CX20662 App Note 1 - PCB Layout Guidelines APN ... - Codico

CX20662 App Note 1 - PCB Layout Guidelines APN ... - Codico

CX20662 App Note 1 - PCB Layout Guidelines APN ... - Codico


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<strong>CX20662</strong> <strong>PCB</strong> <strong>Layout</strong> <strong>Guidelines</strong><br />

Revision 1.0<br />

November 24, 2008<br />

These layout guidelines reference component and net names from the Conexant CX-9Z-NR0340-00-1.X reference<br />

design. It is recommended to have the CX-9Z-NR0340-00-1.X schematic and G600Z-NR0340-00-1.0 Allegro<br />

layout files available while reading this document.<br />

Component Placement<br />

<strong>CX20662</strong> Analog<br />

Component placement guidelines are listed below in order of priority. Analog signals have priority over digital<br />

signals. The <strong>CX20662</strong> device should be oriented such that the analog signals are as short as possible. Analog and<br />

digital sections should be separated as much as possible.<br />

1. Place microphone circuit (J12, R406, C401, R42, C218) as close to U4 as possible.<br />

2. Place speaker circuit (J10, J405, C25, C34, C36, C200-C201, R200-R201, L20-L21, and R10, R11) as<br />

close to U4 as possible.<br />

3. Place headphone circuit (J404, C49, R44, R432, C216) as close to U4 as possible.<br />

4. Place volume control circuit (R29, R54, C27, C31) close to U4, pin 14.<br />

<strong>CX20662</strong> Digital<br />

Component placement guidelines are listed below in order of priority.<br />

1. Current sense resistor, R428, must be placed as close as possible to U4. It is critical that the traces<br />

from R428 to U4 be as short and wide as possible to minimize trace impedance. R428 is used to sense<br />

an overcurrent event and large trace impedances will affect the overcurrent trigger point.<br />

2. Place crystal circuit as close to U4, pins 6 and 7 as possible.<br />

3. Place decoupling caps (C8-C14, C21) as close to the appropriate pins on U4 as possible.<br />

4. Place remaining digital components in such a way as to minimize trace lengths.<br />

DAA<br />

The DAA circuit is shown on page 4 of the schematic. All components to the right of T1 need to be placed inside a<br />

3mm isolation barrier. See G600Z-NR0340-00-1.0 Allegro layout file for an example. Components to the left of T1<br />

should be placed near T1.<br />

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Conexant Systems, Inc.

Critical Trace Widths, Lengths, and Clearances<br />

Analog<br />

The following signals should be routed as differential pairs and shielded from other signals by GND. No GND<br />

between the differential pair. Trace width shall be 20 mils, spacing between differential pair signals shall be 10<br />

mils, and spacing to AGND shield shall be 15 mils. Trace lengths shall be as short as possible. These signals are<br />

the most critical in this design.<br />

• SPK+/-, SPK1+/-, SPK2+/-<br />

The following signals should be shielded from other signals by GND. Trace width shall be 20 mils and spacing to<br />

AGND shield shall be 10 mils. Trace lengths shall be as short as possible. These signals are the most critical in this<br />

design.<br />



Analog power traces shall be routed as 25-mil wide traces. The analog power nets are listed below.<br />

• +5V_CLASSD<br />

• +3.3VA<br />

• +1.65_VREF<br />

• +2.5_VREFD<br />

Digital<br />

Crystal traces should be 12 mils wide with 12 mil spacing.<br />

Digital power traces shall be routed as 25-mil wide traces. The digital power nets are listed below.<br />

DAA<br />

• +5V<br />

• +5V_REG<br />

• BRICK_IN<br />

• +1.8V_VCORE<br />

• +3.3VD<br />

Traces from J5 to RV1 should be 25 mils thick with 25 mil spacing.<br />

All other DAA traces should be 15 mils thick with 20 mil spacing.<br />

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Conexant Systems, Inc.

Power and Ground<br />

There shall be a single ground plane on the board. Try to route most of the signals on layer 1 so that layer 2 can be a<br />

solid ground plane.<br />

Power traces shall be routed as 25-mil wide traces.<br />

Silkscreen<br />

All component reference designators need to be shown in silkscreen. Avoid placing silkscreen on top of vias. It is<br />

recommended to also label the following:<br />

Label SW34: Volume Down<br />

Label SW36: Volume Up<br />

Label SW29: Mic Mute<br />

Label SW35: Spkr Mute<br />

Label J14: UART<br />

Label JP3: NVCLK<br />

Label JP4: NVDATA<br />

Label D2: Power LED<br />

Label D6: Mic Mute LED<br />

Label 17: Spkr Mute LED<br />

Label J10, pin 1: Spkr +<br />

Label J10, pin 2: Spkr –<br />

Label J12, pin 1: GND<br />

Label J12, pin 2: MIC<br />

Label J405: Mono Speaker<br />

Label J404: Headset Jack<br />

Label R29: Analog Volume<br />

Label JP8: Headphone Sense<br />

Label JP9/SW1: Speakerphone Enable<br />

Label JP5/SW2: OFF-HOOK<br />

Label JP3/JP4: DC Loop<br />

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Conexant Systems, Inc.

Test Points and Manufacturing Rules<br />

The table below summarizes typical manufacturing recommendations.<br />

Parameter<br />

Value<br />

Test Point Shape<br />

Square<br />

Test Point Minimum size/diameter 35<br />

Minimum spacing between TPs (center-center) 75<br />

Minimum spacing between TP and component pin (center-center) 75<br />

Minimum spacing between TP and board edge (edge-edge) 100<br />

Smallest allowed component size 0603<br />

Minimum trace clearance from edge of board (edge-edge) 40<br />

Minimum thru-hole component body clearance from edge of board<br />

40<br />

(edge-edge)<br />

Minimum surface mount component and thru-hole pad clearance from 115<br />

edge of board (edge-edge)<br />

Minimum spacing between via and pad 8<br />

Minimum spacing between any 2 components (edge-edge) 15<br />

<strong>Note</strong> 1: All dimensions in mils.<br />

<strong>Note</strong> 2: All test points should be placed on one side of the board. 100% test point coverage desired.<br />

Fab <strong>Note</strong>s<br />

See Conexant G600Z-NR0340-00 Allegro .BRD file for fab notes example.<br />

Fiducial Marks<br />

Place 3 fiducial marks on each layer where components are placed.<br />

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Conexant Systems, Inc.

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