EFDS annual report 2011 - English Federation of Disability Sport

EFDS annual report 2011 - English Federation of Disability Sport

EFDS annual report 2011 - English Federation of Disability Sport


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Typhoo <strong>Sport</strong>s for All19In partnership with Typhoo and the UK Naonal <strong>Disability</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> Organisaons (England,Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland), <strong>EFDS</strong> has connued to develop and deliver the<strong>Disability</strong> Inclusion Training Course (DIT) throughout England. The naonal campaign andproject with Typhoo was planned over two phases- both raising awareness and highlighngthe benefit to those who are keen to take part.Aimed at helping sports coaches, the course increases knowledge and understanding indelivering inclusive sessions for disabled people in sport.In 2010, phase two <strong>of</strong> the campaign connued to fund the courses enabling a further 800sports coaches to take advantage <strong>of</strong> the free training. In total 50 DIT courses were runduring the year. This training was co-ordinated through our work with County <strong>Sport</strong>Partnerships leaving a wider network <strong>of</strong> trained sports coaches.Over 2000 coaches have been trained through phase one and two, and promises even moregoing into phase three.The charity partnership was promoted via pack designs incorporang the ‘Typhoo <strong>Sport</strong>sfor All’ logo – leng consumers know that they are supporng a worthwhile cause just bypurchasing their favourite tea.“The Course was extremely wellreceived by local mainstream anddisability sports club coaches inCumbria. Delegates thoroughly enjoyedboth the theory and praccal elementsand were parcularly impressed withthe tutor and course resources. We’renow planning another three courses inother areas <strong>of</strong> the County.We’re very appreciave <strong>of</strong> having theopportunity to run this course in ruralCumbria- many thanks to <strong>EFDS</strong>”.

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