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MAKEWAYfor theBig CityBOSSBBM: Who is Big City and how did you getthe name?City: Big City is a person that grew up inChicago, who made a decision that thenegative things I went through as a childwouldn’t determine the outcome of who Iwas as a man. I got my name from one ofmy buddies in Minnesota. Being from Chicago,naturally, I stood out from most of thepeople in Minnesota. Like I was almost too12big for the city, so that’s how I got my name.I grew up homeless at times, in situationsthat I wouldn’t wish upon any child. UltimatelyI feel like that molded me into theperson that I m today. I told myself that Iwould never be homeless again. So I madeit a point to hustle everyday. I’ve been doingthat every since. I’ve become my ownboss so nobody else can ever determinewhat I can and can’t have. So that’s the typeof music I make. Boss music.

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