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11production and the promise of the Marshall Plan and the stupidity, and with almost criminal consistency, theAlliance for Progress did. Social Democracy and the Moscow-directed CommunistSince the end of the 1960's it has become obvious to Party (KPD) continually blocked that road. By 1933, theboth the Labor Committees and to enlightened in- class was trapped in a controlled environment --ternational capitalists, that the growth of paper capital is parliamentary democracy did not w_Jrk, revolution was aagain accelerating far beyond the amount of loot chimera, the economy was beyond mortal man's control.squeezed from the Third World. The solution in the The appearance of Hitler's political "stability," andadvanced sector is a replication of Hitler's Germany -- Schact's economic "stability," was embraced. And like aself-cannibalization and war with the Soviets. _ frightened child snuggling into the safety of a warm bed,With the outbreak of the orchestrated Mideast War in no heed was paid to the neighbors that disappeared.October, 1973 and the phony oil embargo, the The fate of the Italian working class was but aRockefeller forces announced their intention to rapidly variation on the same theme. Rather than the stolid,consolidate this fascist solution. The rise in the price of inactive impotence of the SPD and KPD, the ItalianOil has essentially placed an eight-billion dollar Communists rapidly destroyed themselves with wild,"reparations payment" _on the advanced capitalist isolated factory seizures which were easily crushed by thesector, payable to the Rockefeller banks. (For the Third nationally-organized fascists.World the oil price increase is the final push to massgenocide.) The political fallout of this economic Rockefeller's contemporary game plan for the Unitedrealignment, was the consolidation of austerity regimes States is the same -- submerge the working class in ain Europe throughout the spring and summer of 1974 -- controlled aversive environment and then invite them inChancellor Schmidt in West Germany, Foreign Minister from the cold for a fireside chat in the lap of liberalCallaghan in Great Britain and President Giscard fascism. Rockefeller fully expects the working class to beD'estaing in France. The resignation of the "Willy sufficiently softened up after months of Watergate,Farah" administration of Richard Nixon, effectively inflation, gas shortages, plant closings and the Symcompletedthe consolidation, bionese Liberation Army. After dangling the hope ofIn tandem with the economic and governmental normalcy in front of workers, in the form of Geraldrealignments in the advanced sector comes the necessary Ford's presidency, Rockefeller expects the working classdestruction of any healthy, class-conscious resistance to to go down with a final groan when they realize thatburgeoning fascist austerity, neither "Von Papen" Ford, nor bourgeois democracyA working class which succumbs to the seductive can tame the economic chaos, nor the frigmening newwati_th of fascism is a working class which has been social dislocations.reduced to mass psychosis. The Rockefellers, through Rocky hopes to channel any remaining eruptions oftheir mad-doctor Institutes such as Tavistock (see last anger into militant, local impotence egged on by suchCampaigner) have carefully distilled the elements of fascist countergangs as the Revolutionary Union.German and Italian fascism and are attempting to At the appropriate moment, Rockefeller's pet liberalsconsciously replicate that psychosis, appear Javits, Mondale, Humphrey, Mansfield, et al.Look at the working class of Weimar Germ/_ny. Bled -- and end the agony with soothing phrases resurrectedand spent from the imperialists' World War I, they from the New Deal, like full employment, energyfaced over a decade of pure economic chaos: miserable, development, community control, centralized planningcold unemployment after the war, wild skyrocketing and national priorities.inflation, followed again with depression and unem- This time around Rockefeller has a problem. Hisployment. Throughout the 1920's, culminating with the controlled environment is being pierced. Although heVon Papen Government in 1932, parliamentary captured the AFL-CIO long ago, although he transdemocracyproved itself unable to cope with economic formed the Socialist Workers Party into a fascistcollapse, counter-gang, although he has Moscow so terrified thatThe solution obvious to German workers was the the non-agents in the Communist Party USA areassumption of state power, as their Soviet brothers had completely broken, he finds workers slipping out of hisdone in 1917. Such a move would link up the in- grip, gravitating toward a class-conscious conception ofdustrialized German economy to the staggering Soviets, expanded reproduction. They are talking about fusiongiving the Germans both a market and a source of raw power, and the problems of workers in Italy!materials. It would also throw off the stranglehold of Throughout the United States, the ideas and programcapitalist reparations payments which was squeezing the of the National Caucus of Labor Committees are beinglife out of the German economy. But, through lear and tested against those of Rockefeller's liberal

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