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Authors - Afes-press-books.de


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1736 <strong>Authors</strong>GRI, <strong>de</strong>alt with “Enhancing the Contribution of Neglectedand Un<strong>de</strong>rutilized Species to Food Security, and to Incomesof the Rural Poor”, involving farmers and NGOsfrom Asia, North Africa and Latin America. The MatrouhResources Management Project (MRMP) fun<strong>de</strong>d by theGovernment of Egypt and the World Bank relied on a communitydriven approach. He also foun<strong>de</strong>d a station for researchand extension in Toshka in Southern Egypt. He participatedin many international conferences and officiallyrepresented the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation(MALR) in regional and international events, hechaired the African ministers of agriculture meeting ofNEPAD initiative during the African Union Summit in Mozambique2003 and in 2002 he represented Egypt at theUN secretariat of the Convention of Biodiversity (CBD) inMonterial with his expertise in policy implementation. Heis an observer of the Interim Panel of Eminent Experts toestablish the Global Crop Diversity Trust in Rome (Italy).He represents MALR in the Executive Board of the ArabLeague Center for Arid Zone Studies (ACSAD) in Syria andin the Observatory of Sub Sahara and Sahel (OSS) in Tunis.His communication and negotiation skills were essentialfor handling vital agricultural initiatives in Egypt and forsecuring the nee<strong>de</strong>d funds for their implementation.Address: Prof. Dr. Ismail A. Hussein, Desert ResearchCenter, Mathaf Mataria Street, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt.Email: and .Zhanyi Gao (China) is the Director of the Department ofIrrigation and Drainage, China Institute of Water Resourcesand Hydropower Research (IWHR), and Directorof the National Centre for Efficient Irrigation TechnologyResearch (Beijing). He has served with IWHR since 1989and holds a Master’s Degree from the North China WaterResources and Hydropower University (1989) and a PhDfrom IWHR (2005). He has also served as a Senior Engineerat IWHR since 1995. From 2005 to 2008 he served asthe Vice Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of International Commission on Irrigationand Drainage (ICID). Since 2003 he has served as Director,Board of Directors, Chinese Hydraulic EngineeringSociety. Up to now he has been project lea<strong>de</strong>r for 21 nationaland 5 international projects. As an expert he atten<strong>de</strong>dseveral projects and review activities fun<strong>de</strong>d by theWorld Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Food andAgriculture Organization (FAO). His interested research areasinclu<strong>de</strong> research and dissemination of water-saving technology,irrigation water management and assessment, irrigation<strong>de</strong>velopment and food security, wastewater reuse,drainage and salinity controlling, the effect of climatechange on irrigated agriculture. Among his major publicationsare: “Integrated Wastewater Irrigation and Treatment”,in: Water Resources Journal (December 2003);“Discussion on the Selection of Effective Water Use Techniquesin Large-sized Irrigation Districts in China” (December2005); “Development of Multi Functions of Irrigationin China”, in: Journal of Economics of Water Resources(January 2006); “Strategy of Grain Security and IrrigationDevelopment in China”, in: Journal of Hydraulic Engineering(November, 2008).Address: Dr. Zhanyi Gao, China Institute of WaterResources and Hydropower Research (IWHR), No. 20West Chegongzhuang Rd., Beijing 100048, People’s Republicof China.Email: .Website: .Jorge García Gómez (Spain), Agronomic Engineer and Environmentalist,DEA on physical geography. His main researchareas are erosion processes and <strong>de</strong>sertification. Hewas a technical expert in the Desertlinks Project and coordinatorof the LIFE project “Almond Pro soil” fun<strong>de</strong>d bythe EU. He was also involved in other cooperation and researchprojects and is a consultant for government bodies,research centres and NGO’s in Spain, Africa and LatinAmerica. He also worked as a consultant for NGO's inCuba and Argentina. He has co-authored articles and chaptersin <strong>books</strong> with López-Bermú<strong>de</strong>z. He is partner of theconsultancy firm “Eurovertice Consultores S.L” and memberof environmental associations and NGOs.Address: Mr. Jorge García Gómez, Carril <strong>de</strong> los Luíses 48,30107 Guadalupe, Murcia, Spain.Email: .Andrés Miguel García Lorca (Spain), PhD in Geography,Professor of Regional Geographic Analysis of the Universityof Almeria, scientific advisor of the OrganizaciónIberoamericana <strong>de</strong> Cooperación Intermunicipal (OICI)since 1989. He has directed and participated in ten researchprojects in Spain, the United Kingdom, Costa Rica, Argentine,Cuba and Honduras. He has also directed numerousresearch contracts for public and private agencies in Spainand in Latin America, he was responsible for scientificcourses and seminars in most Latin American countries,and he directed 6 PhDs in geography and several end ofstudies projects in agricultural engineering. He has been aspeaker at 20 international congresses. Since 1977 he hasbeen publishing in scientific journals, he is an author oreditor of 14 <strong>books</strong>, and of 30 chapters in several <strong>books</strong> editedin Spain and in Latin America: Geografía e integración.Retos y alternativas para América Latina (1999);From traditional agriculture to technology, from emigrationto inmigration (1995); Ten<strong>de</strong>ncias y transformacionesen la agricultura intensiva almeriense(1999); Influencia <strong>de</strong>la agroindustria en las transformaciones <strong>de</strong> los municipiosrurales (2002); Andalucía –Norte <strong>de</strong> Afríca: De la cooperacióna la integración (2003); Anotaciones sobre los cultivosbajo plástico en China (2005); La agricultura litoral(2005).Inmigración y <strong>de</strong>sarrollo regional (2009)Address: Prof. Dr. Andrés Miguel García Lorca. Universidad<strong>de</strong> Almería: Campus Universitario. E-04120. Almería.Spain.Email: .Website: http://www.ual.es/A<strong>de</strong>niyi Sulaiman Gba<strong>de</strong>gesin (Nigeria), is a Professor andHead of the Department of Geography, University ofIbadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. In 1991, he was the land-use consultantin SSRC/American Council of Learned SocietiesJoint Committee’s sponsored projects on The Impact of

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