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Chapter 2—Wind Characteristics 2–19<br />

On clear nights, however, the earth will be colder than the air above it, so a parcel at the<br />

temperature of the earth that is displaced upward will find itself colder than the surrounding<br />

air. This makes it more dense than its surroundings so that it tends to sink back down to<br />

its original position. This condition is referred to as a stable atmosphere. Atmospheres which<br />

have temperature profiles between those for unstable and stable atmospheres are referred to<br />

as neutral atmospheres. The daily variation in atmospheric stability and surface wind speeds<br />

is called the diurnal cycle.<br />

It is occasionally convenient to express the actual temperature variation in an equation<br />

similar to Eq. 10. Over at least a narrow range of heights, the prevailing temperature T p (z)<br />

canbewrittenas<br />

T p (z) =T g − R p (z − z g ) (11)<br />

where R p is the slope of a straight line approximation to the actual temperature curve called<br />

the prevailing lapse rate. T g is the temperature at ground level, z g m above mean sea level,<br />

and z is the elevation of the observation point above sea level. We can force this equation to<br />

fit one of the dashed curves of Fig. 10 by using a least squares technique, and determine an<br />

approximate lapse rate for that particular time. If we do this for all times of the day and all<br />

seasons of the year, we find that the average prevailing lapse rate R p is 0.0065 o C/m.<br />

Suppose that a parcel of air is heated above the temperature of the neighboring air so it<br />

is now buoyant and will start to rise. If the prevailing lapse rate is less than adiabatic, the<br />

parcel will rise until its temperature is the same as the surrounding air. The pressure force<br />

and hence the acceleration of the parcel is zero at the point where the two lapse rate lines<br />

intersect. The upward velocity, however, produced by acceleration from the ground to the<br />

height at which the buoyancy vanishes, is greatest at that point. Hence the air will continue<br />

upward, now colder and more dense than its surroundings, and decelerate. Soon the upward<br />

motion will cease and the parcel will start to sink. After a few oscillations about that level<br />

the parcel will settle near that height as it is slowed down by friction with the surrounding<br />

air.<br />

Example<br />

Suppose that the prevailing lapse rate is 0.0065 o C/m and that a parcel of air is heated to 25 o C<br />

while the surrounding air at ground level is at 24 o C. Ground level is at an elevation 300 m above sea<br />

level. What will be the final altitude of the heated parcel after oscillations cease, assuming an adiabatic<br />

process?<br />

The temperature variation with height for the linear adiabatic lapse rate is, from Eq. 10,<br />

T a =25− 0.01(z − 300)<br />

Similarly, the temperature variation for the prevailing lapse rate is, from Eq. 11,<br />

T p =24− 0.0065(z − 300)<br />

Wind Energy Systems by Dr. Gary L. Johnson November 20, 2001

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