List New York Antiquarian Book Fair - Antiquariat - Michael Kühn

List New York Antiquarian Book Fair - Antiquariat - Michael Kühn

List New York Antiquarian Book Fair - Antiquariat - Michael Kühn


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Voit, Carl von. Beschreibung eines Apparates zur Untersuchung der gasförmigen Ausscheidungen<br />

des Thierkörpers; in: Abhandlungen Akad. d. Wiss München 1876. $ 1200.-<br />

First edition of his landmark paper. [Gedeon 53]. Voit gives a detailed description of his apparatus for the measurement<br />

of gas exchange in animals. The technique is based on an open-circuit approach, where air is allowed<br />

to flow through an enclosure where the experimental animal is confined. Accurate methods of gas analysis and<br />

ingenious absolute calibration techniques are combined to improve on the performance of a similar but much<br />

larger installation built by Pettenkofer in 1861. Carl von Voit (1831-1907) received training in analytical<br />

chemistry in Göttingen and also in Munich, where he attended the lectures of Liebig. In 1856 he became<br />

assistant to Bischoff at the Physiological Institute and four years later joined the laboratory of Max Pettenkofer,<br />

who became his life-long friend. In 1863 Voit was appointed professor of physiology and for the next three<br />

decades he carried out an ambitious programme of metabolic research.- Gedeon. Landmark Publications no. 53<br />

Continental drift<br />

Wegener, Alfred. Die Entstehung der Kontinente; in: Dr. A. Petermanns Mitteilungen aus<br />

Justus Perthes’ Geographischer Anstalt 58 (1912).- Gotha: Justus Perthes, [1912]. pp. 185-<br />

195, 253-256, 305-309 Original brown printed wrappers. sold<br />

First edition, Journal issue. Alfred Wegener was the originator and one of the chief defenders of the theory of<br />

continental drift. This, his first paper on the subject, attracted first little attention, and it was only with the<br />

publication of a second edition of his treatise [Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane] in 1919 [1920] that his<br />

theory became a subject of wide controversy. It was largely ignored from the 1930s to the 1950s, when it was<br />

revived following the discovery of new paleo-magnetic evidence.- Norman 2192.<br />

Wille, Georg August. Geognostische Beschreibung der Gebirgsmassen zwischen dem Taunus-<br />

und Vogelsgebirge, von den Lahn nach dem Main, Rhein und der Nahe, &c., nebst besonderer<br />

Beachtung der daselbst vorkommenden verschiedenartigen Mineralquellen. Mit zwei<br />

illuminirten petrographischen Karten.- Mainz: bei Florian Kupferberg, 1828. 8° [200 x 115<br />

mm] [8], 168 pp., [2], one table, two fold. maps, partly coloured. Paper covered boards, imitating<br />

a leather binding, handwritten label, first pages incl. title more than once stamped, else<br />

good copy. $ 1600.-<br />

First edition, uncommon. Detailed petrographical description of the Taunus, a low mountain range in Hesse,<br />

Germany that composes part of the Rhenish Slate Mountains. The mineral content and the textural relationships<br />

within the rock are described in detail. Included are two fine & large coloured geological maps: Petrographische<br />

Charte von den zwischen dem Taunus- & Vogels-Gebirge gelegenen Gebirgs-Massen von der Lahn nach dem<br />

Main, Rhein, und der Nahe [650 x 440 mm], dated 1825 & Geognostische Charte von dem Kurhessischen Amte<br />

Dorheim nebst Umgebungen [480 x 340 mm], dated 1825. The author was working as „Kurhessischer Accessor<br />

im Salzamt“. The work is dedicated in print to J. F. L. Hausmann, Christian Th. Roth, Friedrich Stromeyer,<br />

Ferdinand Wurzer.- KVK: Stabi Berlin, Jena, Halle, Wolfenbüttel, Braunschweig, BSB München, et al.; COPAC:<br />

BL London, NHM, Oxford, Cambridge; OCLC: no copy.<br />

Wurzelbau, Johann Philipp von. Uranies Noricae Basis Astronomico-Geographica sive Inclytae<br />

S. Rom. Imp. liberae Civitatis Norinbergae situs Geographicus secundum Latitudinem<br />

istique aequalem Poli, super horizonta, (Aequatoris etiam) Elevationem, ex observationibus<br />

astronomicis deductus, cum praestitutis, Paralaxeos solaris & Refractionum, nec non Obliquitatis<br />

Eclipticae sive maximae Solis declinationis rationibus: ubi veterum etiam & antecessorum<br />

deducta exhibentur & deducenda secundum Longitudinem ex Lunae eclipsium ... promotione<br />

collectus vigiliis ... [Sumptibus authoris, 1697. Folio [345 x 210 mm]. 8 Blatt, 86 pp.,<br />

2 Blatt. incl. gestochenem Titel u. 4 (2 gefalteten) Kupfertafeln. Halbpergamentband der Zeit<br />

mit handschriftlichem Rückentitel, etwas berieben, kleine Fehlstellen im Bezugspapier. Oben<br />

im Bug feuchtrandig, 2 Tafeln gelockert, 1 Tafel mit kleinem Eckausriss, Tafeln etwas flekkig.<br />

With engraved title and 4 (2 folding) engraved plates. $ 4000.-

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