Aircraft Electronics Technician AET - NCATT

Aircraft Electronics Technician AET - NCATT

Aircraft Electronics Technician AET - NCATT


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<strong>NCATT</strong> <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong> <strong>Technician</strong> (<strong>AET</strong>) Study Guide<br />

• Electron<br />

o Negatively charged subatomic particles that are located and travel around (orbit)<br />

the nucleus in an imaginary sphere or shell at the speed of light (186,000<br />

miles/second)<br />

o Electrons are involved in the conduction of electricity<br />

• E.M.F.<br />

o The force that causes electrons to flow through a conductor<br />

o This force is abbreviated e.m.f.<br />

o The unit of measurement for electromotive force is the volt<br />

o In mathematical problems voltage is expressed by the letter “E”<br />

• Farad<br />

o Basic unit of capacitance<br />

o One farad holds one coulomb under a pressure of one volt<br />

• Henry (H)<br />

o Basic unit of measurement for inductance of an electrical coil<br />

o One (1) henry is the inductance of a coil when a change of current of one (1)<br />

ampere per second induces an e.m.f. of one (1) volt<br />

o In mathematical problems inductance is expressed by the symbol “L”<br />

• Inductor<br />

o Coil or other device used to introduce inductance into a circuit<br />

o An inductor is a winding, or coiling, of multiple turns of wire<br />

• Insulator<br />

o Material or device used to prevent the passage of heat, electricity, or sound from<br />

one medium to another<br />

• Left-hand Rule<br />

o Refers to electrical generators<br />

o This rule is for determining the direction of movement of a current-carrying<br />

conductor in a magnetic field<br />

• Magnetic Permeability<br />

o Measure of ease that lines of flux travel through a material<br />

• Magnetism<br />

o Ability of a magnet to attract certain materials containing iron and to influence<br />

electrons<br />

o Magnetism is the principal way to effectively produce AC electricity<br />

• Metric Prefixes<br />

o Measurements relating or using the metric system of measurement<br />

• Neutron<br />

o Neutral subatomic particles that exist within the nucleus of all atoms<br />

o Neutrons are not involved in the conduction of electricity<br />

• Ohm (Ω)<br />

o Unit of electrical opposition to the flow of current<br />

Copyright © 2012 by the National Center for Aerospace & Transportation Technologies. All rights reserved. Individuals may<br />

download, print, and make copies of this document for their own personal use. Commercial use prohibited.<br />

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