Deconvolution Analysis of FMRI Time Series Data - Waisman ...

Deconvolution Analysis of FMRI Time Series Data - Waisman ...

Deconvolution Analysis of FMRI Time Series Data - Waisman ...


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where df B is the number <strong>of</strong> degrees <strong>of</strong> freedom for the baseline model, and df F is thenumber <strong>of</strong> degrees <strong>of</strong> freedom for the full model. Specically, we have (assuming that thenoise model contains the two parameters for constant plus linear trend):df B = N 0 ; 2df F = N 0 ; 2 ; (p +1)so df B ; df F = p +1:where N 0 = N ; p is the number <strong>of</strong> usable data points.By the above reasoning, we see that a large value for F indicates that signal is present,whereas a small value for F suggests that only noise is present. The statistic F has theF (df B ; df F df F ) distribution under the null hypothesis (Ref. [2]).Program 3dDeconvolve calculates the F statistic for each voxel, and (if the -fout optionis used) appends these values as one <strong>of</strong> the sub-bricks <strong>of</strong> an AFNI \bucket" dataset.1.2.6 Coecient <strong>of</strong> Multiple DeterminationThe coecient <strong>of</strong>multiple determination, R 2 , can be used as an indicator for how well thefull model ts the data. We dene R 2 :R 2 1 ; SSE(F )SSE(B)where SSE(F ) and SSE(B) are dened above. Roughly speaking, R 2 is the proportion<strong>of</strong> the variation in the data (about the baseline) that is explained by the full regressionmodel. Note that, for every voxel, 0 R 2 1. (R 2 is a generalization <strong>of</strong> the square <strong>of</strong> thecorrelation coecient computed in the m programs).Program 3dDeconvolve calculates R 2 for each voxel, and (if the -rout option is used)appends these values as one <strong>of</strong> the sub-bricks <strong>of</strong> an AFNI \bucket" dataset.1.2.7 t-test for Signicance <strong>of</strong> Individual ParametersWhen comparing dierent impulse response functions, it is useful to know the signicance<strong>of</strong> the individual terms that constitute the impulse response function. This may help in decidingwhether dierent impulse response functions are truly dierent, or merely reect theinuence <strong>of</strong> measurement noise. Therefore, program 3dDeconvolve provides the t-statisticsfor the individual terms in the impulse response function.For the linear regression model, the variance-covariance matrix for the regression coef-cients is given by:s 2 (b) =MSE ; X t X ;1Then, for large sample size N, dene the statistic t :t [h k ]=h ks(h k )12

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