AIM Italia - Ernesto Mocci - Methorios Capital

AIM Italia - Ernesto Mocci - Methorios Capital

AIM Italia - Ernesto Mocci - Methorios Capital


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Gruppo Effegi‣ Gruppo Effegi invests in SME companies in Italy in the retail financial andIT service sectors. Through its existing holdings Effegi’s activities arefocused on the commercial distribution of financial products includingpersonal loans, loans against future income, mortgages and credit cards, aswell as the provision ii of IT services and consultancy.‣ In order to increase revenues the company plans to further expand itsproduct line to incorporate insurance products and cross selling activity ofclient loan portfolios with other institutions.‣ For the first 6 months of 2010 Gruppo Effegi recorded revenues of € 2.04mln, this was an decline on the year prior that saw revenues of € 2.9 mln.‣ Net income for the group for the first half of 2010 fell to € 81,540 from €162,231 in the first half of 2009. Despite cost reductions, net income fellpredominantly due to a decline of 31% in revenues.‣ Effegi currently has significant holdings in the following companies:• FG Financial Services Srl, a company provides financial services;• ESC Srl, a company involved in the provision of IT services and consultancy;Board of DirectorsFranco Guidantoni ChairmanAntonio Clemente CEOMarco Ariotti DirectorLuca PiscitelliDirectorGE <strong>Capital</strong>Centro BancaPKF <strong>Italia</strong> SpaSource: Company financialsSponsorSpecialistAuditorFinancial servicesIT services and Credit mediationconsultancySource: Company financials• Planet Prestiti Srl, a company specialised in credit mediation that is the parent company of Mutuiplanet. In MarchEffegi acquired 51% of Planet Prestiti, i that will become part of Effegi Direct, currently with ih9 offices throughouthItaly and an additional 8 planned for opening.‣ In April 2010, Effegi sold its 59.7% holding in Finanza Generale. The decision was made to sell this holding as it was nolonger considered to be in line with the strategic direction of the firm.‣ Recently Effegi Financial services signed an agency agreement with UNIFIN Santander a company specialised in loans inexchange for a portion of salary.75

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