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<strong>Trinitarian</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Society</strong> – Quarterly RecordBrief Timeline ofMuslim Beginnings(all dates AD)610: Muhammad of the Quraysh tribepreaches a new religion, Islam, whichis at that time a model of religious<strong>to</strong>lerance—all gods are allowed.615: Muslims travel <strong>to</strong> Ethiopia.622: Muhammad and his followers(‘Muslims’) migrate (hejira) <strong>to</strong> Yathrib,which was renamed Medina byMuhammad.From this point, ‘Arab’ and ‘Muslim’ aregenerally (if inaccurately) synonymous.630: Muhammad conquers Meccaand establishes the first religiousdicta<strong>to</strong>rship in the world; all other godsare banned.632: Muhammad dies. The Shiites claim thatAli should succeed Muhammad, sincehe is a blood relation; the council of theelderly, the Sunnites, prefer Abu Bakras the first Muslim caliph (‘prophet’ssuccessor’).636: Arabs capture Jerusalem .639: Arabs conquer Nes<strong>to</strong>rian Syria.642: Arabs conquer mainly MonophysiteEgypt. They destroy the library ofAlexandria and place the first mosquein Africa on the site of future Cairo.642: Oldest extant manuscript in Arabic.655: The text of the Qur’an is finalised.656: Ali (cousin and son-in-law ofMuhammad), the first ‘imam’ of Shiah,moves the capital from Medina <strong>to</strong> Kufa.695: Arabs build the Dome of the Rockin Jerusalem, with a first Quranicinscription.696: Arabic becomes the official language ofthe Islamic world.definitive Classical Arabic <strong>to</strong>ngue andscript, and the labours <strong>to</strong> produce the <strong>Bible</strong>in print in that <strong>to</strong>ngue and script makefascinating reading.k Arabic <strong>Bible</strong>Early WorksArabic translations of Biblical materialbegan early. Tatian’s Diatesseron 13of AD 163 certainly existed in Arabictranslation in medieval times, and Jerome(AD 342–420), through his masteryof Aramaic and Syriac, certainly had afamiliarity with Arabic. The language,though, had no clear shape or form untilthe text of the Qur’an was settled andArabic became the standard <strong>to</strong>ngueof the Islamic world in the late 7thcentury. Almost all early printed ArabicScripture was the work of Roman Catholictransla<strong>to</strong>rs, and Latin dependent: a legacynot always faced up <strong>to</strong> in later years.The first printed Arabic Scripture was anedition of the Psalms in 1516 at Genoa,the work of Petrus Paulus Porrus. The firstprinted Arabic Gospels were produced in1590, in Rome; these were based on theAlexandrian text of the Latin Vulgate. Afirst Arabic New Testament was printed in1616 in Leyden, edited by T. Erpenius froma manuscript in the Leyden library datingfrom 1342. In 1645 came the Paris Polyglot<strong>Bible</strong>, a massive and vastly expensive tenvolumeproduction containing, amongother languages, a first complete Arabic<strong>Bible</strong>, edited from manuscripts of Aleppoand Constantinople. Wal<strong>to</strong>n’s LondonPolyglot used the same Arabic text ina nine-language, six-volume edition ofthe <strong>Bible</strong>. The ‘Propaganda Edition’ ofthe Arabic <strong>Bible</strong> was produced in 1671at Rome by the College de PropagandaFide, under the general guidance ofSergius Risius, the Maronite 14 Bishopof Damascus. Early versions of this Old26

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