Africa Market Update -December 2014

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MARKET UPDATE – AFRICA | November <strong>2014</strong><br />


Improving Ethiopia-Egypt Relations<br />

In line with our July <strong>2014</strong> forecast, relations<br />

between Ethiopia and Egypt have improved<br />

following the ascendance of Abdel Fattah el<br />

Sisi to power in June <strong>2014</strong>. The November<br />

<strong>2014</strong> Ethio-Egypt Joint Ministerial Commission<br />

meeting is reported to have concluded<br />

with the signing of a slew of Memoranda of<br />

Understanding. The two are now expected<br />

to strengthen bilateral and trade ties, especially<br />

in view of mounting terror threat<br />

in the region stemming from Somalia and<br />

an unstable South Sudan. Improved relations<br />

between the two states places Ethiopia<br />

at a favourable position in implementing<br />

the construction of the Grand Renaissance<br />

Dam, expected to be pivotal in shaping investors’<br />

long-term outlook.<br />

In the earlier phase of <strong>2014</strong>, Ethiopia and<br />

Egypt suffered acrimonious relations as the<br />

construction of the dam was widely perceived<br />

as offensive to the latter owing to<br />

River Nile being one of its key national resources.<br />


Agency Banking Heralds New Dawn<br />

The planned roll out of agency banking<br />

marks a significant stride in deepening<br />

financial inclusion. The immediate economic<br />

dividend of agency banking will be<br />

enhanced access of formal banking to consumers<br />

while eliminating brick and mortar<br />

cost for banks. This will accelerate mobility<br />

of money within the economy, facilitating<br />

the transfer of resources from points of excess<br />

to points of need. With its private sector<br />

credit to GDP ratio at 14.0%, Ethiopia underperforms<br />

Sub-Saharan <strong>Africa</strong>’s average<br />

of 23.0% 10 . Constrained access to credit and<br />

formal financial services has undermined<br />

Ethiopia’s economic growth pulse and can<br />

be rectified going forward.<br />

Commercial Bank Penetration<br />


Investors could benefit from the second phase of the Growth<br />

and Transformation Plan (2015 – 2020) as the government<br />

prioritizes cost-effective energy generation. The plan to invest<br />

USD 20.0 billion through the five year period in establishing up<br />

to twelve new generating plants could see the country augment<br />

its position as the hub of cost-effective energy in the region.<br />

Ethiopia’s average energy tariff is USD 0.06 and USD 0.08<br />

per kilowatt hour for residential and commercial, respectively.<br />

This compares favourably against Kenya’s USD 0.23 and USD<br />

0.16 9 for residential and commercial, respectively.<br />

Economies in the region are investing considerably in the<br />

energy sector with a view to scaling down the cost of business<br />

operation.<br />

Source: IMF Data <strong>2014</strong>, StratLink <strong>Africa</strong><br />

The country’s pioneer agency banking is<br />

slated to be rolled out before end of <strong>December</strong><br />

<strong>2014</strong> by Dashen Bank S.C. United<br />

Bank S.C. has also announced plans to have<br />

in place the same platform before the start<br />

of 2015. Dashen Bank anticipates the cost of<br />

service delivery through agency banking to<br />

be 50.0% cheaper than through established<br />

branches. The potential cost reduction and<br />

ease of market expansion is expected to<br />

lure other banks to take up agency banking<br />

in the coming years.<br />

9 International Renewable Energy Agency 2013 10 World Bank Second Economic <strong>Update</strong> 2013<br />

24 | StratLink <strong>Africa</strong> Ltd.<br />


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