Feb - Bharat Vikas Parishad

Feb - Bharat Vikas Parishad

Feb - Bharat Vikas Parishad


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presided over the meeting. Shri.V. Venkata Rao past presidentparticipated in the meeting.ASSAM WESTKarimganj : Branchobserved Guru Teg BahadurBalidan Diwas on 24th November2009. On this occasion theparishad provided the entireexpenditure of eye operation of apoor lady Smt. Samartha Bhanuof longai road, Karimgang. Theparishad also provided Rs. 1000/to a poor patient Sh. Ranjan Paul,for his treatment.DELHI SOUTHB-Block Janakpuri :Branch's contribution of Rs.10100/ was handed over tocentral office as first instalmentof our committed contribution ofRs. 75000/- towards VanvasiSahayta Yojana during currentfinancial year. Branch mobilizeda contribution of Rs. 48000/-during current year for Vatsalyagram a unique project of DeediMaa Rithambra jee for Welfare ofAbandoned children on22.11.2009. A lecture byrenowned speaker Dr. Gossain ofISKCON was arranged and NarSewa Narayan Sewa programwas carried out thereafter bygiving the following items to poor& needy persons : Hearing aidsto six persons on the basis ofrecommendations of DDUHospital, Harinagar; Set of booksto four poor students; Sweatersto two poor students ; Elbowcrutch to a poor woman. FiveDental camps were arrangedduring the month benefiting 54Dental cases & 2 De-addictioncases. In a shivir held on7.11.2009 21 personsparticipated.The branch organized asewa shivir on 13.12.09 to helpthe poor & needy students, byway of giving Sweaters, boots,copies and books. The totalnumber of sweaters distributedwere more than 200 and bootsabout 140, apart from otheritems.The branch has mobilizeda contribution of Rupees TwoLakhs and thirty six thousand forVatasalyagram a unique projectof Deedi Maa Ritambra jee forwelfare of Abandoned Childrenproviding separate home with MaaMasi & Nani to take care themand also schooling and medicalfacilities of InternationaI standard.The branch organized a trip formembers to Sewa Dham aresidential school in Delhi run bySewa <strong>Bharat</strong>i, where about 350extrenmely poor tribal studentsfrom twenty three states arestudying. The branch is otherwisedonating copies & books costingmore than Rs 50000/- every yearto Sewa Dham.C-2 Janakpuri : Marriagegifts worth Rs. 20,000/- werehanded over to the widow and herdaughter for her marriage on04.11.2009. The amount wascollected from donations by the46 <strong>Feb</strong>ruary 2010NITImembers in cash and kind. Sh.R.K. Aggarwal, President Delhistate south helped us in arrangingthe gifts & other material. Sh. K.L.Singhal, General Secretary,Geeta Mandir provided somehousehold utensils & clothing forthe couple on behalf of GeetaMandir. In GB meeting held on24.11.2009 60 membersparticipated. Sh. MahenderGupta, General Secretary,Vivekanand Kendra &Yogacharya gave a purposefultalk on the general health problemof Sr. Citizens. He even gavedemonstration of some yogamethods and breathingtecniques.Janakpuri Main : On 28Nov., 2009 branch organized atalk on the martydom day of ShriGuru Teg Bahadur Balidan in thesenior citizen meeting. 46members participated in themeeting. Dr. R.K.Thakur, memberNational Governing Bord & Smt.Saroj Anand donated the materialto the needy for the marriagepurpose.On 11 Dec., 2009 branchdistributed prizes to the winningstudents for the drawinguhfr iQkYxqu] i+Qjojh 2010competition which was organizedby the branch on 31.10.2009.JHARKHANDBokaro Thermal : On 24th Nov. 2009 Guru TeghBahadur Balidan Divas,Biscuits and Fruit packets weredistributed among the patientsof DVC Hospital BTPS. BVPmembers including ZOC Er G.P.Singh Secretary P.K. Ambastha,Er A Lal, Er G.S. Dutta and ErS.K. Lal were present. Supdt. Dr.Bhattacharya, MOIC Dr. S.K.Saha. accompanied them. ASangosthi was arranged in theevening at the station club andthe sacrifice fo Guru TeghBahadur was recalled. Manchsanchalan was conducted by Er.P.K. Ambastha.U.P. WESTUtkarsh, Ghaziabad :Branch members distributed 100blankets to needy on 19th and25th Dec., 2009. Members in coldmoved on road and put blanketson needy persons sleeping inverandahs, pavements withoutany publicity photographs.***Branches may kindly submit updated list of theirmembers only on computerised list (showing ID Nos.)obtained from the Central OfficeCORRIGENDUMBhubaneswar North : be read in place of Bhubneswar Main on page38 of December 2009 issue of 'NITI'.Error is regretted. - Editor47

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