Rapid Development of Custom Software Architecture Design ...

Rapid Development of Custom Software Architecture Design ...

Rapid Development of Custom Software Architecture Design ...


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$UFKLWHFWXUDO(OHPHQWVSystem ::= System Name = { EntityDecl* } ;EntityDecl ::= ComponentDecl| Connector-Decl| Port-Decl| Role-Decl| Property-Decl| Rep-Decl| Attachments-DeclGenericDecl::= PropertyDecl | RepDecl;ComponentDecl ::= Component Name =(PortDecl | GenericDecl)* } ;ConnectorDecl ::= Connector Name =(RoleDecl | GenericDecl)* } ;PortDecl ::= Port Name = { GenericDecl * } ;RoleDecl ::= Role Name = { GenericDecl * } ;AttachmentDecl ::= Attachments { (PortName To RoleName)* } ;Name ::= [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_\-+]*3URSHUWLHVPropertyDecl::= Property Name [ : TypeExpression ] = Value[ > ] ";"| Properties {(Name [ : TypeExpression ] = Value[ > ] ";") * };5HSUHVHQWDWLRQVRepDecl ::= Representation [ Name ]= “{“System[ Bindings = { (Name To Name)* } ]“}” “;” ;)LJXUH3DUWLDO%1)IRUVLPSOHVWUXFWXUDOLQVWDQFHODQJXDJH,QPDQ\UHVSHFWVWKHUHIRUH)23/LVDQDWXUDOFKRLFHIRUWKHIRUPDOIRXQGDWLRQRI $UPDQL·VFRQVWUDLQW VSHFLILFDWLRQ ODQJXDJH 7KH IRUPDOLVP UXQV LQWR WURXEOH KRZHYHU ZLWK WKHUHTXLUHPHQW WKDW LW EH UHDGLO\ DXWRPDWDEOH DQG FRPSXWDWLRQDOO\ GHFLGDEOH $OWKRXJKHYDOXDWLQJ )23/ H[SUHVVLRQV LV D IDLUO\ ZHOO XQGHUVWRRG SURFHVV WKDW KDV EHHQ ZLGHO\UHVHDUFKHGDQGXVHGLQPDQ\SUHYLRXVDSSOLFDWLRQVVXFKDV>3HU@>0LQ@DQG>26@GHWHUPLQLQJ ZKHWKHU DQ DUELWUDU\ VHW RI SUHGLFDWHV LV WUXH RU IDOVH LV QRW FRPSXWDWLRQDOO\

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