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TREEPRINT - A Package to Print Trees<br />

on any Character Printer<br />

Ned Freed<br />

Kevin Carosso<br />

Mathematics Department<br />

Harvey Mudd College<br />

Claremont, Calif. 91711<br />

One of the problems facing a programmer who deals with complex<br />

linked data structures in <strong>Pascal</strong> is the inability to display such a<br />

structure in a graphical form. Usually it is too much to ask a<br />

system debugging tool to even understand records and pointers, let<br />

alone display a structure using them in the way it would appear in a<br />

good t!xtbook. Likewise very few operating systems have a package<br />

of routines to display structures automatically. <strong>Pascal</strong> has a<br />

tremendous advantage over many languages in its abl1 i ty to support<br />

definable types and structures. If the environment is incapable of<br />

dealing with these features, they become far less useful.<br />

This lack became apparent to us in the process of writing an<br />

algebraic expression parser which produced internal N-ary trees<br />

There was no way at the time under our operating system debugge;<br />

(VAX/VMS) to get at the data structure we were generating. When the<br />

routines produced an incorrect tree we had no way of finding the<br />

specific error,<br />

Our frustration led to the development of TREEPRINT. Starting<br />

with the algorithm of Jean Vaucher [1], we designed a<br />

general-purpose tool capable of displaying any N-ary tree on any<br />

character output device. The trees are displayed in a pleasant<br />

visual fOrm and in the manner in which they would appear if drawn by<br />

hand. We feel that TREEPRINT is of general use -- hence its<br />

presentation here.<br />

The structure of TREEPRINT is that of an independent collection<br />

of subroutines that any program can call. Unfortunately standard<br />

<strong>Pascal</strong> does not support this form, while our <strong>Pascal</strong> environment<br />

does. However, building TREEPRUIT directly into a program should<br />

present no difficulty.<br />

TREEPRINT requires no knowledge of the format of the data<br />

structure it is printing. It has even been used to print a tabular<br />

linked structure within a FORTRAN programl In order to allow this,<br />

two procedures are passed in the call to TREEPRINT. One is used to<br />

·walk" the tree, the other to print identifying labels for a given<br />

node. Other parameters are values such as the size of the nodes,<br />

the width of the page, etc. One of the advantages of this calling<br />

mechanism is that a single version of TREEPRINT can be used to<br />

display wildly different structures, even when they are· within the<br />

same program.<br />

One of the major features of TREEPRINT is its ability to span<br />

pages. A tree that is too wide to fit on one page is printed out in<br />

'stripes. which are taped together edge-to-edge after printing. In<br />

addition trees may optionally be printed either upside-down or<br />

reversed from left-to-right.<br />

The method used by TREEPRINT is detailed in Vaucher's work [1].<br />

In its current implementation additional support for N-ary<br />

structures has been added, as well as full connecting-arc printing<br />

and the reversal features. Basically, TREEPRINT walks the input<br />

tree and constructs an analogous structure of its own which<br />

indicates the positions of every node. The new structure is linked<br />

along the left edge and across the page from left-to-right. Once<br />

this structure is completed, TREEPRINT walks the new structures and<br />

prints it out in order. Once printout is finished, the generated<br />

structure is DISPOSE'd of.<br />

There are only two minor problems in TREEPRINT currently. The<br />

first is that a structure which contains circular loops will hang<br />

the routine. This could be detected in the POSITION phase of<br />

TREEPRINT by checking each new node against all of its ancestors.<br />

However, if used in a non-<strong>Pascal</strong> application, this might fail due to<br />

problems in comparing pointers. If this check is necessary we<br />

suggest it be implemented in the LOWERNODE procedure passed to<br />

TREEPRINT. This procedure at least understands the type of pointer<br />

it is dealing with.<br />

The second problem is a feature of the POSITION routine which<br />

centers a node above its sons. This tends to make the trees<br />

generated wider than necessary. This is largely a matter of taste<br />

-- some minor changes would remove this.<br />

The listing of TREEPRINT which follows should serve to document<br />

the method of calling the routine. The functions of the<br />

user-supplied procedures are also detailed.<br />

References<br />

[11 Vaucher, Jean, "Pretty-printing of Trees." Software- Practice<br />

~ Experience, Vol. 10, pp. 553-561 (1980).<br />

[2] Myers, Brad, Displaying Data Structures for Interactive<br />

Debugging, Palo Alto: Xerox PARC CSL-80-7 (1980).<br />

{3] Sweet, Richard, Empirical Estimates of Program Entropy,<br />

Appendix B - "Implementation description", Palo Alto: Xerox<br />

PARC CSL-78-3 (1978).<br />

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