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emergency - Computer Science


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Kiddie<br />

Kash<br />

K<br />

ll<br />

nsls<br />

For<br />

a long time, students and staff<br />

at the university fought for the<br />

right to have a creche which would<br />

enable working or student parents<br />

to be ensured of proper day-care<br />

for their young children.<br />

This year the university opened a<br />

creche which cares for children<br />

from ages 6 months to 3 years.The<br />

SRC, as well as certain other<br />

individuals and organisations rep<br />

resented on the creche management<br />

committee. believes- that the<br />

present creche fees (subsidized by<br />

the University Council) of Rl40<br />

per month (with three subsidized<br />

places at R100) are above the<br />

affordable level for most<br />

university students, as well as<br />

workers and certain other<br />

members of staff.<br />

However, to continue our efforts<br />

to achieve lower creche fees, it is<br />

very important that students,<br />

academic and other university staff<br />

who would be interested<br />

using<br />

he creche faciiities contact us:<br />

We need to know whether you<br />

knew of this facility before reading<br />

this letter, whether you can afford<br />

the fees, whether you have<br />

transport to take your children to<br />

the creche, which is in Parktown,<br />

and whether you would like to<br />

make any additional comments or<br />

suggestions.<br />

For example, piuents may want to<br />

arrange a co-operative transport<br />

system, or may be willing to<br />

provide voluntary assistance to the<br />

creche to reduce costs.<br />

Please contact SRC Women's<br />

Pordoiio at 7l{-3101 or ar SRC<br />

Viva Wits<br />

As a disciple of the teachings of<br />

Jesus Christ, Gandhi and Martin<br />

Luther King, and as an ardent<br />

supporter of the Freedom Charter<br />

and the democratic struggle, I<br />

would like to add my opinions to<br />

thos already flying around<br />

concerning the even8 of May 30.<br />

-By<br />

adopting a<br />

non-violend Gandhian model of<br />

presenting ourselves, in waves of<br />

30, for afiest we immediateiy<br />

attained an immense moral<br />

advantage over the oppressors.<br />

Our strength in the National<br />

shuggle, internationally, has<br />

always been our moral advantage<br />

over the Boer 4b We only<br />

maintain this advantage as long as<br />

we do not sink to their leve-.<br />

The strength of non-violent<br />

action lies in the refusal oi<br />

participants to retaliate even, in the<br />

extreme, to the point of death.<br />

This is perhaps the most difficult<br />

course to take, for it requires far<br />

more than just an emotional<br />

commitment to the cause, it<br />

requlres also a strong spiritual<br />

aspect. It also involves a. negation<br />

of the traditional methods of<br />

dehumanising one's opponents -<br />

something that Boer nationaiism<br />

has refined to an art - instead one<br />

must recognise the humanity of the<br />

enemy and thus refuse to commit<br />

against him the violence which he<br />

commits.<br />

Our strong moral foundation<br />

crumbled when we retaliated. in<br />

our anger, againsthese men. With<br />

the first stone all our justification<br />

was destroyed and a vital statement<br />

againstyranny made a mockery.<br />


Boo Wits<br />

Not being of your university, I<br />

felt it my dufy to comment on the<br />

activities on your c:rmpus which to<br />

say the least, I find disturbing.<br />

Reading the thoroughly biased<br />

and one-sided articles in the 3 June<br />

issue of Wits Student, I shall be<br />

very surprised if this letter appears<br />

in your publication, since I would<br />

presume that an editorial staff<br />

which presents such a unilateral,<br />

subjective and narrow viewpoint,<br />

would not be interested in<br />

aconcepts which we of the Western<br />

world call "Freedom of Soeech" -<br />

perhaps if I was a black student,<br />

who submitted a story about the<br />

police attacking me, you would<br />

print the ietter...?<br />

Having said that, I would also<br />

like to say I know apartheid is<br />

unjust, and I know the government<br />

is unjustified in some (and I say<br />

some - not all) of its actions. To<br />

speak plainly however, if students<br />

ask for shit, shit is what they'll get!<br />

Police beating students as a<br />

unique concept is most obviously<br />

wrong. Police beating students<br />

which are merely peacefully<br />

protesting is also most assuredly<br />

wrong. But police beating student<br />

which are (a) attacking the police,<br />

(b) holding illegal gatherings, (c)<br />

disturbing the normal life of other<br />

students, (d) inciting crowds and<br />

(e) obstructing traffic flow in<br />

Johannesburg streets maY not be<br />

totally unyustified" Some sort of<br />

resEaint must quite obviousiy be<br />

placed on these troublesome<br />

students, if only for the sake of<br />

keeping our civilisation intact.<br />

At our faculty of Veterinary<br />

<strong>Science</strong> we lay hold of a concept<br />

which seems to be fgreign to the<br />

Wits campus. Rather than playing<br />

foolish political games, whilst<br />

being sponsored by large imageseeking.companies<br />

and failing our<br />

exams we have a thing called<br />

woRK, (spelt w-o-R-K). This<br />

has to do with studying towards a<br />

worthwhile degree, and studying<br />

properly and continuously until we<br />

itaue titis degree. PerhaPs the<br />

students of Wits, which cause so<br />

much trouble, so often, should stoP<br />

worrying about issues which don't<br />

concern them and rather utilise<br />

their intelligence in an academic<br />

playground which the univenitY, I<br />

am led to believe, does offer to<br />

those who seek it.<br />

Anyone wishing to rePly to this<br />

letter should write to:<br />

The Editor<br />

onderstepoort students"<br />

Newspaper<br />

c/oBox 12409<br />


0110<br />


Bu rad<br />

knows<br />

best<br />

Your recent article on the<br />

"Crescent in Crisis" contains a<br />

number of inaccuracies and I<br />

would like to set the record<br />

sftaight.<br />

Burad Securities Limited has<br />

purchased "The Crescent" for R2<br />

million and not R4 milion as stated<br />

in vour article. This is conditional<br />

on-the purchaser applying for and<br />

obtaining amendment of the Town<br />

Planning Scheme and the removai<br />

of any restrictive conditions<br />

ralating to "The Crescent" in order<br />

to change is zoning. The sale does<br />

not include the Wits" squash<br />

courts.<br />

The Crescent building requires<br />

extenslve repairs and would cost<br />

the university a considerable<br />

amount of money if renovations<br />

were to be undertaken. At the<br />

same time the university wishes to<br />

pursue the development of the<br />

Student Village in Parktown near<br />

the Ernest Oppenheimer Hall.<br />

Normally it is likely to be many<br />

years before the funds become<br />

available for this development. At<br />

the time the university received an<br />

offer for the "The Crescent" it<br />

appeared to be an oppoffunity to<br />

replace a dilapidated University<br />

residence with a modern exciting<br />

ventue in student housing.<br />

Shouid the saie be completed the<br />

proceeds from the sale will enable<br />

the university to rehouse ail the<br />

residents from "The Crescent" and<br />

a considerable number of other<br />

students in more satisfactory<br />

accommodation than at present.<br />

Under the circumstances the<br />

objections raised by you are not in<br />

the best interests of students.<br />


Director<br />

Division of Information<br />

Public Affairs.<br />

We apologise for any factual<br />

inaccuracies in the report. We<br />

maintain however, that many<br />

students are opposed to the<br />

demolition of the Crescent.<br />

tGt f \rE l Et mffimffitFtinn<br />

&<br />

Gampus<br />

unity at<br />

stake<br />

Campus unity had been at its<br />

shongest point in a long time with<br />

a broad united base voicing joint<br />

opposition to a number of issues,<br />

including police presence on<br />

campus<br />

Then, the Muslim Students'<br />

Association $4SA) decided to hold<br />

an exlibition declaring their unity<br />

and solidarity with the Palestinian<br />

"oppressed" peoples of the Middle<br />

East. This display of what I<br />

consider to be violent and<br />

pernicious Anti/Semitism took<br />

place on the last day of the second<br />

term, June 6.<br />

it was claimed that the reason for<br />

the display occuring on this day<br />

was that this day was the<br />

International Palestinian Solidarity<br />

day, but I'would like o suggest that<br />

if any solidarity had really been<br />

wanted to be expressed, that<br />

another day would have been<br />

chosen, and lot the last day of<br />

tenn, a day which-I consider ,was<br />

chosen so as to provoke<br />

antagonism, more than to educate.<br />

I do not claim to be an exoerr on<br />

the Middle Easrern situation and I<br />

cherish the right of Freedom ;of<br />

Speech on campus, but at the same<br />

time, I think that any acts such as<br />

the issuing pf violentlyAnti/Semitic<br />

propaganda materials, and the<br />

painting of the Palestinian (?) flag<br />

on the graffiti wall, an act that the<br />

arbitration committee had not<br />

agreed to, are only designed to<br />

enflame the feelings of any Jewish<br />

srudent on campus. This, I feel is<br />

not the role of the university and it<br />

is a great pity, that in times of<br />

crises in South Africa that certain<br />

groups feel it necessary to stir<br />

naiscent hatreds and thereby split<br />

the campus into two distinct<br />

groups, something very<br />

unnecessarv.<br />

I would furthermore like to<br />

commend all the Jewish students<br />

involved in Friday's occurences,<br />

for I think that the way in which<br />

they were able to discuss a response<br />

and prevent any violence from<br />

erupting was commendable.<br />

Tensions were indeed running<br />

high, and the fact that the entire<br />

affair could be dealt with nonviolently<br />

should be taken as an<br />

example of successful student<br />

negotiations.<br />


I question the Palestinian flag<br />

being painted on the graffiti wall,<br />

for the flag that was painted, was<br />

NOT the Palestinian flag, which<br />

has some yellow in the black<br />

triangle, but the Jordanian flag<br />

(Well, never mind).<br />


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