Pascal News

Pascal News

Pascal News


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~~1 Council for Educational Teclmology<br />

~; Coulter Electronics. Inc.<br />

GEI'tERAL OFFICE" 590 WEST 20111 STREET "1fIALEAH. Fl33010 •. ~HONE: 30H85-0131<br />

.. Devonshift Street, London W'lN 2-BA T.,...,: 01·'636 4186 Ch4inn4,.: P_rofessor J C -West, CBE Di,"wr: G Hubbard<br />

MrN Huf/tes<br />

:SheU andte 1<br />

WALI.S<br />

Shet land ZEZ 9PF<br />

3rd December 1981<br />

Pear Hick<br />


I<br />

Thank you for your letter of 19th November.<br />

earHer.<br />

The Burl ei gh Centre<br />

Wellfield Road<br />

HATFlfLD<br />

Herts. AlIO OBZ<br />

Tel: Jlatfield 74497<br />

I am sorry I hav.e not replied<br />

Although all our current progralllS are in BASIC, our fonnat was i.ntended to<br />

be independent of language. We would like to distribute programs in other<br />

languages, including PASCAl, but on looking into the question, there appear<br />

to be a few problems which need to be sorted out first.<br />

Firstly, therea.re a few character.s us.ed in PASCAl not covered by our format<br />

recQIIIIIlefldations. I hope you have now recei ved your copy of the<br />

recOflJIIendations ilnd we would, ,of course, be interested in any cQlIIJlents fram<br />

membersafPtlG.<br />

Secondly. as you 'know, ,our telesoftwaresystem at present is only available<br />

for ,use with the 380Z. Although PASCAl can be obtained for the 380Z, it<br />

wHl \onl, 'worJr on 5'1( full disc machines with8{) character display.<br />

Thi.rdly,it awears that very few Computer Assisted tearning programs have<br />

so far 'been written i.nPASCAl.<br />

In view of these problems, it is Ijkely that in the immediate future only a<br />

few people _ldbe able to obtain PASCAL by ,t+lesoftware and find it useful.<br />

I therefore dp not thin~PASCAl can be.one of our first priorities,and we<br />

'\iIOuld ,not N \?I'Cl SHE.TA,qA(2)T/2'''-,<br />

I t'f{II.$TLU- d'19IA-/N>X No, 1t/;

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