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<strong>PR<strong>OF</strong>ILES</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>MUNICIPALITIES</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>MACEDONIA</strong><br />

November, 2004

Profiles of municipalities in Macedonia<br />

Project team:<br />

Project Manager :<br />

Katerina Kostadinova-Daskalovska<br />

Authors of the Analysis:<br />

Prof. PhD Verica Janeska<br />

PhD Anica Dragovic<br />

Prof. PhD Ilo Trajkovski<br />

Dimitar Bogov<br />

Aleksandar Ivanovski<br />

Methodology expert:<br />

Ljubinka Popovska Toseva<br />

Data base expert:<br />

Kliment Simoncev<br />

UNDP Support team:<br />

Vesna Dzuteska-Biseva, UNDP Macedonia<br />

Jordanka Cerepnalkova-Trajkoska, UNDP Macedonia<br />

Publication preparation, design and editing:<br />

State Statistical Office of Macedonia<br />

Disclaimer<br />

The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the<br />

United Nations Development Programme.<br />

The designations employed and the presentation of the material do not imply the expression of any<br />

opinion on the part of the United Nations Development Programme or the Secretariat of the United Nations<br />

concerning the legal status or name of any country, territory, city or area or of its authors, or concerning the<br />

delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.<br />

Mentioning of firm names and commercial products does not imply endorsement by the United Nations.<br />

Print:<br />


Contents<br />

Macedonia.................................................................................................................................................... 8<br />

Skopje........................................................................................................................................................... 9<br />

The Region of Pelagonia ........................................................................................................................... 10<br />

Bac..........................................................................................................................................................................12<br />

Bistrica ..................................................................................................................................................................13<br />

Bitola .....................................................................................................................................................................14<br />

Dobrusevo...........................................................................................................................................................15<br />

Kukurecani ..........................................................................................................................................................16<br />

Mogila...................................................................................................................................................................17<br />

Novaci ...................................................................................................................................................................18<br />

Staravina ..............................................................................................................................................................19<br />

Capari....................................................................................................................................................................20<br />

Demir Hisar .........................................................................................................................................................21<br />

Sopotnica ............................................................................................................................................................22<br />

Zitose ....................................................................................................................................................................23<br />

Krusevo.................................................................................................................................................................24<br />

Vitoliste.................................................................................................................................................................25<br />

Dolneni.................................................................................................................................................................26<br />

Krivogastani........................................................................................................................................................27<br />

Prilep .....................................................................................................................................................................28<br />

Topolcani .............................................................................................................................................................29<br />

Resen.....................................................................................................................................................................30<br />

The Region of Vardar................................................................................................................................. 32<br />

Bogomila..............................................................................................................................................................34<br />

Veles ......................................................................................................................................................................35<br />

Gradsko ................................................................................................................................................................36<br />

Izvor .......................................................................................................................................................................37<br />

Caska .....................................................................................................................................................................38<br />

Kavadarci .............................................................................................................................................................39<br />

Konopiste ............................................................................................................................................................40<br />

Rosoman..............................................................................................................................................................41<br />

Demir Kapija.......................................................................................................................................................42<br />

Negotino..............................................................................................................................................................43<br />

The Northeast Region ............................................................................................................................... 44<br />

Kratovo .................................................................................................................................................................46<br />

Kriva Palanka ......................................................................................................................................................47<br />

Rankovce .............................................................................................................................................................48<br />

Klecevce ...............................................................................................................................................................49<br />

Kumanovo ...........................................................................................................................................................50<br />

Lipkovo.................................................................................................................................................................51<br />

Orasac ...................................................................................................................................................................52<br />

Staro Nagoricane ..............................................................................................................................................53<br />

The Southwest Region .............................................................................................................................. 54<br />

Debar.....................................................................................................................................................................56<br />

Centar Zupa ........................................................................................................................................................57<br />

Vranestica ............................................................................................................................................................58<br />

Drugovo ...............................................................................................................................................................59<br />

Zajas ......................................................................................................................................................................60<br />

Kicevo....................................................................................................................................................................61<br />

Oslomej ................................................................................................................................................................62<br />

Makedonski Brod..............................................................................................................................................63<br />

Plasnica.................................................................................................................................................................64<br />

Samokov ..............................................................................................................................................................65<br />

Belcista..................................................................................................................................................................66<br />

Kosel ......................................................................................................................................................................67<br />

Meseista ...............................................................................................................................................................68<br />

Ohrid .....................................................................................................................................................................69<br />

Vevcani .................................................................................................................................................................70<br />

Velesta...................................................................................................................................................................71<br />

Delogozhdi..........................................................................................................................................................72<br />

Labunista .............................................................................................................................................................73<br />

Lukovo ..................................................................................................................................................................74<br />

Struga....................................................................................................................................................................75<br />

The Region of Skopje ................................................................................................................................ 76<br />

Aracinovo.............................................................................................................................................................78<br />

Gazi Baba .............................................................................................................................................................79<br />

4 State Statistical Office

Ilinden...................................................................................................................................................................80<br />

Petrovec ...............................................................................................................................................................81<br />

Gjorce Petrov......................................................................................................................................................82<br />

Karpos...................................................................................................................................................................83<br />

Kondovo...............................................................................................................................................................84<br />

Saraj .......................................................................................................................................................................85<br />

Zelenikovo...........................................................................................................................................................86<br />

Kisela Voda ..........................................................................................................................................................87<br />

Sopiste ..................................................................................................................................................................88<br />

Studenicani.........................................................................................................................................................89<br />

Centar....................................................................................................................................................................90<br />

Cair .........................................................................................................................................................................91<br />

Cucer - Sandevo ................................................................................................................................................92<br />

Suto Orizari .........................................................................................................................................................93<br />

The Southeast Region ............................................................................................................................... 94<br />

Valandovo............................................................................................................................................................96<br />

Bogdanci..............................................................................................................................................................97<br />

Gevgelija ..............................................................................................................................................................98<br />

Miravci ..................................................................................................................................................................99<br />

Star Dojran ....................................................................................................................................................... 100<br />

Konce ................................................................................................................................................................. 101<br />

Podares.............................................................................................................................................................. 102<br />

Radovis .............................................................................................................................................................. 103<br />

Bosilovo............................................................................................................................................................. 104<br />

Vasilevo ............................................................................................................................................................. 105<br />

Kuklis .................................................................................................................................................................. 106<br />

Murtino.............................................................................................................................................................. 107<br />

Novo Selo.......................................................................................................................................................... 108<br />

Strumica............................................................................................................................................................ 109<br />

The Region of Polog ................................................................................................................................110<br />

Vrapciste ........................................................................................................................................................... 112<br />

Vrutok................................................................................................................................................................. 113<br />

Gostivar ............................................................................................................................................................. 114<br />

Dolna Banjica .................................................................................................................................................. 115<br />

Mavrovi Anovi ................................................................................................................................................. 116<br />

Negotino - Polosko........................................................................................................................................ 117<br />

Rostusa .............................................................................................................................................................. 118<br />

Srbinovo............................................................................................................................................................ 119<br />

Cegrane............................................................................................................................................................. 120<br />

Bogovinje.......................................................................................................................................................... 121<br />

Brvenica............................................................................................................................................................. 122<br />

Vratnica ............................................................................................................................................................. 123<br />

Zelino ................................................................................................................................................................. 124<br />

Jegunovce ........................................................................................................................................................ 125<br />

Kamenjane ....................................................................................................................................................... 126<br />

Tearce................................................................................................................................................................. 127<br />

Tetovo ................................................................................................................................................................ 128<br />

Dzepciste .......................................................................................................................................................... 129<br />

Sipkovica........................................................................................................................................................... 130<br />

The East Region .......................................................................................................................................132<br />

Berovo................................................................................................................................................................ 134<br />

Pehcevo............................................................................................................................................................. 135<br />

Blatec.................................................................................................................................................................. 136<br />

Vinica.................................................................................................................................................................. 137<br />

Delcevo.............................................................................................................................................................. 138<br />

Makedonska Kamenica ............................................................................................................................... 139<br />

Zrnovci............................................................................................................................................................... 140<br />

Kocani ................................................................................................................................................................ 141<br />

Oblesevo........................................................................................................................................................... 142<br />

Orizari................................................................................................................................................................. 143<br />

Cesinovo ........................................................................................................................................................... 144<br />

Zletovo............................................................................................................................................................... 145<br />

Probistip............................................................................................................................................................ 146<br />

Lozovo ............................................................................................................................................................... 147<br />

Sveti Nikole ...................................................................................................................................................... 148<br />

Karbinci ............................................................................................................................................................. 149<br />

Stip...................................................................................................................................................................... 150<br />

State Statistical Office 5


This publication constitutes an integral part of the set of publications that are result of the project<br />

“Mapping of the socio-economic disparities among municipalities in Macedonia” where an attempt has<br />

been made to give a profile of every municipality through the presenting of a part of more important<br />

socio-economic indicators.<br />

The selection of presented indicators in this publication has been made according to perceptions of<br />

what is relevant to show in the socio-economic position of a municipality in Macedonia. Furthermore,<br />

one should bear in mind that the selection is limited to indicators that are available at a municipal level.<br />

A part of the indicators that are important for the development of a municipality are not presented,<br />

because there are no data at all or they have not been provided in the line of the Project.<br />

The profiles of the municipalities in the publication have been systematized according to the NUTS<br />

classification (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics in Macedonia), which means they are<br />

subject to the region and the group of municipalities they belong to. Apart from the profiles for every<br />

municipality (in accordance with the currently valid administratively-territorial division- Law on the<br />

administratively-territorial division of the Republic of Macedonia and defining of the self governmental<br />

units, ”Official Gazette of RM”, no. 49/96), the profiles for 8 regions and the city of Skopje are also<br />

presented.<br />

The production of the maps and the age pyramids, shown in the publication, as well as the complete<br />

technical arrangement has been performed in the State Statistical Office.<br />

The age pyramids for the regions are presented in percents (for the purpose of comparison of regions in<br />

the analysis), while the age pyramids for Macedonia, the city of Skopje and municipalities are presented<br />

in absolute numbers.<br />

Sources for the data presented in this publication or have served as basis for calculation of presented<br />

indicators, are: State Statistical Office (for the largest part of the data), Republic Office of Health Protection,<br />

Agency of Employment, Republic Fund of Health Insurance and Republic Fund of Pension and Disability<br />

Insurance, Ministry of Finance, Civil Servants Agency and Macedonian Center for International Cooperation.<br />

State Statistical Office 7

Macedonia<br />

Number of settlements 1795<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 2022547<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.48<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 79.0<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 4.9<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

564237<br />

3.6<br />

2.7<br />

697529<br />

88.6<br />

62.9<br />

14.6<br />

73.5<br />

1070<br />

Local roads 8394<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 310<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

1015<br />

17<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

95<br />

17<br />

92.5<br />

96.4<br />

163673<br />

47859<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6850<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

34.1<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 54.6<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 42.4<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

38.1<br />

72.5<br />

82.3<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 434<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

7,217<br />

5,128<br />

Public enterprises 172<br />

Number of NGO 1512<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

131299<br />

1906<br />

161<br />

8 State Statistical Office

Skopje<br />

Number of settlements 45<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 467257<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.62<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 1389.8<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 4.3<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

137348<br />

3.4<br />

3.2<br />

154115<br />

97.3<br />

86.2<br />

41.2<br />

75.7<br />

268<br />

Local roads -<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 47<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

79<br />

19<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

27<br />

16<br />

97.7<br />

97.7<br />

59679<br />

17838<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 11964<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

43.0<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 58.4<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 50.3<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

27.1<br />

64.1<br />

80.9<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 219<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

13,830<br />

9,662<br />

Public enterprises 24.0<br />

Number of NGO 283<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

-<br />

275<br />

4<br />

State Statistical Office 9

The Region of Pelagonia<br />

10 State Statistical Office

The Region of Pelagonia<br />

Number of settlements 344<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 238136<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.23<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 48.8<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -2.0<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

72531<br />

3.3<br />

3.7<br />

93857<br />

93.4<br />

69.7<br />

11.1<br />

68.5<br />

207<br />

Local roads 1369<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 52<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

177<br />

16<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

15<br />

16<br />

94.5<br />

96.2<br />

20298<br />

5910<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6905<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

39.7<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 65.4<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 55.6<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

39.9<br />

75.0<br />

85.7<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 529<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

9,047<br />

4,657<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 85<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

216254<br />

127<br />

26<br />

State Statistical Office 11

The Region of Pelagonia<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Bitola<br />

Municipality:<br />

Bac<br />

Number of settlements 10<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 755<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -3.04<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 3.0<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -6.0<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

7<br />

267<br />

2.8<br />

6.5<br />

417<br />

79.8<br />

0.4<br />

0.4<br />

10.5<br />

Local roads 49<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

1<br />

3<br />

5<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

119.1<br />

93.9<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6905<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

35<br />

6<br />

20.5<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 51.7<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 22.7<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

60.6<br />

97.7<br />

97.3<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 3,764<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

4,413<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 74<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

932<br />

13<br />

0<br />

12 State Statistical Office

The Region of Pelagonija<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Bitola<br />

Municipality:<br />

Bistrica<br />

Number of settlements 21<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 5042<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -1.71<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 21.8<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -2.2<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

1358<br />

3.7<br />

3.1<br />

1990<br />

79.7<br />

23.4<br />

3.0<br />

54.6<br />

Local roads 68<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 3<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

5<br />

15<br />

11<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

93.8<br />

95.1<br />

265<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6905<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

69<br />

45.6<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 64.2<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 46.1<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

29.3<br />

46.8<br />

87.0<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 933<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

3,120<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 1<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

5493<br />

23<br />

1<br />

State Statistical Office 13

The Region of Pelagonija<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Bitola<br />

Municipality:<br />

Bitola<br />

Number of settlements 19<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 86408<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.03<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 377.3<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -2.6<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

26381<br />

3.3<br />

3.7<br />

33168<br />

99.2<br />

93.2<br />

22.9<br />

86.9<br />

Local roads 191<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 11<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

84<br />

25<br />

19<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

7<br />

16<br />

94.3<br />

97.4<br />

9888<br />

2804<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6905<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

44.6<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 66.1<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 59.9<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

33.4<br />

70.5<br />

82.7<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 547<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

14,351<br />

6,035<br />

Public enterprises 5<br />

Number of NGO 1<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

79836<br />

13<br />

4<br />

14 State Statistical Office

The Region of Pelagonija<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Bitola<br />

Municipality:<br />

Dobrusevo<br />

Number of settlements 10<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 2174<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -1.13<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 22.2<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -7.6<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

592<br />

3.7<br />

2.9<br />

770<br />

70.9<br />

0.2<br />

0.8<br />

4.4<br />

Local roads 35<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

4<br />

5<br />

9<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

108.7<br />

92.4<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6905<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

78<br />

17<br />

39.9<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 62.6<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 35.7<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

36.4<br />

75.3<br />

88.1<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 1,046<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,467<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 3<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

2056<br />

13<br />

0<br />

State Statistical Office 15

The Region of Pelagonija<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Bitola<br />

Municipality:<br />

Kukurecani<br />

Number of settlements 13<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 2511<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -1.62<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 16.0<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -7.6<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

6<br />

729<br />

3.4<br />

3.5<br />

1076<br />

96.6<br />

1.2<br />

0.8<br />

14.1<br />

Local roads 20<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

4<br />

6<br />

10<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

102.5<br />

93.6<br />

110<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6905<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

38<br />

74.2<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 87.8<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 74.0<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

15.8<br />

45.7<br />

90.9<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 1,225<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

3,693<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 2<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

2625<br />

13<br />

0<br />

16 State Statistical Office

The Region of Pelagonija<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Bitola<br />

Municipality:<br />

Mogila<br />

Number of settlements 13<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 4536<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -1.10<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 29.8<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -4.1<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

6<br />

1259<br />

3.6<br />

2.6<br />

1615<br />

86.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.8<br />

10.3<br />

Local roads 58<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

4<br />

10<br />

12<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

87.3<br />

93.5<br />

160<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6905<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

49<br />

48.5<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 69.5<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 44.3<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

30.3<br />

66.6<br />

89.8<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 826<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

1,516<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 1<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

4510<br />

13<br />

0<br />

State Statistical Office 17

The Region of Pelagonija<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Bitola<br />

Municipality:<br />

Novaci<br />

Number of settlements 19<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 2478<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -1.72<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 14.2<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -5.8<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

6<br />

705<br />

3.5<br />

2.4<br />

881<br />

62.7<br />

7.7<br />

2.4<br />

31.6<br />

Local roads 76<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

4<br />

11<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

86.1<br />

94.0<br />

113<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6905<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

28<br />

48.6<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 68.4<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 49.6<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

29.2<br />

73.0<br />

85.9<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 1,095<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

5,109<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 2<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

2518<br />

13<br />

1<br />

18 State Statistical Office

The Region of Pelagonija<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Bitola<br />

Municipality:<br />

Staravina<br />

Number of settlements 12<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 316<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -4.58<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 1.0<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -39.0<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

7<br />

153<br />

2.1<br />

12.7<br />

423<br />

80.4<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

1.3<br />

Local roads 33<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

5<br />

1<br />

4<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

27.3<br />

84.9<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6905<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

33<br />

7<br />

49.0<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 66.3<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 26.1<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

26.1<br />

100.0<br />

88.0<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 9,234<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 16<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

0<br />

0<br />

453<br />

13<br />

0<br />

State Statistical Office 19

The Region of Pelagonija<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Bitola<br />

Municipality:<br />

Capari<br />

Number of settlements 13<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 1424<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -2.88<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 8.7<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -8.7<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

7<br />

467<br />

3.0<br />

7.2<br />

925<br />

87.4<br />

33.4<br />

0.4<br />

44.1<br />

Local roads 34<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

4<br />

3<br />

6<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

69.9<br />

96.0<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6905<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

89<br />

28<br />

65.5<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 75.7<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 54.8<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

13.6<br />

41.9<br />

92.9<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 1,595<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,908<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 13<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

1715<br />

26<br />

1<br />

20 State Statistical Office

The Region of Pelagonija<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Demir Hisar<br />

Municipality:<br />

Demir Hisar<br />

Number of settlements 23<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 7178<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.74<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 33.9<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -4.6<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

6<br />

2114<br />

3.2<br />

4.0<br />

2716<br />

90.4<br />

34.4<br />

2.2<br />

50.8<br />

Local roads 109<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

8<br />

12<br />

14<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

15<br />

98.5<br />

95.3<br />

504<br />

164<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6905<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

59.8<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 75.2<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 67.2<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

20.6<br />

46.0<br />

80.0<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 258<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

20,979<br />

4,574<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 17<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

5978<br />

13<br />

5<br />

State Statistical Office 21

The Region of Pelagonija<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Demir Hisar<br />

Municipality:<br />

Sopotnica<br />

Number of settlements 18<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 2319<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -3.19<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 8.9<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -22.5<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

7<br />

870<br />

2.7<br />

9.6<br />

1606<br />

94.1<br />

9.0<br />

0.8<br />

29.5<br />

Local roads 62<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

3<br />

5<br />

10<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

94.6<br />

94.8<br />

109<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6905<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

29<br />

71.2<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 88.0<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 77.4<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

19.5<br />

70.9<br />

89.6<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 407<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,720<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 17<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

2413<br />

26<br />

1<br />

22 State Statistical Office

The Region of Pelagonija<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Krusevo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Zitose<br />

Number of settlements 3<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 2128<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.07<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 76.0<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 13.1<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

464<br />

4.6<br />

0.9<br />

565<br />

95.9<br />

5.0<br />

0.2<br />

42.2<br />

Local roads 52<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 -<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

3<br />

14<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

136.6<br />

88.9<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6905<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

65<br />

14<br />

31.5<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 49.5<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 20.1<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

37.0<br />

72.4<br />

91.7<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 1,551<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

6,164<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 1<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

1887<br />

13<br />

0<br />

State Statistical Office 23

The Region of Pelagonija<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Krusevo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Krusevo<br />

Number of settlements 19<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 9684<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.18<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 52.6<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 1.5<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

2706<br />

3.6<br />

3.1<br />

3518<br />

97.1<br />

61.1<br />

3.2<br />

65.4<br />

Local roads 61<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

6<br />

11<br />

15<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

11<br />

76.5<br />

96.5<br />

576<br />

204<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6905<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

29.9<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 59.6<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 44.9<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

50.1<br />

81.6<br />

89.5<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 357<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

5,515<br />

3,220<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO 9<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

8105<br />

79<br />

1<br />

24 State Statistical Office

The Region of Pelagonija<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Prilep<br />

Municipality:<br />

Vitoliste<br />

Number of settlements 14<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 494<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -7.25<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 1.0<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -35.8<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

7<br />

238<br />

2.1<br />

11.5<br />

825<br />

54.6<br />

13.4<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

Local roads 70<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

1<br />

-<br />

-<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

0.0<br />

75.8<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6905<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

54<br />

10<br />

32.1<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 50.5<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 21.0<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

36.5<br />

88.9<br />

89.2<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 3,565<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 143<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

0<br />

0<br />

621<br />

17<br />

0<br />

State Statistical Office 25

The Region of Pelagonija<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Prilep<br />

Municipality:<br />

Dolneni<br />

Number of settlements 35<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 11583<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.13<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 29.8<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 3.8<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

3322<br />

3.5<br />

3.6<br />

4176<br />

72.2<br />

2.3<br />

0.9<br />

9.5<br />

Local roads 110<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 4<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

7<br />

20<br />

13<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

101.2<br />

93.4<br />

300<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6905<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

59<br />

11.9<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 49.3<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 30.8<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

75.9<br />

92.2<br />

91.2<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 309<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

3,274<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 3<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

8982<br />

13<br />

0<br />

26 State Statistical Office

The Region of Pelagonija<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Prilep<br />

Municipality:<br />

Krivogastani<br />

Number of settlements 12<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 6007<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.62<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 62.6<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -1.2<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

6<br />

1901<br />

3.2<br />

3.9<br />

2145<br />

42.3<br />

2.8<br />

0.5<br />

7.4<br />

Local roads 17<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

3<br />

8<br />

13<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

99.2<br />

95.7<br />

231<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6905<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

59<br />

34.1<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 70.9<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 53.4<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

52.1<br />

85.3<br />

94.1<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 386<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,770<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 110<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

5151<br />

23<br />

3<br />

State Statistical Office 27

The Region of Pelagonija<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Prilep<br />

Municipality:<br />

Prilep<br />

Number of settlements 32<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 73351<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.25<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 137.1<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 0.2<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

23225<br />

3.2<br />

3.7<br />

27699<br />

97.6<br />

86.7<br />

6.3<br />

74.5<br />

Local roads 106<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 5<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

44<br />

17<br />

21<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

5<br />

17<br />

94.2<br />

96.5<br />

6440<br />

1931<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6905<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

34.5<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 65.9<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 57.7<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

48.0<br />

82.5<br />

86.5<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 267<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

8,127<br />

4,271<br />

Public enterprises 4<br />

Number of NGO 75<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

61434<br />

13<br />

4<br />

28 State Statistical Office

The Region of Pelagonija<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Prilep<br />

Municipality:<br />

Topolcani<br />

Number of settlements 14<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 2923<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -1.83<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 18.5<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -2.0<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

6<br />

933<br />

3.1<br />

4.8<br />

1127<br />

67.6<br />

13.8<br />

0.6<br />

16.4<br />

Local roads 76<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

3<br />

8<br />

6<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

96.1<br />

91.2<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6905<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

81<br />

14<br />

15.0<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 64.3<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 42.7<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

76.7<br />

98.1<br />

94.6<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 850<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

5,464<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 1<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

3347<br />

17<br />

1<br />

State Statistical Office 29

The Region of Pelagonija<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Resen<br />

Municipality:<br />

Resen<br />

Number of settlements 44<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 16825<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.62<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 22.8<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -7.1<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

6<br />

4847<br />

3.5<br />

3.8<br />

8215<br />

95.1<br />

51.3<br />

6.1<br />

84.9<br />

Local roads 142<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 7<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

17<br />

21<br />

14<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

18<br />

93.2<br />

96.7<br />

1167<br />

380<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6905<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

43.5<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 61.7<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 50.1<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

30.1<br />

65.8<br />

80.9<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 881<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

6,795<br />

3,733<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO 1<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

18198<br />

167<br />

4<br />

30 State Statistical Office

The Region of Vardar<br />

32 State Statistical Office

The Region of Vardar<br />

Number of settlements 174<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 133180<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.20<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 41.4<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 2.1<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

40873<br />

3.2<br />

3.4<br />

53101<br />

94.0<br />

82.2<br />

5.9<br />

70.1<br />

100<br />

Local roads 519<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 27<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

72<br />

18<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

8<br />

19<br />

94.1<br />

96.5<br />

9107<br />

2804<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5591<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

34.4<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 61.0<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 50.3<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

43.9<br />

80.6<br />

80.0<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 505<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

6,216<br />

4,152<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 1<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

127339<br />

75<br />

12<br />

State Statistical Office 33

The Region of Vardar<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Veles<br />

Municipality:<br />

Bogomila<br />

Number of settlements 13<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 1252<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.81<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 4.9<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -14.0<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

7<br />

520<br />

2.4<br />

13.3<br />

1252<br />

86.0<br />

16.0<br />

0.2<br />

23.8<br />

Local roads -<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

4<br />

8<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

100.0<br />

90.6<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5591<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

39<br />

15<br />

24.2<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 43.5<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 20.6<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

44.5<br />

84.1<br />

89.2<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 1,410<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

4,416<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 24<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

1792<br />

23<br />

0<br />

34 State Statistical Office

The Region of Vardar<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Veles<br />

Municipality:<br />

Veles<br />

Number of settlements 35<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 57602<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.19<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 113.6<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 3.1<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

17438<br />

3.3<br />

3.4<br />

21174<br />

93.4<br />

83.4<br />

5.4<br />

71.3<br />

Local roads 132<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 8<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

41<br />

23<br />

19<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

4<br />

19<br />

93.5<br />

96.9<br />

3201<br />

1165<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5591<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

37.4<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 61.5<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 52.8<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

39.5<br />

78.7<br />

72.6<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 305<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

7,951<br />

4,286<br />

Public enterprises 4<br />

Number of NGO 24<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

47196<br />

13<br />

5<br />

State Statistical Office 35

The Region of Vardar<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Veles<br />

Municipality:<br />

Gradsko<br />

Number of settlements 16<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 3760<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.20<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 13.0<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -0.5<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

1137<br />

3.3<br />

3.2<br />

1436<br />

75.0<br />

53.2<br />

0.4<br />

44.9<br />

Local roads 35<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

5<br />

14<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

87.3<br />

93.6<br />

108<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5591<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

42<br />

28.3<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 54.8<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 39.8<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

48.7<br />

86.7<br />

91.6<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 623<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

3,002<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 11<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

3077<br />

13<br />

0<br />

36 State Statistical Office

The Region of Vardar<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Veles<br />

Municipality:<br />

Izvor<br />

Number of settlements 11<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 1049<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -1.22<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 4.5<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -6.9<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

7<br />

373<br />

2.8<br />

6.3<br />

917<br />

68.6<br />

31.1<br />

0.8<br />

24.4<br />

Local roads 26<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

1<br />

8<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

89.2<br />

92.7<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5591<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

26<br />

10<br />

36.4<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 58.1<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 34.1<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

37.5<br />

59.4<br />

87.5<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 1,469<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

25,647<br />

2,880<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 11<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

910<br />

13<br />

0<br />

State Statistical Office 37

The Region of Vardar<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Veles<br />

Municipality:<br />

Caska<br />

Number of settlements 15<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 2878<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.01<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 13.6<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 10.4<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

813<br />

3.5<br />

3.0<br />

1200<br />

80.3<br />

49.8<br />

0.9<br />

47.6<br />

Local roads 48<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

3<br />

3<br />

16<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

90.4<br />

95.2<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5591<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

75<br />

24<br />

30.2<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 50.7<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 27.0<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

40.5<br />

70.8<br />

88.9<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 684<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

6,476<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 94<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

2305<br />

45<br />

1<br />

38 State Statistical Office

The Region of Vardar<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kavadarci<br />

Municipality:<br />

Kavadarci<br />

Number of settlements 24<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 38391<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.40<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 98.2<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 1.9<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

11848<br />

3.2<br />

3.1<br />

15371<br />

98.0<br />

94.8<br />

10.0<br />

79.8<br />

Local roads 85<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 8<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

20<br />

13<br />

17<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

3<br />

17<br />

96.0<br />

97.6<br />

3774<br />

940<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5591<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

31.2<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 60.9<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 50.2<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

49.3<br />

85.7<br />

83.7<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 657<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

4,930<br />

4,182<br />

Public enterprises 4<br />

Number of NGO 30<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

31163<br />

13<br />

1<br />

State Statistical Office 39

The Region of Vardar<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kavadarci<br />

Municipality:<br />

Konopiste<br />

Number of settlements 16<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 350<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -4.71<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 0.8<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -11.8<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

7<br />

178<br />

2.0<br />

18.0<br />

936<br />

78.1<br />

20.8<br />

0.0<br />

15.2<br />

Local roads 22<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

-<br />

-<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

0.0<br />

89.2<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5591<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

70<br />

20<br />

11.2<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 38.5<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 20.3<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

70.8<br />

100.0<br />

33.3<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 6,600<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO 28<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

0<br />

0<br />

477<br />

13<br />

0<br />

40 State Statistical Office

The Region of Vardar<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kavadarci<br />

Municipality:<br />

Rosoman<br />

Number of settlements 10<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 4141<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.29<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 33.7<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 1.2<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

1284<br />

3.2<br />

3.7<br />

1663<br />

89.4<br />

76.2<br />

3.1<br />

42.2<br />

Local roads 50<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

3<br />

7<br />

12<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

96.7<br />

94.1<br />

161<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5591<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

53<br />

29.4<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 57.6<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 32.1<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

49.1<br />

82.6<br />

87.0<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 602<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,773<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 28<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

3435<br />

30<br />

2<br />

State Statistical Office 41

The Region of Vardar<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Negotino<br />

Municipality:<br />

Demir Kapija<br />

Number of settlements 15<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 4545<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.72<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 12.5<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -5.9<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

1385<br />

3.0<br />

4.3<br />

1786<br />

94.8<br />

63.1<br />

0.7<br />

61.4<br />

Local roads 70<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

3<br />

6<br />

15<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

92.1<br />

87.5<br />

193<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5591<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

63<br />

32.8<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 58.7<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 47.3<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

44.3<br />

79.3<br />

86.7<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 773<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

12,871<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 19<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

0<br />

3486<br />

17<br />

2<br />

42 State Statistical Office

The Region of Vardar<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Negotino<br />

Municipality:<br />

Negotino<br />

Number of settlements 19<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 19212<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.58<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 46.5<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 2.4<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

5897<br />

3.3<br />

2.9<br />

7366<br />

96.9<br />

80.2<br />

3.2<br />

71.7<br />

Local roads 51<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 3<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

22<br />

10<br />

19<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

21<br />

94.7<br />

97.0<br />

1460<br />

472<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5591<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

36.2<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 64.7<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 54.5<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

44.4<br />

78.4<br />

86.1<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 445<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

4,955<br />

4,974<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO 15<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

15300<br />

126<br />

1<br />

State Statistical Office 43

The Northeast Region<br />

44 State Statistical Office

The Northeast Region<br />

Number of settlements 193<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 172787<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.66<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 74.4<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 5.7<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

46295<br />

3.7<br />

2.7<br />

59430<br />

72.0<br />

52.1<br />

3.6<br />

52.6<br />

Local roads 954<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 30<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

79<br />

97<br />

18<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

6<br />

17<br />

93.8<br />

94.8<br />

10071<br />

2795<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3541<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

27.0<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 52.2<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 38.6<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

48.6<br />

80.3<br />

83.1<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 362<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

3,926<br />

3,257<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 2<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

157855<br />

17<br />

7<br />

State Statistical Office 45

The Northeast Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kratovo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Kratovo<br />

Number of settlements 31<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 10441<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.54<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 27.8<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -4.4<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

3304<br />

3.2<br />

4.6<br />

4942<br />

77.8<br />

58.6<br />

1.6<br />

48.1<br />

Local roads 107<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

13<br />

11<br />

12<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

15<br />

94.4<br />

93.5<br />

527<br />

185<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3541<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

35.3<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 57.5<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 45.9<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

38.9<br />

76.5<br />

68.4<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 291<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

3,764<br />

4,436<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 6<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

8841<br />

30<br />

1<br />

46 State Statistical Office

The Northeast Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kriva Palanka<br />

Municipality:<br />

Kriva Palanka<br />

Number of settlements 34<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 20820<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.02<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 43.3<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 0.5<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

6600<br />

3.2<br />

4.4<br />

9437<br />

73.2<br />

53.7<br />

3.1<br />

51.6<br />

Local roads 174<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 5<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

14<br />

15<br />

15<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

18<br />

96.8<br />

94.6<br />

1203<br />

379<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3541<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

29.8<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 58.2<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 49.3<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

49.4<br />

73.5<br />

86.8<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 428<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

4,547<br />

3,518<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO 12<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

17316<br />

13<br />

2<br />

State Statistical Office 47

The Northeast Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kriva Palanka<br />

Municipality:<br />

Rankovce<br />

Number of settlements 18<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 4144<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.60<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 17.3<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -7.5<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

1371<br />

3.0<br />

5.7<br />

2232<br />

46.3<br />

6.3<br />

4.6<br />

12.1<br />

Local roads 114<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

3<br />

7<br />

10<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

95.6<br />

87.6<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3541<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

99<br />

34<br />

19.6<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 44.1<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 26.0<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

55.8<br />

80.0<br />

0.0<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 356<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,566<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 12<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

3334<br />

79<br />

1<br />

48 State Statistical Office

The Northeast Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kumanovo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Klecevce<br />

Number of settlements 14<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 1609<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -3.69<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 10.0<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -22.8<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

7<br />

656<br />

2.5<br />

11.5<br />

1550<br />

18.3<br />

0.3<br />

0.3<br />

3.2<br />

Local roads 146<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

2<br />

10<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

79.4<br />

84.1<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3541<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

37<br />

7<br />

21.8<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 42.8<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 19.8<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

49.2<br />

86.2<br />

11.8<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 1,151<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,078<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 6<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

1700<br />

23<br />

1<br />

State Statistical Office 49

The Northeast Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kumanovo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Kumanovo<br />

Number of settlements 30<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 103205<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 1.09<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 344.0<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 7.2<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

27051<br />

3.8<br />

2.2<br />

31620<br />

84.9<br />

67.9<br />

4.8<br />

64.2<br />

Local roads 65<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 9<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

41<br />

30<br />

20<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

4<br />

17<br />

95.6<br />

95.7<br />

7212<br />

2028<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3541<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

30.1<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 55.6<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 43.0<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

46.2<br />

80.6<br />

83.2<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 252<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

5,275<br />

3,359<br />

Public enterprises 3<br />

Number of NGO 3<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

82775<br />

17<br />

2<br />

50 State Statistical Office

The Northeast Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kumanovo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Lipkovo<br />

Number of settlements 22<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 27058<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 1.32<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 100.2<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 15.7<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

3<br />

5340<br />

5.1<br />

0.5<br />

5774<br />

32.5<br />

3.7<br />

1.0<br />

32.0<br />

Local roads 98<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 5<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

-<br />

14<br />

21<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

87.5<br />

96.1<br />

881<br />

130<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3541<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

7.9<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 31.6<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 12.1<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

75.0<br />

90.2<br />

85.3<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 587<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,140<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO 26<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

19891<br />

13<br />

0<br />

State Statistical Office 51

The Northeast Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kumanovo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Orasac<br />

Number of settlements 12<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 1252<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -3.36<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 9.3<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -10.9<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

7<br />

511<br />

2.5<br />

10.5<br />

900<br />

36.4<br />

2.0<br />

1.0<br />

6.3<br />

Local roads 36<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

5<br />

6<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

98.5<br />

86.3<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3541<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

30<br />

8<br />

26.9<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 45.3<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 19.0<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

41.1<br />

76.9<br />

85.1<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 1,053<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

3,661<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 30<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

1220<br />

13<br />

0<br />

52 State Statistical Office

The Northeast Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kumanovo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Staro Nagoricane<br />

Number of settlements 32<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 4258<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -2.19<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 11.8<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -12.5<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

7<br />

1462<br />

2.9<br />

7.4<br />

2975<br />

19.8<br />

0.2<br />

0.4<br />

4.6<br />

Local roads 214<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 3<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

4<br />

13<br />

8<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

98.6<br />

87.6<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3541<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

82<br />

24<br />

35.9<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 55.4<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 32.1<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

35.5<br />

75.0<br />

88.0<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 924<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

4,702<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 3<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

3992<br />

288<br />

0<br />

State Statistical Office 53

The Southwest Region<br />

54 State Statistical Office

The Southwest Region<br />

Number of settlements 288<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 219741<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.49<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 66.8<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 6.1<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

57309<br />

3.8<br />

2.2<br />

84044<br />

92.1<br />

54.4<br />

6.4<br />

86.9<br />

112<br />

Local roads 1168<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 39<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

128<br />

16<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

7<br />

18<br />

87.8<br />

96.5<br />

15989<br />

5073<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 4192<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

28.1<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 48.5<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 35.0<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

42.4<br />

75.4<br />

82.4<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 548<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

6,839<br />

3,851<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 3<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

297805<br />

30<br />

18<br />

State Statistical Office 55

The Southwest Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Debar<br />

Municipality:<br />

Debar<br />

Number of settlements 17<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 17952<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.26<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 211.2<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 9.7<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

3614<br />

5.0<br />

0.7<br />

4072<br />

96.3<br />

88.1<br />

2.9<br />

82.8<br />

Local roads 59<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

9<br />

7<br />

18<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

18<br />

93.9<br />

97.3<br />

936<br />

316<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 4192<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

20.4<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 49.5<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 35.4<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

59.2<br />

88.3<br />

89.3<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 291<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

5,612<br />

4,384<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 22<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

15514<br />

13<br />

2<br />

56 State Statistical Office

The Southwest Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Debar<br />

Municipality:<br />

Centar Zupa<br />

Number of settlements 21<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 6299<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.20<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 56.7<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 24.2<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

3<br />

1401<br />

4.5<br />

0.8<br />

1540<br />

81.5<br />

43.5<br />

0.6<br />

69.5<br />

Local roads 47<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

3<br />

9<br />

14<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

90.3<br />

96.8<br />

128<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 4192<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

36<br />

8.0<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 25.4<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 5.5<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

68.5<br />

89.3<br />

50.0<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 301<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

3,453<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 97<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

5178<br />

73<br />

0<br />

State Statistical Office 57

The Southwest Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kicevo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Vranestica<br />

Number of settlements 15<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 1322<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -2.77<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 9.6<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -17.1<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

7<br />

478<br />

2.8<br />

8.5<br />

1015<br />

82.2<br />

3.3<br />

1.7<br />

42.3<br />

Local roads 36<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

3<br />

10<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

69.1<br />

97.6<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 4192<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

44<br />

10<br />

22.6<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 47.8<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 22.5<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

53.0<br />

79.7<br />

53.3<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 1,585<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 22<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

0<br />

0<br />

1593<br />

13<br />

0<br />

58 State Statistical Office

The Southwest Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kicevo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Drugovo<br />

Number of settlements 28<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 3249<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -1.13<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 8.3<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -6.8<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

6<br />

1152<br />

2.8<br />

7.5<br />

2428<br />

85.0<br />

6.1<br />

2.3<br />

50.0<br />

Local roads 54<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 4<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

5<br />

11<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

88.7<br />

95.4<br />

139<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 4192<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

28<br />

31.6<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 58.4<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 44.0<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

46.1<br />

78.7<br />

47.1<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 1,295<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

3,504<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 28<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

2816<br />

17<br />

1<br />

State Statistical Office 59

The Southwest Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kicevo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Zajas<br />

Number of settlements 13<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 11605<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 1.79<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 74.9<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 7.7<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

2942<br />

3.9<br />

1.3<br />

3189<br />

67.8<br />

4.3<br />

10.3<br />

88.1<br />

Local roads 42<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

3<br />

12<br />

13<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

75.5<br />

93.3<br />

302<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 4192<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

81<br />

8.2<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 24.8<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 4.9<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

67.1<br />

81.4<br />

47.7<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 325<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,699<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO 4<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

8932<br />

17<br />

0<br />

60 State Statistical Office

The Southwest Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kicevo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Kicevo<br />

Number of settlements 7<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 30138<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 1.13<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 615.1<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 4.7<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

8330<br />

3.6<br />

2.2<br />

10225<br />

94.1<br />

71.9<br />

8.1<br />

88.9<br />

Local roads 51<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 4<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

9<br />

5<br />

18<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

18<br />

83.2<br />

96.6<br />

2471<br />

803<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 4192<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

31.0<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 52.0<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 40.0<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

40.9<br />

77.7<br />

85.5<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 378<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

6,539<br />

3,372<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 14<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

24895<br />

13<br />

1<br />

State Statistical Office 61

The Southwest Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kicevo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Oslomej<br />

Number of settlements 17<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 10425<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 1.60<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 80.2<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 6.5<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

2793<br />

3.7<br />

1.2<br />

3316<br />

62.5<br />

20.6<br />

6.6<br />

84.4<br />

Local roads 104<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

3<br />

11<br />

9<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

68.9<br />

95.6<br />

256<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 4192<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

83<br />

9.7<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 27.8<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 9.1<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

65.4<br />

82.3<br />

50.9<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 428<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

3,049<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 5<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

7954<br />

39<br />

0<br />

62 State Statistical Office

The Southwest Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Makedonski Brod<br />

Municipality:<br />

Makedonski Brod<br />

Number of settlements 25<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 5588<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.16<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 14.1<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -5.8<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

1789<br />

3.1<br />

4.9<br />

3266<br />

93.8<br />

53.2<br />

2.1<br />

55.7<br />

Local roads 80<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

6<br />

6<br />

15<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

13<br />

91.2<br />

97.7<br />

366<br />

110<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 4192<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

41.8<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 63.9<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 53.4<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

34.8<br />

68.9<br />

79.4<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 219<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

7,765<br />

6,372<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO 4<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

4352<br />

13<br />

2<br />

State Statistical Office 63

The Southwest Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Makedonski Brod<br />

Municipality:<br />

Plasnica<br />

Number of settlements 4<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 4545<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.27<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 84.2<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 14.3<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

3<br />

1125<br />

4.0<br />

1.1<br />

1225<br />

97.5<br />

2.6<br />

1.8<br />

79.7<br />

Local roads 20<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

1<br />

2<br />

17<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

105.7<br />

94.2<br />

140<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 4192<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

38<br />

9.3<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 37.3<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 10.3<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

75.0<br />

95.9<br />

86.2<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 254<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

4,245<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 4<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

4104<br />

13<br />

0<br />

64 State Statistical Office

The Southwest Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Makedonski Brod<br />

Municipality:<br />

Samokov<br />

Number of settlements 26<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 1553<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -3.51<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 3.3<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -18.4<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

7<br />

602<br />

2.6<br />

10.2<br />

1450<br />

48.3<br />

15.4<br />

0.2<br />

15.3<br />

Local roads 119<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

1<br />

2<br />

9<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

90.7<br />

87.7<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 4192<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

70<br />

18<br />

37.9<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 54.9<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 30.3<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

31.1<br />

62.5<br />

84.2<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 693<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

3,173<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 43<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

1623<br />

62<br />

0<br />

State Statistical Office 65

The Southwest Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Ohrid<br />

Municipality:<br />

Belcista<br />

Number of settlements 24<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 2940<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -1.65<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 8.1<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -25.0<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

7<br />

1213<br />

2.4<br />

12.2<br />

2765<br />

82.5<br />

7.5<br />

1.8<br />

47.3<br />

Local roads 87<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

5<br />

6<br />

10<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

87.1<br />

89.9<br />

170<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 4192<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

52<br />

26.6<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 56.0<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 41.1<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

53.0<br />

79.2<br />

89.3<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 1,976<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,650<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 1<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

2931<br />

13<br />

0<br />

66 State Statistical Office

The Southwest Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Ohrid<br />

Municipality:<br />

Kosel<br />

Number of settlements 12<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 1369<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -3.13<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 7.6<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -18.2<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

7<br />

486<br />

2.8<br />

8.4<br />

1112<br />

89.5<br />

0.8<br />

1.6<br />

47.1<br />

Local roads 143<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 -<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

-<br />

3<br />

5<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

96.7<br />

87.5<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 4192<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

80<br />

31<br />

34.1<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 56.7<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 41.9<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

40.1<br />

72.7<br />

75.0<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 2,329<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

5,189<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 1<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

2771<br />

13<br />

2<br />

State Statistical Office 67

The Southwest Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Ohrid<br />

Municipality:<br />

Meseista<br />

Number of settlements 6<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 2567<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -1.60<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 50.3<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -3.1<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

6<br />

782<br />

3.3<br />

4.4<br />

1589<br />

91.6<br />

32.5<br />

2.3<br />

83.5<br />

Local roads 40<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

3<br />

5<br />

11<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

101.2<br />

95.0<br />

148<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 4192<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

36<br />

37.2<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 57.1<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 43.6<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

35.7<br />

66.9<br />

79.3<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 1,386<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 2<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

0<br />

0<br />

1664<br />

23<br />

1<br />

68 State Statistical Office

The Southwest Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Ohrid<br />

Municipality:<br />

Ohrid<br />

Number of settlements 21<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 54380<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.38<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 267.9<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 3.6<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

15524<br />

3.5<br />

2.8<br />

27308<br />

99.0<br />

76.9<br />

7.9<br />

94.8<br />

Local roads 20<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 7<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

28<br />

16<br />

19<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

3<br />

19<br />

96.6<br />

97.6<br />

6072<br />

1881<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 4192<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

41.3<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 62.6<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 55.6<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

34.8<br />

72.0<br />

80.7<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 680<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

13,187<br />

5,098<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 38<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

49568<br />

84<br />

4<br />

State Statistical Office 69

The Southwest Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Struga<br />

Municipality:<br />

Vevcani<br />

Number of settlements 1<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 2433<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.08<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 69.5<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 4.1<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

593<br />

4.1<br />

1.9<br />

714<br />

99.5<br />

95.1<br />

6.6<br />

97.8<br />

Local roads 15<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

4<br />

1<br />

11<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

92.3<br />

98.9<br />

168<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 4192<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

68<br />

38.5<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 53.7<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 45.7<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

28.9<br />

60.7<br />

83.6<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 1,262<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

24,148<br />

2,626<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 353<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

2159<br />

13<br />

2<br />

70 State Statistical Office

The Southwest Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Struga<br />

Municipality:<br />

Velesta<br />

Number of settlements 4<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 8156<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 2.06<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 354.6<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 16.8<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

3<br />

1536<br />

5.3<br />

0.4<br />

1641<br />

86.2<br />

5.6<br />

3.8<br />

98.5<br />

Local roads 30<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

5<br />

4<br />

21<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

74.7<br />

95.5<br />

326<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 4192<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

87<br />

8.8<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 24.7<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 7.8<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

64.5<br />

85.5<br />

83.2<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 455<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

1,615<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

5949<br />

13<br />

0<br />

State Statistical Office 71

The Southwest Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Struga<br />

Municipality:<br />

Delogozhdi<br />

Number of settlements 9<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 7884<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 2.30<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 143.3<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 12.4<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

3<br />

1635<br />

4.8<br />

0.4<br />

1688<br />

95.0<br />

5.5<br />

2.6<br />

97.4<br />

Local roads 30<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

3<br />

7<br />

19<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

80.0<br />

96.1<br />

272<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 4192<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

65<br />

11.9<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 23.5<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 5.7<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

49.4<br />

70.1<br />

84.0<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 425<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

3,892<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

5658<br />

13<br />

0<br />

72 State Statistical Office

The Southwest Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Struga<br />

Municipality:<br />

Labunista<br />

Number of settlements 4<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 8935<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.52<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 156.8<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 19.5<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

3<br />

1962<br />

4.6<br />

0.9<br />

2433<br />

99.7<br />

88.7<br />

4.1<br />

97.9<br />

Local roads 28<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

8<br />

4<br />

20<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

99.6<br />

97.2<br />

565<br />

213<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 4192<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

15.6<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 30.1<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 6.4<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

48.5<br />

70.3<br />

78.2<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 501<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

1,802<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 84<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

7297<br />

13<br />

1<br />

State Statistical Office 73

The Southwest Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Struga<br />

Municipality:<br />

Lukovo<br />

Number of settlements 16<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 1509<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -3.09<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 7.6<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 0.0<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

6<br />

444<br />

3.4<br />

4.1<br />

1339<br />

75.7<br />

20.7<br />

0.5<br />

64.6<br />

Local roads 92<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

5<br />

4<br />

6<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

85.5<br />

95.3<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 4192<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

71<br />

19<br />

31.3<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 48.0<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 28.0<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

34.9<br />

59.1<br />

85.9<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 1,900<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

5,126<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 32<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

1834<br />

19<br />

0<br />

74 State Statistical Office

The Southwest Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Struga<br />

Municipality:<br />

Struga<br />

Number of settlements 18<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 36892<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.48<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 271.3<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 6.7<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

8908<br />

4.1<br />

1.6<br />

11729<br />

99.5<br />

52.1<br />

8.9<br />

97.2<br />

Local roads 71<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 3<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

12<br />

16<br />

18<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

19<br />

86.8<br />

97.4<br />

3265<br />

1098<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 4192<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

30.1<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 48.1<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 35.2<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

38.0<br />

67.0<br />

78.5<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 458<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

10,458<br />

3,894<br />

Public enterprises 4<br />

Number of NGO 3<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

31435<br />

391<br />

2<br />

State Statistical Office 75

The Region of Skopje<br />

76 State Statistical Office

The Region of Skopje<br />

Number of settlements 160<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 578144<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.73<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 333.6<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 6.1<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4 i 5<br />

163612<br />

3.5<br />

2.8<br />

188196<br />

90.9<br />

74.6<br />

35.4<br />

85.1<br />

Local roads 872<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 59<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

-<br />

158<br />

19<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

27<br />

16<br />

95.8<br />

97.2<br />

45100<br />

12912<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 11964<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

39.1<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 55.6<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 45.3<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

30.4<br />

67.6<br />

81.4<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 364<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

11,256<br />

8,260<br />

Public enterprises 17<br />

Number of NGO 26<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

534276<br />

25<br />

30<br />

State Statistical Office 77

The Region of Skopje<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Gazi Baba<br />

Municipality:<br />

Aracinovo<br />

Number of settlements 5<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 11992<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 2.32<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 324.1<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 20.6<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

3<br />

2377<br />

5.0<br />

0.4<br />

2582<br />

10.8<br />

0.5<br />

1.4<br />

28.6<br />

268<br />

Local roads 18<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

5<br />

23<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

96.0<br />

94.2<br />

369<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 11964<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

67<br />

11.2<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 36.7<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 13.1<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

69.6<br />

87.2<br />

91.8<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 270<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,297<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 1<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

7720<br />

13<br />

0<br />

78 State Statistical Office

The Region of Skopje<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Gazi Baba<br />

Municipality:<br />

Gazi Baba<br />

Number of settlements 15<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 72222<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.81<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 1046.7<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 4.9<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

20222<br />

3.6<br />

2.3<br />

22598<br />

89.7<br />

65.6<br />

21.3<br />

84.6<br />

268<br />

Local roads 41<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 10<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

14<br />

19<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

5<br />

15<br />

90.0<br />

96.9<br />

6619<br />

2058<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 11964<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

39.0<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 57.5<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 47.1<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

32.6<br />

66.7<br />

82.2<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 289<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

2,023<br />

12,460<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO 1<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

59141<br />

23<br />

3<br />

State Statistical Office 79

The Region of Skopje<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Gazi Baba<br />

Municipality:<br />

Ilinden<br />

Number of settlements 12<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 15894<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 1.14<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 172.8<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 8.1<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

4298<br />

3.7<br />

2.0<br />

5246<br />

80.4<br />

7.6<br />

8.3<br />

57.5<br />

268<br />

Local roads 200<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

7<br />

20<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

92.6<br />

95.7<br />

682<br />

240<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 11964<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

37.7<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 57.5<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 40.4<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

34.6<br />

67.2<br />

83.7<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 443<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

1,932<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 52<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

12452<br />

17<br />

1<br />

80 State Statistical Office

The Region of Skopje<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Gazi Baba<br />

Municipality:<br />

Petrovec<br />

Number of settlements 16<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 8255<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.20<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 37.4<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 8.7<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

2087<br />

4.0<br />

2.0<br />

3613<br />

16.6<br />

12.6<br />

3.4<br />

45.3<br />

268<br />

Local roads 44<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

7<br />

15<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

100.2<br />

93.8<br />

352<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 11964<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

92<br />

27.0<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 49.4<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 33.0<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

45.7<br />

76.6<br />

91.0<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 702<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

5,517<br />

2,675<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 52<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

6507<br />

13<br />

1<br />

State Statistical Office 81

The Region of Skopje<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Karpos<br />

Municipality:<br />

Gjorce Petrov<br />

Number of settlements 8<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 41490<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 1.11<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 658.6<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 4.1<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

11843<br />

3.5<br />

2.4<br />

13886<br />

96.4<br />

76.4<br />

20.1<br />

92.8<br />

268<br />

Local roads 40<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

7<br />

20<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

18<br />

76.7<br />

98.4<br />

988<br />

424<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 11964<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

46.0<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 62.5<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 55.3<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

26.9<br />

60.7<br />

73.1<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 288<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 39<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

0<br />

0<br />

33704<br />

19<br />

2<br />

82 State Statistical Office

The Region of Skopje<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Karpos<br />

Municipality:<br />

Karpos<br />

Number of settlements 6<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 59810<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.31<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 2848.1<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 0.4<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

6<br />

19717<br />

3.0<br />

5.0<br />

22880<br />

99.6<br />

95.8<br />

65.7<br />

97.9<br />

268<br />

Local roads 13<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 10<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

11<br />

18<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

8<br />

17<br />

116.4<br />

98.7<br />

12148<br />

3468<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 11964<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

54.0<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 64.0<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 59.1<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

16.9<br />

52.2<br />

79.1<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 350<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

7,752<br />

18,721<br />

Public enterprises 5<br />

Number of NGO 29<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

51551<br />

23<br />

5<br />

State Statistical Office 83

The Region of Skopje<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Karpos<br />

Municipality:<br />

Kondovo<br />

Number of settlements 7<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 11155<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 1.57<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 150.7<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 16.0<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

3<br />

2304<br />

4.8<br />

0.3<br />

2363<br />

91.5<br />

31.5<br />

9.5<br />

60.6<br />

268<br />

Local roads 15<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

6<br />

17<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

91.3<br />

94.9<br />

275<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 11964<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

46<br />

12.2<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 30.6<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 7.1<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

60.2<br />

86.0<br />

95.2<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 384<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

3,472<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 10<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

7949<br />

13<br />

0<br />

84 State Statistical Office

The Region of Skopje<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Karpos<br />

Municipality:<br />

Saraj<br />

Number of settlements 16<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 24253<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 1.62<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 161.7<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 16.7<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

3<br />

5667<br />

4.3<br />

0.4<br />

5465<br />

62.6<br />

5.6<br />

3.1<br />

51.7<br />

268<br />

Local roads 62<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

14<br />

15<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

93.6<br />

96.0<br />

678<br />

188<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 11964<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

13.2<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 35.7<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 9.3<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

63.1<br />

86.2<br />

94.0<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 368<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

1,486<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 29<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

17039<br />

17<br />

0<br />

State Statistical Office 85

The Region of Skopje<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kisela Voda<br />

Municipality:<br />

Zelenikovo<br />

Number of settlements 15<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 4077<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.48<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 23.3<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 11.8<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

1014<br />

4.0<br />

1.7<br />

1666<br />

61.5<br />

35.0<br />

3.9<br />

60.7<br />

268<br />

Local roads 81<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

11<br />

10<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

98.6<br />

95.4<br />

131<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 11964<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

45<br />

28.7<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 48.5<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 33.7<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

40.9<br />

72.7<br />

80.0<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 1,110<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

3,809<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 20<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

3464<br />

13<br />

1<br />

86 State Statistical Office

The Region of Skopje<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kisela Voda<br />

Municipality:<br />

Kisela Voda<br />

Number of settlements 6<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 125379<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.75<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 2915.8<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 2.7<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

37951<br />

3.3<br />

3.2<br />

42485<br />

99.3<br />

85.7<br />

54.0<br />

95.8<br />

268<br />

Local roads 22<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 10<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

20<br />

20<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

5<br />

20<br />

92.2<br />

99.0<br />

14846<br />

4308<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 11964<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

50.3<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 64.1<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 58.9<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

22.4<br />

58.4<br />

78.1<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 197<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

321<br />

3,715<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO 75<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

107949<br />

25<br />

2<br />

State Statistical Office 87

The Region of Skopje<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kisela Voda<br />

Municipality:<br />

Sopiste<br />

Number of settlements 13<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 9522<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.21<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 42.7<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 4.6<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

2627<br />

3.6<br />

2.2<br />

4875<br />

72.1<br />

48.5<br />

7.0<br />

67.5<br />

268<br />

Local roads 55<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

8<br />

14<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

56.0<br />

96.8<br />

196<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 11964<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

42<br />

33.2<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 54.1<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 39.6<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

39.2<br />

73.7<br />

85.2<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 554<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,807<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 66<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

6867<br />

13<br />

0<br />

88 State Statistical Office

The Region of Skopje<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kisela Voda<br />

Municipality:<br />

Studenicani<br />

Number of settlements 19<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 17246<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 1.96<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 62.9<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 19.8<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

3<br />

3570<br />

4.8<br />

0.4<br />

4347<br />

47.6<br />

7.4<br />

2.7<br />

36.9<br />

268<br />

Local roads 115<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

11<br />

16<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

88.2<br />

93.1<br />

519<br />

107<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 11964<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

10.9<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 32.2<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 7.5<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

66.3<br />

87.3<br />

89.1<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 415<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,224<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 9<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

11790<br />

17<br />

0<br />

State Statistical Office 89

The Region of Skopje<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Centar<br />

Municipality:<br />

Centar<br />

Number of settlements 1<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 82604<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.36<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 4589.1<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 3.3<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

24651<br />

3.3<br />

4.2<br />

28311<br />

99.8<br />

98.5<br />

50.0<br />

0.0<br />

268<br />

Local roads -<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 9<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

12<br />

18<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

6<br />

12<br />

108.7<br />

97.2<br />

18013<br />

5834<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 11964<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

39.1<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 53.5<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 43.9<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

28.1<br />

68.5<br />

82.6<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 274<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

69,905<br />

20,909<br />

Public enterprises 15<br />

Number of NGO 3<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

75064<br />

23<br />

5<br />

90 State Statistical Office

The Region of Skopje<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Cair<br />

Municipality:<br />

Cair<br />

Number of settlements 6<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 68395<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.95<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 1290.5<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 8.1<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

18949<br />

3.6<br />

2.3<br />

19715<br />

96.0<br />

87.7<br />

21.3<br />

92.0<br />

268<br />

Local roads 33<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 6<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

11<br />

20<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

2<br />

16<br />

89.6<br />

97.4<br />

6882<br />

1697<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 11964<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

33.7<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 50.6<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 39.2<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

33.8<br />

66.6<br />

83.0<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 773<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

552<br />

4,413<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 5<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

55244<br />

23<br />

4<br />

State Statistical Office 91

The Region of Skopje<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Cair<br />

Municipality:<br />

Cucer - Sandevo<br />

Number of settlements 12<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 8493<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.65<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 39.7<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 6.7<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

2320<br />

3.7<br />

2.7<br />

3924<br />

52.5<br />

4.9<br />

4.4<br />

42.6<br />

268<br />

Local roads 126<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

10<br />

13<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

89.9<br />

95.5<br />

232<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 11964<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

81<br />

32.4<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 56.7<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 39.2<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

43.1<br />

74.3<br />

82.5<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 587<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,975<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 1<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

6525<br />

13<br />

0<br />

92 State Statistical Office

The Region of Skopje<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Cair<br />

Municipality:<br />

Suto Orizari<br />

Number of settlements 3<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 17357<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 2.42<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 2892.8<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 16.8<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

3<br />

4015<br />

4.3<br />

1.2<br />

4240<br />

99.0<br />

92.9<br />

1.9<br />

68.4<br />

268<br />

Local roads 7<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 -<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

4<br />

23<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

128.5<br />

88.0<br />

183<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 11964<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

49<br />

12.8<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 41.4<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 26.0<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

69.3<br />

91.2<br />

95.0<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 309<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 48<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

0<br />

0<br />

16978<br />

17<br />

2<br />

State Statistical Office 93

The Southeast Region<br />

94 State Statistical Office

The Southeast Region<br />

Number of settlements 188<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 171416<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.22<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 66.0<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 4.0<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

49695<br />

3.4<br />

2.5<br />

59436<br />

83.9<br />

51.2<br />

3.4<br />

55.8<br />

Local roads 880<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 39<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

92<br />

122<br />

16<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

7<br />

19<br />

87.7<br />

96.0<br />

15452<br />

4205<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6050<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

43.2<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 65.3<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 53.2<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

34.4<br />

67.2<br />

83.8<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 513<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

5,213<br />

3,389<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO 2<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

221626<br />

212<br />

16<br />

State Statistical Office 95

The Southeast Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Valandovo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Valandovo<br />

Number of settlements 29<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 11890<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.21<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 35.9<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 1.5<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

3545<br />

3.4<br />

2.8<br />

4049<br />

95.6<br />

31.0<br />

1.8<br />

55.0<br />

Local roads 78<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 5<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

8<br />

13<br />

12<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

18<br />

93.5<br />

97.6<br />

859<br />

226<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6050<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

39.4<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 65.7<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 55.3<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

40.4<br />

70.3<br />

72.9<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 512<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

5,953<br />

4,407<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO 22<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

9842<br />

17<br />

3<br />

96 State Statistical Office

The Southeast Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Gevgelija<br />

Municipality:<br />

Bogdanci<br />

Number of settlements 4<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 8707<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.27<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 76.4<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -0.7<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

2597<br />

3.4<br />

2.7<br />

3002<br />

98.3<br />

72.1<br />

2.8<br />

75.0<br />

Local roads 30<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

7<br />

4<br />

17<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

10<br />

98.3<br />

98.7<br />

600<br />

206<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6050<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

51.6<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 67.7<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 57.7<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

24.3<br />

60.9<br />

75.3<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 324<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

3,038<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 20<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

7098<br />

13<br />

0<br />

State Statistical Office 97

The Southeast Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Gevgelija<br />

Municipality:<br />

Gevgelija<br />

Number of settlements 11<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 20362<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.55<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 78.0<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -0.3<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

6362<br />

3.2<br />

3.4<br />

8240<br />

98.9<br />

79.3<br />

5.1<br />

86.7<br />

Local roads 37<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 5<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

15<br />

7<br />

20<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

16<br />

92.4<br />

99.1<br />

2295<br />

717<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6050<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

53.5<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 68.7<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 62.3<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

22.8<br />

58.0<br />

59.6<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 531<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

13,630<br />

4,029<br />

Public enterprises 5<br />

Number of NGO 121<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

16786<br />

17<br />

0<br />

98 State Statistical Office

The Southeast Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Gevgelija<br />

Municipality:<br />

Miravci<br />

Number of settlements 6<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 2626<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.71<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 15.8<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 3.0<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

6<br />

856<br />

3.1<br />

4.5<br />

1040<br />

97.1<br />

2.8<br />

0.4<br />

38.3<br />

Local roads 28<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

5<br />

12<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

92.9<br />

98.6<br />

116<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6050<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

38<br />

50.4<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 64.5<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 48.2<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

21.9<br />

46.9<br />

70.9<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 555<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,303<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO 3<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

2229<br />

13<br />

1<br />

State Statistical Office 99

The Southeast Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Gevgelija<br />

Municipality:<br />

Star Dojran<br />

Number of settlements 13<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 3426<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.80<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 26.6<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -0.6<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

1020<br />

3.4<br />

3.7<br />

2113<br />

93.9<br />

23.5<br />

1.6<br />

67.2<br />

Local roads 30<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

5<br />

7<br />

13<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

88.6<br />

97.4<br />

206<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6050<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

74<br />

44.0<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 62.1<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 48.9<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

29.7<br />

59.5<br />

71.0<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 653<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,809<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO 118<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

2728<br />

13<br />

1<br />

100 State Statistical Office

The Southeast Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Radovis<br />

Municipality:<br />

Konce<br />

Number of settlements 14<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 3536<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.61<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 15.7<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 8.4<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

1057<br />

3.3<br />

2.1<br />

1174<br />

88.4<br />

11.9<br />

0.2<br />

19.7<br />

Local roads 102<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

6<br />

14<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

83.6<br />

94.1<br />

151<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6050<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

50<br />

49.1<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 58.2<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 29.6<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

15.9<br />

51.4<br />

73.7<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 694<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,376<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

2876<br />

13<br />

0<br />

State Statistical Office 101

The Southeast Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Radovis<br />

Municipality:<br />

Podares<br />

Number of settlements 5<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 3746<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.26<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 29.3<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 4.0<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

1086<br />

3.4<br />

2.4<br />

1184<br />

97.3<br />

66.9<br />

0.3<br />

22.5<br />

Local roads 17<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

3<br />

4<br />

16<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

97.4<br />

96.4<br />

143<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6050<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

30<br />

67.4<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 75.5<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 64.6<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

11.0<br />

28.1<br />

82.2<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 1,199<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

1,598<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

2776<br />

13<br />

0<br />

102 State Statistical Office

The Southeast Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Radovis<br />

Municipality:<br />

Radovis<br />

Number of settlements 31<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 24498<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.71<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 75.6<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 6.1<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

7184<br />

3.4<br />

2.5<br />

8630<br />

95.6<br />

78.2<br />

4.0<br />

61.5<br />

Local roads 108<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

6<br />

14<br />

21<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

20<br />

83.3<br />

94.1<br />

2178<br />

607<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6050<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

41.4<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 59.9<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 45.3<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

31.4<br />

62.5<br />

86.5<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 442<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

2,938<br />

3,521<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

19402<br />

17<br />

3<br />

State Statistical Office 103

The Southeast Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Strumica<br />

Municipality:<br />

Bosilovo<br />

Number of settlements 15<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 12457<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.02<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 89.0<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 3.5<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

3213<br />

3.9<br />

1.5<br />

3546<br />

25.6<br />

1.2<br />

1.4<br />

23.0<br />

Local roads 103<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 3<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

-<br />

13<br />

14<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

73.0<br />

95.4<br />

631<br />

127<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6050<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

46.3<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 67.2<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 47.2<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

31.4<br />

63.6<br />

92.2<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 337<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

1,804<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

10279<br />

17<br />

0<br />

104 State Statistical Office

The Southeast Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Strumica<br />

Municipality:<br />

Vasilevo<br />

Number of settlements 18<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 12122<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.76<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 55.4<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 9.1<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

3306<br />

3.7<br />

1.4<br />

3357<br />

47.9<br />

4.4<br />

0.8<br />

16.8<br />

Local roads 124<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 3<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

-<br />

12<br />

16<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

72.8<br />

92.7<br />

385<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6050<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

76<br />

35.6<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 67.4<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 49.3<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

47.4<br />

72.9<br />

91.6<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 309<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

1,509<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

9491<br />

17<br />

1<br />

State Statistical Office 105

The Southeast Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Strumica<br />

Municipality:<br />

Kuklis<br />

Number of settlements 10<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 4449<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.64<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 35.3<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 4.5<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

1232<br />

3.6<br />

1.6<br />

1487<br />

87.7<br />

12.2<br />

1.9<br />

27.3<br />

Local roads 70<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

-<br />

7<br />

10<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

88.6<br />

95.9<br />

174<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6050<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

41<br />

35.8<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 61.5<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 39.2<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

41.7<br />

76.0<br />

91.6<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 1,126<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,158<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

3811<br />

13<br />

2<br />

106 State Statistical Office

The Southeast Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Strumica<br />

Municipality:<br />

Murtino<br />

Number of settlements 4<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 6544<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.61<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 80.8<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 9.5<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

1844<br />

3.5<br />

2.2<br />

1973<br />

75.3<br />

0.1<br />

0.4<br />

11.4<br />

Local roads 9<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

-<br />

4<br />

14<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

91.9<br />

94.1<br />

265<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6050<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

54<br />

42.1<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 65.7<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 50.2<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

36.2<br />

72.4<br />

91.2<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 410<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

2,540<br />

2,366<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

5227<br />

13<br />

2<br />

State Statistical Office 107

The Southeast Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Strumica<br />

Municipality:<br />

Novo Selo<br />

Number of settlements 17<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 11966<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.43<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 47.9<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 0.9<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

3243<br />

3.7<br />

2.4<br />

4313<br />

89.8<br />

7.9<br />

1.8<br />

31.9<br />

Local roads 116<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 4<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

1<br />

13<br />

13<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

84.9<br />

95.6<br />

709<br />

158<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6050<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

35.6<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 62.5<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 45.0<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

43.3<br />

77.8<br />

91.6<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 1,033<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

3,229<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

11597<br />

17<br />

0<br />

108 State Statistical Office

The Southeast Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Strumica<br />

Municipality:<br />

Strumica<br />

Number of settlements 11<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 45087<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.34<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 429.4<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 5.3<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

13150<br />

3.4<br />

2.6<br />

15328<br />

84.0<br />

77.0<br />

5.8<br />

72.8<br />

Local roads 28<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 6<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

35<br />

13<br />

19<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

3<br />

21<br />

93.5<br />

96.0<br />

5881<br />

1575<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 6050<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

39.8<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 65.9<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 58.9<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

40.5<br />

74.4<br />

87.1<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 415<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

10,129<br />

4,419<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

38737<br />

19<br />

3<br />

State Statistical Office 109

The Region of Polog<br />

110 State Statistical Office

The Region of Polog<br />

Number of settlements 185<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 305930<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 1.02<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 126.7<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 10.2<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

69432<br />

4.4<br />

0.9<br />

79075<br />

84.1<br />

31.7<br />

6.4<br />

78.0<br />

169<br />

Local roads 1036<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 33<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

140<br />

19<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

12<br />

15<br />

90.1<br />

96.1<br />

26347<br />

7063<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3076<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

18.5<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 36.7<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 18.5<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

49.9<br />

78.4<br />

86.9<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 376<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

3,139<br />

3,431<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

328307<br />

295<br />

14<br />

State Statistical Office 111

The Region of Polog<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Gostivar<br />

Municipality:<br />

Vrapciste<br />

Number of settlements 7<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 8586<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.25<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 145.5<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 7.8<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

1853<br />

4.6<br />

0.7<br />

2130<br />

99.6<br />

3.0<br />

4.5<br />

80.8<br />

Local roads 28<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

5<br />

17<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

90.1<br />

96.2<br />

368<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3076<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

65<br />

16.1<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 30.1<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 8.8<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

46.7<br />

79.5<br />

89.3<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 309<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,042<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

6913<br />

13<br />

0<br />

112 State Statistical Office

The Region of Polog<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Gostivar<br />

Municipality:<br />

Vrutok<br />

Number of settlements 8<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 5999<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 1.18<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 67.4<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 7.9<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

1290<br />

4.7<br />

0.9<br />

1509<br />

98.8<br />

14.1<br />

12.9<br />

86.9<br />

Local roads 66<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

4<br />

12<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

78.2<br />

95.8<br />

248<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3076<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

42<br />

15.9<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 27.4<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 11.4<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

42.4<br />

73.5<br />

88.8<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 729<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,197<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

4685<br />

13<br />

0<br />

State Statistical Office 113

The Region of Polog<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Gostivar<br />

Municipality:<br />

Gostivar<br />

Number of settlements 6<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 49545<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 1.00<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 990.9<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 9.2<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

11216<br />

4.4<br />

1.0<br />

12630<br />

97.5<br />

67.7<br />

11.1<br />

93.4<br />

Local roads 24<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 3<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

14<br />

10<br />

20<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

4<br />

13<br />

99.7<br />

97.0<br />

4513<br />

1230<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3076<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

22.8<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 42.4<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 24.5<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

46.7<br />

80.1<br />

87.2<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 365<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

7,196<br />

4,547<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

40375<br />

19<br />

4<br />

114 State Statistical Office

The Region of Polog<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Gostivar<br />

Municipality:<br />

Dolna Banjica<br />

Number of settlements 7<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 9467<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 2.44<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 172.1<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 5.9<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

2120<br />

4.5<br />

0.6<br />

2317<br />

98.7<br />

23.3<br />

3.8<br />

90.1<br />

Local roads 48<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

1<br />

4<br />

17<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

31.9<br />

97.3<br />

303<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3076<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

71<br />

16.4<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 40.2<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 19.5<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

59.2<br />

88.2<br />

88.9<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 340<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

0<br />

0<br />

6904<br />

13<br />

1<br />

State Statistical Office 115

The Region of Polog<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Gostivar<br />

Municipality:<br />

Mavrovi Anovi<br />

Number of settlements 25<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 984<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -3.94<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 2.2<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -5.9<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

288<br />

3.4<br />

4.1<br />

1830<br />

67.0<br />

9.0<br />

3.5<br />

54.2<br />

Local roads 85<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

5<br />

6<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

89.4<br />

95.8<br />

101<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3076<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

26<br />

32.1<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 54.4<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 31.9<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

41.1<br />

82.5<br />

87.4<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 3,308<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

8,117<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

2518<br />

13<br />

1<br />

116 State Statistical Office

The Region of Polog<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Gostivar<br />

Municipality:<br />

Negotino - Polosko<br />

Number of settlements 8<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 16813<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 1.43<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 171.6<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 14.1<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

3<br />

3372<br />

5.0<br />

0.5<br />

3690<br />

98.2<br />

5.8<br />

7.0<br />

84.8<br />

Local roads 96<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

5<br />

8<br />

17<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

7<br />

99.7<br />

96.8<br />

434<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3076<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

98<br />

16.0<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 26.0<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 3.5<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

38.8<br />

65.6<br />

81.9<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 254<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,557<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

12904<br />

17<br />

0<br />

State Statistical Office 117

The Region of Polog<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Gostivar<br />

Municipality:<br />

Rostusa<br />

Number of settlements 21<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 9451<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -1.16<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 25.5<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 13.1<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

3<br />

2026<br />

4.7<br />

1.2<br />

3608<br />

95.3<br />

87.4<br />

2.4<br />

85.1<br />

Local roads 96<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 3<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

8<br />

11<br />

17<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

6<br />

98.3<br />

96.4<br />

305<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3076<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

92<br />

9.9<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 27.0<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 10.1<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

63.3<br />

90.3<br />

78.2<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 584<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

2,801<br />

2,891<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

7183<br />

17<br />

0<br />

118 State Statistical Office

The Region of Polog<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Gostivar<br />

Municipality:<br />

Srbinovo<br />

Number of settlements 7<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 3709<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.79<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 33.4<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 16.8<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

3<br />

723<br />

5.1<br />

0.8<br />

911<br />

83.5<br />

33.2<br />

1.0<br />

74.7<br />

Local roads 61<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

5<br />

13<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

77.8<br />

92.6<br />

133<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3076<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

25<br />

17.0<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 28.2<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 6.4<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

40.4<br />

47.3<br />

84.5<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 592<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

3,398<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

3603<br />

13<br />

1<br />

State Statistical Office 119

The Region of Polog<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Gostivar<br />

Municipality:<br />

Cegrane<br />

Number of settlements 4<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 12310<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.59<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 183.7<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 15.5<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

3<br />

2739<br />

4.5<br />

0.7<br />

2914<br />

11.5<br />

3.1<br />

7.6<br />

65.0<br />

Local roads 37<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

3<br />

4<br />

21<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

87.0<br />

96.1<br />

485<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3076<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

86<br />

12.9<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 25.3<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 6.6<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

49.0<br />

73.9<br />

86.2<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 256<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

1,944<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

9783<br />

17<br />

0<br />

120 State Statistical Office

The Region of Polog<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Tetovo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Bogovinje<br />

Number of settlements 6<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 14555<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 1.41<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 223.9<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 11.2<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

3<br />

3396<br />

4.3<br />

0.4<br />

3478<br />

86.7<br />

1.4<br />

6.9<br />

71.4<br />

Local roads 53<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 3<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

4<br />

6<br />

19<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

101.7<br />

95.2<br />

516<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3076<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

97<br />

9.2<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 28.8<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 6.7<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

68.1<br />

85.1<br />

95.5<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 362<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,583<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

11403<br />

17<br />

0<br />

State Statistical Office 121

The Region of Polog<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Tetovo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Brvenica<br />

Number of settlements 10<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 15855<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.87<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 97.3<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 7.4<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

3447<br />

4.6<br />

0.9<br />

3776<br />

52.9<br />

6.2<br />

8.0<br />

62.3<br />

Local roads 100<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

3<br />

11<br />

19<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

87.6<br />

96.2<br />

597<br />

150<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3076<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

27.3<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 42.6<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 23.9<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

36.0<br />

64.8<br />

80.5<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 379<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

1,882<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

13043<br />

17<br />

1<br />

122 State Statistical Office

The Region of Polog<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Tetovo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Vratnica<br />

Number of settlements 6<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 3563<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 1.07<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 37.1<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 6.7<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

958<br />

3.7<br />

2.6<br />

1120<br />

99.1<br />

0.5<br />

3.0<br />

86.0<br />

Local roads 38<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

6<br />

13<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

52.8<br />

95.1<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3076<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

89<br />

24<br />

18.7<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 42.7<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 30.4<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

57.1<br />

88.2<br />

89.2<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 687<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

3,050<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

3813<br />

13<br />

0<br />

State Statistical Office 123

The Region of Polog<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Tetovo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Zelino<br />

Number of settlements 18<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 24390<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 1.43<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 122.6<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 18.7<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

3<br />

5226<br />

4.7<br />

0.3<br />

5325<br />

8.3<br />

1.4<br />

1.8<br />

31.7<br />

Local roads 94<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

3<br />

17<br />

17<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

90.6<br />

95.8<br />

735<br />

137<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3076<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

6.7<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 32.3<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 13.9<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

79.4<br />

92.1<br />

84.6<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 354<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,784<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

17853<br />

17<br />

0<br />

124 State Statistical Office

The Region of Polog<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Tetovo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Jegunovce<br />

Number of settlements 11<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 7227<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.38<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 92.7<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 2.1<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

1687<br />

4.3<br />

1.3<br />

1909<br />

60.3<br />

17.9<br />

3.7<br />

75.6<br />

Local roads 27<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

3<br />

10<br />

15<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

99.0<br />

96.3<br />

247<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3076<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

74<br />

21.9<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 46.2<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 33.5<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

52.7<br />

74.0<br />

87.4<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 549<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,725<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

6357<br />

13<br />

1<br />

State Statistical Office 125

The Region of Polog<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Tetovo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Kamenjane<br />

Number of settlements 8<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 14442<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 2.17<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 206.3<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 10.3<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

3<br />

3903<br />

3.7<br />

0.7<br />

3863<br />

98.1<br />

2.1<br />

2.9<br />

77.4<br />

Local roads 49<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

3<br />

7<br />

19<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

83.8<br />

96.6<br />

425<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3076<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

81<br />

7.8<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 33.0<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 10.8<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

76.5<br />

90.9<br />

87.3<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 362<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

1,622<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

11180<br />

17<br />

0<br />

126 State Statistical Office

The Region of Polog<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Tetovo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Tearce<br />

Number of settlements 13<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 22454<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.96<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 165.1<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 6.0<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

5095<br />

4.4<br />

0.9<br />

5480<br />

98.9<br />

2.4<br />

5.8<br />

67.6<br />

Local roads 53<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

6<br />

8<br />

16<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

84.8<br />

95.1<br />

598<br />

142<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3076<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

13.0<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 34.3<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 18.5<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

62.3<br />

84.2<br />

87.5<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 266<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,519<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

19295<br />

17<br />

0<br />

State Statistical Office 127

The Region of Polog<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Tetovo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Tetovo<br />

Number of settlements 8<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 70841<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 1.01<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 814.3<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 9.2<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

16871<br />

4.2<br />

1.2<br />

18634<br />

98.8<br />

55.9<br />

7.1<br />

90.0<br />

Local roads 23<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 4<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

18<br />

13<br />

22<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

6<br />

16<br />

97.0<br />

96.3<br />

5961<br />

1706<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3076<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

26.1<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 42.8<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 27.8<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

39.3<br />

71.6<br />

88.0<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 339<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

8,150<br />

5,723<br />

Public enterprises 4<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

58365<br />

23<br />

3<br />

128 State Statistical Office

The Region of Polog<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Tetovo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Dzepciste<br />

Number of settlements 6<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 7919<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 1.04<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 247.5<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 10.1<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

3<br />

1323<br />

6.0<br />

0.2<br />

1531<br />

98.6<br />

9.4<br />

2.6<br />

72.3<br />

Local roads 36<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

2<br />

23<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

88.8<br />

97.9<br />

284<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3076<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

94<br />

23.6<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 31.2<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 4.3<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

24.5<br />

48.6<br />

88.8<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 469<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,047<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

6329<br />

13<br />

0<br />

State Statistical Office 129

The Region of Polog<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Tetovo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Sipkovica<br />

Number of settlements 6<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 7820<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 1.75<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 54.3<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 12.5<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

3<br />

1899<br />

4.1<br />

0.4<br />

2420<br />

98.2<br />

51.0<br />

1.4<br />

62.1<br />

Local roads 22<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

4<br />

17<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

61.1<br />

88.7<br />

117<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 3076<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

19<br />

6.3<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 26.1<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 6.5<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

76.1<br />

92.4<br />

91.1<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 403<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

1,457<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

6659<br />

13<br />

2<br />

130 State Statistical Office

The East Region<br />

132 State Statistical Office

The East Region<br />

Number of settlements 263<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 203213<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.10<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 48.7<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 1.8<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

64490<br />

3.2<br />

3.8<br />

80390<br />

91.1<br />

71.4<br />

3.7<br />

63.2<br />

134<br />

Local roads 1456<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 31<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

121<br />

16<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

13<br />

17<br />

94.0<br />

96.0<br />

14043<br />

4293<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5104<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

39.1<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 59.3<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 50.3<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

34.5<br />

65.4<br />

75.6<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 431<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

5,275<br />

4,400<br />

Public enterprises -<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

324721<br />

223<br />

38<br />

State Statistical Office 133

The East Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Berovo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Berovo<br />

Number of settlements 9<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 13941<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.21<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 23.4<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -1.8<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

4715<br />

3.0<br />

5.4<br />

6733<br />

97.3<br />

68.2<br />

1.8<br />

65.9<br />

Local roads 36<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 4<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

12<br />

9<br />

17<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

17<br />

97.4<br />

98.8<br />

812<br />

274<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5104<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

41.5<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 59.4<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 49.2<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

30.4<br />

63.2<br />

83.7<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 350<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

4,498<br />

4,596<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

10907<br />

17<br />

5<br />

134 State Statistical Office

The East Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Berovo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Pehcevo<br />

Number of settlements 7<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 5517<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.30<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 26.9<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -4.7<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

6<br />

2026<br />

2.7<br />

7.4<br />

2876<br />

90.2<br />

59.9<br />

2.0<br />

63.7<br />

Local roads 36<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

10<br />

6<br />

13<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

96.8<br />

98.2<br />

297<br />

102<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5104<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

37.8<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 62.5<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 53.3<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

39.9<br />

76.9<br />

87.7<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 419<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

5,222<br />

3,125<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

5226<br />

13<br />

3<br />

State Statistical Office 135

The East Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Vinica<br />

Municipality:<br />

Blatec<br />

Number of settlements 2<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 2024<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.12<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 20.9<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -0.5<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

660<br />

3.1<br />

4.5<br />

730<br />

96.8<br />

46.4<br />

2.3<br />

43.6<br />

Local roads 22<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

1<br />

2<br />

9<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

90.8<br />

96.4<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5104<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

85<br />

24<br />

36.7<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 57.5<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 47.6<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

37.5<br />

74.1<br />

77.7<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 334<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

4,623<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

1745<br />

13<br />

1<br />

136 State Statistical Office

The East Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Vinica<br />

Municipality:<br />

Vinica<br />

Number of settlements 14<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 17914<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.61<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 53.6<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 5.2<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

5600<br />

3.2<br />

2.9<br />

5916<br />

95.4<br />

68.5<br />

3.6<br />

65.9<br />

Local roads -<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 3<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

13<br />

13<br />

16<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

17<br />

89.5<br />

95.1<br />

1063<br />

364<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5104<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

41.3<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 61.0<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 51.4<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

33.0<br />

73.4<br />

74.1<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 321<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

3,440<br />

4,209<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

14922<br />

17<br />

2<br />

State Statistical Office 137

The East Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Delcevo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Delcevo<br />

Number of settlements 22<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 17505<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.16<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 42.5<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 2.3<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

5568<br />

3.1<br />

3.8<br />

7152<br />

90.8<br />

67.0<br />

3.2<br />

63.6<br />

Local roads 143<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

14<br />

11<br />

13<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

22<br />

98.7<br />

96.9<br />

1078<br />

310<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5104<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

43.4<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 60.3<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 54.5<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

28.9<br />

56.6<br />

81.3<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 455<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

5,645<br />

4,184<br />

Public enterprises 3<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

14801<br />

17<br />

3<br />

138 State Statistical Office

The East Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Delcevo<br />

Municipality:<br />

Makedonska Kamenica<br />

Number of settlements 9<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 8110<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.04<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 42.9<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 5.3<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

4<br />

2437<br />

3.3<br />

3.0<br />

2971<br />

58.9<br />

47.9<br />

11.0<br />

49.9<br />

Local roads 113<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

9<br />

8<br />

18<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

11<br />

100.2<br />

95.0<br />

343<br />

100<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5104<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

38.5<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 53.9<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 44.8<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

29.0<br />

63.2<br />

41.5<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 389<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

3,273<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

6588<br />

13<br />

2<br />

State Statistical Office 139

The East Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kocani<br />

Municipality:<br />

Zrnovci<br />

Number of settlements 3<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 3264<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.30<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 64.0<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 1.8<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

1105<br />

3.0<br />

5.0<br />

1340<br />

94.7<br />

60.2<br />

2.1<br />

50.4<br />

Local roads 115<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

3<br />

13<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

89.0<br />

94.6<br />

131<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5104<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

31<br />

34.3<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 54.5<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 42.1<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

37.8<br />

56.5<br />

87.3<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 486<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,249<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

1937<br />

13<br />

2<br />

140 State Statistical Office

The East Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kocani<br />

Municipality:<br />

Kocani<br />

Number of settlements 18<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 33689<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.62<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 132.1<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 4.7<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

10567<br />

3.2<br />

3.5<br />

12630<br />

96.5<br />

90.1<br />

3.6<br />

71.9<br />

Local roads 116<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 3<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

12<br />

9<br />

20<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

2<br />

19<br />

92.0<br />

95.8<br />

2959<br />

861<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5104<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

38.9<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 62.8<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 53.4<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

38.8<br />

77.5<br />

70.8<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 271<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

6,266<br />

3,742<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

28545<br />

19<br />

2<br />

State Statistical Office 141

The East Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kocani<br />

Municipality:<br />

Oblesevo<br />

Number of settlements 8<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 5071<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.68<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 67.6<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -4.3<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

1629<br />

3.1<br />

3.9<br />

2022<br />

57.9<br />

6.8<br />

0.6<br />

8.2<br />

Local roads 30<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

7<br />

14<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

93.2<br />

93.9<br />

137<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5104<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

47<br />

40.4<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 57.2<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 38.0<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

29.7<br />

56.0<br />

93.4<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 353<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,311<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

3447<br />

13<br />

0<br />

142 State Statistical Office

The East Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kocani<br />

Municipality:<br />

Orizari<br />

Number of settlements 10<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 4403<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.88<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 34.7<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -3.9<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

1414<br />

3.1<br />

3.8<br />

1810<br />

87.7<br />

47.1<br />

1.6<br />

38.5<br />

Local roads 207<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

2<br />

14<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

93.4<br />

94.0<br />

183<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5104<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

52<br />

39.6<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 59.2<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 44.1<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

33.6<br />

63.9<br />

13.3<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 608<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

2,429<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

4026<br />

13<br />

3<br />

State Statistical Office 143

The East Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Kocani<br />

Municipality:<br />

Cesinovo<br />

Number of settlements 6<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 2419<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.61<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 49.4<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -3.3<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

6<br />

794<br />

3.0<br />

4.3<br />

932<br />

48.2<br />

18.3<br />

0.6<br />

13.0<br />

Local roads 45<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

3<br />

9<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

125.3<br />

94.2<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5104<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

94<br />

33<br />

32.7<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 56.2<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 32.6<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

41.9<br />

68.0<br />

97.6<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 536<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

3,995<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

3635<br />

13<br />

0<br />

144 State Statistical Office

The East Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Probistip<br />

Municipality:<br />

Zletovo<br />

Number of settlements 10<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 3428<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.91<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 28.6<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -3.4<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

1076<br />

3.2<br />

4.2<br />

1712<br />

92.2<br />

45.6<br />

0.8<br />

36.5<br />

Local roads 36<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

3<br />

13<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

94.1<br />

94.4<br />

113<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5104<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

36<br />

34.4<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 56.6<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 46.2<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

39.5<br />

55.1<br />

75.2<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 3,413<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

0<br />

0<br />

2887<br />

13<br />

2<br />

State Statistical Office 145

The East Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Probistip<br />

Municipality:<br />

Probistip<br />

Number of settlements 27<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 12765<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.19<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 64.5<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 -1.3<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

4027<br />

3.2<br />

3.8<br />

5614<br />

90.9<br />

76.7<br />

2.8<br />

69.2<br />

Local roads 58<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

6<br />

7<br />

17<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

16<br />

98.6<br />

96.2<br />

818<br />

250<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5104<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

38.1<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 55.9<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 48.8<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

32.3<br />

61.4<br />

63.1<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 286<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

4,996<br />

5,491<br />

Public enterprises 4<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

10349<br />

17<br />

6<br />

146 State Statistical Office

The East Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Sveti Nikole<br />

Municipality:<br />

Lozovo<br />

Number of settlements 11<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 2858<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.25<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 16.1<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 1.8<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

899<br />

3.2<br />

4.1<br />

1073<br />

67.2<br />

32.1<br />

0.6<br />

24.5<br />

Local roads 133<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 1<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

2<br />

5<br />

14<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

95.7<br />

93.2<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5104<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

83<br />

27<br />

25.6<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 47.4<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 24.6<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

46.2<br />

74.6<br />

83.6<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 625<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

0<br />

3,432<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

2212<br />

13<br />

1<br />

State Statistical Office 147

The East Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Sveti Nikole<br />

Municipality:<br />

Sveti Nikole<br />

Number of settlements 34<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 18497<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.02<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 38.5<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 1.2<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

5697<br />

3.2<br />

3.4<br />

7151<br />

88.4<br />

69.2<br />

3.1<br />

56.7<br />

Local roads 108<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 3<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

20<br />

10<br />

17<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

1<br />

21<br />

95.2<br />

95.8<br />

1387<br />

384<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5104<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

36.6<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 61.4<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 54.1<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

40.6<br />

76.5<br />

80.4<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 400<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

4,184<br />

4,602<br />

Public enterprises 2<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

14962<br />

17<br />

5<br />

148 State Statistical Office

The East Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Stip<br />

Municipality:<br />

Karbinci<br />

Number of settlements 29<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 4012<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 -0.99<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 15.5<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 0.5<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

1212<br />

3.3<br />

3.7<br />

1468<br />

82.1<br />

3.5<br />

0.7<br />

13.0<br />

Local roads 108<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 2<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

6<br />

10<br />

13<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

-<br />

-<br />

97.2<br />

86.4<br />

115<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5104<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

41<br />

28.8<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 54.1<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 41.5<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

47.0<br />

64.6<br />

100.0<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 822<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public enterprises 1<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

0<br />

0<br />

3091<br />

13<br />

0<br />

State Statistical Office 149

The East Region<br />

The Group of Municipalities:<br />

Stip<br />

Municipality:<br />

Stip<br />

Number of settlements 44<br />

Total population, Population Census 2002 47796<br />

Population growth rate in period 1994-2002 0.38<br />

Population density, Population Census 2002 86.9<br />

Natural growth rate, year 2002 2.6<br />

Demographical age - level,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of households,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Average number of households members,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Participation of persons in one person<br />

households within total population,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Total number of dwellings,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the public water supply system<br />

(related to the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the sewerage system (related to<br />

the total number of households),<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

connected to the central heating (linked to the<br />

public and own net), Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Percentage of households that live in dwellings<br />

with bath and toilette, Population Census 2002<br />

(related to the total number of households)<br />

Number of locations in primary health<br />

protection<br />

5<br />

15064<br />

3.2<br />

3.6<br />

18260<br />

98.2<br />

90.2<br />

5.5<br />

78.9<br />

Local roads 150<br />

Number of Post offices in year 2002 4<br />

Regular primary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular primary schools<br />

in school year 2002/2003<br />

19<br />

13<br />

20<br />

Regular secondary schools in school year<br />

2002/2003<br />

Students per teacher in regular secondary<br />

schools in school year 2002/2003<br />

Percentage of children at age 7-14 that attend<br />

school, Population Census 2002<br />

Population literacy rate at age 10 and more,<br />

Population Census 2002<br />

Number of business subjects - registered 2004<br />

(until 30.09.2003)<br />

Number of business subjects - active 2004<br />

(until 31.12.2004)<br />

5<br />

15<br />

90.2<br />

96.9<br />

4345<br />

1357<br />

GDP per capita (PPP in US$) (for the region) 5104<br />

Rate of employment, Population Census 2002<br />

(Percentage of employers from total workingage<br />

population - age 15-64)<br />

40.2<br />

Activity rate, Population Census 2002 58.4<br />

Activity rate of women, Population Census 2002 51.6<br />

Unemployment rate, Population Census 2002<br />

(percentage of unemployed from the labor<br />

force)<br />

Youth’s unemployment rate, Population Census<br />

2002 (at age 15-24)<br />

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of<br />

total unemployment<br />

31.9<br />

54.5<br />

83.6<br />

Expenditures per capita (in denars) 389<br />

Public expenditures for health per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

Public expenditures for education per capita<br />

(in denars)<br />

9,784<br />

6,228<br />

Public enterprises 4<br />

Number of NGO<br />

Number of election body,<br />

Presidential elections 2004<br />

Number of elected advisers in Councils of<br />

Municipalities, Local elections 2000<br />

Number of elected female advisers in Councils<br />

of Municipalities and the Councils of City of<br />

Skopje, Local elections 2000<br />

41144<br />

19<br />

1<br />

150 State Statistical Office

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