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Authors - Afes-press-books.de

Authors - Afes-press-books.de


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1746 <strong>Authors</strong>na: Laia Libros, 1999); La Pirami<strong>de</strong> Rovesciata, il mo<strong>de</strong>llo<strong>de</strong>ll’oasi per il pianeta Terra (Torino: Bollati Boringhieri,1995); Giardini di Pietra, i Sassi di Matera e la civiltà mediterranea(Torino: Bollati Boringhieri, 1993).Address: Mr. Pietro Laureano, Ipogea, Via Roma 595, 50012Bagno a Ripoli, Florence, Italy.E-mail: .Website: .Rik Leemans (The Netherlands), Dr. (University of Uppsala),Professor of Environmental Systems Analysis, EnvironmentalSciences Department, Wageningen University anddirector of the WIMEK graduate school. He also chairs theinternational Earth System Science Partnership (ESSP) andthe Dutch National Global Change Committee. He workson various aspects of global environmental change. He currentlydirects several multidisciplinary projects on land-usechange, biogeochemical cycles, global biodiversity. All theseprojects accentuate resilience vulnerability and sustainability.His early studies at Uppsala University (Swe<strong>de</strong>n) emphasizedthe successional dynamics and structure of boreal forests.His subsequent research position at the BiosphereProject of the International Institute of Applied SystemAnalyses (IIASA, Austria) focussed on boreal forest mo<strong>de</strong>ls.During the 1990’s he was a senior scientist of the NationalInstitute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) inBilthoven. Here, he directed the <strong>de</strong>velopment of integratedmo<strong>de</strong>lling approaches for the biosphere within the IMAGE2 mo<strong>de</strong>l. Since then his research has excelled into mo<strong>de</strong>llingglobal environmental change. He has published manypapers in <strong>books</strong>, reports and aca<strong>de</strong>mic journals like Science,Climatic Change, Ecological Mo<strong>de</strong>lling, Global EnvironmentalChange and Ecology and Society. He chairedthe Response Option Working Group of the MillenniumEcosystem Assessment (MA) and was involved as a lead-authorin all assessments of the Intergovernmental Panel onClimate Change (IPCC) that was rewar<strong>de</strong>d the NobelPeace price in 2007. He is Editor-in-chief of Current Opinionin Environmental Sustainability, and on the editorialboard of Ecosystems, Climatic Change, Global EnvironmentalChange, Carbon Balance and Management, and amember of Faculty of 1000 Biology. He works as a refereefor the Dutch Science Foundations (NWO and WOTRO),the European Research Council (ERC) and is evaluator ofaca<strong>de</strong>mic institutions and research projects. He has been amember of several scientific associations, such as the InternationalAssociation of Vegetation Science, The IntegratedAssessment Society and the American Ecological Society.Address: Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans, Environmental SystemsAnalysis Group, Wageningen University & Research, POBox 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands.Email: .Website: .Francisco López Bermú<strong>de</strong>z (Spain), Professor of PhysicalGeography at the University of Murcia since 1978. He obtainedthe “Juan Sebastián Elcano” National ResearchAward (CISC) in 1973 for his Ph.D. thesis. He has taughtenvironmental sciences and geography. His main researchissues are erosion processes and <strong>de</strong>sertification. He was themain researcher in more than 30 research projects, he cooperatedin 5 projects fun<strong>de</strong>d by the National Plan for R&D,European Commission, Environment Ministry and the Regionof Murcia. He authored and co-authored 27 <strong>books</strong>and studies, 104 book chapters, 140 scientific articles in nationaland international journals and he edited 7 <strong>books</strong>. Hewas presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the Spanish Geomorphology Society(1990-1992), of the Mediterranean Committee of the InternationalUnion for Conservation of Nature, director of theUniversity Institute for Water and Environment. He is amember of the Royal “Alfonso X” Aca<strong>de</strong>my. He is a memberof networks on erosion studies, of Spanish and Europeanscientific institutions, of a panel of experts that wrotethe National Action Plan against Desertification. He hasbeen teaching many courses and addressed conferences onenvironmental problems, erosion and <strong>de</strong>sertification processesin Mediterranean environments. He is a member ofthe scientific board of Spanish and international journalsand he has directed many theses of stu<strong>de</strong>nts.Address: Prof. Dr. Francisco López Bermú<strong>de</strong>z, Departamento<strong>de</strong> Geografía, Univer-sidad <strong>de</strong> Murcia, Campus <strong>de</strong>La Merced, 30001 Murcia, Spain.Email: .Michel Loreau (Canada) is Full Professor and Tier 1 CanadaResearch Chair in theoretical ecology at McGill University(Montreal, Canada). After receiving his Ph.D. from theFree University of Brussels (ULB, Belgium) in 1983, he wasresearch assistant and senior research assistant of the NationalFund for Scientific Research (Belgium), assistant lecturerand lecturer at the Free University of Brussels, programmemanager at the Science Policy Office (Belgium),and professor at Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris,France). He has won several scientific prizes, including theInternational Ecology Institute Prize, the Silver Medal ofthe National Centre for Scientific Research (France), andthe Agathon De Potter and Max Poll Prizes of the RoyalAca<strong>de</strong>my of Belgium. He has participated in the editorialboards of many top ecology journals, including EcologyLetters, The American Naturalist, Ecology, EcologicalMonographs and Oecologia. He is currently member of theeditorial board of PLoS Biology and the advisory board ofFrontiers in Ecology and the Environment. He is also headof the Section Community Ecology and Biodiversity of theFaculty of 1000. He has been member of numerous nationaland international scientific committees. In particular,he chaired the Scientific Committee of DIVERSITAS, theinternational programme of biodiversity science, the InternationalSteering Committee of the consultative process towardsan International Mechanism of Scientific Expertiseon Biodiversity (IMoSEB), the Steering Committee of theEuropean Science Foundation programme Linking communityand ecosystem ecology (LINKECOL), and the ScientificCommittee of the International Conference BiodiversityScience and Governance organized by France un<strong>de</strong>rthe high patronage of Jacques Chirac, Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of theFrench Republic, and Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-Generalof UNESCO. He is the author of over 200 scientific publicationsin the fields of theoretical ecology, community ecology,ecosystem ecology, population ecology, and evolution-

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