Auxiliary Annual Report - Kingston General Hospital

Auxiliary Annual Report - Kingston General Hospital

Auxiliary Annual Report - Kingston General Hospital


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ANNUAL REPORT 2010 - 2011CHRISTMAS HARVEST BAZAARAfter more than 50 years of operatingunder various guises, the auxiliary's popularannual Christmas Harvest Bazaar is beingreformatted to meet changing needs andcircumstances at the hospital. In 2011 thedate of the event will be moved closer toChristmas with added emphasis on the saleof Christmas gifts.The 2010 Christmas Harvest Bazaar washeld October 27, on Connell 3. Receiptswere approximately $4,500.00.Among the many features this year werethe home baking and candy tables, silentauction, jewelry table and, of course, themany wonderful gifts from the Gift Shop,including lingerie, knitting, toys and babygoods. A tasting table featuring gourmetitems from the Gift Shop was a populardraw.Lunch was served to about 100 visitors bythe popular "Celebrity Waiters". Musicalentertainment was provided by the verytalented Queen's student volunteers.Sincere thanks to all members of thecommittee and all volunteers whocontributed in so many ways in helping usto achieve such excellent results.Special thanks to Toni, Jill, Erin and Gerri aswell as other KGH staff members.Annastasia Cliffe & Jean FraserCo‐ConvenorsCORRESPONDENCEFor the period April 1, 2010‐March 31, 2011the following cards were sent:Sympathy 31Get Well 3Total: 34The record of the recipients has been filedwith the <strong>Auxiliary</strong> Archivist.Heather Breck, Elected MemberFAMILY SERVICEI would like to pay tribute to ShirleyAbramsky, who has been Convenor ofFamily Service for the past eighteen years.Shirley conceived of the idea of a placewhere families of critically ill patients couldstay in the hospital while their familymember was being treated. The FamilyService Area now consists of nine roomsand two kitchens. The <strong>Auxiliary</strong> Committeemonitors the area on a weekly basis andprovides tea, coffee and cookies. Familiesoften bring in their own food and arefrigerator is provided for their use. Manyletters of appreciation have been receivedover the past 18 years and Family Servicehas become a reality due to hard work,commitment and diligence of ShirleyAbramsky.For me, as the new Convenor, it has beenan exciting year. Because the rooms run atnear capacity, the area has seen a greatdeal of wear and tear over the years. TheCommittee decided that it was time for alittle “refreshing.” We are presently in themidst of painting, re‐carpeting andshopping for new furnishings. As well,because of the hospital’s emphasis oninfection control, we are now usingdisposable plates and utensils.I would like to thank the volunteers whoserve on the Committee, the Social WorkDepartment, the I.C.U. volunteers,environmental services and Jill HollandReilly Director of Volunteer Services, all ofwhom have helped to make Family Servicerun smoothly and efficiently and whoenable the <strong>Auxiliary</strong> to offer this service toour community.Page 14 of 28

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