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Procedure scope: Evaluation of European databases for studies evaluating the risk of hypersensitivity<br />

reactions in users of intravenous iron compounds (database feasibility evaluation report), literature<br />

review of ferumoxytol and other IV iron containing medicinal products and hypersensitivity reactions,<br />

annual cumulative reviews of hypersensitivity reactions for IV iron-containing medicinal products<br />

MAH(s): various<br />

Background<br />

Intravenous (IV) iron containing products, nationally authorised medicinal products, are indicated in<br />

the treatment of iron deficiency when the oral route is insufficient or poorly tolerated especially in CKD<br />

patients (hemodialysis), but also in pre- or post-operative situations, or in case of intestinal absorption<br />

disorders.<br />

As part of the outcome of the Article 31 referral procedure on intravenous iron-containing medicinal<br />

products (EMEA/H/A-31/1322), the MAHs were requested to conduct a post-authorisation safety study<br />

(PASS) to further characterise the safety concerns relating to serious hypersensitivity reactions.<br />

To address this request, a consortium of MAHs of IV iron compounds has been established with the<br />

objective of assessing the feasibility of conducting a European multinational PASS on the utilisation of<br />

IV iron compounds and the risk of serious hypersensitivity reactions among users of IV iron<br />

compounds, to be conducted in several existing population-based automated health care data sources.<br />

A common protocol synopsis for the PASS feasibility assessment was submitted to the National<br />

Competent Authorities (NCAs) by each concerned MAH of each IV iron medicinal product within their<br />

RMP submission.<br />

France, who was Rapporteur for the Article 31 referral procedure on intravenous iron-containing<br />

medicinal products (EMEA/H/A-31/1322), requested the advice of the PRAC on this feasibility study<br />

report.<br />

Summary of advice and conclusion(s)<br />

Based on the review of the available information the PRAC agreed that whilst the MAHs are correct that<br />

there are limitations when evaluating the risk of anaphylaxis in the databases identified, other<br />

databases need to be considered as does the possibility to complement data from healthcare databases<br />

with information to be obtained through other methods. The PRAC supported the Rapporteur’s view on<br />

the feasibility of the study and supported the Rapporteur’s comments regarding the anticipated sample<br />

size and ways to enhance it, the frequency of anaphylaxis / hypersensitivity reactions, as well as the<br />

need for case verification in this particular study.<br />

12. Organisational, regulatory and methodological matters<br />

12.1. Mandate and organisation of the PRAC<br />

<br />

Implementation of new Committee’s agenda template<br />

The EMA Secretariat presented the new Committee’s agenda template. This initiative is to harmonise<br />

the agenda templates for all the EMA committees. The new template will be used as of April 2015.<br />

12.2. Pharmacovigilance audits and inspections<br />

12.2.1. Pharmacovigilance Systems and their Quality Systems<br />

None<br />

Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC)<br />

EMA/PRAC/257790/2015 Page 54/89

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