Tandy - TRS-80 Color Computer Archive

Tandy - TRS-80 Color Computer Archive

Tandy - TRS-80 Color Computer Archive


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Learning DOS ......... 114 R:BASE5000 73 WordPerfect 123<br />

Leather Goddesses of Phobos 87 R:BASE System V 73 WordPerfect, Junior .123<br />

Let's C 111 R Office 104 WordPerfect Library 105<br />

Lode Runner .87 Reader Rabbit 79 WordPerfect Network 123<br />

Lotus1-2-3 •s--r':--Ai;ii<br />

1 l! ReafWorld Accounts Payable 61 Word Pieces:Level #1 82<br />

Lovejoy's Preparation for the GMAT 78 RealWorld Accounts Receivable 61 WordStar 2000 Plus 123<br />

Loyeipys Preparation for the SAT 78 RealWorld General Ledger 61 WordStar Professional Release 4 123<br />

MAI Accounts Payable ..., 57 RealWorld Inventory Control 61 Words & Figures 123<br />

MAI Accounts Receivable 57 RealWorld Job Cost 61 World TdurGolf 94<br />

MAI Business Basic/Micro 111 RealWorld Order Entry/Billing 61 XENIX Tutor 115<br />

MAI Financial Statements 57 RealWorld Payroll 62 XTREE 118<br />

MAI Fixed Assets 57 RealWorld Purchase Order 62 ZorkI 94<br />

MAI General Ledger 58 Real World Sales Analysis 62 Zork Trilogy 94<br />

MAI Inventory Control 58 Reflex 73 _ . . „ .<br />

MAI Multi-Company Upgrade 58 RM/FORTRAN 111 POCKet <strong>Computer</strong> 1<br />

MAIOrderEntry 58 Robot Odyssey <strong>80</strong> PmHurt Pan.<br />

MAI Payroll 58 Rooky's Boots <strong>80</strong> rmmx Page<br />

MAI Purchase Orders 5& RPM Software Residential Aviation ?97<br />

MAI Report Writer 5J Property Management 100 Banners 94<br />

MAI Sales Analysis 58 Ruby the Scene Machine: The Farm <strong>80</strong> Business Finance 66<br />

Managing for Success 108 Ruby the Scene Machine: Main Street <strong>80</strong> Business Statistics 105<br />

Managing Your Money 108 Ruby the Scene Machine: Safari <strong>80</strong> Calendars 107<br />

Marble Madness 88 Sargonm 91 Chemistry Math 105<br />

Math Shop 79 SCO XENIX Complete 106 Civil Engineering 98<br />

Medical Office System 99 SCO XENIX Operating System 106 Electrical Engineering I 105<br />

MenuManager 99 SCRIPSIT 121 Games 86<br />

MGI/CADD 95 CAMAM Pttiafi nf f±*\M OH GSUTtSS P&k 86<br />

MICA Accounts Payable 58 f^iS? 68 G ai GoW rtenoicapp ng '. 86<br />

MICA Accounts Receivable 59 fSHfif i?i HoraeRai»Xalyst 87<br />

MICA Applications Manager 59 §**«* "J. Matt«DriM.. . 79<br />

MICA General Ledger 59 lEBft^i S Pe^onal Finance ! i i ! i ! 109<br />

M!8»® Con ! ro !.:::::::::::::::::::::i feJK.-«i-^-ihi-::::::::::::::::ig asta* %<br />

BSSSS? "•"*'' S aSrffi:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::& tZ^Tr.::::::::::::::::::::::::^<br />

MICA productivity interface 59 §£3 KSjLn In Pocket <strong>Computer</strong> 2<br />

MICA Sales Invoking 60 S^ed Reader U <strong>80</strong> H<br />

Mickey's Space Adventure 79 |Pf» •« ••*> Product Page<br />

M!Si c "S ton • • •••—2 Is .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i?7 Business Finance ee<br />

SfiSoftChST 65 SteFFIight 92 Flight Planning 98<br />

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iS^rsuX 9 ::::::::::::::::::::::::^ SSSSto-:::::::::::::::::::::::i5<br />

M^milf ftft SuperCalc4 114 Math PakI 105<br />

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El« n^::::::::::::::::::::: i ffi««ta:::::::::::::::::::::8 SBSBSS«S5.-::::::::::::::::::::::::.»<br />

KrkfSSrier ::::::::::::::::::::::::::68 £? r !?»g TatB6 1 °?, Pocket computer 3<br />

KlAhunrk Prnfilo 71 l6ieC0miTlUl©r DO<br />

KlwSnastw 75 Telecommuter Plus 68 Product Page<br />

Nine Princes in Amber 88 S^^ff"* S Aviation 97<br />

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S5.^::::::::::::::::::::::::::S S^=^E=U<br />

gfgjg 0 J fflSEw*':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" SSffi? 01 "" SB •<br />

aSKSi-i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- figg?-*—* IS! SSSVM«,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::!«<br />

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PC Paintbrush* 95 Trac Une Distributing 101 uUL«n«J2iBKi£» o?<br />

pcwote ""::::::::":•::::::::::::• Tracune integrated Accounting 64 5Shi55^ceAnalyst %<br />

Pe^fctheCaseofthe TracUne Purchase Orders 64 ^S^tj.ii^-[; | [ [11 ] ] ]:;;; ];;:; I; I:;; i^<br />

Mandarin Murder 89 I2fj£i5 etailin9 J22 RealEstate 100<br />

Personal Accounting 108 TOS^.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. 1^ USSS^"** jg<br />

pfs:graph 66 <strong>TRS</strong>CROSS 117 Surveying 100<br />

pfs:Professional File 72 Turbo Database Toolbox 118 TaildV 102<br />

pfs:report 72 Turbo Editor Toolbox 118 _ . .<br />

PFS:Rrst Choice 103 Turbo Gameworks 93 Product Page<br />

PFS:First Publisher 75 Turbo Lightning 122 Assemhi«r/n«hNnnAr ina<br />

PFS:Rrst Publisher Personal Graphics 75 TurboPascal 112 itarCndaDrivare i«<br />

PFS:Professional Network 103 Turbo Tutor 115 SrCode Writer ill<br />

PFS:ProfesstonalPlan 113 Tycoon 93 CatcSator 105<br />

PFS:Professional Write 120 Type! 81 DataManaoer 70<br />

PicMonary 79 Typing Tutor m 81 DfekPhaT lie<br />

PlanPerfect 113 Ultimate 7 in 1, The 104 Steracfiv^Solutionk ioi<br />

Portal 90 Universal Sign-Up Kit 69 interactive Solutions 102<br />

PowerBase 72 Varsity SCRIPSIT 122 Model 100 interface 71<br />

Precedent Docket Control System. The 100 VENK 86 System 5 107 MuKtolanT 102<br />

Precedent Legal Accounting System, The 100 VersaCAD Advanced 96 RemoteDisk lie<br />

PrintMasterPlus 76 VersaCAD5.1 96 Sardine 120<br />

PrintMaster Plus Art Gallery I 76 VersaCAD Entry-Level 96 SCRIPSIT iob " 191<br />

PrintMasterPlus Art Gallery n 76 VESTOR 109 ItertSlOO 92<br />

Print Shop, The 76 Videotex 69 SuDer TOM • iru<br />

Print Shop Graphics Library VOLKSWRITER 3.0 122 T-SackuD 117<br />

Holiday Edition, The 76 Volkswriter Deluxe Plus 122 T-V^<strong>80</strong> 117<br />

Professional DeskMate 103 Volkswriter Scientific 122 TandvCode ReadJwrita 117<br />

^Sher 96 " 160 . 1 .::::::::::::::::::::: 1^ »»ttl^Mai-:::::::::::::{S iSgSM2ft(^-::::::::::::: g<br />

?P & JX!V:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. 1 | S^e^.^Sn^X- ::::::::S aBSL«3jS" ::::::::::::::::::::::3 2<br />

Quartet 60 WINDOWS ...VV. 107 wmTERO*?<br />

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Quicken windowsRIer 74 WRn 123<br />

RankandFilel Rags to Riches3 PayiWes Receivables Ledger Pack ...60 73 Wishbringer Winter Winnie WordAttack Windows Games the Spell Pooh 81,93 123 "0UUCI Bar *.-» Code ?HOM Drivers Writer <strong>Tandy</strong> '••••••"" 200<br />

11549 n~. rage<br />


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