Report - Conseil international d'études canadiennes

Report - Conseil international d'études canadiennes

Report - Conseil international d'études canadiennes


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Ottawa, Ontario – May/Mai 31, 2014<br />

Presented by / Présenté par<br />




1) President / Président Dr. Kenneth Holland<br />

2014<br />

2) # of Canadian Studies Centres /<br />

# des Centres d’études <strong>canadiennes</strong><br />

3) # of Members / # des Membres<br />

4) Web site / Site Web<br />

53<br />

265<br />

www.acsus.org<br />

5) Activities / Activités<br />

1. ARCS - The American Review of Canadian Studies is a refereed,<br />

multidisciplinary, quarterly journal. Published by the Association for<br />

Canadian Studies in the United States. In 2009, ACSUS partnered with<br />

Routledge (now affiliated with the Taylor and Francis group), a<br />

distinguished publisher at the forefront of academic publishing. The<br />

partnership significantly raised the visibility and accessibility of ARCS.<br />

The global community has access to valuable research tools and<br />

resources given that the entire archive of the ARCS journal is available<br />

on-line in a digitized, searchable platform. All issues of ARCS are now<br />

available in both print and E-ditions. ARCS has continued to improve<br />

its profile in the academic community and to publish first-rate peerreviewed<br />

research in the field of Canadian Studies. It is edited by<br />

Professor David Rossiter and the editorial offices are located at<br />

Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA.<br />

2. Quebec Winter Lecture - ACSUS partnered with Johns Hopkins SAIS<br />

and the Raoul Dandurand Chair of Strategic and Diplomatic Studies of<br />

UQAM to present a public lecture on November 11, 2013 by former<br />

Quebec Premier Pierre Marc Johnson. Mr. Johnson offered an<br />

assessment of the “Canada-EU Trade Treaty.” Pierre Marc Johnson,<br />

former Premier of Quebec and chief negotiator for the Government of<br />

Quebec in the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement between<br />

Canada and the European Union.<br />

3. ACSUS Biennial Conference - The major activity in 2013 was the<br />

ACSUS Biennial Conference, “Canada in the Hemisphere”, held in<br />

Tampa, Florida, November 19-23. This 5 day conference featured<br />

more than one hundred roundtables, panels, and plenaries across 12<br />

disciplines, featuring the foremost experts on Canada and Canada-US<br />

relations from academia, the policy and government community, as<br />

well as esteemed writers and artists. Public officials from various levels<br />

of government, and Canada’s most recognized policy experts and<br />

cultural figures attended the event. While the biennials are<br />

multidisciplinary, the January 2014 twentieth anniversary of NAFTA<br />

encouraged us to emphasize the trilateral agreement in the 21st<br />

biennial conference. To that end, we partnered with the Association of<br />

Canadian Studies in Mexico (AMEC) and the Canadian Studies<br />

Network in Canada, as well as University of Southern Florida, to bring<br />

off a first-class conference. Approximately 280 scholars registered as<br />

participants at the meeting. As in previous years, the Government of<br />

Canada and the Governmetn of the Province of Quebec sponsored<br />

highly successful and well-attended plenary evening receptions which<br />

featured remarks by the Consul General of Canada in Miami, Madame<br />

Louise Leger, and Jean-Stéphane Bernard, Assistant Deputy Minister,<br />

Bilateral Affairs, Ministère des Relations <strong>international</strong>es, de la<br />

Francophonie et du Commerce extérieur du Québec.<br />

4. A plenary Quebec Authors’ Session featured presentations by Denise<br />

Boucher, Gaetan Brulotte, Louise Dupré, and Madeleine Monette. It<br />

was organized and moderated by then-ACSUS President Myrna<br />

Delson-Karan, Queens College/CUNY. ACSUS essay awards for

undergraduate students went to students who wrote on Quebec-related<br />

topics. The Jeanne Kissner Undergraduate Essay Award in the<br />

Humanities went to Olivia George of Georgetown University in<br />

Washington, for an essay entitled “Women's Wor(l)ds in the Quebec<br />

Novel." This paper was written entirely in French. The Martin Lubin<br />

Undergratuate Essay in the Social Sciences went to Nicholas Van<br />

Tulder of the University of Washington for a research essay entitled<br />

“Québec Total: Creating a Unifying Vision for Northern Development<br />

(Un Plan Pour Tous).”<br />

5. The Donner Medal in Canadian Studies for 2013 was awarded to past<br />

ACSUS President Dr. Patrick James of the University of Southern<br />

California. The award was presented to Dr. James by then ACSUS<br />

President Myrna Delson-Karan at the closing banquet of the Biennial<br />

conference in Tampa in November.<br />

6. The secretariat of ACSUS was moved from Washington, DC to its new<br />

home at the University at Buffalo - SUNY, effective January 1st, 2014.<br />

7. Canada-US Enders Lecture on Shale Gas: Obstacles or Opportunities?<br />

In March 2013. http://www.acsus.org/display.cfm?id=342<br />

6) Publications American Review of Canadian Studies<br />

http://www.tandfonline.com<br />

7) Grants awarded by the association. Awards<br />

& prizes received by members / Bourses<br />

offertes par l’association. Prix reçus par les<br />

membres de l’association<br />

1. Donner Medal<br />

2. Distinguished Dissertation prize<br />

3. Rufus Smith Prize (best article in ARCS)<br />

4. Jean Kissner prize (best undergraduate essay)<br />

8) Research / Recherches ACSUS does not award research grants.<br />

9) Up-coming activities & events /<br />

Activités & événements à venir<br />

Annual Meeting of the Executive Council in Las Vegas in October 2014.


1) President / Président Tony McCulloch<br />

2014<br />

2) # of Canadian Studies Centres /<br />

# des Centres d’études <strong>canadiennes</strong><br />

3) # of Members / # des Membres 150<br />

4) Web site / Site Web http://www.canadian-studies.info<br />

6 (Ulster University, Belfast; Birmingham University; Keele University; Leeds<br />

University; Nottingham University; University College London)<br />

5) Activities / Activités The British Association for Canadian Studies was ably led during the academic<br />

year 2013-14 by Dr Steve Hewitt, University of Birmingham, who retired from his<br />

three-year term as President in April 2014. The new BACS President is Dr Tony<br />

McCulloch, Senior Fellow in North American Studies at the UCL Institute of the<br />

Americas (UCL-IA). The BACS Office will be located at the UCL-IA, 51 Gordon<br />

Square, London, WC1H OPN, for the duration of his term of office and will<br />

therefore be well positioned in relation to major stake-holders such as Canada<br />

House, the Quebec Government Office, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office,<br />

the Eccles Centre for North American Studies at the British Library, the Canada-<br />

UK Council and the Foundation for Canadian Studies, which is the main funding<br />

body for Canadian Studies in the UK.<br />

The BACS Council held three main meetings - in September 2013, January 2014<br />

and April 2014 - at Macdonald House as well as members of the Council being in<br />

regular contact via email, Skype and on the fringes of other Canada-related<br />

events. The BACS President and other Council members represented BACS and<br />

the Canadian Studies community in the UK at other Canada-related events both<br />

locally and <strong>international</strong>ly. BACS also enjoyed a very good working relationship<br />

with the main University centres of Canadian Studies within the UK at Belfast,<br />

Birmingham, Edinburgh, Leeds, Nottingham and the UCL Institute of the<br />

Americas and with regional associations such as the London Canadian Studies<br />

Association and the Yorkshire Network for Canadian Studies.<br />

The 39 th annual BACS conference was held at the British Library conference<br />

centre, Euston Road, London, on 25 and 26 April and was preceded on 24 April<br />

by a keynote speech by General John de Chastelain and a reception at the<br />

Official Residence of the Canadian High Commissioner in Grosvenor Square.<br />

The conference – which was on the theme ‘Warrior or Peacemaker: War, Peace<br />

and the Struggle for Canada’s Identity, 1914-2014’ - attracted several other<br />

distinguished plenary speakers as well as a large number of presenters from<br />

Canada, the US, the UK and the rest of Europe. Attendance was about 120,<br />

many of whom were postgraduate students or early career scholars. The BACS<br />

Council is grateful to the Foundation for its support in funding the conference and<br />

to Professor Phil Davies of the Eccles Centre in North American Studies for<br />

agreeing to host it.<br />

6) Publications The BJCS was edited by Dr Danielle Fuller (Birmingham University) and Dr Ceri<br />

Morgan (Keele University) in this period and produced two issues – Vol. 26.1, a<br />

general issue edited by Danielle Fuller and Ceri Morgan, and Vol. 26.2, a themed<br />

issue entitled Canadian Literary Studies in the 21 st Century, guest edited by<br />

Fiona Tolan, Catherine Bates and Gillian Roberts. The BJCS contract with<br />

Liverpool University Press was renewed in April 2013 for 5 years. BJCS is now<br />

included in the Project Muse collection of journals which is a leading provider of<br />

digital humanities and social science content. This should significantly increase<br />

the visibility of the journal. Another very positive development is an agreement<br />

that LUP has established with the Canadian Historical Association which will offer<br />

individuals a subscription to BJCS when they take up or renew their membership<br />

with the CHA.

7) Grants awarded by the association. Awards<br />

& prizes received by members / Bourses<br />

offertes par l’association. Prix reçus par les<br />

membres de l’association<br />

The Michael J Hellyer prize for the best paper by a student or early career<br />

scholar at the conference was awarded to Tyler Turek from Western University<br />

for his paper on the period between the First and Second World Wars. The Prix<br />

du Québec for faculty was awarded to Dr Ceri Morgan (Keele University) and, for<br />

students, to Gillian Lacey (University of Northumbria). An Eccles Visiting<br />

Fellowship at the British Library was awarded to Dr Martin Thornton (University of<br />

Leeds).<br />

8) Research / Recherches Much of the research activity involving BACS members – including those who are<br />

members of the Council – is undertaken via the various Specialist Groups such<br />

as those concerned with Business, History and Politics, Indigenous Studies,<br />

Francophone Studies, Law and Literature. For example, the BACS History and<br />

Politics Group holds an annual summer conference which in July 2014 will take<br />

place at the UCL Institute of the Americas from Thursday 10 to Saturday 12 July<br />

and will be devoted to ‘New Voices on Canada’. There will be 22 presentations<br />

from students, post-doctoral researchers and junior faculty from all over Europe<br />

and a selection of the best papers will be published as a special issue of the<br />

BJCS in September 2015, co-edited by Dr Chris Kirkey of SUNY (Plattsburgh)<br />

and Dr Tony McCulloch of the UCL Institute of the Americas whose organisations<br />

are also sponsoring the event.<br />

9) Up-coming activities & events /<br />

Activités & événements à venir<br />

The 40 th anniversary BACS conference will be held at the British Library<br />

conference centre, Euston Road, London from 23 to 25 April 2015.


1) President / Président Pr. Hélène Harter<br />

2014<br />

2) # of Canadian Studies Centres /<br />

# des Centres d’études <strong>canadiennes</strong><br />

3) # of Members / # des Membres<br />

4) Web site / Site Web<br />

16<br />

400 environ<br />

www.afec33.asso.fr<br />

5) Activities / Activités<br />

- 41e colloque annuel <strong>international</strong> de l’AFEC, Mémoire(s)<br />

canadienne(s) organisé par le Centre d’Études Canadiennes de<br />

l’université Rennes 2-Haute Bretagne (CEC) en partenariat avec le Centre<br />

d’études <strong>canadiennes</strong> de l’université d’Angers (CERPECA) et l’Institut<br />

d’études <strong>canadiennes</strong> de l’université d’Ottawa<br />

- 42 e colloque annuel <strong>international</strong> de l’AFEC : Revisiter le Canada par<br />

la recherche doctorale : nouvelles thématiques, nouvelles sources,<br />

nouvelles méthodologies ? (Poitiers, 21 mars 2014)<br />

- Renouvellement du conseil d’administration de l’AFEC<br />

(http://www.afec33.asso.fr/bureau) le 21 mars 2014<br />

- L’AFEC a participé au Study Tour 2013<br />

- L’AFEC a participé aux activités de l’Association de préfiguration pour la<br />

création de la Fondation France-Canada pour la jeunesse (FFCJ) dont elle<br />

est co-fondateur<br />

- Accueil par les universités de Poitiers, La Rochelle et Limoges, en lien<br />

avec l’Institut des Amériques et l’AFEC des fonds de la bibliothèque du<br />

Centre culturel canadien de Paris<br />

- Dans les centres d’études <strong>canadiennes</strong> (sélection de colloques)<br />

- CEC de Bordeaux, 17-18 octobre 2013, colloque sur Le Canada,<br />

passages multiples<br />

- Ressources minières dans les Amériques : mutations d’un continent,<br />

Grenoble, 11-13 juin 2013. Colloque organisé par le CEMRA (EA3016,<br />

Université Grenoble Alpes), l’ILCEA (EA613, Université Grenoble Alpes) et<br />

PACTE (UMR5194, CNRS-Université Grenoble Alpes), avec la<br />

collaboration du Centre d’Etudes Canadiennes de<br />

Grenoble: http://canadatogether.hypotheses.org/1350<br />

- « Contrôle et sécurisation des zones frontalières : Pratiques et<br />

discours en France et au Canada », Journée d’étude du Centre d’études<br />

linguistiques de l’Université Jean Moulin- Lyon III, en partenariat avec le<br />

Centre de recherche de l’Ecole des officiers de la Gendarmerie nationale, 5<br />

février 2014.<br />

- Colloque <strong>international</strong>, «Amérindianités et savoirs », Université de<br />

Poitiers, 19-21 mars 2014. Colloque Organisé par le MIMMOC et le<br />

CRLA, centres de recherche de l’Université de Poitiers, avec la<br />

collaboration du CRHIA et du CECIB, en partenariat avec l’IEAQ et la<br />

chaire Pres Limousin-Poitou-Charentes d’Études sur le Canada.<br />

6) Publications - Etudes Canadiennes/Canadian Studies (revue <strong>international</strong>e à comité de<br />

lecture) : n°74 et 75. Le numéro 74 réunit une première série d’articles<br />

issus du colloque de Rennes de 2013, ceux portant sur la littérature. Un<br />

second volume issu du colloque est en cours de réalisation et devrait<br />

paraître aux Presses Universitaires de Rennes. Un numéro 75 autour de la<br />

thématique du Canada et le Commonwealth. Il témoigne de notre volonté<br />

de désormais publier aussi des numéros thématiques.<br />

- FeuilleAFEC (électronique) : n° 53 à 59.

7) Grants awarded by the association. Awards<br />

& prizes received by members / Bourses<br />

offertes par l’association. Prix reçus par les<br />

membres de l’association<br />

- Prix de thèse de l’AFEC. Les récipiendaire 2014 sont: Pierre-Alexandre<br />

BEYLIER (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III) : La frontière Canada-<br />

Etats-Unis depuis le 11 septembre 2001 : continuité et mutations (une<br />

thèse de civilisation nord-américaine) et Céline MÉLISSON (Université de<br />

Tours) : Procurer la paix, le repos et l'abondance: les officiers de Plume de<br />

l'Amérique française de 1669 à 1765 (une thèse d’histoire)<br />

- Jacques Palard (Sciences Po Bordeaux), Prix <strong>international</strong> du<br />

Gouverneur général en études <strong>canadiennes</strong> 2013<br />

- Claire Houmard prix de la meilleure thèse 2013 du CIEC pour un travail<br />

en préhistoire et archéologie intitulé Caractérisation chrono-culturelle et<br />

évolution du Paléoesquimau dans le Golfe de Foxe (Canada). Étude<br />

typologique et technologique de l'industrie en matières dures d'origine<br />

animale. La thèse a été réalisée en cotutelle à l’université de Paris Ouest<br />

Nanterre-La Défense et à l’université Laval<br />

- Jean-Michel Lacroix, president honoraire de l’AFEC s’est vu remettre le 15<br />

juin 2013 un doctorat Honoris Causa de l'Université York à Glendon<br />

College<br />

- Agata Helena TROCIUK, de l’Université de Limoges (France) et Université<br />

de Montréal (Canada) a obtenu une bourse de rédaction de thèse du CIEC<br />

en 2014 pour une thèse intitulée “Pour une approche linguistique des<br />

recherches identitaires dans le roman québécois contemporain”<br />

8) Research / Recherches<br />

- Recherches collectives du réseau (cf. Egalement la rubrique activités)<br />

- chaire PRES Limousin-Poitou-Charentes d’Études sur le Canada<br />

- contribution aux activités scientifiques de l’Institut des Amériques<br />

9) Up-coming activities & events /<br />

Activités & événements à venir<br />

- 43 e colloque annuel de l’AFEC, autour de la thématique du Canada et<br />

l’Europe, Nantes, juin 2015<br />

- Accueil de la revue Etudes <strong>canadiennes</strong> dans le bouquet de revues<br />

électroniques revues.org


1) President / Président Oriana Palusci<br />

2014<br />

2) # of Canadian Studies Centres /<br />

# des Centres d’études <strong>canadiennes</strong><br />

3) # of Members / # des Membres<br />

4) Web site / Site Web<br />

6<br />

www.aiscan.unior.it<br />

5) Activities / Activités<br />

AISC members regularly receive a newsletter by e-mail providing the latest<br />

information on Canadian Studies, publications, events, seminars, deadlines,<br />

guest lectures in Italy, etc. AISC posts important information on the AISC website<br />

on a regular basis and keeps in touch with Canadian Studies Centers in Italy, in<br />

order to exchange information and to cooperate. AISC updates members,<br />

through its website and newletter, about the European Network of Canadian<br />

Studies. Events and conferences are advertised through posters and leaflets<br />

which are also sent to the press.<br />

A. Teaching, University courses taught by AISC members:<br />

--Elena Lamberti taught a Master Program in Historical Communication on<br />

“Modelli di comunicazione storica nel Nord America” at the University of Bologna;<br />

--Carlo Pagetti organised a “Laboratorio Canada”, a 20-hour module for<br />

Graduate students (October -Dicember 2013);<br />

-- Elena Ceccherini taught a course on Comparative Public Law, dedicating a<br />

substantial section on the Canadian judicial system in the a.a. 2013-14 at the<br />

University of Genova.<br />

-- Biancamaria Rizzardi<br />

A. a. Graduate and Ph.D. thesis on Canadian Studies were supervised by AISC<br />

members O. Palusci, B. Rizzardi, C. Pagetti, E. Lamberti, D. Gavinelli.<br />

B. Conferences and Seminars<br />

--International Conference on Canada, The Urban Multiverse/Il multi verso<br />

urbano/Le multiverse urbain, held at the Centre for Excellence of the University<br />

of Naples ‘L’Orientale’, located on the Island of Procida (29-31 May 2013).<br />

Papers by Canadian and Italian scholars from different disciplinary fields<br />

(literature, linguistics, geography, architecture, cultural studies, history, law) were<br />

juxtaposed to Workshops for graduate and Ph.D students with an interest in<br />

Canadian Studies.<br />

-- Eleonora Ceccherini organised a Seminar at the University of Genoa (21-22<br />

May 2013) on “L’ordinamento costituzionale canadese”, Canadian guest, Prof.<br />

Francesca Astengo, Concordia University, Montréal.<br />

-- George Ellenbogen, poet and creative writer, presented his recent memoir set<br />

in Montreal, "Stone In My Shoe: In Search Of Neighborhood" respectively at the<br />

University of Naples ‘L’Orientale’, at University of Bologna and at the University<br />

of Udine.<br />

C. Other cultural activities<br />

Live Performance: “Musica tra le muse”<br />

Featuring Dominc Mancuso Group (Toronto) at the Museo Civico Archeologico,<br />

Bologna, Tuesday, July 2nd 2013, in collaboration with the Department of<br />

Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Bologna. The Group<br />

comprised some of Canada’s finest musicians: Chendy Leon percussion | Jerry<br />

Caringi piano & accordion | Paco Luviano bass |Tony Zorzi electric guitar |<br />

Dominic Mancuso vocals & acoustic Guitar.

6) Publications<br />

--Palusci, O., B. Rizzardi, eds., The Crossing of Borders:Variation on a Theme in<br />

Canadian Studies, Pisa, ETS, 2014<br />

--Ceccherini, E., (ed.), A trent’anni dalla Patriation canadese. Riflessioni della<br />

dottrina italiana, Genova, Genova University Press, 2013<br />

--Ceccherini E., “Territorio, storia e diritti delle popolazioni aborigene”, in G. Rolla<br />

(a cura di), Regimi giuridici speciali di autonomia delle comunità territoriali. Profili<br />

di diritto comparato, Milano, Giuffrè, 2013, pp. 33-57<br />

--Ceccherini, E., “Il modello giuridico – scientifico – e legislativo italiano fuori<br />

dall’Europa – Canada”, in P. Sirena, S. Lanni (a cura di), Napoli, E.S.I., 2013, pp.<br />

95-113;<br />

--Lamberti, E., “Introduction” to Writing Our Way Home, Edited by Licia Canton<br />

and Caroline Morgan Di Giovanni, With an Introduction by Elena Lamberti,<br />

Toronto: Guernica Editions, 2013.<br />

--Lamberti, E., “Betrayals and Smells: On the Italian (Mis)Interpretation of<br />

Understanding Media”, in Journal of Visual Culture, Special Issue Understanding<br />

Media @ 50, edited by Raiford Guins, 13:1, April 2014.<br />

--Palusci, O., “Anne Michaels e le ferite del linguaggio”, Altre Modernità, aprile<br />

2014, pp. 186-199 [ISSN 2035-7680].<br />

--Palusci, O., "Translating Home", in Licia Canton, Caroline Morgan Di Giovanni,<br />

eds., Writing Our Way Home, Toronto, Guernica, 2013, pp. 21-35 [ISBN:<br />

9781550718027].<br />

7) Grants awarded by the association. Awards<br />

& prizes received by members / Bourses<br />

offertes par l’association. Prix reçus par les<br />

membres de l’association<br />

8) Research / Recherches<br />

9) Up-coming activities & events /<br />

Activités & événements à venir<br />

No grants were awarded by the Association.<br />

Dr Elena Lamberti is the coordinator of the EU Project PERFORMIGRATIONS:<br />

PEOPLE ARE THE TERRITORY, selected for funding by EACEA, Strand 1.3.5 -<br />

Special Measures: Cooperation with Third Countries (Canada), Culture<br />

Programme 2013. It is one of the 12 successful proposals selected among 120<br />

applications received by the the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive<br />

Agency of the European Commission.<br />

Performigrations investigates the societal themes of ‘mobility’ (both cultural and<br />

technological), and ‘immigration and identity’ through a multi-layered network<br />

project involving world renown Canadian and European Institutions and<br />

Organizations. The project, coordinated by the University of Bologna, brings<br />

together an experienced <strong>international</strong> team of 6 European co-organisers,<br />

representing Italy, Greece, Portugal and Austria, and 5 partners representing the<br />

three largest Canadian cities, in the three most populated provinces (Ontario,<br />

Québec, British Columbia); as well as, 5 associate partners in the United<br />

Kingdom and Malta.<br />

From April 2014 to March 2016, across Europe and Canada Performigrations will<br />

organise 8 major cultural events, 7 art-installations, 4 main workshops and will<br />

involve a variety of target audiences. To learn more on Performigrations People<br />

Are the Territory: www.performigrations.eu.<br />

2-4 October 2014, AISC International Conference on « Alice Munro and the<br />

Anatomy of the Short Story/Alice Munro et l’anatomie de la nouvelle » University<br />

of Naples ‘L’Orientale’.


1) President / Président Yuki Shimomura<br />

2) # of Canadian Studies Centres /<br />

# des Centres d’études <strong>canadiennes</strong><br />

3) # of Members / # des Membres<br />

4) Web site / Site Web<br />

4 Canadian Studies Centres (Institute of Canadian Studies at Meiji University,<br />

Institute of American and Canadian Studies at Sophia University, Center for<br />

International Education and Cooperation at Kwansei Gakuin University, Institute<br />

of Regional Studies at Kagoshima International University) and one Canada<br />

Program at Ritsumeikan University)<br />

340<br />

http://jacs.jp<br />

5) Activities / Activités a) the 38th JACS Annual Conference, Sep. 21~22, 2013 at Kanda University of<br />

Foreign Studies in Chiba.<br />

+ Guest Speaker: Professor J. K. Chambers (Toronto University).<br />

+ Special Session Speaker: Laird Hindle (First Secretary, Embassy of Canada to<br />

Japan).<br />

+ Symposium on “How can Canadian Studies Survive?”<br />

b) Public Symposiums:<br />

+ Dr. Claude-Yves Charron (Quebec General Delegate, Quebec Government<br />

Office) June 15, 2013 at Osaka Gakuin University.<br />

+ John Liston (Kings University College of Western University) December 7,<br />

2013 at Osaka Gakuin University.<br />

+ Sapporo Symposium on “Career and Vocational Education in High School” by<br />

Dr. Bonnie Watt-Malcolm (University of Alberta) et al. at Sapporo Otani<br />

University.<br />

c) Open Lecture:<br />

+Ambassador Mackenzie Clugston (co-sponsored by Japan Canada Kai) June<br />

12, 2013 at Kobe International Center for Cooperation and Communication.<br />

d) Regional Academic Conferences:<br />

+Each Regional Office sponsors at least two mini-conferences a year, inviting<br />

speakers and researchers in Canadian Studies.<br />

6) Publications a) Journal: The Annual Review of Canadian Studies, vol. 33, Sep. 21, 2013<br />

b-1) Books: Yutaka Takenaka Quebec and Canada: The Pleasure of Area<br />

Studies, Keiryusha, 2014.<br />

Michihisa Hosokawa Hakujin Shihai no Kanada-shi (White Ruled<br />

Canadian History), Keiryusha, 2013.<br />

Taku Niwa et. al. (trans.) Marutinashonarizumu: Kebekku to<br />

Kanada, (Alan Gagnon and Raffaele Iacovino, Federalism, Citizenship and<br />

Quebec: Debating Multinationalism), Keiryusha, 2012.<br />

7) Grants awarded by the association. Awards<br />

& prizes received by members / Bourses<br />

offertes par l’association. Prix reçus par les<br />

membres de l’association<br />

a) International Travel Grants: the Selection Committee on International Travel<br />

Grants awarded<br />

8) Research / Recherches<br />

Active interdisciplinary research unit: Canadian education<br />

9) Up-coming activities & events /<br />

Activités & événements à venir



1) President / Président<br />

2) # of Canadian Studies Centres /<br />

# des Centres d’études <strong>canadiennes</strong><br />

3) # of Members / # des Membres<br />

4) Web site / Site Web<br />

Prof. Dr. Ursula Lehmkuhl (Term Mandate: February 2013-2015)<br />

Universität Trier, Fachbereich III – Geschichte, 54286 Trier<br />

E-Mail: lehmkuhl@uni-trier.de<br />

19<br />

550<br />

www.kanada-studien.org<br />

www.facebook.com/kanadastudien<br />

2014<br />

5) Activities / Activités Annual conference Indigenous Knowledge and Academic Discourses held<br />

at Grainau between February 14 and 16, 2014. Further information are available<br />

at: http://www.kanada-studien.org/jahrestagung<br />

Annual conference of GKS’ Young Scholars’ Forum Understanding Canada<br />

held at Trier between July 4 and 6, 2013. The program and further information<br />

are available at: http://www.nachwuchsforum.net/index.php?/archives/11-10TH-<br />


TRIER.html<br />

GKS furthermore disseminates information and knowledge about<br />

Canada/Canadian Studies by means of:<br />

• A monthly newsletter that contains calls for papers/calls for<br />

contributions, recent publications on topics pertaining to<br />

Canada/Canadian Studies, and other noteworthy aspects such as<br />

news from ICCS and ENCS.<br />

• An annual status report that lists all publications, lectures, lecture<br />

series, conferences, information about ongoing and finished research<br />

projects, as well as about courses offered during the academic year. It<br />

is also available for non-members at www.kanadastudien.org/publikationen/mitteilungsheft<br />

• A trilingual website that is frequently updated in order to inform<br />

members and non-members about GKS’ activities as well as about<br />

activities in Canadian Studies by partner organizations and nonmembers.<br />

The website is available in English, French, and German so<br />

that it now caters to a more <strong>international</strong> audience.<br />

The websites of the Young Scholars’ Forum and the Teachers’ Forum. These<br />

websites contain general information like calls for papers but also special<br />

material catering specifically to teachers and young scholars:<br />

www.nachwuchsforum.net / www.education-canada.de<br />

6) Publications Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien (Journal of Canadian Studies, peer-reviewed):<br />

http://www.kanada-studien.org/publikationen/zks<br />

Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien. 34 (2014). Ed. Katja Sarkowsky, Martin Thunert,<br />

Doris G. Eibl. Augsburg: Wißner.<br />

Mitteilungsheft (see above: annual newsletter), edited by Ursula Bader<br />

Apart from these publications there are numerous book publications, journals etc.<br />

that would be too numerous to list here. See: www.kanadastudien.org/publications/mitteilungsheft

7) Grants awarded by the association. Awards<br />

& prizes received by members / Bourses<br />

offertes par l’association. Prix reçus par les<br />

membres de l’association<br />

"GKS-Förderpreise" (Awards of the GKS/Prix de la GKS). Eligible are<br />

undergraduate, graduate and PhD-students working on a project with Canadian<br />

content (€ 1.000 per award).<br />

Recipient 2014: Felix Haase (Jena)<br />

"Prix d'Excellence du Québec". This award is funded by the Government of<br />

Quebec in recognition of an outstanding contribution to Québec Studies (CAD$<br />

3.000).<br />

Recipients 2014: Emilie Notard (Berlin), Julia Hohensinner (Graz)<br />

"Jürgen-Sasse-Preis". Eligible are undergraduate, graduate and PhD-students<br />

(€ 1.000).<br />

Recipient 2014: Jessica Janßen (Kiel)<br />

"Förderpreise der Stiftung für Kanada-Studien" (Awards of the Stiftung für<br />

Kanada-Studien).<br />

Recipients 2014: Hilde van Meegdenburg (Berlin), Jara Rossenbach (Aachen),<br />

Ulduz Maschaykh (Hamilton)<br />

8) Research / Recherches Traditionally, GKS is a multi- and interdisciplinary institution, uniting scientists<br />

from various disciplines and academic backgrounds. Given the importance of<br />

Canada in the German high-school system (Canada being the country of<br />

reference for the A-level exams) one rather recent trend is the increasing<br />

inclusion of teacher-training research.<br />

At present, there are a number of Canadianist projects. Please see the<br />

Mitteilungsheft: www.kanada-studien.org/publications/mitteilungsheft (also for<br />

PhD dissertations and postdoctoral degrees)<br />

9) Up-coming activities & events /<br />

Activités & événements à venir<br />

Between July 4 and 6, 2014, the annual conference of the Young Scholars will<br />

take place in Kiel. The overall theme of the conference will be (Re-)Imagining<br />

Canada.<br />

Between February 6 and 8, 2015, the annual conference will take place. The<br />

overall theme of the conference will be: Majorities and Minorities in Canada<br />

and Quebec


1) President / Président Dr Robyn Morris. Vice-President: Dr Robert Joseph<br />

2014<br />

2) # of Canadian Studies Centres /<br />

# des Centres d’études <strong>canadiennes</strong><br />

3) # of Members / # des Membres 140<br />

4) Web site / Site Web www.acsanz.org<br />

2<br />

5) Activities / Activités<br />

Shane Rhodes<br />

award-winning Canadian Poet,<br />

Poetry Seminar at UOW<br />

ACSANZ supported a range of exciting events and initiatives in 2013 including<br />

hosting visiting scholars from Canada in both Australia and New Zealand. The<br />

calendar of events is disseminated by regular meetings of the ACSANZ<br />

Executive, through the Association website and through emails to ACSANZ<br />

members. The Executive continue to prioritise the implementation and<br />

assessment of applications for the ACSANZ Postgraduate Travel Grant and the<br />

provision (upon application) of a small number of bursaries to support Canadian<br />

studies activities in Australia and New Zealand including workshops or visiting<br />

scholars' keynotes. Following a general meeting of the Executive in January,<br />

2014, it was decided to extend our support of Canadianist scholars to include<br />

both postgraduates and established scholars in order to encourage further<br />

research and networking within Canada.<br />

University of Waikato Public Lecture: “The Question of Genocide in Canada’s<br />

Indian Residential Schools: Prospects for Truth and Reconciliation” by Dr David<br />

McDonald<br />

David McDonald<br />

Seminar at Emmanuel College, Univ. of Queensland: ‘Securing Canada's Place<br />

in the Asia-Pacific’ by Marie-Louise Hannan, Consul and Senior Trade<br />

Commissioner, Consulate General of Canada in Sydney<br />

University of Waikato Public lecture: "From Territorial Ambiguity to<br />

Jurisdictional Clarity: Overlapping Territorial Claims and the BC Treaty<br />

Process, Canada" by Chris Turner<br />

Chris Turner<br />

6) Publications Australasian Canadian Studies is an <strong>international</strong>, multidisciplinary journal of<br />

Canadian studies. It is the official journal of the Association for Canadian Studies<br />

in Australia and New Zealand (ACSANZ). ACS has, since its founding in 1983,<br />

provided a forum for a diverse body of scholarship. ACS remains committed to<br />

mentoring established and emerging scholars in comparative Australian,<br />

Canadian and New Zealand Studies. The ACS Editorial Board provides<br />

invaluable input, critique and suggestions to Canadianists around the world. A<br />

special issue of the journal was published in Dec 2012, titled the Rebellion issue.<br />

It was guest edited by esteemed board member Dr John Carter. (Vol 29 1-2,<br />

2011). The ACS 30:1 issue is in press and a general publication. In order to<br />

increase our <strong>international</strong> base we will align future Calls for Papers (CFP) for<br />

special editions of the journal ACS in 2014 and 2015 with current DFATD<br />

priorities. We are targeting issues surrounding the Arctic (2014) and for 2015, the<br />

commemoration of key battles and other moments of WW1 (the 100 year<br />

anniversary of start of WW1is 2014 and the battle at Gallipoli, 2015).<br />

7) Grants awarded by the association. Awards<br />

& prizes received by members / Bourses<br />

offertes par l’association. Prix reçus par les<br />

membres de l’association<br />

Our students are gaining <strong>international</strong> acclaim and the journal's profile is being<br />

raised <strong>international</strong>ly, primarily through the networking efforts of the Editor and<br />

the Executive. We will continue to promote PG scholarship in Canadian studies<br />

with our successful Postgraduate Research Grant, and with established scholars<br />

through small bursaries to support visiting scholars or workshops. We are<br />

committed to examining new ways to link ACSANZ with academic activities in<br />

order to promote an even stronger multidisciplinary understanding of Canada

through events, workshops and visiting scholar programs.<br />

8) Research / Recherches Our member’s area of research is multidisciplinary and this is reflected in the<br />

articles published in our flagship journal Australasian Canadian Studies. Articles<br />

published more recently in ACS analysed issues have related to: issues of<br />

immigration, citizenship, gender, sexuality, Indigenous Land Rights, environment<br />

and history. Our individual members publish widely across peer-reviewed<br />

Australian and <strong>international</strong> journals on areas of Canadian and comparative<br />

Canadian, New Zealand and Australian studies.<br />

9) Up-coming activities & events /<br />

Activités & événements à venir<br />

ICCS Scholarship success: Darlis MOJARRIETA, was awarded a $4000<br />

scholarship by ICCS. Darlis is completing a PhD at the University of Sydney,<br />

Australia. His thesis research project is titled, or “A Comparative Study of<br />

Selection Methods for Permanent Economic Migration.”<br />

ACSANZ Patron page: We are pleased to announce the ACSANZ Patron page<br />

with endorsement by Caroline Chrétien, High Commissioner of Canada to New<br />

Zealand and Michael Small, High Commissioner for Canada to Australia.<br />

Please visit: http://www.acsanz.org.au/wordpress/?page_id=358


1) President / Président Elizabeth Tilley<br />

2014<br />

2) # of Canadian Studies Centres /<br />

# des Centres d’études <strong>canadiennes</strong><br />

3) # of Members / # des Membres 100<br />

1 at Queen’s University Belfast<br />

4) Web site / Site Web www.canadianstudiesireland.com<br />

5) Activities / Activités ACSI’s 17 th Biennial Conference was held in Galway from the 9-11 May 2014<br />

(Plenary Speakers: Professor Robin Elliott, Univ of Toronto, Professor Godfrey<br />

Baldacchino, Univ of PEI, Professor Jean Marcel Paquet, Emeritus, Laval,<br />

Professor Louise Dupre, Univ du Quebec a Montreal).<br />

Yves Navarre : Une vie à écrire / a life(time) to write<br />

International Conference, NUI, Galway, 25-26 September 2014<br />

Flags, Loyalists and Nationalists: The Canadian Experience, March 7, 2013,<br />

Queen’s University, Belfast.<br />

The Association of Canadian Studies in Ireland also helped host a number of<br />

cultural events including the appearance of Patrick deWitt at the Cúirt<br />

International Festival of Literature in April of 2014<br />

Our members have been involved in postgraduate supervision, publications, and<br />

conference organizing on topics of interest to Canadianists.<br />

6) Publications The following is a selection of publications from members:<br />

Majury N (2013) 'Trusting the numbers': mineral prospecting, raising finance and<br />

the governance of knowledge,Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers<br />

Elliott, S.M., Roe, H.M., Patterson, R.T. (2012) Testate amoebae as indicators of<br />

hydroseral change: an 8,500 year record from Mer Bleue Bog, eastern Ontario,<br />

Canada. Quaternary International. DOI:10.1016/j.quaint.2011.08.020<br />

Brophy, M (2013) “L’essai ou le portrait détaillé d’une conscience” in Hélène<br />

Dorion, Sous l’arche du temps, essai suivi d’entretiens, Montreal, Typo, 2013,<br />

p.105-117<br />

Papers:<br />

Michael Brophy, “On the function of poetry in the work of Louise Dupré”,<br />

Research Day, UCD School of Languages and Literatures, Friday 25 April<br />

Michael Brophy, “ ‘Placer Auschwitz et Birkenau dans un vers’: Apocalyptic<br />

Space and the Possibility of Poetry in Louise Dupré’s Plus haut que les<br />

flammes”, ACSI Conference, Galway, 10 May.<br />

David L. Parris, ‘Avec Naïm Kattan dans le dédale des théories entourant les<br />

marginalités contemporaines : une lecture de L’Écrivain migrant (2001)’, ACSI

Conference, Galway, 10 May.<br />

David L. Parris, ‘À la recherche du Bagdad perdu’ Les Francophonies<br />

postcoloniales : textes, contexts, Department of Germanic and Romance<br />

Studies, University of Delhi, 7th November 2013.<br />

7) Grants awarded by the association. Awards<br />

& prizes received by members / Bourses<br />

offertes par l’association. Prix reçus par les<br />

membres de l’association<br />

Dr Julie Rodgers, National University of Ireland, Maynooth : Prix du<br />

Quebec (presented M. Stephen Paquet, agent-general of the Delegation<br />

du Quebec at ACSI’s conference in May of 2014)<br />

8) Research / Recherches Theses:<br />

MA Completed (September 2013) in French at the National University of Ireland,<br />

Galway : L'influence de la Révolution Tranquille sur la littérature québécoise :<br />

Marie-Claire Blais et Michel Tremblay. By Pauline PETIT.<br />

Supervisor : Dr Máire Aine Ní Mhainnín<br />

9) Up-coming activities & events /<br />

Activités & événements à venir<br />

The Eaton Lecture 2013/14, October 11, 2014

1) President / Président<br />



Peter Bakker<br />

2014<br />

2) # of Canadian Studies Centres /<br />

# des Centres d’études <strong>canadiennes</strong><br />

3) # of Members / # des Membres<br />

4) Web site / Site Web<br />

2 (Aarhus, Stockholm)<br />

295<br />

www.nacs-anec.org<br />

5) Activities / Activités NACS sponsored the Canadian keynote in the biennial Maple Leaf and Eagle<br />

conference, 12-16 May 2014, University of Helsinki. Laura Peers, University of<br />

Oxford was the speaker.<br />

NACS co-sponsored visits by Rita Mestokosho and Dany Laferrière in Sweden<br />

(Stockholm, Falun, Umeå): workshops / readings in March 2014.<br />

NACS co-organised with ASANOR (The American Studies Association of<br />

Norway) the three-day conference Constitutive Texts in North American Studies,<br />

Oslo, 25-27 October 2013. The invited Canadian keynote was Patricia<br />

Sutherland.<br />

NACS co-sponsored the conference Heritage and Change in the Arctic where<br />

several Canadian scholars presented, 11-14 October, University of Greenland,<br />

Nuuk, organised by CIRCLA, (Centre for Innovation and Research in Culture and<br />

Learning in the Arctic, Aalborg University).<br />

NACS co-sponsored with other European associations for Canadian Studies,<br />

The European Network for Canadian Studies and The European Commission the<br />

Thinking Canada: EU-Canada Study Tour (two Nordic participants) in September<br />

2013.<br />

Long-term initiative for co-operation (research, conference organisation etc) with<br />

the newly established John Morton Center for North American Studies at the<br />

University of Turku, Finland. The John Morton Center aims to be a leading<br />

national center in Finland with an <strong>international</strong> research profile.<br />

6) Publications<br />

selection :<br />

Bakker, Peter. 2013. Diachrony and typology in the history of Cree (Algonquian,<br />

Algic). In: Diachronic and Typological Perspectives on Verbs, edited by Folke<br />

Josephson and Ingmar Söhrman. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins. 223-259.<br />

Bakker, Peter. 2013. Michif. In: The Atlas of Pidgin and Creole Language<br />

Structures (APiCS) , edited by Susanne Michaelis, Philippe Maurer, Martin<br />

Haspelmath, and Magnus Huber (Oxford University Press, 2013). 158-165.<br />

Bakker, Peter. Interview Deaftv.dk on Plains Indian Sign Language. March 2014.<br />

Bakker, Peter. 2013. Michif: Grace Zoldy in Camperville:<br />

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0C4cODsSyE&feature=plcp<br />

Korkka, Janne. 2013. Ethical Encounters: Spaces and Selves in the Writings of<br />

Rudy Wiebe. Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi.<br />

Mattisson, Jane. 2014. Ranam recherches anglaises et nord américaines. A<br />

review of Ranam journal, University of Strasbourg, France. CanText: The<br />

Newsletter of the BACS Literature Group 16:1, April 2014.<br />

McDonald-Rissanen, Mary. 2014. In the Interval of the Wave: Prince Edward<br />

Island Women's Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Life Writing. Montreal<br />

& Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.<br />

Saari, Paula. 2014. Portraying Orderly Wilderness: Canadian National Parks<br />

Branch and the Construction of the National Park Ideal in Early Tourist<br />

Brochures. In Andersson, Rani-Henrik & Saara Kekki (eds). North American

Studies Crossroads: An Anthology of Finnish Perspectives. Helsinki: University of<br />

Helsinki. 261-281.<br />

Saari, Paula. 2014. Selling the Scenery or Preserving the Wilderness : Canadian<br />

Members of Parliament and their Views on the Purpose of National Parks, 1945–<br />

64. International Journal of Canadian Studies 49. 253-284.<br />

7) Grants awarded by the association. Awards<br />

& prizes received by members / Bourses<br />

offertes par l’association. Prix reçus par les<br />

membres de l’association<br />

NACS continues to offer MA student travel scholarships (€ 1,200) for research<br />

trips to Canada, but none were funded in the period between June 2013-May<br />

2014.<br />

8) Research / Recherches Ongoing research in political science, linguistics, literature, social sciences,<br />

strategic studies, gender studies, history, indigenous studies, sociology,<br />

education, Arctic Studies, etc.<br />

9) Up-coming activities & events /<br />

Activités & événements à venir<br />

Plans for NACS triennial conference to be held in one of the Nordic countries in<br />

Summer 2015 are underway; location and details to be confirmed as soon as<br />

possible. The conference aims to draw together up to a hundred speakers as<br />

well as other participants particularly from the Nordic countries, Europe and<br />




1) President / Président<br />

2) # of Canadian Studies Centres /<br />

# des Centres d’études <strong>canadiennes</strong><br />

3) # of Members / # des Membres<br />

4) Web site / Site Web<br />

Dr. Cornelius Remie<br />

One, at Groningen University<br />

116 individual members<br />

http://www.acsn.nl/<br />

2014<br />

5) Activities / Activités<br />

As announced in the annual report for the reporting period 2012-2013, the<br />

ACSN was forced to downscale its activities drastically. The size of the<br />

Executive Board was reduced to 3 members and the number of board<br />

meetings was restricted. ACSN continued its support of the EU-Canada<br />

Study Tour and Internship Programme, "Thinking Canada". This is in line<br />

with the highest priority given by ACSN to the support of student exchange<br />

now that DFAIT scholarship programs do not exist anymore.<br />

As a result of lack of funds for administrative and organizational<br />

undertakings, activities during the 2013-2014 reporting year were therefore<br />

extremely limited and restricted to :<br />

• 3 executive board meetings<br />

• financial support of the EU-Canada Study Tour and Internship<br />

Programme 2013, "Thinking Canada"<br />

• Participation in the EU-Canada Study Tour and Internship Programme<br />

2013, "Thinking Canada", 1-29 September 2013: Mrs. Jantine Bresser<br />

(Radboud University, Nijmegen).<br />

• Collaboration with the Netherlands Department of Foreign Affairs i.e.<br />

participation (dr. C. Remie) in the briefing of the new Dutch<br />

Ambassador to Canada, His Excellency Cees Kole who replaced<br />

former ambassador Wim Geerts in September 2013<br />

• Preparation of visit to the new Dutch ambassador in Ottawa, Cees<br />

Kole, by ICCS vice-president Development Danny Ben Natan for<br />

purposes of sponsorship.<br />

• Participation (dr. C. Remie) in the Workshop “From Pole to Pole” held<br />

at the State Museum of Ethnology, Leiden, March 15, 2014. Meeting<br />

with Mrs. Louise Flaherty, Director Inuit Language & Culture Programs<br />

of the Nunavut Arctic College, Iqaluit, Nunavut, to explore future<br />

cooperation.<br />

• Participation in the 38 th meeting of the European Network for Canada<br />

Studies in Brussels (dr. C. Remie, drs. I. Salverda)<br />

• Regular consultation with representatives of the Canadian Embassy at<br />

the Hague.<br />

• Regular updating of the ACSN website (drs. I. Salverda)<br />

6) Publications<br />

N.A. (publication series Canada Cahiers was discontinued due to lack of<br />


7) Grants awarded by the association. Awards &<br />

prizes received by members / Bourses offertes par<br />

l’association. Prix reçus par les membres de<br />

l’association<br />

8) Research / Recherches<br />

9) Up-coming activities & events /<br />

Activités & événements à venir<br />

During the reporting year 2013-2014 ACSN Student Research Awards were<br />

granted to:<br />

• Florian Langstraat (University of Amsterdam) for his project: "Instruments<br />

for Transition? The Impact of Future Visions of Urban Mobility in Canada<br />

and the Netherlands", project to be carried out during his stay at the<br />

University of Toronto<br />

• Tim Donkers (Wageningen University) for his project "Challenges and<br />

Opportunityies of Conjunctive Water Management in Alberta", project to<br />

be carried out during his internship at the Netherlands Trade Office in<br />

Edmonton and at the Department of Environment and Sustainable<br />

Resource Development of the government of Alberta<br />

• Anne Nijland and Floortje Goossens (Wageningen University) for their<br />

project “Sustainable landscape system for the environment and society<br />

of the oil sands industry in Alberta, Canada”, project to be carried out at<br />

Fort McMurray, Alberta<br />

During the reporting year 2013-2014 ACSN Student Networking Awards<br />

were granted to:<br />

• Lisanne Overweg (University of Amsterdam) for following M.A. courses<br />

at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby BC.<br />

Major areas of research by ACSN members continue to be in the realm of<br />

sustainability, political systems and economics, as well as issues regarding<br />

first nations peoples, and English and French Canadian Literature.<br />

Participation in projects (under discussion with the Canadian embassy in The<br />

Hague) related to commemorate 75 years of diplomatic relations between<br />

Canada and the Netherlands, as well as the commemoration of 70 years of<br />

liberation.<br />

Further activities will be mainly restricted to the support of student exchanges.



1) President / Président Daniel Ben-Natan<br />

2014<br />

2) # of Canadian Studies Centres /<br />

# des Centres d’études <strong>canadiennes</strong><br />

3) # of Members / # des Membres<br />

4) Web site / Site Web www.iacs.org.il<br />

5) Activities / Activités 14 th International Jerusalem Conference in Canadian Studies - Canada and<br />

Israel in a Changing World: New Trends and Directions<br />

The 14 th I'ntl Jerusalem Conference in Canadian Studies, sponsored by the<br />

Halbert Centre for Canadian Studies and the Israel Association for Canadian<br />

Studies took place May 20-22, 2013 at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,<br />

Maiersdorf Faculty Club (Mt. Scopus):<br />

Public Lecture Series<br />

The Israel Association for Canadian Studies and the Halbert Centre public<br />

lecture series addresses Canadian topics and issues before an Israeli academic<br />

audience and the general public.<br />

• On June 10, 2013, Prof. Josip Novakovich, of the Concordia<br />

University English department, gave a public lecture on “Found in<br />

Translation: A Literary Voyage from Croatia to Canada.” During his<br />

lecture, Prof. Novakovich read excerpts from his book Apricots from<br />

Chernobyl and took questions from the audience about his work and<br />

creative writing. Prof. Shuli Barzilai, of the Hebrew University’s English<br />

department, chaired the event, which was attended by Croatian<br />

ambassador to Israel Pjer Šimunović.<br />

• On March 12, 2014, Prof. Robert A. Kenedy, from the Department of<br />

Sociology, York University, gave a public lecture on "Diasporic<br />

Liminality from France to HContexts". The Halbert Centre was<br />

invited to participate in the lecture along with the Institute of<br />

Contemporary Jewry. Prof. Rehav Rubin, Chair of the Halbert Centre's<br />

Academic Committee, welcomed the lecture attendants.<br />

• On March 26 th , 2014, Dr. Alain Beaudet, the Bullock Chair recipient,<br />

gave a public lecture on "Health Research for the 21st Century:<br />

Opportunities and Challenges". Prof. Isaiah Arkin, Vice President for<br />

Research and Development, Chaired the event.<br />

6) Publications<br />

7) Grants awarded by the association. Awards<br />

& prizes received by members / Bourses<br />

offertes par l’association. Prix reçus par les<br />

membres de l’association<br />

2013 Israel Association for Canadian Studies and the Halbert Centre Peter<br />

Lougheed Fellowship Recipients<br />

The Fellowships in Canadian Studies assist Israeli MA and PhD students<br />

working on a dissertation or thesis that has significant Canadian content.<br />

Recipients receive funding to collect data in Canada, meet Canadian experts in<br />

their field, and/or take advanced courses at Canadian universities.<br />

The 2013-2014 recipient was Amit Tubi, from the Department of Geography, for<br />

his research proposal: “Vulnerability and Adaptation to Floods in Canada’s<br />

Largest City: Conflict, Cooperation and Institutional Capacity.”<br />

The 2014-2015 fellowship was awarded to two recipients. Eran Ben-Ari, from

the School of Business Administration, for his research proposal: "The<br />

Translation of Online Technology – The Case of Google Analytics". Gidon Jakar,<br />

from the Department of Geography, for his research proposal: " Hamilton's Race<br />

for an NHL Team: A Canadian Perspective on Professional Sports and Local<br />

Development".<br />

Arie Shachar Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Canadian Studies at the<br />

Hebrew University<br />

The fellowship is co-sponsored by the Canadian Friends of the Hebrew<br />

University, the Halbert Centre for Canadian Studies and the Israel Association for<br />

Canadian Studies. It enables recent PhDs recipients of the Hebrew University<br />

working on post-doctoral projects with significant Canadian content to carry out<br />

their research at any university in Canada.<br />

The 2013–14 fellowship was awarded to Alexander Rosenblatt, from the<br />

department of musicology, for his proposed work on “Music of Indigenous<br />

Anglicans in British Columbia, Canada: Codes of Cultural Identity.”<br />

The 2014-2015 fellowship was awarded to Ronit Levine-Schnur, from the<br />

Faculty of Law, for her proposed work on "Property Rights, the Passage of Time,<br />

and Considerations of Justice in Canada and in Israel".<br />

8) Research / Recherches<br />

9) Up-coming activities & events /<br />

Activités & événements à venir<br />

14th International Jerusalem Conference in Canadian Studies -<br />

Canada and Israel in a Changing World




We regret to inform the ICCS that the VENEZUELAN ASSOCIATION OF CANADIAN STUDIES- R.E.V.E.C.<br />

does not have any activities to report during 2013-2104.<br />

Dr Diego Zambrabo and Dra. Emperatriz Arreaza-Camero<br />



1) President / Président Alex Moon<br />

2) # of Canadian Studies Centres /<br />

# des Centres d’études <strong>canadiennes</strong><br />

3) # of Members / # des Membres 168<br />

4) Web site / Site Web www.kacs.kr<br />

9<br />

2014<br />

5) Activities / Activités The year 2013 marked the 50 th anniversary of the beginning of the diplomatic ties<br />

between Canada and Korea. There were many activities to celebrate the<br />

anniversary, including the “Canadian Cultural Festival” held at Sookmyung<br />

Women’s University from May 21 to July 19, complete with exhibitions of<br />

Canadian photographs and books; Korea-Canada Energy Industry Cooperation<br />

Forum, October 8; and Canada-Korea Science and Technology Workshop,<br />

November 28-29.<br />

6) Publications<br />

Asian Journal of Canadian Studies, Vol. 19, No. 1 & 2, June and December 2013<br />

e-newsletters (March, June, and November)<br />

Selected article jounals on Canada published by members of KACS:<br />

Moosung Lee, Hyung Min Kim, and David L. Rousseau. 2013. “The Bilateral<br />

Cooperation between South Korea and Canada: Norms in Reality in<br />

Environmental Politics.” Korea Observer 44(1): 113-141.<br />

Miu Chung Yan and Andrew Eungi Kim. 2013. “Civic and Judicial Multiculturalism<br />

of Canada: A Critical Assessment of the Canadian<br />

Model of Diversity for South Korea.” Korea Observer 44(1): 87-112.<br />

Eun Gee Yun. 2013. “A Comparative Analysis of Corruption in Canada and<br />

South Korea: Focusing the Effect of Corruption on Societal Development and<br />

Social Capital.” Korea Observer 44(1): 143-165.<br />

Sungwook Yoon. 2013. “South Korea’s Free Trade Agreement<br />

Roadmap and Canada: A Case of Promise and Betrayal.” Korea Observer 44(1):<br />

167-198.<br />

Jongtae Kim. 2013. “The Contextual Understanding of Korean Multiculture - A<br />

Comparison with the Canadian Case.” Asiatic Research 56(2): 293-327 (in<br />

Korean).<br />

Jiil Tak. 2013. “American and Canadian Churches’ Understanding of the Korean<br />

War.” Korean Christianity and History Vol. 39: 281-305 (in Korean).<br />

Hyeongi Shin. 2013. “Study on Canadian Municipal Police System.” Police<br />

Studies 6(3): 3-23 (in Korean).<br />

Hyun Jung Kim. 2013. “Analysis on the Resilience of Canadian Banks during the<br />

Global Financial Crisis of 2008-10.” Korean Economic Journal 52(1): 73-117 (in<br />

Korean).<br />

Sun Young Oh. 2013. “Analysis on WTO Adjudication of Canada -Renewable<br />

Energy, and Its Implication on the Renewable Energy Policies in Korea.”<br />

Kyungsang Law Studies 21(4): 363-382 (in Korean).<br />

Gyeong Mi Jeong. 2013. “Minority Education in Elementary School Social<br />

Studies in Canada: with Focus on Ontario.” Elementary Curriculum Studies Vol.

17: 89-112 (in Korean).<br />

Ha Yoon Jung. 2013. “Party System and Regional Party- The Case of the Rise of<br />

Bloc Quebecois in the 1993 Canadian Federal Election.”<br />

International Area Studies Research 17(2): 29-48 (in Korean).<br />

In Won Lee. 2013. “Exploring the Role of Local Governments in Implementation<br />

of Multicultural Policy: Lesson from Canada Cases.” Social Science Studies<br />

39(1): 97-123 (in Korean).<br />

Yeon-Ok Seong. 2013. “A Comparative Study of Multiculturalism in the United<br />

States, Canada and Australia.” Business Management Consulting Review 4(2):<br />

23-44 (in Korean).<br />

Misun Kim, Minsung Sohn, and Mangyu Choi. 2013. “Current State and<br />

Characteristics of Military Survey in Developed Countries: Focused on the<br />

Surveys of United States, Australia, and Canada.” Digital Policy Research<br />

11(12): 537-549 (in Korean).<br />

7) Grants awarded by the association. Awards<br />

& prizes received by members / Bourses<br />

offertes par l’association. Prix reçus par les<br />

membres de l’association<br />

8) Research / Recherches<br />

9) Up-coming activities & events /<br />

Activités & événements à venir<br />

A conference is planned on the theme of “Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement:<br />

Challenges and Prospects” in October.


AMEC reported that they will have a call for nominations for a new Executive this year and will<br />

probably change the Host Institution.



1) President / Président<br />

2) # of Canadian Studies Centres /<br />

# des Centres d’études <strong>canadiennes</strong><br />

3) # of Members / # des Membres<br />

4) Web site / Site Web<br />

Diana Yankova<br />

30<br />

190<br />

http://www.cecanstud.cz/<br />

2014<br />

5) Activities / Activités Academic conferences<br />

• 11th Conference of the Hungarian Society for the Study of English<br />

(HUSSE), January 24-26, 2013 at Eötvös Loránd University,<br />

Budapest; a special Canadian session.<br />

• 3rd Student Conference on Inter-American Studies, February 15-16,<br />

2013, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia<br />

• 6th International Conference of the Serbian Association for Canadian<br />

Studies, April 20-22, 2013, Belgrade, Serbia<br />

• 5th International Unconventional Conference of Young Canadianists,<br />

September 19-21, 2013, Baia Mare Centre of the Technical University<br />

of Cluj-Napoca, Romania<br />

• International conference on Crossing Boundaries in Culture and<br />

Communication, organized by the Department of Foreign Languages<br />

of the Romanian-American University, Bucharest, November 1-2,<br />

2013, panels dedicated to Canadian Studies.<br />

In 2013 CEACS members presented over 100 papers at academic conferences<br />

in the Central European region and in scholarly events in Canada, France,<br />

Georgia, Germany, Ireland, Poland, Puerto Rico, South Korea, Turkey and the<br />

UK.<br />

Outreach has been a priority for the association. Some activities include:<br />

interviews with Central European Canadianists on national radio or television<br />

(Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia); interview with D. Yankova as the newly<br />

elected CEACS President by Bulgarian Horizons, published in Toronto;<br />

collaborative activities between universities (Dimitrie Cantemir University,<br />

Romania and University of Athens, Greece); training of secondary-school<br />

teachers, presentations for their students (the Czech Republic, Hungary).<br />

Cultural activities. In 2013 Canadian Centers in the region organized about 40<br />

cultural events, often in collaboration with the local Canadian missions, among<br />

them an exhibition and literary reading of Alice Munro’s stories at Maribor<br />

University and an Alice Munroe interview on national television (Slovenia);<br />

Romanian-Canadian Cultural Diversity concert (Bucharest); screenings of<br />

Canadian films (Belgrade Film Festival, Zagreb, Prague); Francophonie concert<br />

(Montenegro); Journées de la Francophonie (Iasi, Romania; Hradec Kralové,<br />

Czech Republic); Canada Days (Skopje); Inuit Day (Budapest), presentation of<br />

the book L'âme du minotaure by the author Dominike Audet (Prague). The<br />

exhibition “Images of Canadian Slovenians” by Dr. Urska Strle (Slovenia) was<br />

held at the City Hall, Toronto.<br />

Young Canadianists. CEACS members supervise many MA or PhD theses<br />

being written on Canadian topics by young Canadianists, 39 of whom are also<br />

members of the CEACS. It has given them grants to participate in academic<br />

conferences and do research in Brno at the Canadian Studies Centre at<br />

Masaryk University, which houses the largest collection of Canada-related<br />

books in the Central European region (around 5,500 titles). The centre<br />

welcomes researchers and scans materials for members, academics as well as<br />


New Courses. Several new courses were launched at the universities of the<br />

CEACS countries in 2013: three courses at Masaryk University, Czech<br />

Republic: Identité et culture dans les zones francophones, Traductions<br />

tchèques de la littérature québécoise, North American Cross-cultural Narratives;<br />

one course at the University of Szeged, Hungary: Introduction à la culture et<br />

littérature québécoise, and Aboriginal Peoples' Rights at Baia Mare University,<br />

Romania.<br />

CEACS members lecturing outside home university: CEACS members have<br />

travelled abroad to give lectures and teach courses in countries within the<br />

region – the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary – as well as in Austria,<br />

Germany, Finland, Poland, Spain and Turkey.<br />

Visiting lecturers. Danielle Forget (University of Ottawa) at the University of<br />

Pecs, Hungary; Ross Braes (Vancouver School of Music) at Karoli Gaspar<br />

University and Debrecen University, Hungary; playwright Sheldon Rosen at<br />

Bucharest University, Romania; Konrad Gross (University of Kiel) at Bucharest<br />

University, Romania; Eva Darias-Beautell (University of La Laguna, Tenerife,<br />

Spain) at Masaryk University, Czech Republic; Serge Guilbaut (University of<br />

Vancouver) at Masaryk University, Czech Republic.<br />

4th EU-Canada Study Tour and Internship Programme “Thinking Canada”.<br />

The CEACS continued to act as grant recipient for this European Commission<br />

financed programme, with D. Sparling (Czech Republic) serving as Executive<br />

Director. The study tour, which took place September 1-29, included 32<br />

students from 23 EU Member States. Cities visited: Brussels, Ottawa, Québec,<br />

Montréal, Toronto, Victoria, Vancouver.<br />

6) Publications The CEACS continued to publish its own journal – the Central European Journal<br />

of Canadian Studies – which is annotated in a number of academic databases.<br />

CEACS members penned over 80 publications – monographs, articles, reviews<br />

and translations - which appeared in scholarly journals and books within the<br />

region and in Canada, Germany and the UK.<br />

7) Grants awarded by the association. Awards<br />

& prizes received by members / Bourses<br />

offertes par l’association. Prix reçus par les<br />

membres de l’association<br />

The CEACS awarded eight Travel Grants to its members to attend conferences<br />

as well as six grants to do research at the Canadian Studies Centre at Masaryk<br />

University, Brno.<br />

CEACS past-President Janos Kenyeres was awarded the ICCS Certificate of<br />

Merit.<br />

8) Research / Recherches<br />

CEACS Translation Research Project. Annual updating of the project<br />

database, for the purpose of ongoing research.<br />

University projects<br />

English Language Writing in Quebec (University of Debrecen)<br />

Canada in the English classroom III (Karoli Gasper University, Budapest)<br />

International Project on Gender Studies (University of Nis)<br />

9) Up-coming activities & events /<br />

Activités & événements à venir<br />

One-day Canadianist conference in Zagreb, preparation for the CEACS triennial<br />

conference in Zagreb in October 2015; Canadian Multiculturalism Thematic<br />

Day, Budapest; 3rd Annual Student Conference on Inter-American Studies,<br />


1) President / Président<br />


Dr. Marcin Gabryś<br />

2014<br />

2) # of Canadian Studies Centres /<br />

# des Centres d’études <strong>canadiennes</strong><br />

3) # of Members / # des Membres<br />

4) Web site / Site Web<br />

5) Activities / Activités<br />

8<br />

143<br />

http://www.ptbk.org.pl<br />

Colloque: Le 6 e Congrès des Canadianistes Polonais – Le Royaume<br />

paisible? Relations entre les communautés culturelles et linguistiques du<br />

Canada et l’application de la loi (l’Université Adam Mickiewicz, Poznań, 5-7<br />

avril 2013)<br />

Colloque: Atelier francophone 2013: Francophonie vis-à-vis ses « maux<br />

» et ses mots (Université Nicolas Copernic, Toruń, 20 mars 2013)<br />

La 3ème Journée du Canada, l’Université Adam Mickiewicz (Poznań, 8<br />

avril 2013)<br />

The Arctic Science Summit Week, Kraków, 13-18 April 2013<br />

Conference: Transformations / Metamorphoses: The Notion of Change<br />

in Contemporary North American Literature and Culture (University of<br />

Łódź, 11 May 2013)<br />

Days of Canadian Culture, University of Silesia, Sosnowiec (13-15 May<br />

2013)<br />

Canada Fair Day, University of Szczecin (14 May 2013)<br />

Summary of the year 2012 in Canada, Jagiellonian University (Kraków, 5<br />

June 2013)<br />

Canada Queer Day, Warsaw (18 August 2013)<br />

Journée du Québec, Université de Silésie, Sosnowiec (17 décembre 2013)<br />

II Festival of Canadian Culture & Students’ Conference “The Arctic”,<br />

Jagiellonian University, Krakow (18-22 November 2013)<br />

Conference: Canadians and the Environment: Historical, Cultural, and<br />

Literary Perspectives, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (Lublin, 12-13<br />

February 2014)<br />

Conference: Kanade, di Goldene Medine? Perspectives on Canadian-<br />

Jewish Literature and Culture, University of Łódź (2-5 April 2014)<br />

“Discover Canada” competition / knowledge quiz (śory, 16 April 2014)<br />

The following Canadian scholars, artists and writers gave guest<br />

presentations at Polish universities:<br />

Ewa Mosiniak - University of Łódź<br />

Andrew J. Borkowski - Nicolas Copernicus University, Toruń<br />

Monique Mojica - University of Silesia, Sosnowiec<br />

Myrna Kostash - University of Silesia, Sosnowiec / Szczecin University<br />

Marlene Atleo - University of Silesia, Sosnowiec<br />

Ana Rewakowicz - University of Silesia, Sosnowiec<br />

The following PACS members gave guest presentations at universities<br />

outside of Poland:<br />

Hartmut Lutz - University of Bamberg (Germany), University of British<br />

Columbia, University of Northern British Columbia<br />

Józef Kwaterko - l’Université Bordeaux-3 (France); Saarbrücken<br />

(Germany)<br />

Krzysztof Majer - Ege Üniversitesi, Izmir, Turkey

6) Publications<br />

Anna Reczyńska, Braterstwo a bagaŜ narodowy. Relacje etniczne w<br />

Kościele katolickim na ziemiach kanadyjskich do I wojny światowej.<br />

Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2013.<br />

Anna Branach-Kallas (ed.), Niuanse wyobcowania. Diaspora i tematyka<br />

polska w Kanadzie. Wyd. Naukowe UMK, Toruń, 2014.<br />

Jonathan Locke Hart, Oddech i pył. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu<br />

Łódzkiego, Łódź, 2013.<br />

Michael Crumney, Dostatek, Wyd. Wiatr od Morza, Gdańska, 2013.<br />

7) Grants awarded by the association. Awards<br />

& prizes received by members / Bourses<br />

offertes par l’association. Prix reçus par les<br />

membres de l’association<br />

Until May 2012 PACS offered programs allowing support for research trips<br />

within Poland and abroad, and for conference participation. The programs,<br />

however, were suspended due to Canadian government’s decision to cease<br />

financial support of Understanding Canada Program (incl. financial<br />

contribution to PACS budget). The list of suspended programs:<br />

Conference grants - allow to cover travel expenses for Canadianists<br />

(PACS members) who attend conferences outside Poland or do their<br />

research in European libraries. The grants are offered yearly in two rounds.<br />

Library grants - allow a partial cover of travel expenses and<br />

accommodation for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students as<br />

well as for other scholars (PACS members) who plan to do their research in<br />

the libraries of Canadian Studies Centres in Poland.<br />

Lecture tours by Polish and foreign professors, and invited Canadian<br />

artists. All tours are co-financed by receiving universities and PACS. One of<br />

the objectives is to enable Polish students studying Canadian topics to<br />

participate in lectures of Canadian scholars.<br />

The only grant we offer on a regular yearly basis is:<br />

Nancy Burke Best M.A. Thesis Award – This PACS Award is designed to<br />

promote each year an outstanding M.A. thesis on a Canadian topic written<br />

in Poland (in either Polish, French or English), and which contributes to a<br />

better understanding of Canada in Poland. The award is consistent with the<br />

ICCS's strategy of fostering a new generation of Canadianists.<br />

Sylwia Bezak (Jagiellonian University) - Nancy Burke Best M.A. Thesis<br />

Award; Inuici kanadyjskiego rejonu Arktyki wobec postępującej zmiany<br />

klimatu i środowiska naturalnego na początku XXI wieku [The Inuit of<br />

Canadian Arctic: Their attitude towards progressive climate and<br />

environmental chanches at the beginning of the 21st century].<br />

Michał Wiącek (Université de Wrocław) & Alina Grygierczyk (University of<br />

Silesia, Sosnowiec) – participation in EU-Canada Study Tour & Internship<br />

Programme « Thinking Canada »<br />

Jagoda Tuz (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin) & Mateusz Krycki<br />

(Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, University, Warsaw) – participation in EU-<br />

Canada Study Tour & Internship Programme « Thinking Canada »<br />

Iwona Wrońska (The Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce) – Seconddegree<br />

Prize of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education,<br />

Warsaw, 2013.<br />

Piotr Sadkowski (Université Nicolas Copernic) – Prix du Recteur de<br />

l’Université Nicolas Copernic de Toruń pour sa thèse d’habilitation<br />

Récits odysséens. Le thème du retour d’exil dans l’écriture migrante au<br />

Québec et en France (publiée en 2011), Toruń, 2013.<br />

Agata Trociuk (Université de Limoges, France, Université de Montréal,<br />

Canada) - Bourse d’exemption des droits supplémentaires de scolarité<br />

pour étudiants internationaux, Université de Montréal, 2013.

8) Research / Recherches<br />

9) Up-coming activities & events /<br />

Activités & événements à venir<br />

Literature is the dominant discipline. History and social sciences are also<br />

well-represented. Among PACS members one can find experts in Canadian<br />

theatre, cinema and media, Native issues (history, culture, literature, etc.),<br />

environmental issues, Canadian history and literature (both French and<br />

English), political sciences, linguistics, sociology, culture and identity<br />

studies, gender and immigration studies. PACS members are not only<br />

established scholars, but also PhD and graduate students, who constitute a<br />

majority of Polish Canadianists. Some members come from other countries<br />

like Ukraine, Romania, France or Canada. Due to PACS’s status as a nonprofit<br />

association, the possibilities of financial development are quite limited.<br />

The annual grant received from Foreign Affairs Canada allowed PACS to<br />

support the majority of its activities, which had to be suspended due to the<br />

budget cuts introduced by the Canadian government in May 2012. The<br />

whole budget now comes from the membership fees, which allows for<br />

running a strictly limited number of PACS own programs (see point 7<br />

above). PACS also promotes grants and programs offered by ICCS-CIEC<br />

(Postdoctoral Fellowships, Graduate Student Scholarships). Despite the<br />

limited budget, within a few months the seventh issue of Polish Journal of<br />

Canadian Studies TransCanadiana will be published. We are planning to<br />

work on the further diversification of PACS activities and encourage new<br />

members and disciplines.<br />

Conference: Music in Literature, Literature in Music: North American<br />

Intermedial Exchanges (University of Łódź, 17 May 2014)<br />

International Conference: The aesthetics and politics of contemporary<br />

women's life-writing in Canada and the US: multicultural perspectives<br />

(Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 7 March 2015)<br />

Students’ conference: Multiculturalism, the Final Frontier?<br />

Representations of Diversity in Canadian Mass Media and Popular<br />

Culture (University of Silesia, Sosnowiec, 14 May 2014)<br />

Conference: Re-Imagining the First World War: (Hi)stories, Myths, and<br />

Propaganda in Anglophone Literature and Culture (Nicolaus Copernicus<br />

University, Toruń, 25-26 September 2014)<br />

Congress of Polish-Canadians, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University<br />

(Warsaw, 7-8 November 2014)



1) President / Président<br />

2) # of Canadian Studies Centres /<br />

# des Centres d’études <strong>canadiennes</strong><br />

3) # of Members / # des Membres/<br />

Beatriz Díaz<br />

4) Web site / Site Web<br />

http://www.flacso.uh.cu; http://www.wefla.org<br />

7<br />

564<br />

2014<br />

5) Activities / Activités<br />

HE Yves Gagnon at the Canadian Students Centre in Havana<br />

Dr. John Camerron presenting at the Canadian Studies<br />

Conference<br />

1- Conference on the 20 th Anniversary of the University of Havana Canadian<br />

Studies Centre: “Canada-Cuba Academic Cooperation” (March 18/20,<br />

2014)<br />

Inaugurated by HE Yves Gagnon, Canadian Ambassador in Havana and<br />

Mr. Elio Rodriguez, Director of the Europe and Canada Department,<br />

Cuban Ministry of External Relations.<br />

Keynote speaker: Dr. John Cameron, Director, International Development<br />

Studies, Dalhousie University<br />

Special presentation by Ms. Danielle Mingay, Representative,<br />

Cooperation Section, Embassy of Canada<br />

In 7 panels 24 papers were presented by scholars from 12 universities<br />

and researches centers.<br />

90 participants daily, 20 of them students.<br />

2- University of Holguin VIII International Seminar on Canadian Studies<br />

(April 23/25, 2014)<br />

Participants: 46 Canadian Academics coming from 31 universities and<br />

other institutions, as well of a quite representative group of Cuban<br />

Canadianists coming from 6 Cuban Universities.<br />

Papers presented : 49<br />

3- University of Oriente special lectures by Hal Klepak and Sandra Rein<br />

(April 2014), 70 participants, more than 50% of them students.<br />

4- Visit of HE Yves Gagnon, Canadian Ambassador in Havana to the<br />

Canadian Studies Centres University of Havana (January 23 th , 2014) and<br />

University of Holguin (April 2 nd , 2014).<br />

5- Visit of the Canadian Vice Minister David Morrison to the Canadian<br />

Studies Centre, University of Havana (March 12, 2014)<br />

6- Student Exchanges: Canadian students from several Canadian<br />

universities took courses at the universities of Havana, Holguin and<br />

Oriente.<br />

All Canadian universities give the credits to the students for the courses<br />

taken in Cuba.<br />

Special presentation by Ms. Danielle Mingay<br />

6) Publications Proceedings of the VIII International Seminar on Canadian Studies: Canada:<br />

Managing Social and Cultural Diversity. ISBN 978-959-16-2282-2<br />

http://www.wefla.org<br />

7) Grants awarded by the association. Awards<br />

& prizes received by members /<br />

University of Oriente “Canada Day Student´s Contest 2013”, 220 participants, 3<br />

awards granted.<br />

8) Research / Recherches Canada’s Foreign Policy, Democracy and Rule of Law, Economic Development,<br />

Environment, Managing Diversity, North American Partnership, Peace and<br />

Security, Interdisciplinary Studies on Canada,<br />

Canadian Culture, Literary Studies, Canadian History, Quebec<br />

Studies<br />

9) Up-coming activities & events /<br />

Activités & événements à venir<br />

Canadian Studies Conferences :<br />

University of Havana (March 16/18, 2015)<br />

University of Holguin (April 27/297, 2015)<br />

University of Oriente (March 19/20, 2015)


Sergio Stange has responded that the ACHECA is practically paralyzed, however they have not dissolved the<br />

Association and they still have the legal status. Without the financial support that they used to receive from Canada is<br />

very difficult to survive.



2014<br />

1) President / Président Professor Colin Coates<br />

2) # of Canadian Studies Centres /<br />

# des Centres d’études <strong>canadiennes</strong><br />

3) # of Members / # des Membres 183<br />

4) Web site / Site Web www.csn-rec.ca<br />

21<br />

5) Activities / Activités<br />

Conference and CSN-RÉC annual general meeting: Meeting Places: An<br />

International Canadian Studies Conference<br />

Sept 18-21, 2013. St. Mary’s University, Halifax and Mount Allison<br />

University, Sackville, New Brunswick www.smu.ca/events/meetingplaces/.<br />

CSN/RÉC contacts and consults its members primarily through our listserv and<br />

website. In 2012-2013 we completely revised our website and have introduced<br />

online membership acquisition and renewal. Notre site web contient de plus en<br />

plus de textes dans les deux langues. Karli Whitmore continues to work as a<br />

part-time administrator and membership coordinator and has been very<br />

successful in increasing our membership.<br />

Delegates of the Meeting Places conference at<br />

Glooscap Heritage Centre and Mi’kmaw Museum<br />

Many Canadian Studies activities occur throughout Canada sponsored by<br />

Centres, programmes and individual members. Here are some examples:<br />

• Endangered Languages Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON,<br />

Oct. 1-4, 2013<br />

• 27th Annual Two Days of Canada: Educating [in] Canada: Inequalities,<br />

Controversies, Debates, Possibilities. Brock University, St. Catharines,<br />

ON, Nov. 7-8, 2013.<br />

• The North at Trent 2013 lecture series, Jan-Feb, 2013.<br />

• The Crisis in Democracy, Elizabeth May, Annual Mallory Lecture,<br />

McGill Institute for the Study of Canada, Mar. 7, 2014.<br />

• Graduate Student Conference “Canada: Place, Space and the Politics<br />

of Identity” Robarts Centre, York University. Apr. 4, 2014.<br />

More information on activities at Canadian Studies centres can be found on their<br />

websites:<br />

Delegates of the Meeting Places conference at<br />

Fort Beauséjour.<br />

• Mount Allison Centre for Canadian Studies:<br />

www.mta.ca/faculty/arts-letters/canadian_studies/index.html<br />

• Frost Centre for Canadian Studies and Indigenous Studies at Trent<br />

University: www.trentu.ca/frostcentre/<br />

• Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies at York University:<br />

robarts.info.yorku.ca/<br />

• UBC Centre for Canadian Studies: www.canadianstudies.ubc.ca<br />

• McGill Institute for the Study of Canada: www.mcgill.ca/misc/<br />

6) Publications Canada-based scholars produce a wealth of publications related to Canada. Les<br />

membres du RÉC-CSN ont publié les livres suivants:<br />

• Dimitry Anastakis, Autonomous State: The Epic Struggle for a<br />

Canadian Car Industry from OPEC to Free Trade (Toronto: University<br />

of Toronto Press, 2013)<br />

• Eric Ball, Archibald Lapman: Memory, Nature, Progress (Montreal:<br />

McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013)<br />

• Thomas R. Klassen, Retirement in Canada (Toronto: Oxford University<br />

Press, 2013)<br />

• Julia Harrison, A Timeless Place: The Ontario Cottage (Vancouver.<br />

UBC Press, 2013)

7) Grants awarded by the association. Awards<br />

& prizes received by members / Bourses<br />

offertes par l’association. Prix reçus par les<br />

membres de l’association<br />

• Geoffrey Ewen et Colin Coates, dirs. Introduction aux etudes<br />

<strong>canadiennes</strong> : histoires, identités et cultures (Ottawa, Presses de<br />

l'Université d'Ottawa, 2012)<br />

• Claire Campbell, ed. A Century of Parks Canada 1911-2011 (Calgary:<br />

University of Calgary Press, 2011)<br />

• Christl Verduyn and Jane Koustas, eds. Canadian Studies: Past,<br />

Present, Praxis (Halifax: Fernwood Press. 2012)<br />

• Kirsty Johnston, Stage Turns: Canadian Disability Theatre (Montreal:<br />

McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2012)<br />

• Eli MacLaren, Dominion and Agency: Copyright and the Structuring of<br />

the Canadian Book Trade, 1867-1918 (Toronto. University of Toronto<br />

Press, 2012)<br />

• Gregory Betts, Avant-Garde Canadian Literature: The Early<br />

Manifestations (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012)<br />

• Lynda Mannik, Photography, Memory, and Refugee Identity: The<br />

Voyage of the SS Walnut, 1948 (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2013)<br />

• Martin Pâquet and Marcel Martel, Speaking Up. A History of Language<br />

and Politics in Canadian and Quebec (Toronto Between the Lines,<br />

2012)<br />

• Veronica Strong-Boag, Fostering Nation? Canada Confronts Its History<br />

of Childhood Disadvantage (Waterloo: Wilfrid Lauier University Press,<br />

2011)<br />

Interdisciplinary Canadian Studies journals published in Canada include the<br />

Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études <strong>canadiennes</strong>, Topia, and Globe:<br />

Revue <strong>international</strong>e des études québécoises. Other Canadian discipline-based<br />

journals publish a wealth of material related to Canada.<br />

• Winner of the 2013 CSN-RÉC Book Prize: Kathryn Magee Labelle,<br />

Dispersed, But Not Destroyed: A History of the Seventeenth-Century<br />

Wendat People (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2013). This award recognises<br />

an outstanding scholarly book on a Canadian subject and that best<br />

advances our knowledge and understanding of Canada and Canadian<br />

Studies.<br />

• Winner of the 2013 CSN-RÉC PhD Dissertation Prize: Jaime Yard,<br />

Working Natures: An Ethnography of Love, Labour, and Accumulation<br />

on the British Columbian Coast (2012, Anthropology Department, York<br />

University.) This award recognises dissertations on a Canadian subject<br />

that transcend disciplinary boundaries and demonstrate innovation in<br />

thought and/or methodology.<br />

• Competitions for the 2013 outstanding Masters thesis and<br />

Undergraduate Essay on a Canadian subject that transcend<br />

disciplinary boundaries and demonstrate innovation in thought and/or<br />

methodology are currently in process.<br />

8) Research / Recherches Les membres individuels poursuivent leurs propres activités de recherche dans<br />

tous les champs reliés aux études <strong>canadiennes</strong>. Among the many research<br />

areas covered by members of the association are the following: history;<br />

politics/policy; literature; museums; tourism; Indigenous peoples; visual<br />

culture/art; drama; health; religion; environment; immigration and<br />

multiculturalism; media/communications.<br />

9) Up-coming activities & events /<br />

Activités & événements à venir<br />

Conference and CSN-RÉC annual general meeting: Our AGM will<br />

be held this year in conjunction with the Versions of Canada<br />

Conference to be held in Charlottetown, September 25-27, 2014.<br />

The conference is organized by the Canadian Studies<br />

Programme, UPEI.

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