<br />

The sweeper agreed to this proposal.<br />

The next day the sweeper took the position of the deity .First a<br />

rich man came and prayed to the Lord. He offered a big<br />

donation and prayed that his business should do well . While<br />

going, the rich man inadvertently left his wallet there. Now the<br />

sweeper in the form of deity could not call him and so he<br />

decided to keep quiet.<br />

Just then a poor man came and he put one coin in the Hundi<br />

and said that it was all he could afford and he prayed to the<br />

Lord that he should continue to be engaged in Lord’s service.<br />

He also said that his family was in dire need of some basic<br />

needs but he left that to the Lord for a possible solution.<br />

When he opened his eyes, he saw the wallet left by the rich<br />

man. The poor man thanked the Lord for His kindness and took<br />

the wallet away. The sweeper in the form of the Deity could not<br />

say anything and he had to just keep smiling.<br />

At that point a sailor walked in. He prayed for his safe journey<br />

as he was going on a long trip. Just then the rich man came with

the police and said that somebody has stolen his wallet and<br />

seeing the sailor there, he asked the police to arrest him<br />

thinking that he might have taken it.<br />

Now the sweeper in the form of Deity wanted to say that the<br />

sailor was not the thief but he could not say so and hence got<br />

frustrated. The sailor looked at the Lord and asked why he, an<br />

innocent person, is being punished whereas the rich man<br />

thanked God for finding the thief.<br />

The sweeper in the Deity form could no more tolerate and he<br />

thought that even if the real Lord had been here, he would<br />

have definitely interfered and therefore started speaking and<br />

said that the sailor was not the thief but it was poor man who<br />

had taken the wallet away. The rich man was very thankful as<br />

also the sailor.<br />

At night, the Lord came and asked the sweeper how the day<br />

was. The sweeper said, “I thought it would be easy, but now I<br />

know that your job is not easy” .I did one good thing today<br />

and gave an account of the day’s proceedings to the Lord. The<br />

Lord got upset on hearing this whereas the sweeper had<br />

expected appreciation from Him for his noble gesture.The Lord<br />

asked, “Why did you not just stick to the plan? You had no faith<br />

in me. Do you think that I do not understand the mind of all<br />

those who come here? The donation which the rich man gave<br />

was all stolen money and it is only a fraction of what he really

had and he wants me to reciprocate his gesture without any<br />

limit. The coin offered by the poor man was the last coin he had<br />

and he gave it out of faith. The sailor has not done anything<br />

wrong, but if he were to go in the ship that night he would die<br />

when the ship sinks in the High Seas due to a cyclonic storm.<br />

Had the sailor been arrested he would be in jail and would be<br />

saved from an impending disaster. Had the wallet gone to the<br />

poor man he would have used it for a noble cause. I intended to<br />

reduce the rich man’s karma by depriving him of the money in<br />

the wallet .Simultaneously I would have saved the sailor’ life.<br />

Mine was a three-in-one plan: To mitigate the rich man’s<br />

karma,to reward the poor man and save the sailor.But you<br />

undid everything because you thought you were wiser than me.<br />

The moral of the story is simple: God’s Will is supreme and no<br />

human being can really comprehend the mind of God. As the<br />

saying goes,” Inscrutable are the ways of destiny”<br />


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