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Glad you’re here to join us, as we present oursignature event. THE BLOK CLUB DJs 4th AnnualMEET N GREET – This is an event wherethe industry professionals come to indulge in arelaxed, knowledge-based atmosphere. If youwere here last year, there were 900+ industrycontacts present e.g. managers, producers, engineers,entertainment lawyers, graphic designers,PR agents, A&R’s, record labels, the hottest djs,rappers, singers, poets, distributors, promoters,and many more.Blok Club DJs is constantly looking for waysto take our company to a higher position. Wehave made many strides in order to do so. Ourlargest project has been facilitating this annualevent, which brings like-minded individuals underone roof at one time, with one agenda. Weare constantly upgrading and revamping thecompany and this annual event (Blok Club MeetN Greet). We are raising you and ourselves to ahigher standard by positioning and strengtheningour network to build our net worth.Moving forward we would like to invite youand your company/brand to join us in our questof empowerment. As we have some sort of businessconnection(s) with one other, it would beour pleasure to promote your services as westrive to continue uplifting each other in our endeavors.As presently we have ten (10) artists who willbe showcased today February 23, 2014 at our annualMeet N Greet. We also have ten (10) panelistson our business of radio Q & A session. Youwill be given the opportunity to address questionand concerns as to your compatibility with“radio”. We have a number of DJ’s who will becompeting in the Blok Club DJ’s 3 Style Challenge.This challenge is judged based upon DJ’sskill, originality, crowd control and creativitydemonstrated through a fifteen (15) minute setwith a mandatory three (3) genre selection. Lastyear’s winner was Blok Club DJ’s own DJ Steaks.There will also be one on one media interviewsthroughout the venue during the entire evening.The event is filled with several raffles and giftgiveaways from our sponsors and vendors. Inorder to allow yourself a chance to win one ofthese prizes you must complete the Blok ClubDJs 4th Annual Meet N Greet “Contact InformationCard”, ask any Blok Club representativeabout the location of these cards, and win yourfree gift today.Once again WELCOME and please enjoywhat we have laid out for you.

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