Numerical recipes

Numerical recipes

Numerical recipes


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528 Chapter 12. Fast Fourier Transform<br />

overwriting the input array of data. The three enclosing for loops (indices i2, i3,<br />

and i1, from inside to outside) could in fact be done in any order — their actions all<br />

commute. We chose the order shown because of the following considerations: (i) i3<br />

should not be the inner loop, because if it is, then the recurrence relations on wr and<br />

wi become burdensome. (ii) On virtual-memory machines, i1 should be the outer<br />

loop, because (with C order of array storage) this results in the array data, which<br />

might be very large, being accessed in block sequential order.<br />

Note that the work done in rlft3 is quite (logarithmically) small, compared to<br />

the associated complex FFT, fourn. Since C does not have a convenient complex<br />

type, the operations are carried out explicitly below in terms of real and imaginary<br />

parts. The routine rlft3 is based on an earlier routine by G.B. Rybicki.<br />

#include <br />

void rlft3(float ***data, float **speq, unsigned long nn1, unsigned long nn2,<br />

unsigned long nn3, int isign)<br />

Given a three-dimensional real array data[1..nn1][1..nn2][1..nn3] (where nn1 =1for<br />

the case of a logically two-dimensional array), this routine returns (for isign=1) thecomplex<br />

fast Fourier transform as two complex arrays: On output, data contains the zero and positive<br />

frequency values of the third frequency component, while speq[1..nn1][1..2*nn2] contains<br />

the Nyquist critical frequency values of the third frequency component. First (and second)<br />

frequency components are stored for zero, positive, and negative frequencies, in standard wraparound<br />

order. See text for description of how complex values are arranged. For isign=-1, the<br />

inverse transform (times nn1*nn2*nn3/2 as a constant multiplicative factor) is performed,<br />

with output data (viewed as a real array) deriving from input data (viewed as complex) and<br />

speq. For inverse transforms on data not generated first by a forward transform, make sure<br />

the complex input data array satisfies property (12.5.2). The dimensions nn1, nn2, nn3 must<br />

always be integer powers of 2.<br />

{<br />

void fourn(float data[], unsigned long nn[], int ndim, int isign);<br />

void nrerror(char error_text[]);<br />

unsigned long i1,i2,i3,j1,j2,j3,nn[4],ii3;<br />

double theta,wi,wpi,wpr,wr,wtemp;<br />

float c1,c2,h1r,h1i,h2r,h2i;<br />

if (1+&data[nn1][nn2][nn3]-&data[1][1][1] != nn1*nn2*nn3)<br />

nrerror("rlft3: problem with dimensions or contiguity of data array\n");<br />

c1=0.5;<br />

c2 = -0.5*isign;<br />

theta=isign*(6.28318530717959/nn3);<br />

wtemp=sin(0.5*theta);<br />

wpr = -2.0*wtemp*wtemp;<br />

wpi=sin(theta);<br />

nn[1]=nn1;<br />

nn[2]=nn2;<br />

nn[3]=nn3 >> 1;<br />

if (isign == 1) { Case of forward transform.<br />

fourn(&data[1][1][1]-1,nn,3,isign); Here is where most all of the com-<br />

for (i1=1;i1

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