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emergency - Computer Science


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il IITU'P f Efif I T'I'58 E EFSEffiil<br />

The shape of things<br />

Repression is the key to establishing the new Regional Services<br />

Councils - building blocks for a future apartheidsociety.<br />

According to leading SADF<br />

figures, the SADF's new combat<br />

plane, the Cheetah, compares<br />

favourably with the best in the<br />

world in terms of its speed,<br />

weapons systems and<br />

monoeuvrability.<br />

The unveiling of the Cheetah last<br />

week served as a morale booster<br />

for government supporters and<br />

right wingers generally.<br />

At the same time it provided a<br />

sobering insight into how the<br />

government intends to pave the<br />

way forward to the future of peace<br />

and prosperity which government<br />

leaders continue to talk about.<br />

Whilst &e Cheetah may appear to<br />

be invincible, the governments<br />

reform plans do not present a<br />

similar pi*ure of infallibiiity.<br />

Reform, in case you've<br />

forgotten, is the process by which<br />

PW Botha undertook to lead all<br />

South Africans towards a future of<br />

murual goodwill and stability.<br />

Considering the prevailing<br />

circumstances, you might be<br />

forgiven for being under the<br />

'reform'<br />

impression that the<br />

process had fallen by the wayside.<br />

In fact 'reform' continues and<br />

has in many ways picked up in pace<br />

over the course of the past year.<br />

RSC's<br />

One of the key elements of the<br />

govemments reform package is the<br />

proposed creation of Regional<br />

Service Councils (RSCs).<br />

Understanding how the proposed<br />

RSCs fit in with other recent steps<br />

taken by the government, such as<br />

the scrapping of the pass laws, the<br />

disbanding of the regional<br />

Cevelopment boards, the creation<br />

of new Executive Commrrrees as<br />

substitutes for the Provincial<br />

Councils, and the adoption of what<br />

the government describes as a<br />

policy of 'orderly urbanisation', is<br />

essential to understanding the long<br />

term future that the government<br />

envisages for South Africa.<br />

The RSCs are envisaged as multiracial<br />

co-ordinating bodies for the<br />

frnancing and provision of services<br />

in South Africa's metroooiitan<br />

regions.<br />

Each RSC is to be made up of<br />

representatives appointed by the<br />

various racially autonomous local<br />

authorities (municipalities) in the<br />

area for which it is responsible.<br />

The RSCs will be responsible for<br />

hard services' (housing, ftansport,<br />

water, electricity, sewerage), while<br />

local authorities continue to<br />

administer<br />

soft<br />

The scars of the revolt<br />

imposed taxes.<br />

services'(eg.parks ).<br />

Thus for example, an RSC for<br />

the Witwatersrand metropolitan<br />

area, would, as the government<br />

envisages, be composed of<br />

representatives from each of t-he<br />

local ccuncils or municipalities -<br />

black, 'coloured'. Indian and<br />

white, in the area.<br />

Each local authority will be<br />

allowed to nominate one<br />

representative to the RSC for eaclllVo<br />

(or part thereof) of the RSC<br />

provided services which it<br />

consumes.<br />

As a result, from the start,<br />

representation on the RSCs will be<br />

weighted in favour of areas which<br />

consume the highest proportion of<br />

services (ie mainly white areas).<br />

For the RSCs to work,<br />

functioning municipal bodies have<br />

to be in existence. At the moment<br />

'coloureds', Indians and most<br />

blacks do not have autonomous<br />

municipal bodies to represent<br />

them.<br />

Rejected<br />

It is worth noting that existing<br />

local authority structures, other<br />

than in white areas, have been<br />

widely rejected by the communities<br />

whom they are supposed to<br />

represent. In the Eastern Cape, for<br />

example, nearly 70 percent of the<br />

50 black councils are nonfunctional<br />

because they have been<br />

totally rejected by the<br />

communities. At present, onlv<br />

response to local authority<br />

those who are regarded as<br />

collaborators with the apartheid<br />

system have been prepared to<br />

associate themselves with the<br />

councils.<br />

The RSCs will be tunded by a tax<br />

on salaries and a tax on total<br />

turnover both of which are to be<br />

paid by employers,<br />

This 'indirect' approach to<br />

taxation is designed to avoid the<br />

kind of upheavels that resulted<br />

from the resistance of black<br />

communities to direct taxes<br />

imposed on them by the black local<br />

authorities.<br />

Although those taxes will not be<br />

allowed to be deducted from wages<br />

or passed on to prices, this is what<br />

will inevitably happen in the long<br />

run. In the end, black township<br />

dwellers, many of them already<br />

facing the direst poverty, will bear<br />

the brunt of financing the RSCs.<br />

Through the RScs the<br />

government hopes to achieve a<br />

number of objectives.<br />

Uiban revolt<br />

Whilsr in the past it had hoped<br />

that township dwellers would<br />

finance the provision of services in<br />

their own townships, the urban<br />

revolt of the past few years has<br />

shown this approach to be<br />

unworkable.<br />

Through the RSCs the<br />

government intends to provide a<br />

broader base for financing the<br />

development of township services.<br />

The structure and financing of the<br />

RSCs , and in particular their<br />

multi-racial nature, is intended to<br />

ensure at least a slightly improved<br />

source of revenue for financins the<br />

townships.<br />

Thus. while on the one hand the<br />

government continues in its<br />

intention of absolving itself from<br />

responsibility for financing<br />

township growth, on the other<br />

hand it hopes to defuse the<br />

township revolt by involving<br />

township dwellers in these<br />

relatively powerless strucfures and<br />

by making living conditions in the<br />

townships slightly more tolerable.<br />

With the major black political<br />

organisations set firmly against<br />

anything other than unified nonracial<br />

municipalities in a united and<br />

democratic South Africa. it is<br />

unlikely that black Sou& Africans<br />

will see the RSCs as anything other<br />

than yet another apartheid body<br />

imposed on them from above.<br />

Coupled with rhis is the fact that<br />

:here is very little to suggest that<br />

:he RSCs will substantially<br />

;redistribute resources to finance<br />

rrrban development in the black<br />

townships. What redistribution<br />

does occur is iikely to benefit only<br />

small sectors of the black urban<br />

population.<br />

Thus, even before the first RSC<br />

has been established government<br />

plans for third tier government -<br />

the RSCs and the local authorities -<br />

appear to be based on extremely<br />

uncertain ground.<br />

Second tier<br />

Second tier government is also<br />

being subjected to major<br />

rFcfnrahrrino<br />

Evidence is that the existing<br />

provincial structures are to be reorganised<br />

into eight (or nine) new<br />

'developmental regions'. These<br />

new 'provinces' will, it appears,<br />

cross-cut existing provincial and<br />

banrustan boundaries.<br />

ln the past the four provincial<br />

councils have been responsible<br />

primarily for white affairs while<br />

13'development boards' regulated<br />

black urban Iife on the second tier.<br />

Now the white elected provincial<br />

councils and the government<br />

appointed development boards are<br />

being scrapped. In their place State<br />

President PW Botha has appointed<br />

mult-racial executive councils<br />

(Exco's) for each of the provinces.<br />

Transitional<br />

The Excos are responsible only<br />

to the government, It appears that<br />

(continued overleaf)

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