African Traditional Herbal Research Clinic ... - Blackherbals.com

African Traditional Herbal Research Clinic ... - Blackherbals.com

African Traditional Herbal Research Clinic ... - Blackherbals.com


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Continued from page 42 – Antibiotic Beer Cured NubiansThe anthropologist also believes the tetracyclineprotected the Nubians from bone infections, as all thebones he examined are infection-free.The anthropologist also believes the tetracyclineprotected the Nubians from bone infections, as all thebones he examined are infection-free.The anthropologist also believes the tetracyclineprotected the Nubians from bone infections, as all thebones he examined are infection-free.Charlie Bamforth, a professor of biochemistry andbrewing science at the University of California, Davis,says that beer has been a staple of the human diet forthousands of years and that the health benefits of beerwere well known, even if not scientifically explained, inancient times.They must have consumed it because it was rather tastierthan the grain from which it was derived.They would have noticed people fared better byconsuming this product than they were just consumingthe grain itself," he says.☻☻☻☻☻☻Beer Contains Cancer-Fighting IngredientsJanuary 14, 2008German scientists discovered that hops, used in beerproduction, had essential cancer-fighting agents. Theresults of the study showed that xanthohumol, found inhops, contains agents that inhibit enzymes which triggercancer. Besides, xanthohumol helps in fightingcarcinogens.Dr. Werner Back, a brewing technology expert at theTechnical University of Munich, explained that thesefindings indicate that beer can be actually healthy.Xanthohumol found in hopes is long known as anantioxidant, reducing bad cholesterol level. Hops are,used in herbal medicine, contains phytoestrogens -agents, protecting against prostate, breast, bowel, andother cancers, cardiovascular disease, brain functiondisorders, post-menopausal symptoms and osteoporosis.Xanthohumol deactivates enzymes called cytochromes P-4 that trigger the cancer process thus preventing thedevelopment of tumors at an early stage.However, the researchers explain that the amount ofxanthohumol necessary to fight cancer equals to 60regular beers and they are working to brew a healthybeer, containing high level of this helpful agent. It is alsopossible that xanthohumol will be added to other productsto make it healthier.On general, the higher is the amount of xanthohumol inbeer, the darker it is and the healthier it is for you.-43- <strong>Traditional</strong> <strong>African</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> December 2009http://health.infoniac.<strong>com</strong>/index.php?page=post&id=55☻☻☻☻☻☻Junk Food as 'Addictive asDrugs'Junk food is almost as addictive as heroin, scientists havefound.28 October 2009A diet of burgers, chips, sausages and cake willprogramme your brain into craving even more foods thatare high in sugar, salt and fat, according to new research.Over the years these junk foods can be<strong>com</strong>e a substitutefor happiness and will lead bingers to be<strong>com</strong>e addicted.Dr Paul Kenny, a neuroscientist, carried out the researchwhich shows how dangerous high fat and high sugarfoods can be to our health. “You lose control. It’s thehallmark of addiction,” he said.The researchers believe it is one of the first studies tosuggest brains may react in the same way to junk food asthey do to drugs. “This is the most <strong>com</strong>plete evidence todate that suggests obesity and drug addiction have<strong>com</strong>mon neuro-biological foundations,” said PaulJohnson, Dr Kenny’s work colleague.Dr Kenny, who began his research at Guy’s Hospital,London, but now works at Florida’s Scripps <strong>Research</strong>Institute, divided rats into three groups for his research,due to be published in the US soon.One got normal amounts of healthy food to eat. Anotherlot was given restricted amounts of junk food and thethird group was given unlimited amounts of junk,including cheesecake, fatty meat products, and cheapsponge cakes and chocolate snacks.There were no adverse effects on the first two groups, butthe rats who ate as much junk food as they wantedquickly became very fat and started bingeing.When researchers electronically stimulated the part of thebrain that feels pleasure, they found that the rats onunlimited junk food needed more and more stimulation toregister the same level of pleasure as the animals onhealthier diets.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/6451119/Junkfood-as-addictive-as-drugs.html☻☻☻☻☻☻

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