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# # #cockp 1t.It'$N'asarek2essed tlo k2k1.3it(fk')r1eg s)Nvith nonualbencl) seats al1arotlnd.It isNsrl'1atIllostpeople expeclantlNsrhatl'nanj''srant...It)'tlstdidn't's's'ork'f-orl'ne.Theseatsol'l each side housed the gas cans andotltboards.-rl'1e relnoN'able box atthe rearot-the cock'171t svas tlsed for storag e. .A.slandardsettlp tbrnlo stboats.Idid n'tIiktlthis 1a)'outf01-the 1-01IoNs'i14greasons:1.ldon'tI1ke to seattlpriglpt.lllornlall)'sen'l1-rec1i1)klt)l'l:1 c1:111-as I til1d tlatPositiol'l Il'l(.lre col'l'1fortable. N onlaIcock p1ts d0n 'teas11)'t!14abIe t1:.1tsitt11gposltlol).'n .'N1orestorage(,1-1deck'althep1lotstat1(.41-1Nvas necded, especial1)' tbr additiolalftle1:11-1d safetl'1ten'ls.H aN.'1ng extra gascan si1'1thek:ockpitan d other1tenls 1olstoredcanbe:1lazard.3.lNvanted :1slualIerald l'noresectlreareain u'hich to stand atthe p iIotstation 1-1caseot-rotlgh sveather.A' selui-enclosedsluallarea in u'hich Icotlld lash I'nysel1-1fnecessaryNvassotlght.Piloting needed to be klol'leNvhileseatedfrol'n either s1de of u'heel or frol'ndirectll'behind the Nvheel.A Ieistlrell'cruise klon'trequire stalding behind theNvheel.Jtlsta 11ghttotlc101)the NvheeIu 1)ile sitting i1,1abeach c'hairisa greatdeligl'lt!Standing head1-0(41-1 tllder tle 13i1)111'11B'as reqtlired ald 1l 1:1(.1to enable thePilotstatitln to betlsekl1n)'sol-leol'le5'2'tal1to6'4 'taIlu'it1totalN'1s1b111t)'.Adding add 1t1olaI s()lar paneIs Ns'asessent1al.TI'1e soIar pa1'1e1s 1ad to bel'notlnted so that the sail k.rleyN' andsheet1)gb 1(Jkzk'sd idn't1,1ittheglasslo po 1-theso IarpaneIs,eq.'el'1NvhensIack.7. A11tlishad to beaccol-nplished yN'ithoutraising the foot o f the sai1 or otI'lelavisechangilg thecutot-thesai1.To l'neet al1these 1eeds required :1 l-ai1-al-notlltofsketcling and planning.i'lere isurhatltinaI1)'btli1:First.INsi1ldescribetle13i1'n i1i.Itis:1tvvo1eN'eI 13i1'14i1i (pic 9 ).The par't o'srer tlepi1otstatiol'listallerthan tle rearsectiol-lonNvl'1ichtlesk)larpal'lelsarenèounted.TheB il'ninilianle(1'altlnninitll'n pipeNN'ith l.8'vN':1l1s- 1ightbtltN'erq'strong )isnloulted t()the coek'pitrails.(.-areftlIilspetztion ot-thephoto 5.N'iIlraise the t-o l1(t)qs'ilg q tlesti01'1...'Ilt)ss'doesl1egetthega1-1-andsailotltfrol-n '- .tlndertl'le 1311-1-1ini'.''-rl'1e l-orNsard strtlson . '. 'the 13in'liniare not l'nounted to tle deck(theq'area t-orce lit)bt.ltsN$ing:1l-t-clearing - .the centerbeal'lC.t3l(.lellabl1l'lg tl'le gaffand -sa11to be 1it-ted tlp and otltol-its cradlef-rtll'l'te1thersikle t.'pltle (.71l(.)tstat1k')!'1.Itctl) 'k. . . . . q -then be raised easl1)'as 1t .1t1stslight1(h ott.jt?e1-1ter(p ic 10 ).'Fhe ra1setlsa1l-:1s (.)1-1tI'Ik.t - ' .aboatNvhen bu1It.1tlstsNs'eepsthe 1ighestcentersecti()1,1o1-tlei)in'li1-1i.-l-'he urlevN'antlsheets1))1sstle st.llal-panelseven sN'lelsIack.7-hu-rear B i1'1'11-1isect1tly'lslopesjtlstsIight1)'d(.JNs'1'1N'al-tlsotlatItlal'l , ..esrenttla ll! $tlseittocatclral1U.atel.- f-. .. . . . - .lo sittlnde!tl'lelealsectlono jtl'le 1: .91)il'li I !i)1e tlses e1tlel- beal bag chairs k)r los'$' '' . .(ḃeachchairs(pic. . - . .11).B0th. ..sl'ste.lsresult. .p. .q. ' .11 the klt'yl'l'1ll.ll-t:.lb le sel-l1-retrIl1lng posltlk)l1 Lr . >tlatIskltlglt.(J'eltIng t.113ëlnd (ltltreqtlires:1.Iitllecatltiolsk)onu-'sl-lklatldoesnklt 11tthe .skllarpanels..A slightincol'lNvel1tzncebtltlklt . ' l:1problen'l.'N extist1e f-lnrys'ard sect1(.)1-1of-t1'1e 131nli1)1.Th1s is taI1er tl1:.11) tlpe rear sect1()1'1 alltlcl.lN'el-sthet-oryrardseatingareaaltlextelds1 :.1 trtlncated triangtllar fash i(.)1'1 l-urtlert-orvvard . -1'1'1is trialgtllar t-kll-sa'ard setrtiol'lredtlcessL1n glareand aII()N'$.s1'n ot.l'lti1go f:1 l1. .tlIea1-1':11-.ba1-1-1e1-t1)at keep s d!-)'aI1N.'1lal .1l'lstrtl-leltatit.'.,1 al'ld ctAltrtnls il'! case (.41-l'lei.l'sry' rai1'1. -l-I-1e center (.)1-tle I'orqs'ard 213in-llnllssllgltl'llglertlèkln tleattsides, .agai1 t()catch the rai1ys'ater.'l-<strong>here</strong> 1s al'l -'klptning betvveen tl'le f-orNN'ard and rear ! .=' .B i1'k-1il'li sections to al1t)N.N' breezes to g( .)through and redtlce 's.s1Ilklage. -1-1isfunne1Ied breeze b IoN.'$'s ol-lthe face ot'1l)ep 1lot alkl p assengers seattld tlder thet-lrvsral-tl (. B 1-1)11)i secti(.)1-1 ald 1s qtl1tep Ieasant.'h;oNs to t1e t2ock'p ititse1t-.-1-14e 1lter1t)r()1-tle l-0rl-nal1)'opel cockpit 1-1(.',:$. las tlreeadtl1t101al storage boxes alld a stald-i11sl'n a1Ierp iIotstat101('ss'1)1c1)IcaIthe 'p 1t')(pic 12 ).7-N.N'o k)ftlel-leN.s'boxt?sI-1oïs'holdfuel(24 gal()l1stotal).'l-'lt'tth irdneNs'box 1s -used 1-01- storage (.'1-I1fe 1*ackets, d 1:-1chs' , ..-itel')ls- life riI'lgs altl tltltati(:1-1 lnfttls. ' '-ellelg -elltll' board131g latlkler , flares and -'-'!.t:.- x '.tlther sat-etl' 1tel-ns. S1(-e1)' i1el'ns arei1'n l'netliate1)'aN'a1lable t()the p11()t's1tI'ltltlth aN'1-1gtoleaN'et1)ep 1It'pt's '')it' l .-l-I1ep 1lot's 'p it'isnoss'I4 inclesïs'itlebl''!'TheSea People* * lssue74 3 7

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