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kX.lc'..'c'.'w '6!' .m.'.%.e 'tr .-p*-% .u;?. i't . . h.r' ..Ẉe 'ḥ . 4i,Ṿ- j j. a 'zl'.. '5a.I. . et ., .lr ''1. k'Anuta' left Bisling Ba)' in tlle earll'afternoon (2()/1I) u'l'1i1e the u'ind urasb IONN'in g fronath eW estand thetida1cu rre1)tNvas favotlrable.ltNvas stillrai1-1ing . Thatfollow'ing nightthe u'eathergotbeteral'lditNvas a l'nore peacefulsail . The nextdal'u'aseven bctterand itu'asatl1stpossib 1eto air al1 the cabins and svet urlothes .To'svardssunsetAn utaNvascloseto thebaq'Nv<strong>here</strong>'Tikopia'had sheltered.Thel'set()t-tto'!oin'Anuta'014herA.val'south.S oon al-terthel'setsai1the tu'o boats lostcontactand eachonedid nothear1-1-011theotheragain untilthel'arrivedin Ternate(1'JN ',l2 7 C'E )nearly4()()N IM Iater.The rain beat kloqvn on tierce , rapidlyincreasing waN'es with big urhite caps . Sothe boatvvas laid ahullagain hoping thewind would subside.Hanneke checked the GPS position andfound thatthel'haN'ebeen setcloserinshoreby thelastsqtlalland u'ith thiswind wobtldnotbe able to clearthe large reef01-1-thecoastjtlsttothe501.1thofthel'n.Theymadeaquick'decision thattheonlyprtldentl'novewasto head straightW estinto Bisling Bayand tind shelter.Bisling Bal'islikeajNI'ndeep rectangle cutinto thecoast . They ranunder tinl'ston-n sailbefore the Easterl'wind with huge waves following. Thevisibility wasbad.rainsquallsobscured thecoast-btltthey could seetheIong nnanl-nadeharbourwallbehind whichthey intendedtoanchor. Theq' sailed into shelter anddropped anchor by sonne little tishingBankas.These4()()NnAtook thecrela'tiveandah: .llfdaysnon-stopsu'ithanapproxil'nate3k l'lotsaverage speed. The ureather uras v'er).'changetble u'ith lots o t-rain anklsqual1%(vN'indstlp to force 7-8 Beau fort)and N'el-l'darknightsasthe1-1-1001NsrasN'anislingvery'fast.ItB'ashard and tiringsailing .Forthe Antltatzrev itNvasasurprisetoG ntIthey Nverethe lirstboattoarris'ei14Ternate ,a notvefy glal-norous toNvn.urith lots o 1-little k ids s'wim n-ling and screanling rotll'l( .lthe boatalIdal'Iong.Theq'ubere glad tohearLapitaTikopiau'ascloseb)'and toseehersailin atstlnset.Second leg.Betbre the beginning o1-the seeond Ieg otthevoyagesol-nechangesintl'lecren's laN'eHard and tiring sailingundera constantrain.Itraineda1lnightand,lextmorning - itwascooked food undertheaqvning which havebeen setreally low overthe deck and thecookbox.,4 totofrtlm cheered everybodyup and al1 were N'eo' pleased to be inshelter. At least allthe water containerswere retilled by m orning!Aboard 'Anuta'people u'ere worried about Klatls and'LapitaTikopia'and hoped they wereSouthof t<strong>here</strong>ef by thetim ethesquallgalecam ein.The nextmorning they gotthem essagethat 'Tikopia' has arrived satèly , butexhausted-atthe arranged m eeting pointfurtherSotlth.Thesea People* @ issue74 1 1

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