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BehindTHESCENESwith Alvin ElmoreWords by J. SeniorPhotos by Pamela JonesBBM: What motivated you to start directing even have iPhone footage quality. It wasn’t evenvideos?supposed to be used to shoot videos with. Thevideos were ok, however, I can’t look at themAE: As a child my parents were strict, so all now. (lol) I was working with a guy that wasI use to do is sit in the crib and watch movies. working with the artist, Phoenix Phenom. I wasAfter watching all of these movies I developed filming their concert footage. He really liked mya idea of what looks good and what looked work. At the same time I was doing web pages.bad. I generally developed the concept of what He introduced me to DJ Boolu Master and Boolumakes good film work. So I always wanted to needed a web page done. Boolu introduced medo it but I felt it was too far fetched. However I to Shorty Capone. Shorty saw my videos and hewas forced into making videos. I was 27 when I was impressed. To this day I am still puzzled howshot my first video. I was late bloomer. So I was he saw the person who made these little cheapworking at CarMax and had gotten fired. While videos would somehow be good. If I would havelooking for work I was thinking, “I got to make shown myself those videos I would have calledsome money”. I had a $200 camera that didn’t it garbage. He showed everyone my videos and8

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