Volume 4 Issue 6 - March 1999

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usician in om· Midst<br />

Ben Grossman . ~<br />

It is a Sunday afternoon<br />

in late February at the<br />

Church ofSt. George<br />

the Martyr just south of<br />

the Art Gallery of<br />

Ontario. The occasion<br />

is a concert, one of the<br />

Baroque Music Beside<br />

the Grange series, but<br />

the sounds that come<br />

from the six musicians<br />

sitting on the platform<br />

in a semi-circle are<br />

decidedly un-baroque!<br />

Unfamiliarly modal<br />

melodies blend with the<br />

exotic twang of a qanun,<br />

a plucked multi-stringed<br />

Arab cross between a<br />

harp and a guitar, and the supportive rhythms of a small drum. The<br />

music, from the Spanish Llibre Vemie/1, predates the birth of Johann<br />

Sebastian Bach by about two hundred years. After the next piece the<br />

percussionist puts down his drum and picks up and plays an oud, an<br />

Arab instrument.that looks rather like a large lut.e. On the floor next<br />

to him is another stringed instrument, a Turkish saz and half a dozen<br />

.drums of various shapes and sizes.<br />

TI1e percussionist/oud/saz player<br />

is twenty-seven year old Ben<br />

Grossman, whose versatility goes<br />

beyond playing different middleeastem<br />

instruments. h1 mid<br />

February he joined Cajun/Celtic<br />

fiddler, Oliver Schroer's band,<br />

Stewed Tomatoes, to accompany<br />

singer-songwriter, James<br />

Keelaghan. On <strong>March</strong> 13 he will<br />

be at the Music Gallery to play<br />

music by composer-inventor,<br />

Barry Prophet, with the com~<br />

poser, and on <strong>March</strong> 14 will be<br />

perfonning medieval, renaissance<br />

and contemporary folk music at<br />

the Royal Ontario Musemn.<br />

How did Ben become a<br />

multi-faceted musician? To start<br />

with, he grew up in a musical<br />

home, with a guitarist mother<br />

and an uncle who was a blues<br />

guitarist. At seven he began<br />

experimentii1g, by himself, with<br />

the guitar, and, as a teenager,<br />

studied double bass with Boris<br />

Kurstig, who, after the official<br />

lesson was over, would always<br />

have a score of music by<br />

Stravinsky or Bartok for his<br />

precocious student to play.<br />

He also became interested<br />

in the music of minimalist<br />

composers Steve Reich and<br />

Philip Glass, surviving the high<br />

school waste land by escaping to<br />

the Metro Reference Library<br />

where he absorbed Glass's operal<br />

practice. "While 1love looking to<br />

the past and to other cultures for<br />

ideas and infonnation, ultimately<br />

what one does must be satisfying."<br />

hl the final analysis, it is<br />

the late 20th century sensibility<br />

that prevails, not the 13th or 14th<br />

century sensibility. ·<br />

And, speaking of such things,<br />

Ben recently composed a work<br />

for a high school percussion<br />

ensemble, which has sparked his<br />

interest in doing more writing.<br />

With the resources literally at his<br />

finger tips, medieval, contemporary,<br />

Arab, Turkish and Balkan<br />

musical traditions, what he<br />

comes up with is sure to be<br />

interesting.<br />

Upcoming concerts with Ben<br />

Grossman: <strong>March</strong>.6 at the<br />

Transac Club, <strong>March</strong> 13 at the<br />

Music Gallery, <strong>March</strong> 14 at the<br />

ROM. ·<br />

Musicians in our Midst is photographed by<br />

Michael Shaw, Ashley & Crippen, Photographers<br />

200 Davenport Road, Toronto (416) 925-2222<br />

tlil .... cJ1.'lu.,te.-s W.-ae ...<br />

All the King's Voices<br />

recently perfonned with the<br />

Mohawk Singers, a Food Bank<br />

Benefit Concert of Traditional<br />

Carols in Mohawk and English,<br />

at Her Majesty's Royal Chapel on<br />

the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory<br />

east of Belleville. We hope<br />

to retum to help celebrate "TI1e 1<br />

Concentus Arts<br />

announces the winners of their<br />

Christmas Raffie. They were: 1.<br />

Beatrice Verch, Eganville Ont.; 2.<br />

Rick Nishumura, Toronto; 3.<br />

Suzanne McClennan, Toronto.<br />



to five additional new members:<br />

Landing" and for workshops with<br />

the Mohawk Singers.<br />

The Academy Concert Series;<br />

Einstein on the Beach, Canadian<br />

Great Music at St. Annes;<br />

Colin McPhee's book on the Esprit 0 rchestra' s Marilyn Gilbert Artists Management;<br />

Patrons of Wisdom;<br />

Gamelan, and the music of the Toward a Living Art is an<br />

American composer/percussion- audience education/outreach and the Trillium Brass Quintet.<br />

ist/inventQr, Harry Partsch. programme fostering lifelong<br />

Guitar playing, odd meters and interest in the art of music, with OMITTED IN ERROR<br />

the creation of music by building free admission to Toward a from the November 1998 edition<br />

up layers of rhythmic patterns Living Art concerts, workshops the following ]998-99 profile<br />

were among his musical inquiries and special events. TI1is benefits The CHOIRS OF GRACE<br />

at this time.<br />

students and cotnmm1ity mem~ CHURCH on-the-HILL<br />

A little later he met Barry hers who ordinarily would not be Address: 300 Lonsdale Road,<br />

Prophet, who introduced him to exposed to new music events. Toronto, M4V IX4<br />

the Balinese gamelai1 and to Call416-815-7887.<br />

Phone: 416-488-7884<br />

Indian and African music, as a University Settlement Music Director: Melva Treffmger<br />

result of which he became Music & Arts School offers a. Graham; Organist: Douglas Shalin<br />

interested in tm1ings other tlmn · vibrant chamber music program Eighty choristers sing in t11e 3<br />

the equal temperament commonly for student/amateur musicians of choirs of Grace Church on-theused<br />

in traditional westem music. all ages and instruments, coached Hill, an Anglican parish:<br />

When he became interested in by qualified instructors. TI1e next Gentlemen and Boys; Girls; and<br />

medieval music, Toronto session begins the second week Women's. The choirs sing two<br />

musician Judith Cohen advised of April. Registration deadline: Sm1day services, evensongs,<br />

him to leam Arabic music, Wednesday, <strong>March</strong> 24. Fee: $60/ special services and concerts. A<br />

because most of what modem session. Annette or Julie at 598- member of the Royal School of<br />

medieval perfonnance practice 3444 or at 23 Grange Road. Church Music (UK), the Choir of<br />

draws on is Arabic and Balkan<br />

music. Her suggestion led to<br />

Gentlemen and Boys is one of<br />

The Canadian Child<br />

' 0 Ch only eight in Canada. Four CDs<br />

studies wit!! George Sawa. About ren S pera orus have been produced recently. TI!e<br />

a year ago with the help of a is proud to be named among the Choirs tour in Canada, the US<br />

Canada Council study grant he many acc

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