AIM Italia - Ernesto Mocci - Methorios Capital

AIM Italia - Ernesto Mocci - Methorios Capital

AIM Italia - Ernesto Mocci - Methorios Capital


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PMS Group‣ PMS Group is aPublic relations company that specialises ili in offering services toBoard of DirectorsPatrizio Maria Suracecompanies in media relations with a specific focus on the financial sector andinvestor relations services.‣ For the first half of 2010 the company recorded revenues of € 3.42 mln, that wasadeclineonthe€3.8mlninrevenuesfor the first half of 2009.‣ Net income for the first half of 2010 was a loss of € 0.52 mln. This was asignificantdeclineonthenetprofitof €0.34mlnrecordedforthefirsthalf of2009.‣ To return the company back to growth the new strategy is focused on three areasof development:• Consolidation of the existing activity of the group, for the purpose ofimprovingi company mri margins;• Developing new products and business lines related to Investor relationsand market research activity;• Further enhancing the company’s presence and name abroad.Chairman/CEOGancarlo Fre Torelli Massini Vice ChairmanPaola BrunoDirectorRosalba Casiraghi Director (Indep)Cristina Finocchi MahneDirectorErnest MontiDirector (Indep)Elena Rodreigeuz Palacios DirectorUgf MerchantFinancial AdvisorUgf MerchantNomadBanca FinnatSpecialistMazars SpaAuditorSource: Company financialsGroup structure‣ Throughout 2001 the company has pursuedcompensation from Selpress Srl for the defaultrelative to the acquisition of Selpress MediaMonitoring and Newsbank (Selpress MM&N). InSeptember 2010 Selpress MM&N had executed anaccord with Extrapola, a company that monitorsand analyses market data. This represents apartnership that can further enhance the marketmonitoring capabilities of Selpress MM&N.Source: Company financialsPMS SS.p.A. Shares held Total of Shares out (%)Patrizio Maria Surace 1,328,435 61.2Elena Rodriguez Palacios 399,919 18.4Gancarlo Fre Torelli Massini 192,907 8.9Laura La Ferla 19,963 0.9Cristina Finocchi Mahne 1,953 0.1Market 226,582 10.4Source: Company financials55

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