Official STPR Guide

Official STPR Guide

Official STPR Guide


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Stage Descriptions forStages 4, 5, 15 and 16 Super Special DescriptionThe Super Special stages offer thespectator a chance to see the rally carsin head to head competition in a settingwhere the full stage is in view. The stagemap shows the course(s) that the carsfollow. (If you can trace the route on themap, you are better than I am! Come outon Friday and Saturday evenings andfollow their route.)The teams will start with the slowercars first working up to the leaders asthey return to the Fairgrounds. Withtwo cars starting at the same time,differences in speed, technique and teamability will be evident. The differencesin style should demonstrate the skillsneeded to drive fast on dirt.The cars will start on each side atthe start line once. The first of the twocars staging can choose their side first.They make the loop they started on, gopast the grandstands and do the secondloop. As a result each car travels thesame distance.After going in front of the spectatorsthe second time, they make an acute turnaround a big tire on the left side and runback to the finish line. The car leadingat the finish line is faster than the other.After the finish line, and when bothcars have finished, the teams will crossover to the opposite side and run thecourse a second time. They again turnaround the big tire after the second passby the spectators and race back to thefinish line.After their two runs they drive outthrough the racing lanes and up thehill where they entered the course andback into the display area. Take theopportinity to check out the cars andteams before and after the Super Specialstages. Any damage suffered during theSaturday forest stages can be seen bycomparing the conditon between Fridayand Saturday.We hope you enjoy the wheel towheel racing. We expect that it will addsignificantly to the show.The super special stages are 0.96miles long.There are no records for the newconfiguration.Come out to theSuper Special Stagesat the FairgoundsENJOY15

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