Growing Grapes in WV - West Virginia Department of Agriculture

Growing Grapes in WV - West Virginia Department of Agriculture

Growing Grapes in WV - West Virginia Department of Agriculture


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Harvest<strong>in</strong>g<strong>Grapes</strong> should be picked whenthe fruit reaches the desired ripenessfor its <strong>in</strong>tended purpose. Asthe fruit ripens, the color changes,the sugars <strong>in</strong>crease and the acidsdecrease. The tim<strong>in</strong>g will vary fromyear to year. Berries should besampled daily as the harvest approachesto determ<strong>in</strong>e sugar, acidand pH. To sample, randomly collect100 to 200 representative berriesfor each cultivar. Acids decreaserapidly under warm conditions andfruit quality can change rapidly.To harvest the grapes a grapeknife or harvest<strong>in</strong>g shears are used.Hold the grapes with one hand andcut with a rapid upward cut awayfrom your hands and arms to prevent<strong>in</strong>jury. Hand shears are saferbut are slower and more difficult touse. Do not jerk or pull clusters fromthe v<strong>in</strong>e as this will crush some <strong>of</strong>the fruit. Discard all green, immatureor diseased fruit. Gently placethe fruit <strong>in</strong>to harvest<strong>in</strong>g lugsor boxes and handle as littleas possible. Take the conta<strong>in</strong>ers<strong>in</strong>to the shade as soon aspossible to reduce fruit temperatures.<strong>Grapes</strong> should be takento the w<strong>in</strong>ery the same day theyare picked.<strong>Grapes</strong> will keep severalweeks after maturity on the v<strong>in</strong>eor if picked and stored <strong>in</strong> a verycool, dry, well-ventilated place.As long as there is no dropp<strong>in</strong>g<strong>of</strong> the berries it is best to leavethe crop on the v<strong>in</strong>es and pickas the market demands. Unlessweather is ra<strong>in</strong>y, there will be nodeterioration. If well-protectedby foliage, grapes will standcold weather (but not a frost).However, birds and bees molest<strong>in</strong>gthe crop must be considered<strong>in</strong> the decision as to whether ornot the mature crop is left on thev<strong>in</strong>e.Pest ManagementBirds are common problems <strong>in</strong> Shotguns are one methodv<strong>in</strong>eyards. They may eat the entire <strong>of</strong> controll<strong>in</strong>g birds, howeverberry or damage the fruit by claw<strong>in</strong>g many birds are protected by law.or peck<strong>in</strong>g. The severity <strong>of</strong> damage Gas exploders and electronicis related to cultivar, degree <strong>of</strong> ripeness,amount <strong>of</strong> foliage hid<strong>in</strong>g the orchard frequently, have simi-noisemakers, if moved about thefruit and proximity to bird roost<strong>in</strong>g lar effects. Other scare devicessites. Small isolated v<strong>in</strong>eyards with such as hawk kits, scare eyes,early ripen<strong>in</strong>g cultivars are the most distress tapes and bird bombssusceptible to damage. Monitor bird can be used <strong>in</strong> comb<strong>in</strong>ation withdamage as the fruit beg<strong>in</strong> to change gas cannons to improve theircolor. Early detection is critical <strong>in</strong> effectiveness. Bird nett<strong>in</strong>g is thecontrol efforts. Many systems are most effective method for controll<strong>in</strong>gbirds, but is expensive andavailable to control birds, but noneis completely successful.cumbersome.-18-

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