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Words by J. SeniorBBM: How long have you beenrecording?Elementz: I’ve been recordingmusic since ‘01-’02, but I reallytook it seriously as far as startingan actual project around 2008.BBM: Who and what is your biggestinspiration?Elementz: Personally, I’d have tosay my mom. I draw from heryouthful spirit and just neverwanting to give up on your dreamsno matter what the circumstancesare. Musically, I’d have to go withEminem. He wasn’t necessarilythe reason why I started rapping,but his skill level is completelyoff the Richter scale! Even atthis stage of his career, he hasn’tcompromised on be a lyricist.BBM: How would you describe your sound?Elementz: Hard drums, heavy bass, dope lyrics.Anything less and I’m not involved with,period!BBM: What artist signed and unsigned wouldyou like to work with?Elementz: Signed, there’s quite a few but if Icould narrow it to three artists: Eminem, Nas,Snoop Dogg. As far as unsigned, whateverthat means nowadays, I’d have to go with JoeyBada$$ and The Alchemist.BBM: If you weren’t rapping what would yoube doing?Elementz: It would definitely be as an artistmanager. If I can’t do it myself then at least letme get someone else on.BBM: What is your definition of ahot/wack song?Elementz: A hot song has to besomething that has catchy partsto it. I was always taught that it’snot what you say, but how yousay it. So whether or not how thehook sounds, your voice sounds,the beat may have parts to it thatstand out, but the lyrics are just asimportant. A wack song is anythingwhere the artist is off beat,the beat itself sounds lazy, thelyrics are predictable and basicallythe song won’t last 6 monthsthroughout the year.BBM: What is your take on thedrill movement in Chicago?Elementz: I have a love/hate reactionto it. I admire the fact thatit was invented here in Chicago and it has itsoriginality. But, like most movements thatpick up steam, I don’t like the over saturationof it. Plus, I don’t like anything that promotesviolence outright. And not to say that the drillmovement is strictly about that, but with everybodyfeeling they can become stars overnightwith it or music period, they just run with itand don’t even know what it truly is or whereit came from.BBM: If a person never heard of you howwould you introduce yourself?Elementz: “I’m Jahbari, and I’m an emcee.Whenever you get some free time, take alisten to my album “Open Bar” and if you likeit, share it with your peers and let em know,‘This dude right here is the truth!’”16

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